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e Day Tues

Thursday: Blu

Monday: Ozark Heritage Day

onethirty six of
Eager students spark new spirit week with energetic attitude

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: Crazy D Wednesday: Sports Fanatic Day
Tue sday
Friday: Pajama Day

I n anticipation for homecoming Oct. 16,

students decked out in overalls, cowboy boots,
“Crazy day was probably my favorite because I
got to wear something that was pretty stupid that
footy sleepers, tutus, and nerd glasses through- I would of never been able to wear to school,”
out the week. Students all over the school were Garrison Barbo (10) said.
hyped up for the new school spirit. Spirit week With strict dress code regulations, many stu-
was mostly uncommon to students the past few dents long for a break from the norm. Spirit week
years, but students and faculty started break- makes that possible for students.
ing out of normal routines. More people were “It’s a way to be different for a day.” Kristin
involved with this year’s homecoming spirit week, Miller (9) said.
making the school energized, eager and definitely Some students agreed that spirit week took off
involved. some pre-dance stress and allowed them to kick
“I’m a senior and I’ve got to represent. I’ve got back and relax in some of their classes.
school spirit; I don’t care what people think of me. “We can wear whatever, and be goofy for a
I wear what I want,” Sarah Christenson (12) said. week,” Barbo said. “It takes our minds off classes
“I make a huge fool out of myself. I love peoples for a little, its just fun to see what everyone is
reactions.” wearing.”
Many upper-classmen dressed up and got into With new spirit kicking in, student council con-
the school spirit because for some it was the last sidered having more random spirit days through-
time, and for other’s it was to be as crazy as pos- out the year.
sible. “It makes school more fun in an outfit you
Gussied up in coveralls, rain pants, multicolored wouldn’t normally wear. “ Ellen Bennett (12) said.

leggings, a beard, a red and white Dr. Seuss top One of 36 weeks a year, school becomes bear-
hat and outrageous knee socks, Robert West (11) able, amusing and fun.
went above and beyond in school spirit expecta- “I think when everyone saw people in overalls
tion. on Monday, more people wanted to get involved
“I was a quadruple threat,” West said. “I just for the rest of the week.” Bennett said.
ude wanted to outdo everyone.”
Mindy Moffe (12) was the Spirit Commissioner
Gretchen Bechtel
this year for cabinet, making spirit week easy for
everyone. thirteen

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