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Macadam Ridge Development Application

Summary of Agency Responses to

Bureau of Development Services (BDS)



Response Summary
At this time, PBOT is not able to support approval of this land division.
Other notes:
Additional street improvements will be required.
An Encroachment permit for the private dewatering lines must be applied for, and the
encroachment review process must be completed prior to PBOTs nal land use
An Encroachment Permit must be applied for and approved for the retaining walls
The proposed alley must meet BDS standards.
Their Trac Engineer listed 26 issues that must be satisfactorily addressed.
The Trac Engineer noted that the neighborhood is opposed to a vehicular connection
from the new division to Ruby Terrace. He proposes a scenario of all vehicular access to
the division being from Taylors Ferry. The Hume connection to Ruby Terrace would be
ped/bike/emergency access only.


Response Summary
Site Development does not support the proposed land division as currently proposed.
The following items must be provided in order to complete the Site Development review:
Identify the Unidentied Water Course ood Zones
Submit a nal landslide hazard study stamped by the PE and CEG and the revised
geotechnical report that address the Potential Landslide Hazard Area comments.
Submit a revised grading plan
Other lesser requirements
Flood Hazards

Drawings must be revised to include the location of the streams on the property and their
corresponding flood zone and floodway boundaries.

Geotechnical Engineering
Geotechnical reports specific to the proposed development on individual lots may be required.

Potential Landslide Hazard Area

This site is located within the City's Potential Landslide Hazard Areas Map. Therefore, a
Landslide Hazard Study (LHS) is required.

Landslide Mitigation Requirements for Final Plat

All landslide mitigation measures required to create lots suitable for development must be
installed under an approved permit. The final inspection must be approved prior to Site
Development approval of the final plat.

Erosion Control and Construction Management

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The site qualifies as a Special Site, with additional requirements for erosion, sediment and
pollution control.
DEQ permit required: A 1200-C permit from the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
is required for construction activities including clearing, grading, excavation, and stockpiling
that will disturb one or more acres and may discharge to surface waters or conveyance
systems leading to surface waters of the State.

Response Summary
BES cannot recommend approval of the proposed Land Division and Environmental Reviews
since the Public Works Permit has not yet achieved Concept Approval, since there is inadequate
detail at the outfalls, and disturbance areas in the P-zone need to be further refined.

Other Notes
Sanitary Service
BES is concerned about the eects of building the new sewer systems on the
complex existing ones.
The applicant will need to provide a detailed plan of work in the P-zone.
Public Sewer Extension:
The applicant must complete the concept review (30%) design phase, including a
meeting with City sta to discuss the scope and details of the required public sanitary
improvements, prior to preliminary plat approval. As of the date of this review the
applicant has initiated a Public Works permit (EP161) though (it) has not completed the
concept review phase. BES requires completion of this phase prior to land use approval
in order to identify signicant issues that aect the feasibility of the development relative
to required improvements. In addition, prior to nal plat approval, BES will require that
the applicant provide a nancial guarantee, approvable plans to BES's satisfaction, and
pay all outstanding design/inspection fees prior to nal plat approval.
Stormwater Management
The outfall and restoration will be in the P-zone and thus will need to provide
detailed plans regarding disturbance area, landscaping plans, and nal conditions.
The design may need to be completed beyond the Public Works concept stage.
Capacity analyses, a basin map, and cross-sections will need to be provided. The
disturbance area along Ruby Creek will likely extend to Stephens Creek. Please
include construction methods, including equipment type in order to verify the
proposed disturbance areas.
Same comment as quoted above about requiring completion of a concept review
(30%) design phase prior to preliminary p;lat approval.
Revised Site Plan Required:
As discussed above, the project's Preliminary Composite Utility Plans will need be
revised to include the details noted above. Please show the root protection zones
around trees that will be retained near new public and private infrastructure and
proposed disturbance areas in the P-zone.
Dedications, Easements, and Public Right-of-Ways
The applicant will need to provide a detailed and mapped explanation of the current
easements on property.

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Site Considerations
Natural Resource Inventory: Pursuant to the Environmental Zones chapter of PCC
33.430.250 A and C, the applicant must show the proposed development will not have
signicant detrimental environmental impact on resources and/or functional values.
These resources were identied in the City of Portland's Natural Resource Inventory,
an inventory of locally signicant riparian corridors and wildlife habitat.
The BES review lists resources and functions, under the headings Regionally
Signicant Riparian Corridors and Regionally Signicant Wildlife Habitat.
Proposed Development Impacts:
Water Quality Impacts Ruby and Stevens Creeks are important habitat for a number
of species of sh
Hydrology Impacts More stormwater runo will ow to Ruby and Stevens Creeks,
which will exacerbate existing problems caused by high ows, including channel
Habitat & Wildlife Impacts The applicant proposes to remove 879 mature nonnuisance trees from an area that is currently contiguous forest. Trees are a valuable
natural resource. Jt is dicult to mitigate for the removal of mature trees as it can take
decades for new trees to provide equivalent benets. The removal of more than 8
acres of contiguous forest habitat will have a signicant detrimental impact on the
species currently utilizing this site.
Nesting Birds
Stephens Creek - The City has invested over $1 million dollars to improve stream
conditions on the mainstem of Stephens Creek by repairing a failing sanitary sewer line
that follows the course of the creek, reconstructing and enhancing portions of the
streambed and banks, removing non-native, invasive plants and restoring native
Ruby Creek As the applicant has noted, Ruby Creek is incised and rapidly eroding. The
applicant proposes signicant development adjacent to the creek.
Red Electric Trail: The trail alignment as proposed has a signicant impact on resources
to the north of Stephens Creek.
Mitigation: BES does not nd the Mitigation Plan as submitted by Schott and Associates
suciently compensates for lost functions and values.
Additional Mitigation Measures: In order to adequately compensate for the signicant
detrimental impact the proposed development will have on resources and functional
values, BES recommends additional mitigation measures be considered, such as Stream
enhancement of the entire length of Ruby Creek.

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Drainageways: City records indicate that there are drainageways on this site in addition
to the mapped streams that are protected by environmental (p) zones. Per City Code
Chapter 17.38.021 Protection of Drainageway Areas, a drainage reserve is required by BES
over the drainageway. Drainage reserves act as no-build areas-not easements. The
applicant's Impact Evaluation prepared by Schott and Associates identies this area as a
"small swale."


Response Summary
The Water Bureau has no issues with the proposed forty-six (46) lot Land Division
Subdivision, but will also be unable to sign o on the nal plat until the conditions
as listed in the "Conditions of Approval" are met, and also has comments to be
included in the Water Bureau portion of the BDS response.
For the proposed lots 39 through 46, the following information is provided:
The utility and access easement that is shown for the proposed lots 45and 46 will not be
allowed to provide water service to these lots. There is no water available to these lots
and a water main extension will need to be requested and paid for in full for SW Canby
St prior to the Water Bureau signing o on the nal plat.
Conditions of Approval Summary:
Only the Water Bureau may do public water system work in the public right-of-way. This
work must be requested and paid for prior to the Water Bureau signing o on the Final


Response Summary
Portland Parks and Rec (PP&R) is very welcome to the idea of a new multi-use trail
(and a 25' recreational trail easement) in the proposed development. The trail would
need to be built to our Type L-Walking/Biking guideline with review from PP&R Planning
and/or capital Improvement sta. A 25' Recreational Trail Easement would also be
required to allow public access. If the trails is built to our specications PP&R would take
it on and maintain the surface and related subgrade of the trail. Given the diculty of
the topography PP&R is all right with a 10' trail width. That said PP&R has concerns about
the trail alignment and scale/frequency of the retaining wall structures in the current

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