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Reflections of silence -
A profound realisation
A rendezvous with self
A glimpse of divine within.
Love felt in solitude
A sign - an omen from the universe
A feeling of oneness with people around
The exalted feeling when you realise you are in love
Reliving innocence in laughter with a child
Dawn of calmness as you take a break and sip coffee in the busy schedule
It all happens in a momentas silence of the moment reflects back to us
And a realisation dawns
as if the wind has whispered the divine wisdom into the ears
as if silence has been seeped and invoked within
and from that innermost silence arise the words
the words that are reflections of silence

From our extraordinary moments to mundane, the common element amongst all
moments is the silence, which is the background where everything appears.
Silence is the space that surrounds us - from faraway skies to the immediate
envelope of earths atmosphere. This is the space where universe appears and
disappears. Silence is also the space that dwells within each one of us the

emptiness beyond the noise of thoughts. This silence is the space where images
appear and disappear, words arise and dissolve and experiences happen.

The silence, within and without, speaks, when we choose to listen to it; the
words that arise become the symphony of life, echoing the wisdom within. And
all this happens through the moments of life. Moments are the bubbles that arise
out of nothingness of life and dissolve back into it; but leave the marks in
memory that give continuity and meaning to life. A moment may bring any
experience or emotion joy, sorrow, melancholy, realisation, or euphoria. But
the silence reflects to us the beauty of the moment beyond its content, which is
the profound realisation that the moment brings and imparts meaning to life.
These reflections give us glimpses of that which cannot be seen by the naked eye.
Sometimes these glimpses are profound realisations, sometimes beautiful
experiences and sometimes simple pleasures of life.

In this book, I am sharing few such moments and their reflections in the life that I
was bestowed with. I hope you will like these expressions and see your own
beautiful moments in them. May the wind whisper in your ears and the sun paint
a picture for you - all of which are reflections of silence.

Rashmit Kalra

1st September 2015

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