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10 Common Grammar Mistakes Even Smart

People Make
Not a grammar geek? Doesn't matter. Using words incorrectly can make you look bad. Here's
some help.

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How well you use words can make a lasting impression on people. Wield those words skillfully
and people may perceive you in any number of positive lights--as intelligent, poised, persuasive,
funny, to name a few. But even one little grammatical slip can have the opposite effect.
It's a topic that worries lots of people. Inc. columnist Jeff Haden recently pointed out 30
Incorrectly Used Words That Can Make You Look Bad, which readers shared more than 75,000
times on social networks. Here are 10 more to add to the list.

Irregardless and unthaw

These are not words. "Regardless" and "thaw" are sufficient and don't need any senseless
prefixes mucking them up.

Bring and take

When using these words as commands think in terms of direction. People bring things toward
you and take things away from you. Correct examples: "Please bring your report to my office;"
and "Please take this report to the receptionist."

Alot and a lot

Fortunately spellcheck catches this one most of the time, but know this: If you're trying to say
you have an abundance of something there should be a space in "a lot."

I, me, and myself

The question of how to refer to yourself along with other people is commonly misunderstood.
Most people know to say the other person's name first when it happens at the beginning of the
sentence; "Mark and I went to the meeting." But when this same phrase happens at the end of a
sentence people get confused, often thinking the same usage of "I" is appropriate, which it isn't.
Instead, it should be "The CEO met with Mark and me." The easy way to remember this one is to
imagine removing the other person's name. It would sound weird to say "The CEO met with I,"
As for "myself," only use it if "me" or "I" would sound awkward in its place, such as "I kept the
secret to myself." Saying "Mark and myself will attend the meeting" only makes a speaker look
silly when a simple "I" would have sufficed.

Impact, affect, and effect

Using "impact" as a verb has become so ubiquitous I've pretty much given up on this one, but if
you want to say things like "The cutbacks greatly impacted the bottom line" know that the
grammar geeks of the world may cringe. Why? Because "affected" is what you really mean and
once upon a time "impact" was used strictly as a noun. Maybe you've never mastered the
difference between "affect" and "effect" and use "impact" just to be safe. If that's you, it's time to
understand these words now. "Affect" is a verb that means to do something that causes an
"effect," which is noun. Just think of the "a" in "affect" also is used in "action," which is what
verbs do.

Loose and lose

The first one means your dog escaped his kennel, your change is clinking in your pocket, or your
clothes are too big. "Lose" is what happened to you when you can't find your keys, you have to
settle a bet, or were beat in a game.

Overuse of apostrophes
Apostrophes indicate one of two things: Possession or letters missing, as in "Sara's iPad" and
"it's" for "it is" (second "i" missing). They don't belong on plurals. When you have more than one
of something there's no need to add an apostrophe. Same thing with your last name. If you want
to refer to your family but don't want to list everyone's first name write "The Johnsons" not "The
Johnson's." Years also shouldn't have apostrophes. For example, "1980s" is correct but "1980's"
is not.

Principle and principal

These words are easily confused. One definition for "principle" is "a moral rule or belief that
helps you know what is right and wrong and that influences your actions," according to As for "principal" think of the person who presides over a school-someone who's first in rank. Here's a trick for keeping the two straight: The "a" in principal is
first in the alphabet, just like a principal is someone who's first in rank.

Lay and lie

Generally, if you can replace the word in question with some variant of "put" or "place," use
"lay." If not, use "lie." So, it should be "I need to lie down" and "He laid his keys on the table."
"Lying down" gets confusing when you're talking about doing it in the past, however. For
example, it should be "Mark lay on the bed after coming home from work yesterday." Take heart,
even Grammar Girl has a hard time with this one. Check out her advice for navigating this

Borrow and lend

Some people incorrectly use the word borrow instead of lend. It would be wrong to say "He
borrowed me his car for the afternoon" or "Can you borrow me a dollar?" The correct way: "He
lent me his car" or even "He loaned me his car," although be warned that some grammar
snobs take issue with using loan as a verb.
Someone doesn't borrow something to someone, but from someone, as in "I borrowed her
calculator." Likewise, lending is something only a giver does. Just remember, the person doing
the giving lends and the person receiving something borrows it.

5 Most Common Grammatical Errors

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Understanding the five most common grammatical errors can help you improve your writing.
When you know which errors to look for, it's easier to act as your own editor.
Error #1: Run-on Sentence or Comma Splice

A run-on sentence is a sentence that joins two independent clauses without punctuation or the
appropriate conjunction. A comma splice is similar to a run-on sentence, but it uses a comma to
join two clauses that have no appropriate conjunction.
Fixing a run-on sentence or a comma splice can be accomplished in one of five different ways:

Separate the clauses into two sentences.

Replace the comma with a semi-colon.

Replace the comma with a coordinating conjunction--and, but, for, yet, nor,

Replace the comma with a subordinating conjunction--after, although, before,

unless, as, because, even though, if, since, until, when, while.

Replace the comma with a semi-colon and transitional word--however,

moreover, on the other hand, nevertheless, instead, also, therefore,
consequently, otherwise, as a result.

For example:

Incorrect: Rachel is very smart, she began reading when she was three years

Correct: Rachel is very smart. She began reading when she was three years

Correct: Rachel is very smart; she began reading when she was three years

Correct: Rachel is very smart, and she began reading when she was three
years old.

Correct: Because Rachel is very smart, she began reading when she was
three years old.

Correct: Rachel is very smart; as a result, she began reading when she was
three years old.

Error #2: Pronoun Errors

Pronoun errors occur when pronouns do not agree in number with the nouns to which they refer.
If the noun is singular, the pronoun must be singular. If the noun is plural, however, the pronoun
must be plural as well. For example:

Incorrect: Everybody must bring their own lunch.

Correct: Everybody must bring his or her own lunch.

Many people believe that pronoun errors are the result of writers who are trying to avoid the
implication of sexist language. Although this is an admirable goal, correct grammar is still
Error #3: Mistakes in Apostrophe Usage

Apostrophes are used to show possession. However, you do not use an apostrophe after a
possessive pronoun such as my, mine, our, ours, his, hers, its, their, or theirs. For example:

Incorrect: My mothers cabin is next to his' cabin.

Correct: My mother's cabin is next to his cabin.

In the case of it's, the apostrophe is used to indicate a contraction for it is. For example:

Incorrect: Its a cold day in October.

Correct: It's a cold day in October.

Error #4: Lack of Subject/Verb Agreement

When speaking or writing in the present tense, a sentence must have subjects and verbs that
agree in number. If the subject is singular, the verb must be singular. If the subject is plural, the
verb must be plural as well. For example:

Incorrect: The recipes is good for beginning chefs.

Correct: The recipes are good for beginning chefs.

Error #5: Misplaced Modifiers

To communicate your ideas clearly, you must place a modifier directly next to the word it is
supposed to modify. The modifier should clearly refer to a specific word in the sentence. For

Incorrect: At eight years old, my father gave me a pony for Christmas.

Correct: When I was eight years old, my father gave me a pony for Christmas.

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