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Adversities of life

It was yet another day, another start of something new. Another blessing
from God. But not for Vanessa Bailey. For her it was just another day to
She lazily got up to get ready for school. Oh, how she dreaded to go. But she
didnt have any other choice so she just carried on with it. She wore her
usual clothes, a hoodie and black skinny pants. She went out from her room,
making sure to avoid her passed out father on the way outside.
She walked her way to school, since it wasnt that far. When she entered the
school gates she thought about what things may happen that day, trying to
mentally prepare herself. People say negative thoughts lead to negative
actions. But negative thoughts actually lead to better actions. You strive hard
so that negativity wont happen. And if that negativity does happen you had
been knowing it from the start, so it leads to less negativity in the end.
As expected, Vanessa got shoved, insulted, kicked and violated. Not that she
wasnt used it though. The day passed as it always would, nothing new.
Except for rumours about a new boy coming into class.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Classes were done and Vanessa reluctantly walked home. Knowing she would
be encountering her drunk and abusive father.
He punches her and slaps her. Sometimes using any material he could reach
just to be able to make her feel pain.
That was what happened that night. It was also accompanied with same
verbal abuse, now and then. When her father passed out due to the alcohol,
Vanessa quietly went back to her room with a wounded body and a heavy

Vanessa slowly sat on her bed with her first aid kit and started cleaning her
wounds. No matter how much her wounds hurt, her heart ached more.

But she didnt cry. Crying was for the weak, she thought.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The next day Vanessa woke up and did the usual thing she does. She
reached school and it was the same thing all over again.

It was lunch time when she found something new. She was cornered by her
fellow classmates. Normally, they would be rushing to the cafeteria to fill
their hungry stomachs.

But this day, they were wasting a little time to insult her existence. She
lowered her head and shoved someone to be able to pass but held their
ground. Vanessa was trapped in the circle. She could do nothing but try to be
affected by their words.

Leave her alone, someone said

No one has stood up for her, so she thought it must be the new boy whose
name was Alexander Collins.

Somehow he was able to convince the people to let her be. Vanessa
muttered a thanks and left but Alexander held her wrist and wasnt about to
let go. He asked about her wounds and how she got them but Vanessa didnt
utter a single word.

She tried to pull her hand away, but he was too strong. He was too persistent
which was why Vanessa snapped at him. Shouted at him that the wounds
were from her father. That was where she finally broke down. She knew that
crying was for the weak, but she couldnt help it. He said that crying doesnt
mean youre weak, it means youve been strong for too long.

Day by day, Alexander helped Vanessa to become a stronger, happier and a

better person and so for Vanessa liked the change.

Months passed and the two got closer to each other. Soon after they
confessed their undying love for each other.

Everything was going fine until one day, Vanessa was walking through the
hallways and she saw Alexander with her bullies.

He told the bullies how he has made Vanessa into a better person and the
bullies chuckled, as if it was all a dare.

Vanessa ran away because she didnt want to hear a word more. Some
people came and pushed her into the janitors closet and locked her.

Vanessa saw a knife and the thought of suicide came into her mind, no one
cared for her anyway. She was also growing very tired and weary of the pain
she had to go through every day.

Alexander found Vanessa in the janitors closet, unconscious of her wrists slit.
He was shocked.

But he managed to call for an ambulance. Vanessa was brought to the

emergency room and Alexander just stood outside anxiously waiting.

The nurse came out and told him that she was safe. Alexander went in and
when Vanessa started opening her eyes he was full and grinning.

Vanessa got mad at him because he saved her and because all this time he
was playing with her.

After hearing her, Alexander explained that he went to the bullies because
he wanted them to stop their games. She had turned into a better person
and deserved to be hated.

After a while they patched up. Vanessas dad was sent to jail. Vanessa was
living with Alexanders family/

Finally, everything was alright.

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