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TEM: *sigh* I dunno, I think this story might actually be going somewhere. Not like FOUND.

kinda hit a road block with that one. But I am trying to get more chapters written, plus I have a
very juicy surprise between two people.
Sorry, I seem to be rambling. Let’s get down to business!
Hitome: *yawn* w-what’s going on?
TEM: sorry ‘Tome. Go back to sleep. Is that Daniel with Chocolate chip ice cream?!
I watch as Hitome runs off to find Daniel. Have fun!!
Training and a returning enemy
“BLAH”- Talking
‘BLAH’- Thinking
‘I wonder if those people will help me and my friends. I hope they train us, it would be
awesome!’ I thought, jumping off a tree branch in excitement. No one seemed to notice as they
were used to it by now.
“Kay, come down, it’s time for dinner!” Mitzi called, holding a campfire frying pan (1) in her
left hand.
Looking down, I saw her near the campsite, her tail wrapped around her waist to keep it warm.
“But Mitzi, the trees are fun! They have huge branches, a-and some even have fruit!” I said,
hanging off a random branch by my legs.
Sighing quietly, Mitzi turned away and walked back towards the fire. Not 5 seconds later I came
falling out of the tree, a happy little orange/white fox clutching the folds of my shirt, snuggling
in close and yipping happily.
“Dammit Dameon! Quit doing that or I’m gonna stop doing it with you!” I yelled landing curled
up, on my side.
“Miyuna! Are you alright?!” a guard asked running up and pulling me to my feet, the little fox
still attached to me.
“What the hell are you?!” I yelled backing up to where Mitzi and Charles sat. “I am sssssergeant
Hiissshia, I am to essscort you and your friendsss back to their highnessssss.” The man hissed,
showing his heritage to us.
Hissing a little myself, I moved away from him, my tail poofing up and wagging back and forth
Dameon, jumping out my arms onto the ground a little ways away from the guard, he began
transforming into himself, only his true self. “You scared my mate. You must pay.” He said,
pulling the sword from his side, it glowing with an unearthly fire.
“Tsukuyomi.” I whispered, in sheer awe of his greatness. “Y-you’re beautiful.” I said, walking
towards the glowing man, my handing rising of its own accord to touch his free floating black
Looking back, he smiled before touching my fingertips with his. “Stay back sweet. You’ll be
safe that way.”
When he said that, Charles pulled me back, and dragged me into the forest, where Mitzi and
everything else sat in safety. “Be quiet Kay! They’re gonna fight, and it would be wise not to
make much noise.”
“But Charles, what if he gets hurt really bad or something?! Then what’ll I do?!” I said in a
panicked voice, shaking in both his and Mitzi’s arms.
I heard a crunching nose behind us, and when I turned it was another guard. “Who’re y-you?” I
stuttered, backing into Charles and a tree. “I am called Keiichi.” The strange man said, before
realizing that he had a raccoon tail.
“Nice to meet cha Keiichi! Can you call the snaky guy off? He’s kinda scaring me.” I said,
walking cautiously over to the slightly taller than me man.
“Hiishia, back down! We have found the Miyuna! You don’t have to fight him!” he yelled,
placing his hand on Hiishia’s shoulder.
Running up, I began checking Dameon, who had just changed back, for any injuries. “Tsu-kun,
are you okay? He got your shoulder pretty good.” I asked him, poking and prodding his side,
checking for any injuries.
“I’m alright Kay, but you should check on Charles. It looks like he’s bleeding.” He said, pushing
me towards my friends, reassuring me that he was alright.
Stopping in front of Mitzi, I knelt and began helping her with Charles. “Where’s all this blood
coming from? This can’t be all from you Charles.” I asked him, wiping his horns with a piece of
shirt that I had picked up off the ground.
“It’s not. Some of it is from that guard that stopped the snaky guy.” He replied nonchalantly,
wiping his face with the cloth that he grabbed in my hands.
Shaking my head and walking back to Dameon, I noticed a red splotch growing on his side.
Running up to him, I began stripping him of his shirt, and saw the large gash coming from his
left hip around to his bellybutton. “Dameon! You’re seriously hurt; please let me help you!” I
cried, licking his cheek when I circled my arms around his neck.
“Shhh, it’s alright love. Just calm down and I’ll let you patch me up.” He replied reassuringly,
kissing the tears off my cheeks. “B-but you’re hurt! What i-if you die, o-or something bad?” I
began crying again, scared of what could happen to him.
“Hush now love. We need to patch up my back and side, alright? Where’s my medic pack?” he
asked, grabbing my messenger bag, and pulling out a medium sized white box with a big red
cross on it. When I took it from his hands, I opened the box and began pulling out gauze,
alcohol, tape, needle, and thread.
“Hold still I need to disinfect it first; then I need to sew it up. It’ll hurt like hell by the way.” I
said, spraying the alcohol all over (to ensure proper healing), I threaded the needled and began
stitching him up; taking in the hiss of pain as a go ahead.
“D-do you have to be so rough?” he asked, wincing when I stabbed the needle through
particularly hard.
Smirking like I had something better to do, I replied, “Of course. This is to teach you a lesson.”
Knowing this, Dameon stayed perfectly still, barely twitching when he sneezed.
When I was done, I wrapped his stomach up in gauze, taping the ends at the beginning and at the
end, where I butterfly clipped it, and patted his tummy lightly. “Alright ya big baby. You’re all
fixed up now.” I said, pinching his cheek like a grandmother or over touchy aunt.
“What should we do? The Miyuna should not travel in that sort of company.” Keiichi replied,
bandaging Hiishias’ shoulder with the large roll of bandages he had.
“Of courssse we can’t let her travel with them. They are below her and ussss.” Hiishia hissed,
groaning in pain as Keiichi tightened the last bandage on his shoulder. “The other Kitsssune
though; he intriguesss me. He might jussst be the perfect perssson for her.” He said, slowly
moving closer to Keiichi.
“Hiishia, wh-what are you doing?” Keiichi asked, trying to move away from him, but failing.
Attacking Keiichi- or that’s what it looked like- Hiishia sat on his lap and slowly began to gyrate
his hips. “Pleassse Kei-chan, ahhh-pleassse fuck me!” he cried, sitting fully on his lap and
pulling away from Keiichis’ lips.
Groaning quietly-as they were not as far from the group then the others thought- Keiichi slowly
laid Hiishia on his back, watching as he panted. “Hiishia, fuck you’re so hot! And I get to have it
all to myself!” he whispered, ripping Hiishias’ shirt off, revealing his toned, milky white abs.
“Ahh, ahh, Kei-kun please don’t tease me! Take me as hard and fast as you can!” He cried,
thrusting his hips up I need.
“Did you hear something?” Dameon and I said together, looking up from the book I was reading.
Looking at where the pants and groaning was coming from, I blushed and cuddled more into
Dameons’ chest, listening to his soft heart beat as I fell asleep.
“Alright, here’s the deal,” Dameon said, making sure I was asleep, “The guards are none too
happy with any of us being around Kaylin. So were gonna have to be prepared when they try to
separate each of us. Kay isn’t gonna be apart of this; she is their main motive and we need to
keep them away from her.
So I’ll take her and Mitzi and run as far as I can right before they catch onto what we are going
to do. Charles, I need you to make three beds that look like someone is sleeping in them. While
you do that, I’ll run off with the girls and try to make it to somewhere safe.” He finished, shifting
me so that my head lay in the crook of his neck.
“You guys ready? Then let’s get this done.” He said, placing me in a tree where I would be safe.
While they were getting everything set up, someone came to the tree I was in.
He was about 6”2’, unruly chin length black hair, snow pale skin, and eyes pitch black; no
whites, just black. He picked me up and walked away slowly, as if knowing I would lash out if
woken up. “Now who would leave such a beautiful thing like you up in that tree? You belong
with someone who won’t leave you alone.” The man said, coming to a large house that seemed
to have many different personalities.
TEM: Oh my! What ever will happen to Kaylin?! Will she ever see Dameon and her friends
again? Read the next chapter – when it comes out- and find out in Another World, Another Life!
I wanted to do this last chapter, but I forgot. So here it goes!
Name: Dameon
Age: 20
Appearance: About 6”0’, dark blue grey eyes, fiery red hair that changes with the seasons,
golden tan, and works out regularly. Turns into a little orangey red fox and has a tail when not in
his little form; along with a pair of fox ears atop his head.
Additional notes: Contains the spirit of Tsukuyomi no Mikoto, and tends to let him out
threatened. Recently lost his mate, and won’t realize it for a while.
Name: Kaylin
Age: 19
Appearance: 5”9’, bright green eyes, dark red almost black hair that touches her waist, skin the
color of fresh cream, a dark red tail and equally dark ears atop her head.
Additional notes: she tends to over react to her friends well being, and always carries a roll of
bandages. She has a fiery temper, and will show it at random times. Sometimes a ditz, her eyes
belie her intelligence.
Name: Mitzi
Age: 19
Appearance: 5”4’, golden tawny brown eyes, black hair that touches her waist, pale skin- not
sickly pale-, a pink rat tail, and a pair of rat ears on her head.
Additional notes: As a rat, Mitzi tends to like chewing on cardboard tubes. Though she may not
seem like it, she is quite smart and can match wits with Kaylin. (further information withheld)
Name: Charles
Age: 21
Appearance: 5”11’, dark chocolate brown hair, tanned skin, a fluffy ram tail, and a pair of ram
horns on his head.
Additional Notes: Charles seems to be the most quiet of the three. He is quite smart, though he
doesn’t show it, and doesn’t hesitate to protect the females of their rag tag group. (Further
information withheld)

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