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Getting Started.

To make boilies what you do first is to make a flavoured paste. This paste is then rolled into many small balls, boiled,
(hence the term boilie), left to dry and then frozen .
To do this you need eggs, a liquid flavour, a sweetener and a base mix. The use of a sweetener in boilies is personal
choice. I always like to include one myself, as I believe it makes the boilies taste better. I have never been able to ask any
carp if they too like sweeteners, but all I can say is, that I seem to catch an awful lot of fish on baits that include them.
A face boilesuri pt prima data este a face o pasta aromata. Aceasta pasta este apoi roluita in mai multe bile mici, fierte
( de aici termenul de boilie ( fiert )), raman la uscat si apoi inghetate.
Pentru a face aceasta ai nevoie de oua, un lichid de aroma, un indulcitor si o baza de amestec. Folosirea indulcitorului
este o alegere personala. Imi place intotdeauna sa includ unul propriu , asa ca eu cred ca boilesurile au cel mai bun gust.
Niciodata nu am fosdt in stare sa intreb vreun crap daca lor le plac deasemenea indulcitorii, dar pot sa spun asta, incat
min se pare ca prind grozav o multime de pesti cu momeala ce le include.
Making The Base Mix - For Recipes See The Base Mix Index.
First of all we need to make the base mix.
In this example I am going to make a simple but very effective base mix that is made up of:
8oz Semolina (from most large supermarkets)
4oz Ground Rice (again available from supermarkets)
4oz Soya Flour (available from health food shops)
The same method is used for any of the base mixes listed on the site.
Weigh out the 8oz of Semolina, 4oz of Ground Rice and 4oz of Soya Flour.
The Semolina, Rice and Soya Flour powders are then poured into a large freezer bag.
I've decided to make red boilies so I am adding half a tea-spoon of red powdered dye into the bag as well.
If you are using a liquid dye you add it to the eggs at a later stage.
Blow the bag up (with the powder inside) like a balloon. Twist it around at the top to trap the air in the bag. Give the bag a
very good shake, so that all the powders inside it are well mixed up.
That's your base mix finished!
You are now ready to go onto the next stage to make the boilies themselves. If you are not going to use the base mix
straight away, store it in a plastic bag or air tight bucket, in a cool dry place.
Facerea bazei de amestec -. Pentru retete vezi Indexul bazei de amestec
La inceput avem nevoie sa facem o baza de amestec :
240 g gris ; 120 g orez macinat , 120 g faina de soia
Grisul, orezul si soia macina pudra sunt apoi turnate intr-o punga mare de congelator. Am decis sa fac boilesuri rosii asa
ca adaug jumatate de de lingura de ceai de colorant pudra rosu in punga . Daca folosesti colorant lichid il adaugi la oua in
etapa de mai tarziu. Bate ( sufla ) punga ( cu pudra inauntru ) precum un balon. Invarte in jurul varfului.
Da punga la o f buna scuturare , asa incat toate pudrele din interior sa aiba o buna mixare.
Astfel mixul tau de baza este terminat.
Acum esti gata sa mergi la urmatoarea etapa sa faci boilesurile. Daca nu ai e gand sa folosesti mixul stoceaza-l intr-o
punga de plastic sau o galeata etansa la aer, intr-un loc rece uscat.
Making the Boilies.
Having made the base mix above it's now time to use it to make some bait.
The flavours that I have decided to use are:
2.5ml Mulberry Florentine (Rod. Hutchinson)
5.0ml Scopex (K. Nash or Rod. Hutchinson)
3ml Intense Sweetener (K. Nash or Rod. Hutchinson).
It's a combination the Rod. Hutchinson wrote about and it has caught me many fish. It works instantly
without pre-baiting and is also great for fishing as a single hookbait, with no loose feed introduced.
Facerea boilesurilor
Avand gata mixul de baza deasupra este timpul s-o folosesti pentru a face ceva momeala.
Aromele pe care am decis sa folosesc sunt :
2.5ml Mulberry Florentine (Rod. Hutchinson)
5.0ml Scopex (K. Nash or Rod. Hutchinson)

3ml Intense Sweetener (K. Nash or Rod. Hutchinson).

Este o combinatie srisa de Rod Hutchinson si mi-a prins multi pesti. Lucreaza instantaneu fara prenadire
si este deasemenea important la pescuitul cu un singur carlig, cu nedezlegata hrana introdusa ( ???)
Sparge 4 oua intr-un bol sau cratita. Masoara aromele si indulcitorul conform deteliilor de mai sus si
adauga-le la oua. Poti folosi o pipeta sau un set de linguri de masurat cantitatea de aroma. Cel mai multe
magazine de unelte vand mici pipete, care sunt facute pentru lucru.
Indata ce a adaugat aromele si indulcitorul la oua bate bine oualele cu furculita. Va trebui sa bati oualele
cateva minute, asa incat totdeauna sa se faca bine mixajul.
Este acum timpul sa adaugi mixul pudra la oua. Nu adauga totul imediat
Adauga de jur in prejur o ceasca plina cu mix la oua si amesteca bine cu furculita. Va ajunge un
amestec apos. Lasa in asteptare inainte de a adauga mai mult mix. Aceasta va da mix-ului adaugat sa
absoarba ceva din amestecul oua/ aroma si va ajuta mux-ul sa se usuce mai tarziu. Dupa circa cinci
minute se continua adaugarea de mix, incet, amestecand bine.
Crack 4 medium sized eggs into a mixing bowl or pan. Measure out the flavours and sweetener, as
detailed above, and add them to the eggs. You can use a pipette or set of measuring spoons to measure
out the right amount of flavour. Most tackle shops sell small pipettes, which are made for the job. They
coast just over one pound for a set of three.
Some chemists sell double headed spoons for a few pence that measure 5ml at one end and 2.5ml of
liquid at the other.
If you are using a liquid dye, add it to the eggs at this stage.
Once you have added the flavours and sweetener to the eggs beat the eggs well up with a fork. You will
need to beat the eggs for a couple of minutes, so that everything is mixed well in.
It's now time to add the base mix powder to the eggs. Do not add it all at once.
Add about a cup full of base mix to the eggs and mix it well in with a fork. It will go like sloppy porridge.
Leave it to stand for about five minutes, before adding more powder. This will give the base mix you have
added time to absorb some of the egg/flavour mix and will help to stop the mix drying out to much later on.
After five or so minutes continue to add basemix slowly, mixing well in.
You will come to the time when the mix is to stiff to mix with a fork anymore. There's nothing for it now, but
to get your hands messy. Slowly add more powder, a bit at a time and kneed it well into the paste with
your hands.
You will know when the paste is ready when it forms a firm ball that isn't sticky and can hold its shape, yet
is easy to mould. I think that putty is the nearest description I can give, that the finished paste should be
////////////?????? If you don't have a rolling table your going to have to roll the paste into what ever size
boilies you want by hand. Simply break off small pieces of paste and roll between your hands into round
boilie shapes.
You can get various gadgets from tackle shops (such as rolling tables and extruder guns) that help turn
your paste into sausages, while other gadgets are available that turn the sausages into small balls.
Boilies are only round so that they will catapult out accurately. If your fishing close in or with hookbaits
only, there's nothing to stop you rolling the paste by hand into sausages, then cutting the sausages up into
cylinders with a knife. At least your being different and that will often catch!
Vei ajunge la un moment cand amestecul este tare sa mai poti mixa cu furculita. Adauga incet mai multa
pudra si amesteca bine pasta cu mainele.
Vei stii cand pasta este gata cand se formeaza o minge solida care nu este vascoasa si poate tine forma
sa, inca este usor . Cred ca acest chit este cea mai apropiata descriere ce o pot dat , asa ca pasta
terminata ar putea fi cea dorita.
You now need to boil your baits. Bring some water to the boil and add about 20 at a time to the boiling
water. Do not add to many so that the water goes off boil. After about 2 minutes of boiling take the baits
out of the boiling water and let them dry on a clean towel or cloth. I use an old chip pan, as it is easy and
safe to lower to lower the baits in and out in the chip basket
After all the batch has been boilied leave them to dry on your cloth for about half an hour. I use a Gardner
Drying Rack which can be bought from tackle shops for about ten pounds. It lets the air circulate freely
around the baits during the drying process.
After the boilies have dried for at least half an hour, bag them up and store in the freezer ready for use

The end result.

A 15.5lb ghost carp caught on one of the actual boilies I made above.

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