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Top 10

You Can

Top 10 Prisons That You Can Visit

A prison has got many a dark tales to tell, and this is precisely why prison
tourism is high on the rise. Gone are the days when jails used to scare us.
Tourists enjoy visiting those murky cells as much as they would love any
other excursion during a vacation. Consequently, a massive number of
abandoned prisons from all over the world have been turned into tourist
spots and museums over the years and have had a lot of visitors till date.

This blog enlists the top 10 prisons that you can visit.

Alcatraz, California
The United States Penitentiary on Alcatraz Island was a high-security
federal prison from 1934 to 1963. The island is surrounded by highcurrent sea area which makes escape almost impossible. It has housed
many famous convicts over the years and has been a subject of interest
in movies too.

The prison tour has become so popular that it has to be booked in

advance these days.

Old Melbourne Gaol, Melbourne, Australia

The Old Melbourne Gaol was constructed in 1839 and opened in 1845. In
1957, the National Trust of Australia converted the prison into a museum
for preservation and engagement of tourists. The museum is now said to
be haunted by paranormal enthusiast and also hosts personal events like
parties and weddings too.

Kalapani (Cellular Jail), Andaman Islands, India

This colonial prison situated in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India, was
used by the British to exile political prisoners back in the day. The prison
was constructed between 1896 and 1906. After Indian independence, in
1969, it was made a national memorial and has ever since become a
tourist interest for foreigners as well as mainland Indians.

Kilmainham Gaol, Dublin, Ireland

This prison was first built in the year 1796. It has seen in the
imprisonment and execution of some of the big Irish leaders in the past.
In the mid-1980s, the Irish Government turned it into a museum for
preservation. Parts of famous movies like The Shawshank Redemption
and The Italian Job were filmed here.

Hoa Lo Prison, Vietnam

Hoa Lo meaning fierce furnace or Hells hole was built between 18861889 by the French. It was located in the French quarter of Hanoi, mainly
to hold Vietnamese political prisoners and freedom fighters. By mid1990s, most parts of it was demolished and the remaining was converted
into a museum by the government. The demolished site, now has a 25storey hotel apartment and many commercial complex buildings. The
guillotine room still exists with original equipment used in olden days.

Ottawa Jail Hostel, Ottawa, Canada

Originally called the Carleton County Gaol, is now a hostel operated by
Hostelling International. The jail was built in 1862 and has witnessed
many hangings and the staff have reported the haunting of the place by
spirits of those hanged there. It remained a jail till 1972 after which it
was converted into a hostel.

Karosta prison, Latvia

Constructed from 1890 to 1906, Karosta was a sea port prison which was
a naval base for Russian Tsar Alexander III. It has now been converted
into a gallery called K@2 Artist Center where many local and foreign
artists come for inspiration. There are guided tours of the prison and
gallery these days for the benefit of tourists.

Port Arthur, Tasmania, Australia

It is a small town and previous convict settlement in Tasmania, Australia.
Established in 1830, it started as a timber station and later became a
convict settlement. In 1877, it was stopped being used as prison but it
was in the 1970s, the National Park and Wildlife Service began managing
the site. In 1987, it was preserved as a historic site and has had huge
tourist attraction as ever since then.

Seodaemun prison, Seoul, South Korea

It was opened in the year 1908, when Korea was a Japanese colony. It
was used to house anti-colonial activists until 1945 when the colonial era
ended. After that, until 1987, it was used as a prison by South Korean
government, and later in 1992, it was converted into Seodaemun Prison
History Park and henceforth, a tourist attraction.

Eastern State penitentiary, Philadelphia, U.S.A

Also known as ESP, it was opened in 1829 and was used till 1971. It
covers an area of 11 acres, it has a dark and gloomy atmosphere which
has been shot in several films and television series and was also used as
inspiration for play station game interface.

After 1965, it is currently a U.S National Historic Landmark, preserving

one of the oldest modern-day prison buildings in the country.

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