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Monday 8-31-15

Lesson Title: Reasoning in Algebra & Geometry & Proving Angles Congruent Sections 2-5 & 2-6
G.CO.9 Prove theorems about lines and angles. Theorems include: vertical angles are congruent;
when a transversal crosses parallel lines, alternate interior angles are congruent and corresponding
angles are congruent; points on a perpendicular bisector of a line segment are exactly those
equidistant from the segments endpoints.
Lesson Objective: Students will connect reasoning to algebra and geometry.
Students will prove and apply theorems about angles.
Essential Understanding:
Use algebraic reasoning to solve and justify each step taken to find a solution.
Use postulates and properties in justifying problem solving.
Use given information, definitions, properties, postulates, and previously proven theorems as
reasons in a proof.
Bell ringer: Act Practice Question
Anticipatory Set:
Solve It pg. 113
Teaching/Instructional Process:
Teacher will review previous day's homework.
Teacher will guide instruction through lecture.
Teacher will model how to construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
Teacher will use various questioning techniques to check for understanding.
Guided practice and monitoring:
Students will take notes.
Students will complete practice problems from pg. 112-113 #'s 1-6, 12-13 .
Lesson check close question as an exit ticket. (On post-it notes)
Homework: Students will complete Practice Form K.
Lesson Title: Vocabulary Concepts & Proofs Review
G.CO.10 Prove theorems about triangles.
G.CO.11 Prove theorems about parallelograms.
G.CO.9 Prove theorems about lines and angles. Theorems include: vertical angles are congruent;
when a transversal crosses parallel lines, alternate interior angles are congruent and corresponding
angles are congruent; points on a perpendicular bisector of a line segment are exactly those
equidistant from the segments endpoints.
Lesson Objective: Students will connect reasoning to algebra and geometry.
Students will prove and apply theorems about angles.
Essential Understanding:
Use algebraic reasoning to solve and justify each step taken to find a solution.
Use postulates and properties in justifying problem solving.
Use given information, definitions, properties, postulates, and previously proven theorems as
reasons in a proof.
Bell ringer: Act Practice Question
Anticipatory Set:
Review over proofs.

Teaching/Instructional Process:
Teacher will distribute review, cue students off task, monitor student progress, and observe misdirected
Guided practice and monitoring:
Students will review tests in carousel activity.
Homework: Review for test
Lesson Title: Chapter 2 Test
Lesson Objective(s):The students will be able to
To master the objectives taught with at least 80% mastery.
And Why
To gain a foundation for the tools and vocabulary to be successful in geometry.
Anticipatory Set (The Hook):
Bell ringer given in ACT testing format
State the objectives for lesson and review new vocabulary as posted in flip chart.
Teaching/Instructional Practices:
Guided Practice/Independent Practices:
Chapter Test, Construction Packets
Lesson Assessment:
Chapter 1 Test
Lesson Title: Properties of Parallel Lines (3-1 Purple or 3-2 Black Book) & Proving Lines are Parallel
(3-2 Purple or 3-3 Black Book)
G.CO.9 Prove theorems about lines and angles. Theorems include: vertical angles are congruent;
when a transversal crosses parallel lines, alternate interior angles are congruent and corresponding
angles are congruent; points on a perpendicular bisector of a line segment are exactly those
equidistant from the segments endpoints.
Lesson Objective: Students will identify angles formed by two lines and a transversal.
Students will prove and use properties of parallel lines.
Essential Understanding:
The special angle pairs formed by parallel lines and a transversal are either congruent or
Geometric postulates and theorems can be combined with algebra to find some angle measures.
Certain angle pairs can be used to decide whether two lines are parallel.
Key Vocabulary: transversal, alternate interior angles, same-side interior angles, corresponding angles,
two-column proof, alternate exterior angles, same-side angles.
Bell ringer: Act Practice Question
Anticipatory Set:
Solve It Problem!
Teaching/Instructional Process:
Teacher will review previous day's homework.
Teacher will guide instruction through journal/note taking guides
Teacher will use various questioning techniques to check for understanding.
Guided practice and monitoring:

Students will take notes.

Students will complete practice problems from pg. 131-132 #'3 1-16 all, pg. 137-138 #'s 5-8, 10-31
Lesson check close question as an exit ticket. (On post-it notes)
Homework: Completeanyclassworknotfinishedinclass.
Lesson Title: Proving Lines are Parallel Proving Lines are Parallel (3-2 Purple or 3-3 Black Book) &
Parallel and Perpendicular Lines (3-3 Purple/3-4 Black Book)
G.MG.3 Apply geometric methods to solve design problems (e.g., designing an object or structure to
satisfy physical constraints or minimize cost; working with typographic grid systems based on ratios).
Lesson Objective: Students will relate parallel and perpendicular lines.
Students will prove and use properties of parallel lines.
Essential Understanding:
The special angle pairs formed by parallel lines and a transversal are either congruent or
Geometric postulates and theorems can be combined with algebra to find some angle measures.
Certain angle pairs can be used to decide whether two lines are parallel.
Key Vocabulary: acute triangle, right triangle, obtuse triangle, equiangular triangle, equilateral
triangle, isosceles triangle, scalene triangle, exterior angle of a polygon, remote interior angles.
Bell ringer: Act Practice Question
Anticipatory Set:
Solve It Problem!
Teaching/Instructional Process:
Teacher will review previous day's homework.
Teacher will guide instruction through journal/note taking guides
Teacher will use various questioning techniques to check for understanding.
Guided practice and monitoring:
Students will take notes.
Students will complete practice problems from pgs.137-138 #'s 5-8, 10-31 and pgs.150-151 #'s 1-22 all
Lesson check close question as an exit ticket. (On post-it notes)
Homework: Completeanyclassworknotfinishedinclass.

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