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Good evening America, welcome to this new edition, of your stellar program 15 minutes
with aurora of the night.
With your hostess Aurora Siarrit.










Tonight we have prepared a special program. We will be talking with the Latin singer
who participated in the reality show Star Home without further ado with you the
revelation of the moment Fabricio
-Aurora: Hi Fabricio, how are you?
-Fabricio: Aurora hello, hello America. Im ok, what about you?
-Aurora: Im great, begin lets then, if we dont the program it would be called 15
minutes with Aurora at the midnight!
-Fabricio: so, begin.
-Aurora: tell me, from Star Home, has been successful, have you how have
maintained control throughout?
-Fabricio: well, with this new experience I have acquired much knowledge in the
music, which has allowed me to evolve as a singer, Star Home it, was an adventure
that we carry out in two countries Canada and England. One can say that from that
moment Im a new person who has leaned, and has engaged in the musical middle.
-Aurora: and what about the experience?
-Fabricio: at that time he knows little English and that a little tedious situation in the
-Aurora: a challenge then?
-Fabricio: yes, but I can now say that all was worth and results may occur.

-Aurora: yes, according to the information youre now album Una Parte De Mi tops
the first places in the list ITunes, Billboard and Shazon.
-Fabricio: I believe that all this effort deceives a reward and I am getting the mine, but
everything is part of a collective effort, I am referring of course to my team, they were
always together with me.
-Aurora: sure! We know that currently they toured our country, in which cities you will
be introducing soon?
-Fabricio: FABRICIO LIVE TOUR 2015 will be performing soon in New York,
Chicago and Boston.
-Aurora: it is good to have your music with us and that you share with the fans and
changing the completely subject, recently left your some pictures next to the singer
Rihanna. America wants to know what happen there?
-Fabricio: ha ha ha, recently I went together with my manager to a business meeting
and she was invited, we met, we shared a little and we can say that we are only friends.
-Aurora: then if it is not with Rihanna, with some other girl in the middle?
-Fabricio: ha ha ha, I am single for now.
-Aurora: and in your country you dont have your lovers?
-Fabricio: all my country is my love!
-Aurora: you love your country?
-Fabricio: of course and I miss its beaches, the warm sun, its food, my family, the girls
and all of that. I am proudly Venezuelan and I love my Venezuela.
-Aurora: well, finally I would like you to sing a small verse of your new single!
-Fabricio: ok

**Por culpa de un milagro despistao

T te fijaste en m sin darte cuenta
Encontr lo que jams haba buscado
Yo todo lo que fui se puso en venta
Poder dejar pasar por un costado
La dicha de ocuparme de tu tiempo, de tu tiempo
Yo no era para ti siempre lo supe
Y t tardaste poco en darte cuenta
T tenias la razn Quin lo discute?
La calma no llego tras la tormenta
Yo que estaba curado de estos males me tienes araando tu recuerdo, tu recuerdo
Comienzo a padecer lo equivocado
Y agrego a mi arsenal de cicatrices
La herida que dejaste a mi costado,
Por andar buscando historias felices
Te quiero aunque te suene a demasiado,
No entiendo y pesa ms que una montaa,
Como es que un corazn invertebrado,
Se quiebra por lo mucho que te extraa**
-Aurora: well Fabricio thank you for visiting us tonight.
-Fabricio: thank you for inviting me.
-Aurora: this was all for America tonight to a new opportunity. Good night.

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