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Game: Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon

Platform: PlayStation Portable (PSP)
Release Date [JP]: 04/27/06 (Marvelous)
Release Date [US]: 05/15/07 (Natsume)
Release Date [EU]: 05/18/07 (Rising Star) <-- Guide Created Using this Version.
Author: The Angry Pirate (Magic_Robot)
Date of Creation: July 09, 2007
Date of Last Revision: April 30, 2008
Current Version: 0.30
Document Info:
-------------: Pages - 55
: Lines - 3112
: Font - Courier New
: Size - 10pt
: Editor - Microsoft Office Word 2003
: Formatting - 79 Characters per Line
Changelog and Author Notes
*****Author Notes*****
Author Note #1 (4/23/08):
------------------------I am sorry that I have taken so long in between releases of this FAQ and
Walkthrough, but I am a very busy person and haven't had a lot of time for
writing FAQs, playing the PSP, or playing any games in general. I think I'm
doing pretty well for this new update especially due to completely restarting
the FAQ / Walkthrough from scratch. I did not like how I formatted the other
version of my guide. Frankly I don't like the previous version of my guide at
all. I'm not sure how I had such low standards for formatting the guide at that
point in time. Anyways I am putting a lot more work into this new version in
terms of the format and content of the guide. I have finally broken down and
started to use Microsoft Word to create the FAQ. Personally I think I was
foolish for not doing so earlier in time. Anyways I hope you will enjoy this
new update. If you think I'm doing a good job feel free to recommend this guide
because frankly I think a star would be deserved this time around. So if you
think I am doing a good job click the recommend link.

Version 0.30
Date of Revision: April 30, 2008
-------------------------- Completely remade the document, due to having lost save file.
- Improved formatting as well as added content and new sections.
- Started a fully featured walkthrough.
After writing some personal FAQ / Walkthrough, for several games, I finally
decided that I should write one that will be for public use. The reason for
choosing this game for the guide was the fact that I enjoyed nearly all prior
Harvest Moon titles within the series. Another reason for choosing this game is
simple, the other guides that were released on places like for
Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon are (by my standards) complete
garbage. Nearly every other Harvest Moon game has someone who has taken the
time to write a well formatted and by all means excellent FAQ / Walkthrough,
though this was not the case for Innocent Life. Having played nearly all the
titles in the Harvest Moon series I think it would be safe to say this guide is
going to be helpful and filled with credible information about the game, and
rest assured I will not try to re-release this guide for the PS2 version of the
game without playing it before hand. Some friends have already informed me that
there are some major changes to different challenges and such in the PS2
version. Well I hope that you enjoy reading the guide as much as I have while
making it, and I wish you luck in completing Innocent Life: A Futuristic
Harvest Moon. (Try not to throw your PSP out of your top story window due to
the extremely long and tiresome introduction and tutorial that makers of
Innocent Life thought would be a good idea.)
Table of Contents

Changelog and Author Notes

Table of Contents
Basic Storyline
Gameplay Changes
Gameplay Tips, Tricks, and Information
Cast of Characters
Tools and Items


Gathered Items
Animals & Livestock
T.V. Guide
Contacting the Author

Basic Storyline
Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon starts off much differently than you
would expect for a Harvest Moon game if you have played any of the ones before
this new generation of the series. The only thing that you are able to choose
when starting up your game is the name of your character, nothing else. In
prior titles you were able to customize things like the name of your farm but
this is not the case in Innocent Life. Unfortunately you must sit through the
painfully boring cut scenes and tutorial, that may be beneficial to
understanding the story and new physics of the game on your first time through,
it will prove to be an absolute nightmare if you ever have to sit through it
again. The problem with the introduction of the game is that you are not able
to skip any part of it. Now that you understand the gameplay changes within the
game we can start with the story line. You will find that you're no longer a
human teenager, as you would expect, but a brand new robot. You will start the
game asleep in the Shine Pod located at Dr. Hope's mansion in Volcano Town. You
are then told that the story is taking place in the year of 2022 on a small
island located in the southern hemisphere. You will soon find that all
traditional methods of farming have become deprecated for a new style of
farming, that of auto-farming. All tasks that are usually carried out through
manual labor have been completely automated. This has angered some of the
spirits of nature within the game. Your goal is to take up the slack of people
not farming by manual labor, and in doing so unlock the Seals that have been
placed on the fertile land at the Easter Ruins.
Gameplay Changes
Before you start to get to know the controls for Innocent Life you should know
that a lot has changed in terms of how you are able to play the game, provided
you have played an earlier title in the series. Many of these changes are long
awaited improvements to the series, as well as fixes to over-exploited tricks
in the previous titles. I will make a list of these changes for you.
01) You are now able to walk through crops that have been planted. This is a

major improvement because you no longer have to modify how you are going to set
up your original plots of land.
02) Seeds are now planted in 1x1 squares as opposed to the old 9x9 method of
planting, this being a major improvement giving you more control over your
fields as well as being able to manage your money better.
03) Seeds are now purchased in individual numbers as opposed to bags of 9, you
are also able to easily add more seeds to the shopping order just by going up
to the seeds you want and answering whether or not you want to put seeds
already on the order back, or if you want to add seeds to the order.
04) Crops and flowers are no longer destroyed when you accidentally drop them
on the ground, instead they will just end up back on a plot of land. This goes
for things such as weeds as well.
05) You can no longer exploit things grown in the wild. The different fruits
and things that you are able to harvest have become moderated by the island,
requiring the use of a Scale Pack if you desire to harvest things grown in the
06) Things grown in the wild are no longer available every single day of the
season. They now have specific regrowth periods as well as specific schedules
on which the fruits or other things in the wild are fully grown and able to be
07) The days of trying to keep count of how many times you have used a tool are
over. The game keeps track of your tools SP for you as well as other stats that
you have such as you Human Status.
08) Tools can no longer be exploited for use solely for acquiring SP within the
tool. The game engine is now designed so that you are unable to use a tool
unless there is a situation in which it can be used productively. (This means
no more easy power leveling of things like the Sickle or Axe.)
09) Time will no longer wait for you while you are on your farm at the Easter
Ruins. This meaning that time will still pass while you are in doors; this
means things like no more unmediated interactions with livestock, and their
products. Though the makers were fair enough to slow the passing of time to one
third of what it is normally while in doors at the Easter Ruins.
[Note: This is only at the Easter Ruins; time will stop when you are indoors in
shops and buildings in Volcano Town.]

10) You no longer have your entire field available to you at the start of the
game. You must earn your fields by unlocking the seals on them, limiting you in
the beginning of the game as to how much you will be able to grow, in terms of
what you will be capable later in the game.
11) The time Hierarchy has changed entirely for Innocent life. The times are as
-------------------------------------02:01 (2:01 AM) until 03:59 (3:59 AM):
-------------------------------------This time is Non-playable because of Dr. Hope's wishes that you go to sleep at
02:00 (2:00 AM).
-------------------------------------04:00 (4:00 AM) until 05:59 (5:59 AM):
-------------------------------------This time within the game is only available to you if you opt to wake up early
before going to sleep (and saving if you desire to). It can be extremely useful
to you throughout the game, so don't forget that you are able to play during
this time.
-------------------------------------06:00 (6:00 AM) until 09:59 (9:59 AM):
-------------------------------------The Morning Bell will ring. This will be your regular wake-up time provided
that you haven't stayed up until 02:00 (2:00 AM) the previous day, and that you
haven't decided to wake up early.
--------------------------------------10:00 (10:00 AM) until 15:59 (3:59 PM):
--------------------------------------The Noon Bell will ring. You will find that Shop-a-Million will open at this
time, which you should keep in mind so that you don't end up in town to early
before hand.
-------------------------------------16:00 (4:00 PM) until 19:59 (7:59 PM):
-------------------------------------The Evening Bell will ring. People will change places, just as they have at the
other bells.
--------------------------------------20:00 (8:00 PM) until 22:59 (10:59 PM):
--------------------------------------The Night Bell will ring. Animals will go to sleep, as well as some of the
people in town. Anyone who is still awake tends to be at Masami's bar during
this time.
--------------------------------------23:00 (11:00 PM) until 01:59 (1:59 AM):
--------------------------------------A message will appear telling you that it is getting very late and that almost
everyone else is asleep at this point. Try to make sure you make it to bed
before the next time change.

--------------2:00 (2:00 AM):

--------------You will be forced to go to sleep by Dr. Hope and unfortunately you will not be
able to save the game beforehand.
[Note: If this happens you will find that you will wake up at 08:00 (8:00 AM)
instead of your regular wake up time at 06:00 (6:00 AM), which can be quite a
pain if you have things that need to be finished.]
12) You are able to choose to get up earlier than you normally would. This can
be beneficial to you in many ways. You can do so until 23:00 (11:00 PM) at
which point the message appears telling you to get to sleep, as well as
disabling the option to wake up early.
Here are the controls for both the In Game controls which are accessible while
you are able to move around and control your character freely. The Menu
controls are when you find yourself in a situation where you need to give the
game some sort of response, such as when someone asks you a question or when
you are using something such as your Seed Box.
-------In Game:
Analog Stick:

Open Inventory
Open Main Menu
Character Movement (Walk)
Character Movement (Run)
Talk, Examine, Use equipped tool, Pick up nearby object
Cycle backward through Inventory
Put item in hands into Inventory
Cycle forward through Inventory
No Functionality
No Functionality

Analog Stick:

No Functionality
No Functionality
Navigate Menu
Navigate Menu


No Functionality
No Functionality
No Functionality

Gameplay Tips, Tricks, and Information
This sections is where I will place things I find to be useful during gameplay
and will be able to assist you while playing the game. It will include things
such as tips and tricks that will become valuable to you while you play the
game to basic information about things within the game.
***** Tips and Tricks *****
01) You will soon find that the start button and the select button have no
functionality within Innocent Life, which raises a big question, that being
"How do I pause the game". In short there is not an official way to pause the
game, but you can stop the flow of time while out doors if you open up either
your Inventory or Main Menu.
02) Although not advised (due to the Sickle being the hardest thing to level in
this game) you are able to dispose of your weeds as in previous Harvest Moon
titles, but you must do so differently as the game no longer supports dropping
things on the ground will cause them to fade out of existence. Once you pick up
a weed you can place it in your Inventory by pressing circle and then while you
Inventory is open scrolling over the weeds and hitting square to send them to
the trash.
03) As in some titles in the past though not all of them sadly. You are able to
save while you are outdoors. You can do so by bringing up your Main Menu
scrolling to the Player Info tab and then hitting triangle, which will bring up
the save screen just as going to bed will do.
04) Time will not pass while you are in any type of Menu. So take your time
when it comes to responding to what someone has asked you.
05) This is probably the most useful trick that I have found while playing. As

it allows you to get more done during a single day than you ever thought
possible. It is possible to get in more or less two days worth of work in a
single day of game time using the trick. Surprisingly this trick is also the
easiest trick to pull off and requires nearly no effort. All you have to do is
allow your character to idle, which will cause him to start swaying back and
forth with his hand behind his back (as if he was dancing). I will now show you
a full analysis with a formula you can use to find out how much PP you will
actually get back for just letting your character idle.
[Note: Using this in conjunction with getting up early, allows you to get even
more done, due to the extra 2 hours of playtime for the day.]
Formula and Examples:
--------------------PP Restored = ([x]*[6 PP]) + ([y]*[6 PP])
Where as
[x] = (Initial 30 Minutes of stand still time), x will always equal 1.
[y] = (Each additional 15 Minutes that you stand still), y is equal to how many
15 minute intervals you stand still for.
Here are some examples to clear up any possible confusion as to how you should
apply the formula:
30 Minutes of Standing Still:
45 Minutes of Standing Still:
60 Minutes of Standing Still:
120 Minutes of Standing Still:







6 PP
12 PP
18 PP
42 PP

[Note: I will be very disappointed if I see this copied into other FAQs or
Walkthrough (or both). Since everywhere I have looked before publishing this
version of the guide do not contain the above information. This applies to any
sources that do not obtain direct permission to use the information above such
as but not limited to fan web pages or cheat code sites.]
06) Don't use the PSP speakers to listen to the game. I have read a lot of
reviews on the game and they all ranked the sound poor and repetitive. Trust me
if you plug in a decent pair of stereo headphones, the game sound like it
should, which is a lot more pleasant than the PSP speakers make it out to be.
The instrumentals are actually quite nice.
***** Information *****
Coming as soon as I decided exactly what to stick in this section.
Cast of Characters

***** The Easter Ruins *****
Moonlight: His is your first escort to the Easter Ruins during the beginning of
the game. He is an artist who also lives with you within the Easter Ruins. His
room is the door to the right of the main entrance of the Easter Ruins.
Franco: He is the old man who lives with you in the Easter Ruins. His room is
the door to the left of the main entrance of the Easter Ruins. He also keeps
you from leaving the Easter Ruins during your first harvest, which
automatically marks him as one of the game's most annoying characters in the
Life: This is the character you control. You are a robot created by Dr. Hope.
Your goal is to save the island through farming by hand and breaking the seals
on the Easter Ruins. You must also learn what it is like to be a human through
in-game experiences.
***** Volcano Town *****
------------------------Dr. Hope's Mansion / Lab:
------------------------Dr. Hope: He is the scientist who created you, and is your "father". He lives
in the Mansion on the south end of Volcano Town. He performs maintenance on you
weekly, and allows you to stay in your own private guest room whenever you feel
like it.
Vita: She lives with Dr. Hope and does all of the cooking and house work for
him. Vita often gives you tips on things within the game when you speak with
------------------------Gayak and Marlene's Home:
------------------------Gayak: He is your farming instructor during the tutorial stages of the game.
He lives in the first house you see if you go north after entering Volcano
Town. He is married to Marlene.
Chocola: Gayak & Marlene's dog.
Marlene: She is Gayak's wife. She is a kind woman who will give you your second
Seed Bag after she cooks a meal for you. She lives with Gayak in their home in
Volcano Town.
--------------Million: He runs the Shop-a-Million which is north of Gayak and Marlene's home
on the opposite side of the road, and just above Masami's bar. He gives you
some seeds as a gift in the beginning of the game. He lives with Gallion and
Masami, who are his father and mother.

Masami: Masami is the woman who runs the bar in town which is located just
south of the Shop-a-Million. She lives with her husband Gallion and her son
Million in the back half of Shop-a-Million building.
Gallion: He is married with Masami. He lives with her and his son Million in
the Shop-a-Million. He enjoys his Masami's cooking, but doesn't seem to help a
whole lot while she works in the bar.
------------------Branch Family Farm:
------------------Simon: One of the Branch family sons. He attends the Volcano Town School. He
lives with the Branch family on their auto-farm with Lionel, Becky, Jonathan
and Vanessa.
Lionel: Another one of the sons of the Branch family. He also attends the
Volcano Town School. He lives along with the rest of the Branch family on the
auto-farm with Simon, Becky, Jonathan, and Vanessa.
Becky: The daughter of the Branch family. She is one of the people who talks
about the seals to you during the town visit to your farm on the Easter Ruins.
She lives with the rest of the Branch family on their auto-farm with Simon,
Lionel, Jonathan, and Vanessa.
Jonathan: He is the father of the Branch family. He runs the Branch Family
auto-farm mainly by himself. He is the one who will allow you to start
purchasing livestock by giving you the robot version of the animal. He lives
with the Branch Family on their auto-farm with Simon, Lionel, Becky, and
Vanessa: She is the mother of the Branch family. She is married to Jonathan.
She is a teacher at the Volcano Town School. She lives with the Branch Family
on their auto-farm with Simon, Lionel, Becky, and Jonathan.
------------------------Town Hall / Mayor's Home:
------------------------Charles: He is the son of the Mayor. He seems to know a lot of the affairs of
the town as well as he informs his father of Dr. Hope's citizen registration
for Life. He lives at the Town Hall which is also part of his home with the
Mayor, Dorothy, and Jessica.
Mayor: He is the Mayor of Volcano Town. He is married to Dorothy. He lives at
the Town Hall which is a part of his home with Charles, Dorothy, and Jessica.
Dorothy: She is married to the Mayor. She runs the cooking channel which is the
only way you can increase your skill in cooking. She lives at Town Hall which
is also a part of her home with Charles, the Mayor, and Jessica.
Jessica: She is the daughter of the Mayor and Dorothy. She is tends to be very
shy, and does the cooking for the Town Hall. She lives at the Town Hall which
is also a part of her home with Charles, the Mayor, and Dorothy.
----------------------------Volcano Town School Building:

Sharon: She is one of the teachers at the Volcano Town School. She attracts the
attention of most of the males within the Town. She lives within the school
building along with a few other teachers.
Polo: Sharon's dog.
Max: He is one of the teachers at the Volcano Town School. He is married to
Nana. They both live in the cottage on the southwestern side of the School's
Bobby: He is another teacher at the Volcano School. He lives within the school
building along with a few other teachers.
Principal Rose: She is the principal of the Volcano Town School. She lives
within the school along with a few other teachers.
Nana: She is married to Max. She works with Masami in her bar. She lives with
Max in their cottage on the southwestern side of the School's grounds.
---------------------MBC Electric Building:
---------------------Marcia: One of the first people you meet within the game. She seems to be the
best friend that you have on the island. She lives in the MBC Electric building
along with Big, Marco, and Lucia.
Big: You first meet him while is he "analyzing" the water at your farm as to be
sure you aren't going to be harming anyone with your produce. Another one of
the boring characters you probably won't care about befriending since all he
talks about is the miserably boring shows on the in-game T.V. and the fact that
he is just an annoying kid. He lives in the MBC Electric building along with
Marcia, Marco, and Lucia.
Marco: He is the financial center of the town. He owns the skyscraper next to
the Lighthouse. He strongly backs his beliefs in automation. He lives in the
MBC Electric Building along with Marcia, Big, and Lucia.
Lucia: She is married to Marco. She also believes in her husband's business and
beliefs on automation. She lives in the MBC Electric Building along with
Marcia, Big, and Marco.
------------------------------Lighthouse / Neo's Science Lab:
------------------------------Neo: He is the scientist who does the weather reports for the weather channel.
Since this is a Harvest Moon game, he is always correct in his weather
predictions. Too bad there isn't anyone like him in today's world, because it
sure would be nice to get the correct weather every time. He lives alone in the
--------------Liberta Winery:
--------------Lenny: He is Emma's brother. He works at the Shop-a-Million with Million. He
lives in the Winery along with Emma, Liberta, and Jean.

Emma: She is Lenny's sister. She works within the Winery. She also lives within
the Winery along with Lenny, Liberta, and Jean.
Liberta: He is the older man who lives in the building next to the Liberta
Jean: He is very skilled in terms of wine and wine related things. He works
behind the counter in the Winery. He lives in the Winery along with Lenny,
Emma, and Liberta.
***** Heartflame Island *****
Hermit: Moves the downed trees so you are able to get into the cave which was
previously inaccessible.
The Fisherman: He is the only way in which you will be able to fish within the
game. He will change his location when the season changes.
*****The Easter Ruins*****
Your farm: This is the top level of the Easter Ruins, and this is where you
will do all of your farming. This is also where you will meet the town in the
beginning of the game, as well as where you will be breaking the seals on the
Your room: This is where you will sleep most of the time. Your T.V. is located
in the room, and it is the only way in which you can learn to cook and get the
weather predictions.
Storage Area: This is where you enter your Seed Box is located. The entrances
to your "pastures" according to the World Ranch channel are located here. They
are along the south wall. You won't need to worry about them early in the game
because they will not be unlocked yet.
Barn Room 1: This is the door situation on the left of the south wall of the
storage room. This will hold all of your sheep as well as machines that are
related to them.
Barn Room 2: This is the door situation on the left of the south wall of the
storage room. This will hold all of your chickens and cows as well as all of
the machines that are associated with them.
*****Volcano Town*****

This is where a majority of the characters within Innocent Life live. It is the
same old small town just like the other Harvest Moons, but it looks a bit more
industrialized because of the skyscraper and automated appliances, and tools.
You won't really come into town for anything other than maintenance and
purchasing things within the shop.
*****Heartflame Island*****
Easter Ruins: This is the area in which you will be spending most of your time
during the game, because it is where your farm is located. On the left side of
the area there is a bunch of Strange Moss down by the water. There are also
many harvestable plants and trees once you have the scale pack. There are 30
Mock Strawberry Plants and 7 Persimmon trees located at the Easter Ruins.
Cave Systems: There are many caves within Innocent Life, they often get
referred to as Cave 1 and Cave 2, etc. by many people but they are pretty much
all inter connected. You will find this one you have unlocked more doors.
Easter Ruins to Volcano Town Path: This is the path that has piece No. 1
located on it. On the path there are some Persimmon Trees and some Apple Trees.
Easter Ruins to East Lake + Mushroom Forrest: This is the path with Piece No. 2
located on it. You will find Chestnut Trees, Paw Paw Trees, Apple Trees, and
Mock Strawberry plants.
East Lake: Here you will find piece No. 5 as well as a place where strange moss
grows. There are Paw Paw trees and Blueberry Bushes as well.
Mushroom Forrest: This is where most of the mushrooms in the game will grow.
Not much else is worth noting in here except some of the mushrooms help advance
the plot.
Tools and Items
***** Tool Skill Points *****
---Level 1 -> 2: 200 SP
Level 2 -> 3: 1300 SP
------------Watering Can:
------------Level 1 -> 2: 500 SP
Level 2 -> 3: 2000 SP

------Level 1 -> 2: 500 SP
Level 2 -> 3: 2000 SP
---Level 1 -> 2: 50 SP
Level 2 -> 3: 150 SP
------Level 1 -> 2: 200 SP
Level 2 -> 3: 1300 SP
------------Fishing Pole:
------------Level 1 -> 2: 50 SP
Level 2 -> 3:
*****List of all Tools and Items*****
----------------Name: Power Soles
----------------Date Attainable: Ring 0, Winter, Day 33 (Fri.)
How to Obtain:
Starts in your inventory.
If you put these on your boots, your body feels lighter,
allowing you to run by pressing the directional buttons.
However, in winter you'll need to use Snow Soles.
Pretty much useless, since you can run without equipping with
the analog stick.
---------------Name: Snow Soles
---------------Date Attainable:
How to Obtain:

Ring 0, Winter, Day 33 (Fri.)

Starts in your inventory.
If you put these on your boots, you can move quickly on snowy
ground using the directional buttons. However, once
springtime comes around you'll need to change to Power Soles.
Pretty much useless, since you can run without equipping with
the analog stick.

----------------Name: Doctor's WC
----------------Date Attainable: Ring 0, Winter, Day 33 (Fri.)
How to Obtain:
Dr. Hope gives it to you as you are being dragged out of the
house by Gayak.
Dr. Hope's small watering can. Holds 25 squares worth of

-------------Name: Iron Hoe

-------------Date Attainable:
How to Obtain:

Ring 0, Winter, Day 33 (Fri.)

Gayak gives you this at the beginning of your farming lesson.
A small hoe given to you by Gayak.

-----------------Name: Seed Bag (1)

-----------------Date Attainable: Ring 0, Winter, Day 33 (Fri.)
How to Obtain:
Given to you Gayak after you successfully till the test soil.
One of Marlene's handmade Seed Bags.
-----------------Name: Seed Bag (2)
-----------------Date Attainable: Ring 0, Winter, Day 34 (Sat.)
How to Obtain:
Given to you by Marlene on after you eat the meal she cooks
for you.
One of Marlene's handmade Seed Bags.
-----------------------Name: Strange Moss (42x)
-----------------------Date Attainable: Ring 1, Spring, Day 01 (Mon.)
How to Obtain:
To the left of the Easter Ruins by the water.
Place on tilled land before planting your crops, and it will
hold 3 days worth of water.
Each one you pick up is good for 9 squares.
--------------------Name: Iron Sickle (1)
--------------------Date Attainable: Ring 1, Spring, Day 03 (Wed.)
How to Obtain:
Talk to Franco, and answer yes to the question he asks you.
Place on tilled land before planting your crops, and it will
hold 3 days worth of water.
-----------------Name: Seed Bag (3)
-----------------Date Attainable: Ring 1, Spring, Day 08 (Mon.)
How to Obtain:
Given to you by Marcia after your tour of the town.
One of Marlene's handmade Seed Bags.
-----------------------Name: Strange Moss (34x)
-----------------------Date Attainable: Ring 1, Spring, Day 08 (Mon.)
How to Obtain:
On the banks of East Lake.
Place on tilled land before planting your crops, and it will
hold 3 days worth of water.


Each one you pick up is good for 9 squares.

----------------Name: Masami's WC
----------------Date Attainable: Ring 1, Spring, Day 08 (Mon.)
How to Obtain:
Once you have level two in Watering Can talk to Masami in her
bar and she will give it to you.
A handy watering can that can water 3 squares of ground at a
time. Holds 100 squares worth of water.
-------------Name: Iron Axe
-------------Date Attainable:
How to Obtain:

Ring 1, Spring, Day 09 (Tue.)

Buy it at Shop-a-Million for 480G.
An ordinary axe sold at Million's shop. Use it to chop up
fallen tree limbs and then sell the wood.

----------------Name: Iron Hammer

----------------Date Attainable: Ring 1, Spring, Day 10 (Wed.)
How to Obtain:
Buy it at Shop-a-Million for 650G.
An ordinary axe sold at Million's shop. Use it to break up
stones in your fields.
---------------Name: Scale Pack
---------------Date Attainable:
How to Obtain:

Ring 1, Spring, Day 14 (Sun.)

Buy it at Shop-a-Million for 2980G.
Doesn't have a description, it just displays what is
currently inside of it.

--------------------Name: Iron Sickle (2)

--------------------Date Attainable: Ring 1, Spring, Day 14 (Sun.)
How to Obtain:
Buy it at Shop-a-Million for 320G.
Place on tilled land before planting your crops, and it will
hold 3 days worth of water.
-----------------Name: Seed Bag (4)
-----------------Date Attainable: Ring 1, Spring, Day 14 (Sun.)
How to Obtain:
Given to you by Gayak after your maintenance with Dr. Hope.
One of Marlene's handmade Seed Bags.
-----------------Name: Seed Bag (5)

Date Attainable:
How to Obtain:

Ring 1, Spring, Day 14 (Sun.)

Given to you by Gayak after your maintenance with Dr. Hope.
One of Marlene's handmade Seed Bags.

-----------------Name: Seed Bag (6)

-----------------Date Attainable: Ring 1, Spring, Day 14 (Sun.)
How to Obtain:
Given to you by Gayak after your maintenance with Dr. Hope.
One of Marlene's handmade Seed Bags.
-----------------------Name: Harvest Basket (1)
-----------------------Date Attainable: Ring 1, Spring, Day 14 (Sun.)
How to Obtain:
Given to you by Gayak after your maintenance with Dr. Hope.
Can't stick it in your bag so you can't get the description,
it is capable of holding 100 crops. It will be located right
next to the lifts when you go up to your farm after the
--------------Name: Boomerang
--------------Date Attainable:
How to Obtain:


Ring 1, Spring, Day 15 (Mon.)

Buy it at Shop-a-Million for 500G.
A toy made by the Banks Corporation. But if you equip it and
use it in the fields, it can become a farming tool. It's fun
to use, so it does not require PP, but it may accidentally

-----------------Name: Water Pistol

-----------------Date Attainable: Ring 1, Spring, Day 15 (Mon.)
How to Obtain:
Buy it at Shop-a-Million for 320G.
A toy made by the Banks Corporation. But if you equip it and
use it in the fields, it can become a farming tool. It's fun
to use, so it does not require PP, but it may accidentally
---------------------Name: Grain Family Key
---------------------Date Attainable: Ring 1, Spring, Day 21 (Sun.)
How to Obtain:
Given to you by Dr. Hope after your maintenance.
If you have this, the locked door in the cave on the south
side of Heartflame Island will open for you.
--------------Name: Plain Ore
--------------Date Attainable:

Ring 1, Spring, Day 21 (Sun.)

How to Obtain:

Smashing rocks within the cave systems.

You can't tell where it comes from, but it appears to be a
kind of ore. Ship it using the blue Shipping Pod.

----------------Name: Volcano Ore

----------------Date Attainable: Ring 1, Spring, Day 21 (Sun.)
How to Obtain:
Smashing rocks within the cave systems.
A reddish ore sometimes found in volcanic regions. Ship it
using the blue Shipping Pod.
------------------Name: Crimson Stone
------------------Date Attainable: Ring 1, Spring, Day 21 (Sun.)
How to Obtain:
Smashing rocks within the cave systems.
A piece of stone that glows red. Use it when you find it and
your PP will be refilled by 1/4. Leave the cave without
setting it in a socket and it will turn into Plain Ore.
----------------Name: Ochre Stone
----------------Date Attainable: Ring 1, Spring, Day 21 (Sun.)
How to Obtain:
Smashing rocks within the cave systems.
A piece of stone that glows yellow. Use it when you find it
and your tool's SP will increase in rare cases. Leave the
cave without setting it in a socket and it will turn into
Plain Ore.
-----------------------Name: Harvest Basket (2)
-----------------------Date Attainable: Ring 1, Spring, Day 28 (Sun.)
How to Obtain:
Given to you by the town after the Spring Festival.
Can't stick it in your bag so you can't get the description,
it is capable of holding 100 crops. It will be located to the
left of the lifts when you go up to your farm after the
Spring Festival.
-----------------------Name: Harvest Basket (3)
-----------------------Date Attainable: Ring 1, Spring, Day 28 (Sun.)
How to Obtain:
Given to you by the town after the Spring Festival.
Can't stick it in your bag so you can't get the description,
it is capable of holding 100 crops. It will be located to the
right of the lifts when you go up to your farm after the
Spring Festival.
-----------------Name: Seed Bag (7)

-----------------Date Attainable: Ring 1, Spring, Day 28 (Sun.)

How to Obtain:
Given to you by the town after the Spring Festival.
One of Marlene's handmade Seed Bags.
It will be located in your items storage.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------VIII. Shops
***** Shop-a-Million (Main Store) *****
---------------Ring 1 - Spring:
---------------:: First Row - Left Side ::
--------------------------Potato Seeds: 8G
Can be used to create many dishes. Harvest when flowers have bloomed.
Turnip Seeds: 10G
Sweet and delicious. Relatively easy to grow.
Cabbage Seeds: 30G
Quite expensive if purchased at a store. Why not grow some at home?
Cucumber Seeds: 12G
Will bear fruit again if watered after harvesting, so plant them early to make
the most of your money.
:: First Row - Right Side ::
---------------------------Asparagus Seeds: 40G
Will grow again if watered after harvesting. Can be repeatedly harvested, so
plant them early!
Strawberry Seeds: 20G
Can gather a number at a time. Plant them early to make the most of them.
Tulip Bulbs: 9G
You won't know what color it is until it blooms. Will bloom again if watered
after harvesting.
Pansy Seeds: 12G
You won't know what color it is until it blooms. Will bloom again if watered
after harvesting.
:: Second Row - Left Side ::
---------------------------Item is on backorder: N/A
Please come back again.
Item is on backorder: N/A

Please come back again.

Potato: 75G
It would probably be smarter to grow some at home instead of buying some at the
Turnip: 90G
It would probably be smarter to grow some at home instead of buying some at the
:: Second Row - Right Side ::
----------------------------Cabbage: 375G
It would probably be smarter to grow some at home instead of buying some at the
Cucumber: 120G
It would probably be smarter to grow some at home instead of buying some at the
Asparagus: 150G
It would probably be smarter to grow some at home instead of buying some at the
Strawberry: 150G
It would probably be smarter to grow some at home instead of buying some at the
:: Third Row - Left Side ::
--------------------------Boomerang: 500G
A child's toy. May come in handy as a farm tool if used the right way.
Water Pistol: 320G
A child's toy. May come in handy as a farm tool if used the right way.
Item is on backorder: N/A
Please come back again.
Scale Pack: 2980G
Use for harvesting wild plants and fruit. Conveniently shows the weight of its
:: Third Row - Right Side ::
---------------------------*Iron Hammer: 650G
A normal hammer that can be used by anyone. Use it to crush small stones in
your fields.
Iron Axe: 480G
A normal axe that can be used by anyone. Cut fallen branches to create lumber.
Iron Sickle: 320G
A normal sickle that can be used by anyone. Use it to cut bothersome weeds.
Item is on backorder: N/A
Please come back again.
:: Fourth Row - Left Side ::

---------------------------Item is on backorder: N/A

Please come back again.
Item is on backorder: N/A
Please come back again.
Item is on backorder: N/A
Please come back again.
Item is on backorder: N/A
Please come back again.
:: Fourth Row - Right Side ::
----------------------------Item is on backorder: N/A
Please come back again.
Item is on backorder: N/A
Please come back again.
Item is on backorder: N/A
Please come back again.
Item is on backorder: N/A
Please come back again.

* The Hammer will be replaced with the following item after you purchase it
Harvest Basket: 800G
Can hold up to 100 harvested crops. Individually made by a craftsman.
***** Spring *****
Sells for:
Growth Time:
Crop Yield:
Regrowth Time:
Storm Resilience:

5 Days
1 Crop per Square
Will mostly survive storms.

Sells for:


Growth Time:
Crop Yield:
Regrowth Time:
Storm Resilience:

6 Days
1 Crop per Square
Somewhat strong against storms.

Sells for:
Growth Time:
Crop Yield:
Regrowth Time:
Storm Resilience:

10 Days
1 Crop per Square
Rather strong against storms.

Sells for:
Growth Time:
Crop Yield:
Regrowth Time:
Storm Resilience:

10 Days
1 Crop per Square
5 Days
Weak against storms.

Sells for:
Growth Time:
Crop Yield:
Regrowth Time:
Storm Resilience:

6 Days
1 Crop per Square
4 Days
Very weak against storms.

Sells for:
Growth Time:
Crop Yield:
Regrowth Time:
Storm Resilience:

Strawberry Seeds
14 Days
1 to 4 Crops per Square
1 Day
Will mostly be destroyed by storms.

Sells for:
Growth Time:
Crop Yield:
Regrowth Time:
Storm Resilience:

7 Days
1 Crop per Square
4 Days
Will mostly be destroyed by storms.

Sells for:
Growth Time:
7 Days
Crop Yield:
1 Crop per Square
Regrowth Time:
4 Days
Storm Resilience: Will mostly be destroyed by storms.
***** Summer *****

Coming Soon.
***** Fall *****
Coming Soon.
***** Winter *****
Coming Soon.
***** Blue Jewels *****
-----------A brilliantly shining crystal. Fields surround by the power of this jewel will
retain for 6 extra days. You can take it out of the cave without setting in a
-------------How to obtain:
-------------1) You will find this in the second cave area accessible to you. It is located
at the end of the middle path.
***** Yellow Jewels *****
-----------A brilliantly shining crystal. Fields surrounded by the power of this jewel
will mature faster and retain water for one extra day. You can take it out of
the cave without setting it in a socket.
-------------How to obtain:

1) You will find this in the second cave area accessible to you. It is located
at the end of the left patch.
2) You will find this in the second cave area accessible to you. It is located
at the end of the right patch.
Gathered Items
***** Spring *****
----------Fly Agaric:
----------Locations: Mushroom Forrest
Amount: (14th Day - 113 fully grown, 1 half grown)
Re-growth Time: 5 Days
Sell Price (3000g): 150G
~ Fully grown: 50g - 2G
~ Half grown:
25g - 1G
~ Barely grown: 10g - 0G
***** Summer *****
Coming Soon.
***** Fall *****
Coming Soon.
***** Winter *****
Coming Soon.
Animals & Livestock

I am sorry I don't have them formatted to my liking. They will be included in

the next update.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------XIII. Cooking
Innocent Life probably has the most disappointing cooking system out of all the
titles. You put in nearly no effort to get all of the cooked items. To become a
master of each cooking option all you have to do is choose each option three
times and you are suddenly a master of the given type of food. There are a few
that require you to do something in the game first, like ship an item or go to
an event, but nothing that isn't extremely easy.
***** Drinks *****
---Obtained: Watching "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 1
~ Yucky Tea
~ Regular Tea
~ Apple Tea
~ Milk Tea
------Obtained: Watching "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 1


Icky Coffee
Cafe au Lait
Vienna Coffee

---------Herbal Tea:
---------Obtained: Watching "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 1
~ Nasty Herb Tea
~ Chamomile Tea
~ Lavender Tea
~ Mint Tea
***** Cutting *****

-----Obtained: Watching "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 2
~ Gross Salad
~ Italian Salad
~ Fresh Salad [Note: Must ship mayonnaise before being able to make.]
~ Cabbage Salad
~ Tomato Salad [Note: Only available in the summer.]
-------------Fruit Dessert:
-------------Obtained: Watching "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 2
~ Miserable Fruit Dessert
~ Fruit Dessert
~ Fruit with Yogurt Sauce
~ Fresh Papaya [Note: Must ship Papaya before being able to make.]
~ Tropical Cocktail [Note: Only available in the summer.]
***** Cutting (Advanced) *****
--------Obtained: Watching "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 3
~ Normal Sandwich
~ Yummy Sandwich
~ BLT Sandwich
~ Fruit Sandwich
***** Boiling *****
----Obtained: Watching "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 4
~ Instant Stew
~ Beef Stew
~ Chunky Beef Stew
~ Beef Stew with Wine
--------------Curry and Rice:

--------------Obtained: Watching "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 4

~ Instant Curry
~ Curry Rice (Mild)
~ Curry Rice (Medium)
~ Curry Rice (Spicy)
***** Cutting Drinks *****
---------------Vegetable Juice:
---------------Obtained: Watching "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 5
~ Leftover Green Veggie Juice
~ Leftover Red Veggie Juice
~ Mixed Vegetable Juice
~ Red Vegetable Juice
~ Green Vegetable Juice
~ Tomato Juice [Note: Only available in the summer.]
-----------Fruit Juice:
-----------Obtained: Watching "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 5
~ Fresh Juice
~ Yogurt Smoothie
~ Soy Milk Mix
~ Kale Juice [Note: Must ship Kale before being able to make.]
***** Boiling (Advanced) *****
Coming Soon.
***** Grilling *****
Coming Soon.
***** Grilling (Advanced) *****
Coming Soon.

***** Oven Baked Dishes *****
Coming Soon.
***** Oven Baked Treats *****
Coming Soon.
T.V. Guide
The T.V. still holds a significant role in the series with its 100% perfect
weather forecasts. It gains a little bit of use in Innocent Life because it is
the only way to get Cooking Options unlocked, but other than those two things
it still is fairly useless depending on your play style.
T.V. stations air from 06:00 (6:00 AM) to 16:00 (4:00 PM).
***** Weather News *****
-----------This channel is used for accurate weather reports for the upcoming day.
--------Airs every day.
***** Herbal Garden *****
-----------This channel is used to check the status of your flowers and herbs as well as
sell them once they are fully grown.
--------No airing schedule, user interactive.

***** Cooking Life *****
-----------The only way in which you can learn to be a better cook is by watching this
once a week.




































Spring, Day 29 (Mon.): "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 5

Spring, Day 30 (Tue.): "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 5
Spring, Day 31 (Wed.): "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 5
Spring, Day 32 (Thu.): "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 5
Spring, Day 33 (Fri.): "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 5
Spring, Day 34 (Sat.): "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 5
Spring, Day 35 (Sun.): "Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 5
***** Drama *****

-----------Alternates between two shows that don't add anything to actual game play.




"Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's

"Melancholy Woods" Part 1
"Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's
"Melancholy Woods" Part 1
"Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's
This channel is currently off
This channel is currently off

Journey" Part 1





"Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's

"Melancholy Woods" Part 2
"Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's
"Melancholy Woods" Part 2
"Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's
This channel is currently off
This channel is currently off

Journey" Part 2





"Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's

"Melancholy Woods" Part 1
"Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's
"Melancholy Woods" Part 1
"Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's
This channel is currently off
This channel is currently off

Journey" Part 1





"Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's

"Melancholy Woods" Part 2
"Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's
"Melancholy Woods" Part 2
"Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's
This channel is currently off
This channel is currently off

Journey" Part 2

Journey" Part 1
Journey" Part 1
the air.
the air.

Journey" Part 2
Journey" Part 2
the air.
the air.

Journey" Part 1
Journey" Part 1
the air.
the air.

Journey" Part 2
Journey" Part 2
the air.
the air.

Spring, Day 29 (Mon.): "Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's Journey" Part 3

Spring, Day 30 (Tue.): "Melancholy Woods" Part 3
Spring, Day 31 (Wed.): "Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's Journey" Part 3
Spring, Day 32 (Thu.): "Melancholy Woods" Part 3
Spring, Day 33 (Fri.): "Where's My Mommy? A Kitten's Journey" Part 3
Spring, Day 34 (Sat.): This channel is currently off the air.
Spring, Day 35 (Sun.): This channel is currently off the air.
***** Anime *****
-----------Alternates between two shows that don't add anything to actual game play.





"Final Z Rangers" Part 1

This channel is currently off the air.
"Final Z Rangers" Part 1
This channel is currently off the air.
"Final Z Rangers" Part 1
"Miss Cute, Witch In Training" Part 1
"Miss Cute, Witch In Training" Part 1





"Final Z Rangers" Part 2

This channel is currently off the air.
"Final Z Rangers" Part 2
This channel is currently off the air.
"Final Z Rangers" Part 2
"Miss Cute, Witch In Training" Part 2
"Miss Cute, Witch In Training" Part 2





"Final Z Rangers" Part 1

This channel is currently off the air.
"Final Z Rangers" Part 1
This channel is currently off the air.
"Final Z Rangers" Part 1
"Miss Cute, Witch In Training" Part 1
"Miss Cute, Witch In Training" Part 1





"Final Z Rangers" Part 2

This channel is currently off the air.
"Final Z Rangers" Part 2
This channel is currently off the air.
"Final Z Rangers" Part 2
"Miss Cute, Witch In Training" Part 2
"Miss Cute, Witch In Training" Part 2

Spring, Day 29 (Mon.): "Final Z Rangers" Part 3

Spring, Day 30 (Tue.): This channel is currently off the air.
Spring, Day 31 (Wed.): "Final Z Rangers" Part 3
Spring, Day 32 (Thu.): This channel is currently off the air.
Spring, Day 33 (Fri.): "Final Z Rangers" Part 3
Spring, Day 34 (Sat.): "Miss Cute, Witch In Training" Part 3
Spring, Day 35 (Sun.): "Miss Cute, Witch In Training" Part 3
***** World Ranch *****
-----------The channel operates as your only means of being able to purchase animals and

No airing schedule, user interactive.

No. 1: "Rainbow Serpent"
Does it lead you through the forest or into temptation?
No. 2: "Whispering Trees"
Distant voices. Nearby voices. Sky echoes. The sound of the lake.
No. 3: "Desert Moon"
The stars turn to sand and return to the earth.
No. 4: "Waltz"
Visitors from the sea. Turn turn turn...
No. 5: "Southern Constellation"
Behold, the Centaur, Sculpture and painting.
Q: How many slots does your Inventory have?
A: 20 slots.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------XVII. Walkthrough
***** Ring 0, Winter *****
Ring 0 isn't really a "playable year"; instead it is used only as part of the
tutorials. The first year that you can actually play is Ring 1.
---------------------Winter, Day 33 (Fri.):
---------------------The game starts off with a cut scene of Dr. Hope registering you as a citizen
of Volcano Town. The scene then switches over to the Mayor's office and you see
the Mayor and his son Charles talking about the main character (Life) being
registered as a citizen. You then wake up at 16:00 (4:00PM) and Dr. Hope starts
telling you what your purpose is. This is interrupted by Vita (Dr. Hope's maid)
telling Dr. Hope that someone has arrived. Dr. Hope then tells you that your
farming teacher is the one who arrived, his name is Gayak. You then must talk
to Dr. Hope, then Gayak, then Dr. Hope again and choose yes. Gayak will then
proceed to drag you out the door, but before he can Dr. Hope stops him to give
you your basic Watering Can. You then are taken to your farming lesson. This
tends to be a little annoying due to the fact that you must accept his
congratulations every single action you take other than walking. Gayak gives

you an Iron Hoe; you must then till the land with it. Next you are given a
Seed Bag and have to plant them in the spaces you just tilled on the virtual
plot of land. Gayak then fills your Doctor's WC with water from his thermos,
and then you must water the seeds you have just finished planting. He then
shows you what the crops look like by speeding up time on the virtual plot of
land. The creators of the game deciding they should make things even longer for
you, Gayak's dog (Chocola) decides to run out onto the virtual plot of land.
When that ordeal is finished you must then harvest a single potato from the mat
and you are then finished with your farming tutorial. Afterwards you are then
invited to stay the night.
---------------------Winter, Day 34 (Sat.):
---------------------After spending the night with Gayak and his wife Marlene, you wake up later
than you will during the course of the regular game at 12:00 (12:00PM). Proceed
downstairs, you will then be welcomed by Marlene and given a meal. I suggest
responding yes that you liked her cooking, but feel free to do what ever you
want. Responding yes will increase your "abilities" Love 5 -> 6,
Cooking 5 -> 6, and Humor 0 -> 1. So I guess that really was a well cooked
meal, and answering yes wasn't lying. Talk to Marlene after your Human Status
increase and you will receive your second Seed Bag. After that go downstairs
into the basement and talk to Gayak, he will give you some Turnip Seeds. Go
back upstairs and you will be greeted by Marcia. You are then taken by both
Gayak and Marcia to Dr. Hope's mansion. You then have a large meal with Dr.
Hope, Marcia, and Gayak with Vita serving all of you. After they leave
Dr. Hope gives you a private talk about how smart you really are (a library
worth of information), but that doesn't guarantee that you will be smart when
it comes to human value and morals or able to understand their meanings.
When you fall asleep your activities on the previous day will increase your
Human Status.
Human Status:
Love 6 -> 7
Intelligence 20 -> 21
---------------------Winter, Day 35 (Sun.):
---------------------You will wake up in the Shine Pod at Dr. Hope's lab really late in the day at
17:00 (5:00 PM). Walk forward and talk to Vita, who tells you to go see Dr.
Hope and that your escort has not yet arrived. Walk out the front door of the
mansion and head west across the small bridge, Dr. Hope is standing at one of
the graves. You are then taken back to the house by Dr. Hope and your escort
Moonlight has arrived. The two of you then quickly depart for the Easter Ruins.
Once you arrive you find that that Dr. Hope has taken good care of you and
completely modernized the Easter Ruins for your personal use. Moonlight leaves
telling you that he thinks that you aren't going to be successful at farming,
and that most of the town probably agrees with him. He then goes on to say that
in the town's eyes you are just a stranger who suddenly appeared at Dr. Hopes.
After he leaves you fall asleep and lo and behold your abilities have increased
due to what you have done during the day.
Human Status:
Challenge 0 -> 1
Love 7 -> 8
Intelligence 21 -> 22

***** Ring 1, Spring *****
This is the first playable year. Nearly the entire storyline takes place in
this year, so don't waste time in this year.
---------------------Spring, Day 01 (Mon.):
---------------------You are awoken by a strange old mad, whom you have never met. He introduces
himself as Franco, and tells you that he also lives within the Easter Ruins. He
then tells you he wishes to watch you farm, and since it's still the beginning
tutorial of the game, you must obey his wishes. Go upstairs to your farm on top
of the Easter Ruins and you find Franco has already tilled a 9 by 9 plot of
land for you. Plant and water your Turnip Seeds. Afterwards talk to Franco and
he will tell you to water them every day and that he will be watching over you
during your first harvest. Now like some of the other Harvest Moon titles you
must talk to almost everyone who lives in the town before you can get on with
what you want to do. After doing talking to everyone, talk to Franco and he
will then leave, followed by everyone else. Once they leave you are finally
able to save the game and start playing on your own. I recommend you save the
game and if you have a USB cable for your PSP that you back up your save file
as to never have to go through that overly long and tiresome ordeal ever again.
If you talked to everyone at a reasonable pace you should find the time to be
around 07:30 (7:30 AM). This is where you would think that you are finally able
to play the game, but you will soon find that you are dead wrong. Franco has
decided that you should not leave the Easter Ruins until your first harvest,
and suddenly you realize that you are still stuck in the beginning tutorial for
nearly a week of game time. If you want to be as efficient as possible you
should start tilling until you run out of all of your PP. Then put all of your
items into storage, which is located next to the elevator/lift (whatever you
want to call it), because you are going to be picking up a lot of things in a
little while. Then go out side to the left of the Easter Ruins. Once you get
there you will find Strange Moss down by the water. The makers of the game
really dropped the ball when they decided that you need to use 1 PP in order to
pick up the Strange Moss. So you will have to use trick 5 in the "Gameplay
Tips, Tricks, and Information" section of the guide in order to regain some of
your PP to be able to pick up the Strange Moss. You can basically put down your
PSP and do something else while you wait for the Evening Bell to ring. Once it
does you should have around anywhere from 60 PP to 66 PP if you weren't too
slow in tilling the land. Since your inventory only hold 20 items, it will
require three trips back and forth between storage and the left side of the
Easter Ruins because there are 42 pieces Strange Moss on the river bank. If you
want you can keep using the trick to regain PP and work, doing so for as long
as you wish, but there is no need to rush due to the fact that you're trapped
at the Easter Ruins for the next few days of game time. If you want to you can
get up early the next day and get a head start on power leveling your tools,
but it's up to you because there pretty much isn't anything else you can do or
are able to do in the game as of right now.
---------------------Spring, Day 02 (Tue.):
---------------------I decided to wake up early, and since the T.V. channels aren't airing yet there
is nothing to do but go up to your farm. Since today is still part of the
beginning cut scenes and tutorials of the game, even though it is 04:00 (4:00
AM) you have people waiting for you to begin a conversation with them, about
how you're just a boy and not a super amazing farming machine. They then keep

bickering and, then finally reveal some of the main storyline. Anyways after
they are done carrying on about nothing go and water your small plot of seeds,
and then start watering all the spaces that you tilled on Day 1. The reason for
this is because if you want to get your level two Watering Can and maximize
your profits anytime within the near future you will need to hit level two.
That means you need to use it 500 times which is going to take a few days.
Anyways after you're done watering all the spaces you can it should be around
07:30 (7:00 AM) which means you can start watching T.V. on the huge plasma in
the middle of your room. You will soon find that most of the channels are
useless, but since I am writing the as well I end up having to watch all of the
channels, but all you really need to worry about is the Cooking Channel. After
you finish watching that you will find that you are now able to make some food
in your fully equipped kitchen. Start with the tea option, and keep using it
until you get all four types made. Then repeat with both coffee and herbal tea.
You would think this would be a reprieve from just spamming the use of your
tools over and over again, but then you quickly find this has the same idea of
just spamming the option over and over again. Well now that you finished
cooking for the week you once again there isn't anything else to do but use
good old trick 5 and level up your Watering Can and Hoe. Unfortunately the game
makes your character use an action when the bell rings throwing off the time
you have built up for trick 5 and making you wait the 30 minute start up time
for it once again. Anyways keep using the trick until the Evening Bell, which
should leave you with a little more than fourth fifths of your PP restored.
Finish tilling the few spaces that are still capable of being tilled. To give
you a good idea where you should be in terms of how much you have leveled up
your tools, I will start including what my SP is at the end of most days. I'm
guessing if you are making full use of trick 5 or want to make full use of it
you should use an alternating schedule. That schedule being, get up early and
work up until around 01:59 (1:59 AM), note that it is crucial you make it into
bed by 1:59 (1:59 AM) otherwise your going to take a two hour penalty and end
up waking up the next day at 08:00 (8:00 AM). Then working the whole next day
and making sure that you get to bed before 23:00 (11:00 PM) so that you can
still get up early. Using that method with trick 5 will allow you to get in two
or nearly two days of work in a single day, which can be extremely beneficial
if you feel the urge to power level your tools like a maniac in the first week
of the game.
Tool SP:
Hoe -> 155 SP
Watering Can -> 155 SP
Human Status:
Cooking 6 -> 15
---------------------Spring, Day 03 (Wed.):
---------------------Once again I have gotten up early, the only reason being that I am writing the
guide as I am playing. The extra time allows me to play the day only once and
get everything I need to record into the guide. Once again you find some people
on your farm regardless of when you wake up. I think they are trying to stave
off your boredom of being stuck on this farm for around a week, but it isn't
really working. After you finish talking with them, water your crops as usual.
Then go and visit Franco in his tiny room which is the door on the left when
you go out to the front of the Easter Ruins. He will ask you if you have gotten
used to farming, answer yes to his question and you will receive a free
Iron Sickle. He then tells you that Million who was on your farm earlier today
has left you a present of some Asparagus Seeds, which Franco placed in the Seed
box for you. Once you finish talking to him, go upstairs to the storage room

and take out the seeds. Then go upstairs, plant and water them. After you are
done with that you should start watering until you have around half of your PP
remaining. Then start cutting down most of the weeds in your farm area. Since
you only use 1 PP per swing of the Iron Sickle you should cut down around 100
weeds, leaving you will 100SP in the Sickle which is a good start due to how
hard it is going to be to level it. You should finish chopping up weeds some
time around the Noon Bell. Then use good old trick 5 to regain some PP. Use it
until the Evening Bell. You should then be able to get to level two in your
Hoe. Afterwards use the remaining PP for the Watering Can.
Tool SP:
Hoe -> 200
Watering Can -> 200
Sickle -> 100
--------------------Spring, Day 04 (Thu.):
---------------------From here on it goes without saying that I will be waking up early every day
that I am able too, so if you find yourself far behind in something within the
guide it's advisable to start waking up early. Go up to your farm and you will
see Franco just strolling around the place. Once again water your crops, this
time you finally have some more work too do. You should finish using all of
your PP by around 06:30 (6:30 AM). Then you should use trick 5 once again until
you fully regain all of your PP, which will be 15:30 (3:30 PM) if you started
exactly at 06:30 (6:30 AM). Since it's still the introduction part of the game
you will find another visitor at your farm which is Emma and she will be
standing on the top right of your lift and shipping pod area. Water quite a bit
of the plots that still need to be watered and then when finished watering,
begin to till all the spaces that have become untilled due to weeds. Then
finish killing all of the new weeds. At this time you should be fairly close to
level two in your Watering Can. You probably won't want be able to wake up
early tomorrow depending on how much work you did, but don't sweat it because
it should be raining, leaving you with almost nothing to do.
Tool SP:
Hoe -> 215 SP
Watering Can -> 400 SP
Sickle -> 110
---------------------Spring, Day 05 (Fri.):
---------------------I'm fairly sure that it will rain today for everyone, since this has been a
rainy day the three times I have seen it. The rainy day leaves you with almost
nothing to do; except wander around and try to find and talk to Franco when the
bells ring. This isn't very hard considering he is in Moonlight's room the
entire day. Since that proved as fun as rearranging rocks, that is what I did
for the remainder of the day. I now have all the rocks lined up so I can power
level through them for SP for the Hammer when I purchase it. I suggest doing
this because there really isn't anything else to do, and you shouldn't be
wasting time this early in the game. If you have some untilled land or haven't
quite hit level two in your Hoe then I suggest trying to get that done. Same
goes for the Sickle. Well it should have taken all day to get the rocks into a
few good rows, so go to sleep and wake up early if you want to make up for
missing a days worth of work in your Watering Can.
---------------------Spring, Day 06 (Sat.):

---------------------Once again you will find Franco up strolling around near the Turnips. He is so
excited that he talks as if he is going to cream his pants in anticipation.
Then you walk a little bit to the right as see Max running in circles like he
is a madman even at 04:00 (4:00 AM) in the morning. Water all of your crops as
usual, and then water until your PP runs out once again. If you have been
following the guide you should be at 500 SP in your Watering Can which will
entitle you to the level two Watering Can as soon as you are able to leave the
god forsaken Easter Ruins. After Max has stopped running he starts tip you off
that you're going to need some Spirit Stones (Jewels) to break the Seals on
your land, but they don't exactly grow on trees.
---------------------Spring, Day 07 (Sun.):
---------------------It's finally time to harvest your Turnips. If anyone made it past this point
without smashing their PSP, throwing their PSP out the window, or setting it on
fire then you are finally able to play the game. Despite waking up early you
still end up at 06:30 (6:30 AM) when you talk to Franco and go up the lift. You
should then ship all 9 Turnips and water your 25 Asparagus Seeds. Then talk to
Franco and tell him your ready to go to Volcano Town. After a few minutes of
slow walking you make it to Dr. Hope's mansion. You must then get maintenance
performed on you by Dr. Hope. You then end up falling asleep.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------End of Week 1.
Tools and Items Attainable:
1) Power Soles
2) Snow Soles
3) Doctor's WC
4) Iron Hoe
5) Seed Bag (2x)
6) Strange Moss (42x)
7) Iron Sickle
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Spring, Day 08 (Mon.):
---------------------Once you wake up you find yourself having a meal with Dr. Hope. It is around
06:30 (6:30 AM) when you finish eating and are told to go outside and take a
tour of the town with Million and Marcia. After the tour Marcia gives you a
Seed Bag filled with 25 Asparagus Seeds. Surprisingly the tour was extremely
quick compared to the hell of a tutorial you were given. When you finally get
back from the tour, the time is 08:00 (8:00 AM). I don't recommend running off
to town just yet because you don't have any money. You can save that for a bit
later in the day, since you won't be shopping and one of the only reasons you
will be going to town today will be for the level two Watering Can. If you
started to do some exploring you will notice that once again you have hit a
wall within the game. The door in the cave is sealed off by a lock in which you
don't have a key, and the bridge is broken with no way of fixing it until the
after the Spring Festival. Once again you are stuck in the confines of Innocent
Life's linear exploration system. If you have played any of the other Harvest
Moon titles you will find this quite disappointing, because you were able to go
wherever you wanted pretty much from the beginning of the game. Anyways you are
now out of the so called tutorial. The first thing I recommend doing is going

up to your farm and plant the 25 Asparagus Seeds you just received. Don't
bother watering them yet as you will be getting your level two Watering Can
today and that will save a lot of time and PP. If you want to start getting
extremely prepared for the end of the game I recommend that you go and get the
Strange Moss at East Lake, and continue to save it for the end of the game
challenge. Not having to water for 3 days will make your life a hell of a lot
easier. Once you have collected all of the Strange Moss from the East Lake,
which will take anywhere from 2 to 3 trips depending on if you put all your
items away before going to collect the 34 pieces located. You can now start to
head into town and start talking with the townsfolk, despite how boring they
are. Anyways talk to Masami when she is in her bar to get the level two
Watering Can. You can then go right back to the farm and start watering your
crops, which is now much easier due to having the Masami's WC. Once you finish
watering your crops it will be late so you might as well go to bed.
Human Status:
Challenge 1 -> 2
Intelligence 22 -> 23
Creativity 0 -> 1
---------------------Spring, Day 09 (Tue.):
---------------------You wake up with 540G burning a hole in your pocket. You now have to decide
what you are going to spend it on. You can't quite afford that Hammer, which
you so desperately need to smash in the head of Franco for keeping you at the
Easter Ruins for so long. After wallowing in your sorrow of not being able to
afford the Hammer, go up to your farm. I found it to be raining, but that
doesn't matter much right now because you can actually do something other than
stand around. Your Asparagus you received from Million should be ready for
harvest provided that you didn't make any mistakes and forget to water them.
Despite what logic or any other F.A.Q. may say it really doesn't matter what
seeds you buy, since you are pretty much set up for success right at the start
of the game. With the 50 Asparagus Seeds you are given you will be making
ridiculous profits right off the bat because they are a re-harvestable crop and
each one is worth 100G when shipped. I recommend going into town and buying an
Axe to stave off some boredom, and then wait for tomorrow to start buying seeds
and other things you may desire. You can talk to the people in town if you're
willing to read the same old text over and over again, as most of what people
say doesn't really change. Anyways after buying the Axe head back to the
Easter Ruins and chop up all the wood, then ship all the bundles you created in
the process. Afterwards go back to your room and go to sleep.
Human Status:
Challenge 2 -> 4
Intelligence 23 -> 25
Creativity 1 -> 3
---------------------Spring, Day 10 (Wed.):
---------------------If you were as fortunate as I was you would have shipped 8 bundles of Wood as
well as your 25 Asparagus Seeds leaving you with a grand total of 2640G which
isn't bad considering the fact that you didn't have to do much to get it. If
you woke up early you should be able to water all your crops and check your
fields for more downed trees. I was able to get some more SP in my Axe because
one of the logs magically appeared. After you finish that it's time to fire up
the good old T.V. because it is time for everyone's favorite T.V. program
"Dorothy's Cooking Life" Part 2. Unfortunately you won't be able to make every

dish this time around. Check the Cooking section of the guide to find out which
ones you will be able to get. You can talk Dr. Hope and he will ask a question
about you coming to see him, if you answer yes he will say you are becoming
more human because you missed him. Once you're done talking with him you might
as well start making rounds and talking to people in town while you wait for
Shop-a-million to open. If you talk to Gayak who is out strolling around in his
field he will talk about how the bridge is down and the water level of the
river is too elevated to be safely fixable. He suggests that you wait until
after the Spring Festival. Other than that people are still doing their same
old responses, the people in town more closely resemble a robot than you do.
Anyways when you're done talking to everyone head on over to Shop-a-Million it
should be time for it to open. The first thing you should buy is the Iron
Hammer for 650G. If you wish to get the Scale Pack before the end of this
second week you are going to need to save some money, don't worry this won't
impact you to greatly due to the massive amounts of free cash you have coming
in provided that you keep watering your crops each day. After purchasing the
Iron Hammer, I found I was left with 1990G, after the 480G reduction of what
you need to save for the Scale Pack; you are left with 1510G for spending on
seeds. If you are trying for 100% completion you will want to buy one of each
type of seed, and plant them on a field which is currently sealed off that way
you can keep track of what you are harvesting for money and what you are
harvesting for completion. If you are going for 100% for the lists you will
only be in the hole 91G which is the price for one of each seed other than
Turnips and Asparagus. You will then be left with 1419G for the seeds you wish
to make good money off of. If you really want to make money I would go for the
Strawberry Seeds, since once the 14 day growth period is over you are getting
the benefits every day. I personally bought 50 after the few seeds bought only
for completion. This will leave you with enough for the Scale Pack on the 14th.
After your first big purchase it is time to go back and plant everything. This
will enable you to power level up your Sickle at the end of the season when all
of the crops become wilted. If you don't have Masami's WC by now you are in big
trouble since you will only have enough PP to water most of your crops and
nothing else. When you finish watering all of the newly planted seeds you
should search for any huge tree branches then you will want to pound down any
spaces that have tilled with the Hammer so that weeds branches and rock have a
place to fall to because you will have filled up the entire field in front of
the lifts with crops. Don't worry if you don't finish getting all of the spaces
because you will be finishing that up tomorrow. You will want to wake up early
as it is going to be a very busy day. Your activities will increase your Human
Status, and a side note you will go from one star to two stars next to your
Human Level in the menu for your SP and Human Status.
Human Status:
Cooking 15 -> 19
---------------------Spring, Day 11 (Thu.):
---------------------If you wish to make the most out of today you will have woken up early. Water
all of your crops, which will take a while even with Masami's WC. After that
you should finish hammering down all of the tilled spaces of land that don't
currently have a seed or a crop on it. Then check for any more downed trees.
After that you can begin to take your pent up anger over the long tutorial out
on all of those rocks you lined up. Once you run out of PP you should learn the
next great trick in recovering PP. Trick 5 becomes deprecated from here on out.
Since you can leave your farm area you can now go to the Shine Pod in which you
receive maintenance in on every Sunday. This will restore your PP to max, and
the best part is that it only takes around two hours round trip from Dr. Hopes
to the Easter Ruins. This now enables massive amounts of power leveling of your

tools. The only tools you can really level efficiently though are your Hoe,
Watering Can, and Hammer. This is because they are the only ones that
compliment each other. You can till a piece of land and then water it, and then
hammer it down. You can do this as many times as you like because the spot will
not retain water if you un-till it with the Hammer. Though I only recommend
doing that for the Hammer and Hoe, because you are already doing massive
amounts of watering for your many crops. Once you run out of PP go back to the
Shine Pod for full PP once more. When you get back I recommend tilling all of
the spaces near your main field so that you are ready for your next large
purchase of seeds. Since the Hammer and Hoe trick only requires one space go to
an outlying field and then use it on one of the open spaces. At this point you
should be doing fairly well in tool levels. Your Hoe and Watering Can should be
level two at this point. Again don't get all bent out of shape if your a little
behind in Tool SP, because it doesn't really matter at this point because it
will be a little while before you are able to get the level two tools for
everything other than the Watering Can. Your activities will increase your
Human Status.
Tool SP:
Hoe -> 245
Watering Can -> 860
Hammer -> 205
Axe -> 42
Sickle -> 123
Human Status:
Challenge 4 -> 5
Intelligence, 25 -> 26
Creativity 3 -> 4
---------------------Spring, Day 12 (Fri.):
---------------------As usual water your crops. Then begin power leveling your Hoe and Hammer once
more. It's better to get these out of the way now so you won't be in a rush
later in the game. After you finish doing that you can go into town to get your
first Shine Pod recovery of the day. If you stop in Shop-a-Million you will
find that the Hammer you bought is now replaced with a Harvest Basket. Don't
bother with it as of right now since you will be receiving some for free later
in the game, and if you purchase it now you won't have enough for the Scale
Pack at the end of the week. Anyways go back to the farm do some more power
leveling of your tools. Then back to the Shine Pod. You should try to get in
two trips to the Shine Pod if not three in a day to make the most of your time.
Since the towns people are still giving the same boring responses no need to
really talk with them as of right now. You will be able to socialize all you
want once your farm is pretty much automatic. Anyways get to sleep and wake up
Tool SP:
Hoe -> 480
Watering Can -> 995
Hammer -> 340
Axe -> 42
Sickle -> 123
---------------------Spring, Day 13 (Sat.):
---------------------Go up to your farm to find that your Asparagus Seeds received on Day 3 has once

again re-grown into a harvestable crop. This will be the money for purchasing
the Scale Pack tomorrow. You also have to go for your weekly maintenance
tomorrow. Anyways same old routine, water crops, then move onto power
leveling. Get to the Shine Pod and come back and power level your tools. Not
much else for today except twiddle your thumbs and wait for tomorrow.
---------------------Spring, Day 14 (Sun.):
---------------------If you're as lucky as I was it will be raining today, freeing you up of the
daily grind. This will allows you to not have to wake up early today to do the
watering. Anyways, harvest your other section of Asparagus today, which will be
your main supply of money for the next week. After you finish putting all of
the Asparagus into the shipping bin check the farm for any downed logs, if you
are lucky you will find one and after chopping it up you should be only 1 or 2
logs away from level two. After shipping and power leveling your tools it is
time to head to town. First thing you should do is go to Shop-a-Million and get
your Scale Pack for 2980G. I also bought the other Sickle just to check if it
would also be restocked with something of value, though I doubt it. Though it
won't even matter fairly soon due to the fact that so much money will be made
off the Asparagus and Strawberry harvests. And on top of those tomorrow you can
buy 50 Cabbage Seeds to make a ridiculous amount of money on top of your reharvestable crops. After you purchase your Scale Pack it is time to head on
over to Dr. Hope for your weekly maintenance. If you talk to Vita she will hint
that you may not have the SP for some of the tools that you will find, but you
don't have to worry about that because if you have been leveling your tools you
will have enough for them when you come across them. This time around it will
only take a few seconds of maintenance before you are given the O.K. for
another week of work. He then tells you that you aren't going to get that robot
for a little while longer. Gayak will then come through the door and start
giving some requests for your next week. He says that he will want to use some
of the vegetables that you grow for the Spring Festival which is, on the 4th
Sunday of Spring if you have spoken to Masami and gotten that information. He
informs you that he only grows Potatoes and Turnips on his farm. He then says
that Marlene has made some more Seed Bags and that you will be given 3 of them.
He then subtly tells you that you don't have to grow them all but you should
because you have enough bags to hold each type of the Spring Seeds. If you
manage to ship the crops before that Sunday he will make sure that they appear
in the Spring Festival. Dr. Hope goes on to say that he assumed that no one
took part into the Spring Festival anymore. Gayak goes onto say that this is
going to be different due to the rumors of Flame Mountain erupting in the near
future, and that people are starting to become afraid. Dr. Hope then says that
he is sure of people's interest in a festival dedicated to the Fire Spirit who
lives in the peak of the volcano. He then goes on to say that everyone in town
will be impressed with Life and will be sure to fix the bridge in the north.
Gayak then says that even one other crop than potatoes and turnips will
suffice. If you didn't already know that Spring Festival is on the fourth then
you will be told once again by Dr. Hope. He then hints that you will be
breaking the Seals in the near future and this will appease the spirits. After
that you can go back to your farm on the Easter Ruins and enjoy those Seed
Bags, Harvest Basket, and Scale Pack that you just received and purchased. You
can now go to the Mushroom Forrest and start picking up some Fly Agaric the
only thing you can pick out of the wild for quite some time. Luckily for you
all but one of the mushrooms are fully grown. The reason for going here first
is the fact that it does in fact use 1 PP for each thing that you place into
the Scale Pack. Once you fill up the Scale Pack go back to the Easter Ruins and
place it into a Shipping Pod by pressing triangle, which will ask you if you
want to place what is in your Scale Pack into the Shipping Pod which of course
the answer to is going to be yes. After that use your remaining PP on the Hoe

and Hammer as these take quite a while to level up. You can now go to bed. Your
tools SP should be close to what I have provided you have been keeping up with
your power leveling. Your activities will increase your Human Status.
Tool SP:
Hoe -> 695
Watering Can -> 115
Hammer -> 550
Axe -> 46
Sickle -> 125
Human Status:
Challenge 5 -> 6
Love 8 -> 9
Intelligence 26 -> 28
Creativity 4 -> 6
Humor 1 -> 2
------------------------------------------------------------------------------End of Week 2.
Tools and Items Attainable:
1) Strange Moss (34x)
2) Masami's WC
3) Iron Axe
4) Iron Hammer
5) Scale Pack
6) Iron Sickle
7) Seed Bag (3x)
8) Harvest Basket
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Spring, Day 15 (Mon.):
---------------------Alright now that we got some more money time to maximize profits by filling out
the rest of our fields, but first we need to attend to routine tasks before the
Shop-a-Million opens. There should be at least a rock and a few weeds if you do
a lap around your farm, break the rocks and cut the weeds this should take
priority over leveling up because the Sickle is by far the hardest to level up.
When you finish your main tasks for the day take a trip into town and speak
with Dr. Hope, unfortunately he will say the same thing. Use the Shine Pod then
proceed to Shop-a-Million. I purchased 1500G worth of Cabbage Seeds, which is
50 of them. Then I went on to purchase the toys just for my collection of items
since there isn't much else to spend money on right now. When you get back to
the Easter Ruins you should harvest your potato if you haven't already. Now
it's time to plant the rest of the open spaces in the fields closest to the
lifts and Shipping pods. I don't recommend making a trip to the Mushroom Forest
again for a while due to the fact that you won't be able to get a full 3000g
worth from what is currently fully grown. So what you should do now is plant
all of the Cabbage Seeds you just bought and watered them. Then finish out the
day by using up your remaining PP on power leveling. The main goal is that you
are at least in the level two range for the Hoe, Watering Can, and Hammer. As
soon as another log or 2 appears you should be able to hit level two in the
Axe. Your activities will increase your Human Status.
Tool SP:

Hoe -> 770

Watering Can -> 1310
Hammer -> 615
Axe -> 46
Sickle -> 130
Human Status:
Challenge 6 -> 7
Intelligence 28 -> 29
Creativity 6 -> 7
---------------------Spring, Day 16 (Tue.):
---------------------You will be glad if you have been getting up early because it takes quite a
while even with Masami's WC to finish watering all of those seeds that you have
planted. When you finish that do the routine power level, and head into town
unfortunately there isn't anything to buy. Your fields are currently filled so
that takes away the need to buy seeds; and you have purchased all the tools you
can thus far. After using the Shine Pod there isn't much to do in town so head
back to the Easter Ruins. Luckily for you there is something to do. It is once
again time for good old "Dorothy's Cooking Life". In the third installment you
will only have one option unlocked at the current time. To unlock the second
option you will have to meet a requirement, but you won't be able to do so for
quite a while, so don't worry about it right now. Power level your tools and
then get to sleep as you don't have anything left to do. Your activities will
increase your Human Status.
Tool SP:
Hoe -> 840
Watering Can -> 1500
Hammer -> 700
Axe -> 46
Sickle -> 130
Human Status:
Cooking 19 -> 22
---------------------Spring, Day 17 (Wed.):
---------------------For me it was raining, freeing up a few hours of watering. Once of your
Asparagus fields should be ready for harvest once again. Start making use of
your Harvest Basket as it is extremely useful not to have to run each one to
the shipping pod. Once you finish shipping the Asparagus make a lap around the
farm to check for some downed trees. If your luck is holding out there should
be a few and you will have reached level two after successfully chopping them
up. Once that is done go down to your room and it's time to ship the flowers
you planted for completion. You now have some more free time to power level
your tools. No need to go to the Mushroom Forest today because the Fly Agaric
hasn't fully re-grown yet. Use the Shine Pod trick at least twice as you want
to be finished with power leveling as soon as you can. You should now have
level two in four tools, the Hoe, the Watering Can, the Hammer, and the Axe.
Tool SP:
Hoe -> 985
Watering Can -> 1500
Hammer -> 845
Axe -> 54

Sickle -> 130

---------------------Spring, Day 18 (Thu.):
---------------------Once again the rains came. This leaves more time for shipping the other field
of Asparagus. I haven't mentioned it before but another way of shipping crops
relatively quickly that are close to the Shipping Pod is to pick up items with
triangle then immediately press circle to place them in your bag. Once your bag
is full make your way over to the Shipping Pod and press triangle on it, the
Shipping Pod will ask do you want to empty your bag into the Shipping Pod,
answer yes and all crops you placed in your bag are now shipped. Check for
downed logs, one may appear. Use up your PP power leveling. Now make your way
into town for the Shine Pod. Then proceed to power level some more. You should
be getting fairly close to level three in your Hoe, only a few more days of
power leveling. Your activities will increase your Human Status.
Tool SP:
Hoe -> 1130
Watering Can -> 1500
Hammer -> 990
Axe -> 56
Sickle -> 130
Human Status:
Challenge 7 -> 9
Intelligence 29 -> 31
Creativity 7 -> 9
---------------------Spring, Day 19 (Fri.):
---------------------You should have a good bit of money saved up by now; I have at 5666G at this
point in time. Anyways water all of your crops and then chop up the downed tree
if another one appears on your farm today. Wait to power level today as
harvesting for the Scale Pack requires PP. Make your way into the Mushroom
Forest and you will find that the Fly Agaric is fully grown once more, harvest
it and then make your way to the Shine Pod. Pretty soon you won't have to power
level as much, but for now keep on doing it as it will save you some time later
in the game. Anyways after a few trips to the Shine Pod it should be time to go
to sleep.
Tool SP:
Hoe -> 1230
Watering Can -> 1686
Hammer -> 1090
Axe -> 62
Sickle -> 130
---------------------Spring, Day 20 (Sat.):
---------------------It was raining today leaving quite a bit of time for power leveling and
harvesting, which is helpful. The Cabbage and Cucumber you planted before for
completion should be ready for harvest. I was lucky today and was able to get
some 6's on the three downed logs that appeared pushing my SP in the Axe up to
78. After you chop them down start the usual power leveling. Tomorrow you have
your weekly maintenance with Dr. Hope. If you have been power leveling decently
you should be able to hit level 3 in the Hoe tomorrow. Your activities will

increase your Human Status.

Tool SP:
Hoe -> 1425
Watering Can -> 1686
Hammer -> 1285
Axe -> 78
Sickle -> 130
Human Status:
Challenge 9 -> 11
Intelligence 31 -> 33
Creativity 9 -> 11
---------------------Spring, Day 21 (Sun.):
---------------------It isn't raining today so get upstairs and water your crops. One of the
Asparagus fields will be ready for harvest so attend to that. Then head towards
town and have your visit with Dr. Hope. Once again maintenance is quick, and
you're given the O.K. to work for another week at the Easter Ruins. Dr. Hope
then proceeds to tell you that he has something to give you. That is the all
important Grain Family Key. He then tells you in the cave you go through at the
entrance of town there is a locked door, and that the Grain Family Key opens
it. Dr. Hope will remind you that next week is the Spring Festival and that you
should not forget to ship your crops. You should now go into the mine and you
will be able to find two types of ores, two types of stones, and two types of
jewels. The types of ores and stones that you find are completely random and
are obtained by breaking the rocks in the mine; the jewels however are obtained
by opening the large blue chests. You will find two Yellow Jewels and one Blue
jewel. Unfortunately you won't be able to gain any new fields yet by breaking
seals as you don't have enough of each kind. Once you finish all of that mining
you should take a pit stop back at Dr. Hopes and use the Shine Pod. Then go
back to the power leveling of your tools. Once you get back to the Easter Ruins
you can put away the jewels and the Grain Family Key, and ship the ores you
found in the mine. Once you get back to the Easter Ruins you only have a little
bit more work to go for your Hoe, if you have been power leveling you will be
satisfied with the (Max!) in your until next category once you hit level three.
Your activities will increase your Human Status, and your Human Level will go
from two stars to three stars.
Tool SP:
Hoe -> (Max!)
Watering Can -> 1872
Hammer -> 1400
Axe -> 78
Sickle -> 130
Human Status:
Challenge 11 -> 18
Love 9 -> 10
Intel 33 -> 35
Creativity 11 -> 13
------------------------------------------------------------------------------End of Week 3.
Tools and Items Attainable:

1) Boomerang
2) Water Pistol
3) Plain Ore
4) Volcano Ore
5) Crimson Stone
6) Ochre Stone
7) Blue Jewel
8) Yellow Jewel (2x)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Spring, Day 22 (Mon.):
---------------------Today it is raining leaving some free time to go mining and start finishing off
the power leveling of the Hammer, which is going to take quite a bit longer.
Provided you didn't mess any watering up with your flowers you can ship them
today. First check for any downed tree and then use your first half of your
initial 200 PP for the day to power level your Hammer. Use the same trick used
to level both the Hoe and the Hammer. Then use the second half of your PP at
the mine. Then go back to the Shine Pod and use the regular strategy of the
Hammer and the Hoe. If you speak with Vita you will find that something just
isn't quite right with her. She starts talking about sunlight and then goes on
to say, I wonder who created it. Anyways, keep that in the back of your mind as
it will become more apparent later in the game. Now get back to your power
leveling. From here on out I want to recommend that you keep all of the Plain
Ore that you find in storage because you may need 120 of them later if you mess
up one of the events. Seeing as how you will be mining every day this shouldn't
be too hard to achieve and won't dent you economy because you aren't relying on
the Plain Ore as extra income. Anyways finish up with your power leveling and
then go to sleep, as it should be time to do so.
Tool SP:
Watering Can -> 1872
Hammer -> 1559
Axe -> 82
Sickle -> 130
---------------------Spring, Day 23 (Tue.):
---------------------Today it shouldn't be raining meaning that you will have to water your crops.
From here on out your schedule take a bit of a change. You will wake up and
water your crops, and then you will head out to the mine. Once you finish that
you will head to the Shine Pod. In preparation for the upcoming Cabbage harvest
I recommend you wait around town until Shop-a-Million opens up and buy some
seeds to replace the plots of land where the Cabbage was located. The crop of
choice will be the Asparagus because it is a multiple harvest, as well as it
grows quite quickly. Once the season ends you will be able to make quick work
of all of these dead crops with your Sickle, benefiting you due to the fact
that it is extremely hard to level up. If you were as lucky as I was you would
have gotten at least two Crimson Stones allowing you to work on your power
leveling of your Hammer for even longer. In a few short days you will have full
SP in your Watering Can provided it doesn't rain a whole lot. Now it's time for
fourth installment of our favorite T.V. show "Dorothy's Cooking Life". This
week you are able to make all of the dishes, none have extra requirements.
Anyways when you are finished with that make sure to get up early tomorrow for
the next few days as they are going to be eventful days, and you're going to
need a lot of time to get everything finished. Your activities will increase

your Human Status.

Tool SP:
Watering Can -> 2056
Hammer -> 1663
Axe -> 83
Sickle -> 131
Human Status:
Challenge 18 -> 19
Intelligence 35 -> 36
Cooking 22 -> 29
Creativity 13 -> 14
---------------------Spring, Day 24 (Wed.):
---------------------Today your strawberries finally have become harvestable for the first time, and
this means it's going to be very busy from here on out. Each strawberry crop is
capable of producing up to four strawberries a piece. This means it's going to
require a lot of patience to get all 50 plots done. Afterwards you will need to
water all your crops, which also takes quite a while. When you finish with all
of that you should head to the mine and start working. You can then take a
visit to the Shine Pod. Once you have restored your PP walk to the Mushroom
Forest because the Fly Agaric is re-grown today. Once that is harvested you can
start your power leveling for the day. Your activities will increase your Human
Tool SP:
Watering Can -> 2237
Hammer -> 1735
Axe -> 83
Sickle -> 131
Human Status:
Challenge 19 -> 20
Intelligence 36 -> 37
Creativity 14 -> 15
---------------------Spring, Day 25 (Thu.):
---------------------This is going to be your busiest day yet in Innocent Life. I hope you got up
early. You have quite a bit of harvesting to do right off the bat so first off
you should get all the Cabbage up. Next you need to deal with all of your
strawberries. After that the Asparagus has once again produced something to
harvest so deal with that. It will be nearly 12:00 (12:00 PM) as you finish
shipping all of those crops. Next go down to storage and take out your 50
Asparagus Seeds that you bought two days ago. You now need to get all of the
seeds and crops you have planted watered. All of that work took me until about
16:00 (4:00 PM). Now you will want to get to the mine, and then the Shine Pod.
Then make your way back to the Easter Ruins and do your power leveling. You
won't be able to get up early tomorrow but that is fine because you got a lot
of work done today. Tomorrow you should be ready to hit level three in your
Watering Can provided it isn't raining.
Tool SP:
Watering Can -> 2421
Hammer -> 1834

Axe -> 87
Sickle -> 135
---------------------Spring, Day 26 (Fri.):
---------------------If you successfully harvested everything yesterday you should be pushing around
50000G, and there much more to be earned. From this point on you won't have to
worry much about money, except maybe a few times in Summer. Despite being that
rich I recommend that you stick to your schedule. Go up to the farm and harvest
your strawberries as well as Asparagus. Water all of your plants, and by the
end you should be fortunate enough to have level three in your Watering Can,
you can now rest easy as pretty soon you will have automated means of watering
your crops. Then get to the mine, you should be going every day in order to get
more SP in your Hammer as well as collecting Plain Ore. The extra few hundred G
a day from Volcano Ore isn't too bad either. Once you get back to the farm
throw the Plain Ore right into storage as you don't want to accidentally sell
any. Finish your power leveling for the day and then get to sleep.
Tool SP:
Watering Can -> (Max!)
Hammer -> 1928
Axe -> 93
Sickle -> 135
---------------------Spring, Day 27 (Sat.):
---------------------Good fortune came my way today because it was raining. Now all that needs to be
finished is your harvesting for the day, which still takes a while, but who can
complain when you're pushing 65000G when you woke up today. Once you have
finished harvesting head on over to the mine. Finish with your mining and then
get onto the Shine Pod and power leveling part of your day. Luckily for you
this is almost over because most of your tools are near the max level if not
already maxed. This means you will be free to just play the game and not have
to worry about any boring tasks during the rest of the game, other than
interacting with the townspeople. I highly recommend that you get up early
tomorrow because of the fact that you need to finish all of your work before
making it to maintenance as well as the Spring Festival. This means don't
bother trying to get in multiple trips to the Shine Pod today. One should be
more than enough. If you have been saving up your Plain Ore found in the mines
you should have roughly 30 of them, putting you at 1/4 of your goal. Anyways
after you finish your power leveling, get into bed because you really want to
get up early tomorrow.
Tool SP:
Hammer -> 2022
Axe -> 95
Sickle -> 135
---------------------Spring, Day 28 (Sun.):
---------------------Today is the Spring Festival, but first thing you want to do is get your daily
schedule completed. You will want to harvest your strawberries, and then water
all of your plants. Once that is done head to the mine, and finish up in there.
Then make your way to Dr. Hope's mansion for your maintenance. He will tell you
before you step into the Shine Pod that Marcia is on her way to pick you up for
the Spring Festival. He will kindly ask if you finished all of your tasks by

telling you the festival won't end until late that night. He will once again
give you the O.K. to work for one more week in the Easter Ruins. After that he
will ask if you were able to ship some crops other than potatoes and turnips.
After answering Marcia will come in and say that it's time to go. She tells you
the crops you shipped are already up on the altar. Dr. Hope and Vita will not
be attending so they ask that you say hello for them. Marcia then goes on to
ask about sprites once you get into the small forest between the mansion and
town. She then gives you the background story on the Nature Sprites, and asks
if you have seen them too. She then says it's a relief she isn't the only one
who has seen them. You will then find yourself in the cave in town. Marcia
tells you that it's normally only her, Gallion and Gayak. Everyone only has
only one line that they will tell you so speak to everyone then go back and
talk to Marcia again. And that quickly the festival is over. You then receive 2
Harvest Baskets and 1 Seed Bag as thanks from the townspeople. Your activities
at the Spring Festival will increase your Human Status greatly, sending you
from three starts to four stars in your Human Level.
Human Status:
Challenge 20 -> 25
Love 10 -> 20
Intelligence 37 -> 42
Creativity 15 -> 20
Humor 2 -> 12
------------------------------------------------------------------------------End of Week 4.
Tools and Items Attainable:
1) Harvest Basket (2x)
2) Seed Bag
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Spring, Day 29 (Mon.):
---------------------There really isn't much to do during this week. It's the downtime before Summer
starts. What you should be trying to do during this week is finish cashing in
on your Strawberry and Asparagus fields. Then as your secondary objective you
will be trying to reach level three in your Hammer, effectively ending your
power leveling. Which will free you up for mass planting and exploring in the
Summer. It goes without saying that you should be chopping down the down logs.
If you feel like it you can go and get some Fly Agaric, but since you have it
already on your list and the 3000g is only worth 150G you don't need to worry
about it anymore as the season is almost finished. Your activities will
increase your Human Status.
Tool SP:
Hammer -> 2154
Axe -> 101
Sickle -> 137
Human Status:
Love 20 -> 21
---------------------Spring, Day 30 (Tue.):
---------------------Start the day off with standard schedule of watering and collecting all of your

Strawberries. You will find that your Asparagus from Million have paid off once
again. When you finish with all of your tasks it is now time for the fifth
installment of "Dorothy's Cooking Life". You will be able to make all but two
of the dishes. The rest of the week is a bit repetitive. You basically perform
the basic chores each day until maintenance day. Well if you have been keeping
up on your power leveling chore of the day you will be pleasantly surprised to
find that you are almost capable of level three in your Hammer, which means no
more true grunt work from here on out in terms of tool SP. Although the Sickle
starts to be a nuisance to level up due to the sheer requirements of it, and
lack of things to actually use it on. I recommend getting up early tomorrow as
there is a lot of work to be done. Your activities will increase your Human
Status, as well as increasing your Human Level from four stars to five stars.
It looks like you are well on your way in terms of becoming a "true human", and
will be glad to find you are leagues ahead of the robotic townspeople.
Tool SP:
Hammer -> 2248
Axe -> 101
Sickle -> 137
Human Status:
Cooking 29 -> 32
---------------------Spring, Day 31 (Wed.):
---------------------If you followed the FAQ / Walkthrough up to this point you should be pretty
satisfied with yourself, you nearly have all your tools at max level and you
have roughly 121,000G sitting around for summer spending. You now have a very
busy day ahead of you so be prepared for it. Your last minute Asparagus are now
ready to be harvested on top of your Strawberries (aren't you glad you got up
early now?). This is almost as bad as the day when you had the Cabbage and
Strawberries, but you should be used to mass shipping by now so this time
around. Hopefully this time around wasn't so bad. Anyways your getting close to
your final objectives for Spring, those being level three in all tools but the
Axe and Sickle, and getting a good bit of Plain Ore saved up. You should be
around 50 Plain Ores by this point putting you at 5/12ths of your goal, which
isn't too bad considering your actual need for it will be farther in the game.
Though it doesn't hurt to be prepared, especially since there is enough free
time in Spring due to the fact you don't have any fields unlocked as of yet.
You are fairly close to your level three in the Hammer, but don't sweat it
tomorrow is another day. So you might as well get up early to ensure the fact
that you will get level three tomorrow.
Tool SP:
Hammer -> 2342
Axe -> 109
Sickle -> 138
---------------------Spring, Day 32 (Thu.):
---------------------Make sure you get your tasks done as quickly as possible today. You need to get
all of your Strawberries shipped. Your crops need to be watered. And you need
to get all the SP you can get out of the mine before getting into the Shine Pod
for the first time. It should be around 12:40 (12:40 PM) when you make it out
of the Shine Pod, giving you more than enough time to get back to Dr. Hope's
mansion a few times before you need to get to sleep. When you get back to the
Shine Pod you should have around 65 SP left to go. You will need to make a

decision here on which method you will choose to get the remaining 15 SP.
Personally I'm going to stick with good old trick 5 that I came up with as
opposed to running all the way back to the Shine Pod. Once you regain your PP
one way or another it will finally be time to celebrate as your grunt work for
power leveling is now finally over. The Sickle will be another story, and your
Axe will hit level three fairly quickly as long as you continue to chop all
those down trees that come your way in the Summer. Congratulations you now have
level three in your Hammer.
Tool SP:
Hammer -> (Max!)
Axe -> 109
Sickle -> 139
---------------------Spring, Day 33 (Fri.):
---------------------If you were lucky enough to receive the godsend I did, it will be raining for
you today. This is pretty much a day off. The only things you have to do today
are get all your Strawberries shipped, and your Asparagus shipped. You should
still be going to the mine each day to get the Plain Ore. If you're as lucky as
I have been you should be at around 60 Plain Ore, which is half of what you
will need if you mess up an event later in the game. If you're having a hard
time finding the Plain Ore just save the Crimson and Ochre stones that you
find, because these will turn into Plain Ore when you leave the cave system. If
you find that it is late enough in the day get to sleep, since you don't have
much else to do until maintenance day except wait.
---------------------Spring, Day 34 (Sat.):
---------------------Tomorrow is maintenance, as well as the last day of Spring. This means you are
going to have to get yourself mentally prepared for quite a bit of work.
Anyways no variation in the daily schedule today. Ship all of your crops. Water
them. Then take a lap around the farm for downed trees. If you were lucky at
least one should have been somewhere on the farm. Then head on out to the
mines, and keep on collecting the Plain Ore for the later event in the game.
---------------------Spring, Day 35 (Sun.):
---------------------The last day of Spring is finally here. It is also a maintenance day, which
means you will be given some new things in terms of story, and game
playability. Luckily for you, I planned far enough ahead for the Asparagus to
become harvestable for the second time, making your investment invaluable.
Because now you also get to chop down dead crops, as well as reap profits. Once
you finish that, you can water if you really feel like it, but if you don't
have level three in your Watering Can (which is pretty hard not too by this
point) you should definitely be watering every day. Anyways, tie up any lose
ends you haven't finished in Spring, such as forgetting to harvest Fly Agaric
or buying the Scale Pack. After dealing with all those affairs you should get
into the mine and continue your collection of Plain Ore. Once you have finished
make your way over to Dr. Hope's mansion for your maintenance. For some reason
Vita points out that like many other things in Harvest Moon, don't make a whole
lot of sense. The speed of the river will drop to a safe level for construction
in under a second, as soon as the season switches. After talking to Vita go
speak with Dr. Hope and start your maintenance. You are then given the O.K. to
work at the Easter Ruins for another week. Dr. Hope now has a present for you.
He finished modifying the battlebot that was sitting out front of the Easter

Ruins. He will tell you that he gave it the name Forte, you can then either
agree with him, or disagree and give it your own name. Unfortunately Forte
isn't too smart as a robot; he speaks in all caps which is generally an
eyesore. You are then told about how Dr. Hope's budget wouldn't allow for Forte
to have a new voice synthesis unit placed in him, as well as not being able to
change his appearance. Once you get back to the farm, Forte informs you he
won't be able to work until tomorrow. Make sure you don't let him mess with the
dead plants as of right now, because you don't want to miss one of your only
opportunities to level up your Sickle. Anyways it should now be late enough for
you to go to sleep; you will want to wake up early because you have a busy day
ahead of you. Your activities will increase your Human Status.
Tool SP:
Axe -> 114
Sickle -> 141
Human Status:
Love 21 -> 22
------------------------------------------------------------------------------End of Week 5.
Tools and Items Attainable:
No, new items are available at this point.
***** Ring 1, Summer *****
This section of the guide will be included in the next update, please be
patient until then.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------XVIII. Credits
This guide is solely written by me, from in game experience only.
If anyone actually contributes they will be added here.
Contacting the Author
There are several methods in which you can contact me, though I would prefer
that you use email. Simply because I'm not always too able to answer my MSN
even if I happen to be at the computer. I have a few rules you must follow in
order to get a response from me.

Rules for email:

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2. You can't figure out how to use email, in which case you should probably be
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Copyright 2008 by William Walther
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