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My Stolen photographs,

Yesterday I had a conversation that left me very disturbed. I wouldn't go into a

ll the details since it is long. But, I was notified that someone who I sent my
picture long time ago ( I was sending pictures from my school dance to different
friends, family, and classmates) is using that photo as their profile picture.
All of us know that that can bring many different implications. Now anyone can a
ccess your pictures, it is very easy to obtain. However, we all know what is rig
ht from wrong. We all know what using someone else's picture as your profile pic
ture is very dishonest. Earlier, this year, my cell phone service was disconnect
ed suddenly, without any good reason. You do know those friends of friends, some
one that you seeing or talk once. Well, a person who I seen maybe twice for few
seconds after my phone got disconnected suddenly shows up at my door. This perso
n gives me a piece of paper with two different phone numbers. "They would like t
o speak to you," These are not people that I have not regular interactions or me
aningful connections with. Then, I have an AHA moment, they have been hacking m
y cell phone and taking my pictures and using it on many different ways. Now tha
t I don't have that phone they want my new number should they can access my phot
ographs again.
At one point, after my internet service was installed, the service kept getting
disconnected. I could not figure out why. But, I noticed that every time it happ
ened, I called, they always sent a service technician to my address. The next ti
me that happened I saw that the problem with the connection was an outside probl
em that did not require an inside repair. Thus, I called the company, as always
they said that they will send someone to work on the problem and it needed to be
inside my place. I refused, I felt that it was being force to have a man at my
place when it was unnecessary. I finished that conversation and I called the com
pany again. I spoke to a different representative. This person gave me different
information agreeing with me that the problem was outside and that the person w
ho they were going to send didn't need to come into my place. Nonetheless, when
the technician showed up he knocked my door told me that he needed to do his job
. I explained to him that I have spoke with the phone representative so he went
outside and fixed the problem, some wires that were broken. I left my place, so
I he did not get to come in. And it is not that I did not want to show these wo
rkers hospitality. But, within a month or two when the internet service got disc
onnected and a stranger came into your home to make changes to your computer alm
ost weekly something was fishy. Also, by talking to different service representa
tive different times, I realized that these phone representatives all gave me d
ifferent information making doubt that these were the same people I was speaking
to. One day I went to walk to the park, there was a photographer who was taking
pictures of a girl. The girl suddenly took her pants off and photograph herself
on just her panties, in an area of the park which is designed for children to p
lay. I felt very uncomfortable. So, I decided to leave, as I was leaving the pho
tographer started to ask me questions. He said, " You are very beautiful. I woul
d love to take your pictures. so for" Then, give me his business card. I asked h
im what type of photographs do you take, he had a phone. He showed me his websit
e. All of the photographs were of women on their undies and these pictures were
there in that website. I said my goodbyes and walked away. That is not the type
of things I am interested on. Not that I could not embrace my body and be proud
of it. But, it seems that there was more to that website than just plain photogr
aphs. So, I never call this person. I found the whole experience very odd.
Around the town I lived I was training and I got hired for a job in a restaurant
. Just before the day I was learning the computer system before the place open,
I was standing at the computer and one of my future bosses touched (grabbed for
few seconds) my holder. To be honest with you, I wanted to tell him the time of
the day. Instead a moved away giving him a dirt look. After about four hours tr
aining and learning to do my job; They kept asking me to eat the bread from the

bakery or to drink something. I said, " I wasn't hungry. I didn't want to eat an
ything." Why should I feel force to do that?" To summarize, I left and I was goi
ng to return to the place on opening day to do my job. It never happened. They n
ever called after I was hired. At a matter of fact, that place is now there taki
ng dust. To be very honest with you as much as I needed the job I was glad. I kn
ew that I was not going to tolerate this type of situations. It appears that the
se incidents are not connected, but oh yes they are. These were not mere coincid
ence, these were plan events. There are so many other odd situations that could
help understand and clarify how I came to this conclusion. But, I will just say
this, it is not normal to meet, get a business card, or hear of a person with th
e same name in different places, different circumstances within months, in groc
ery stories, the park, or an event around your area. All this happened some time
ago, now that the information is coming together at once, it makes me think tw
ice. You see, I go through life giving people the benefit of the doubts as I sta
nd my ground, trusting that we all have the best intentions until the contrary s
peaks for itself.
And I post many things on twitter. I am not sorry about that. I know that many p
eople would not understand nor I do expect you to. But, this is the only place I
can use to voice my opinion. At times, writing something appear to be very rand
om, disconnected, weird since I am not writing about the whole story. I am going
by what is happening at the time. I am emotionally connected with my life and I
am in good emotional place. And the reason for that is because (in my opinion)
I express myself through writing. Expressing myself has become my coping mechani
sm. A diary in which I can go back and see what was going on during that period
of my life. My life is still good, believe me I stay away from all the negative
things, focus and do all the things I enjoy doing. Nonetheless, you probably can
not understand how frustrating. challenging times, unfair it is to just take a p
icture of yourself and see the image alter (sort of me, but not really). They do
this as if they are entitled to. As if the message is, it is your fault for hav
ing a face and body. To see a pictures of you a year ago used now as if they are
someone's else pictures, images or videos; as if making a few changes, just be
cause they put bigger breast, aged you, add hair, change eye color, or whatever
alterations they do to an image makes it a different person. It doesn't! It is m
e. Even if I don't have a mirror on my face or eyes looking inward! Those are my
pictures, that is my life, ID you stolen.

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