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Madrid between 2 Shores (Madrid entre dos orillas)

Immigrants as cultural entrepreneurs
Fundacin Directa, Madrid
Funding Bodies:
Social Fund of the European Union through the EQUAL Programme, Direccin General de Integracin de los
Inmigrantes, Secretara de Estado de Inmigracin y Emigracin, Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales,
Fundacin Directa, Casa de Amrica, Centro de Estudios Econmicos Tomillo S.L. (CEET), Fundacin
Tomillo, Asociacin de Investigacin y Especializacin sobre Temas Iberoamericanos (AIETI), Aula
Solidaridad, Fundacion Chandra
Project Description:
Madrid entre dos orillas is a project funded by the EQUAL programme of the European Social fund, running
from March 2004 to December 2007. It provides support to artists with an immigrant background in Madrid to
set up their own cultural enterprises and to promote their work. The project acts as a platform for artists to share
their experiences and to obtain new skills for effecting change in their socio-economic and socio-cultural
environment. It provides training, advice, and assistance for cultural entrepreneurs. A data base of cultural
entrepreneurs with an immigrant background living and working in Madrid ("Catalogue of artists") is available
from the project web site. The database includes 116 profiles of individual artists, artists' groups and
organisations, most of them originating from Latin American countries. The project also organised a meeting for
artists with immigrant backgrounds.
Lessons to be Learned:
Through the business promotion of artists and their cultural enterprises and through providing a space for the
exchange of experiences, the project acts as bridge between immigrant artists and the local population in their
new surroundings. Knowledge is seen as an important instrument in the process of changing the perception of the
migratory experience.
Target Groups:
Artists from immigrant communities and their cultural enterprises
Contact Details:
Sonia Pottecher
Madrid entre dos orillas
Web: (in Spanish only)
Additional Resources:
The online database of cultural entrepreneurs from the immigrant communities in Madrid is available from the
project web site (in Spanish only).
Submitted by / Source:


Intercultural Dialogue : Good Practice Database - Compendium of Cultural Policies and T... Page 2 of 2

Interarts Seminar Guide: "Cultural Policies and Immigration". International Seminar held in Barcelona from 21
to 22 November 2006. Abstract of the speech given by Sonia Poetticher, communication officer of the "Madrid
between 2 Shores" project.

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Council of Europe/ERICarts, "Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe, 16th edition", 2015 | ISSN 2222-7334


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