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Mysterious moaning crying

A beautiful woman dressed in black near the dark places where water flows have grandmothers
who, in the evening, wander. His tragedy echoes in the mourners, long and sharp cries. When far
cry is that it is close and when it does close this far. They say that those who have heard it already
they can not walk, its passage is more heavy and slow, and feel a so cold air with the presence of
this being supernatural that nearly paralyzes them heart. But if the third cry is heard and just one at
the same place, is insurance that earns it. If you hear a scream, lost in the darkness of the night,
don't hesitate to start running...
The Santa Marta earthquakes destroyed the city of Santiago de Guatemala, today La Antigua
Guatemala, a July 29, 1773; the then Captain General, don Martn de Mayorga, by order of King
don Carlos III, Decree the city moved to the street of the Virgin, despite the opposition of a large
part of the population.
It is like the small Maria de Remedios Salazar and Rodriguez of la Palma, daughter of an old
Spanish conservative, became miss most beautiful new city. She blushed to feel the eyes of his
admirers, enveloping it leaving mass in San Sebastian. Everywhere he captured the attention of
young people by her dazzling beauty.
With resignation, Maria accepted the energetic command of his father; I had to marry Don Gracin
Palma de Montes de Oca, a rich and prosperous merchant. The wedding was celebrated with great
pomp at the first cathedral of the city of Guatemala, which later would be called Church of Santa
Since then, she lived in a large house in the alley of the solitude and isolation, spent hours in her
garden surrounded by flowers and memories.
Every day at eight in the morning, Maria de los Remedios was attending mass, accompanied her a
girl who carried a silk pad to make you kneel in church.
With discretion, Juan de la Cruz, a young plumber, poor and mestizo, saw her walk around the
neighborhood of Naranjitos.
Why I like so much this woman - thought with sadness - if I can never achieve it? "
The admiration of John flattered the bella Maria de los Remedios. At night, when her husband was
in his frequent business trips, she remembered the tender look of Juan de la Cruz.
In his mind it reviewing that cinnamon face, almond-shaped eyes and hair of ebony face.
Married against their will, the plumber had planted you a spark of hope and strength to live.
One morning in November, the House of Maria dawned without drinking water, called the greatest
plumber in the city but found the problem of obstruction of the earthenware pipes.
The face of the young lady is illuminated to find the perfect excuse to watch the plumber. I
command to bring it quickly.
To be notified, Juan contained breath and unbeliever answered that it would begin at noon. An
immense emotion filled it and pass a few hours seemed to him eternal. When the sounds of the 12
chimes turned to the alley of the solitude
"Jesus!", intended to watch it closely, her beauty get you deep into the soul.<br> <br>Seeming
tranquility, proceeded to work and quickly found the problem but pretended otherwise to get more
days and see it a few minutes to cross the corridor.

Every day, through a half-open window, Lady watched him furtively with an emotion that I didn't
know before.
After seven days, John leave to run the water, then Maria invite you take chocolate in the huge
room of the House. Love attracted them and was slowly breaking the modesty of both.
John frequently returning under the pretext of reviewing plumbing and to strive to stay talking more
and later, until the intense desire to love overflows.
The Declaration of love came naturally, and one night, armed with value, Juan is stealthily slip out a
window of the room of Maria de los Remedios. They loved until the sigh of the alba was announced
by the singing of the rosters.
With happiness, lovers continued haunting secret during the prolonged absence of assured her
One day, Maria was indisposed, felt strong headaches and the recurrent nausea struck it for days.
Not dare to call to a doctor because she sensed that something was wrong. Concerned, John asked
an old healer of the alley of the Jew to go to see her.
Lady, you are going to have a child, curtly told the healer.
I didn't want to imagine what her husband would do to learn. That would be the honour of the family
and the nobility of his surname!
The murmurs of the small town soon emerge and Maria is hidden from everyone, even John.
The days of anguish accelerated delivery. Assisted only a faithful maid, gave birth a child which I
call Juan de la Cruz, as his father. An afternoon received the news that both feared: Don Gracin
had arrived in Puerto Caballos.
On the edge of madness, taking the child to the dusk and dressed in black, traversed the
neighborhood parish until you reach the Las Vacas River.
Without thinking, sank to the newborn baby in cold water...
The Moonlight illuminated the latest bubbles when the small body no longer shake.
She dropped it in the stream of the river
It was then that the body of Mary is ruined, the soft figure that so many admired twisted. His
beautiful face lost its beauty while it emitted a terrifying cry of distress which made barking dogs in
the city. Dragging her black dress, the spectral figure was lost in the dark night, condemned for
eternity to throw blood-curdling screams out of the natural...
Since that night, no one returned to know of the whereabouts of the beautiful Maria de los
Remedios. Distraught, the plumber I seek it in vain but no one knew nothing of her or the child.
One day, casually heard the conversation of women collecting water in the outlet that the managed.
They spoke in a low voice, commented the screams of the night before, said that it was a woman
who had their hands in water sources and called his son, were horrendous cries sometimes and
heard about and sometimes far. A shiver traveled the back of Juan de la Cruz to understand what
had happened with beloved and his son.
The plumber aged as legends, caring for the source of the neighbourhood of the Naranjitos, where
he saw it for the first time, at eight o'clock in the morning, when they called to mass.
The old began to call that woman La Llorona, because it was doomed to wander the streets at
night, crying and looking for his son by the places where there is running water. But also winning the

souls of unbelievers, of those who do not believe that if they hear the cry about it is because it really
goes away; but to hear far, far away, it is when in reality they have it at his side, right on par and
then, already is too late to run...

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