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Possibility of negative effects and environmental effects from biotech foods

For companies engaged in food production, moral and safety implications to consumers is a primary concern.
Monsanto Company is one of them who were not relieved from inevitable critics. Some organizations contend
that effective standards have not been created to determine the safety of biotech crops coming from Monsanto

Monsanto has also got into a controversy regarding Posilac, the brand name of a Monsanto drug containing
rBST which supplements to increase the production of the cows milk. This largely helps the dairy farmers and
the company itself, however, it causes health problems to cows; subsequently a negative impact on the health
of consumers
Since FDA has declared that genetically modified products are safe, GM labels are not placed in USA,
although other countries require stating it. This is an ethical issue since consumers are not aware whether the
products they consume are genetically modified or not.
Conduct a research regarding safety of biotech foods with the help of trusted government like FDA and proper
dissemination of collected facts to consumers
The products should undergo additional testing and investigations although FDA has approved it. In here, the
FDA also has a failure and violation done because they did not require developing a mandatory detection test
Proper dissemination of collected facts

Target consumers become knowledgeable of the product and would develop their awareness that it is
Labels stating that the product is a genetically modified should be placed. Consumers have the right to
know what the contents are.
So secondly, this could prevent misleading consumers to wrong and deceitful information. Consumers
should be protected from false advertisements.
Lastly, the bad reputation is reduced because of the concrete evidences that the products are safe.


Theres a possibility of uncovering negative effects - If they unfortunately uncovered negative

effects, but declare the GM foods safe, the thought here is that the public will not even believe
The gathered facst from the conducted research about GM foods may be ignored by consumers
when disseminated.
It is time consuming and may cost the company a fortune.

3. Donate more to charitable causes, particularly world hunger and environmental issues, since their
practices raise environmental issues.
-This would be a good publicity; making the company look more responsible and concerned.
- The public may not take it well and looked at it as a publicity stuntor the company is just compensating for some of their past unethical issues.

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