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Nama : Daniel G.

Kelas : XII-IPA/01
Calon Arang
In Daha Kingdom, there lived a fair and wise king, his name was King
Erlangga. He was so kind that everybody in that kingdom love him so much. But,
there was also live a cruel and wicked widow. Her name was Calon Arang. Calon
Arang was the leader of black magic community, a group of people who always did
black magic for evil and violent purpose.
Calon Arang had a daughter whose name was Ratna Manggali. Calon arang
tried to find someone to marry his daughter because her daughter was already grown
up and mature enough.
But because of her cruel and wicked behaviour, Calon Arang was disliked by
every people in her village. No one was dare enough to marry her daughter. This made
Calon Arang really angry and decided to punish people in Girah village. She asked
her disciples to bring her a young virgin to be sacrificed for her evil god. The poor girl
was placed on the altar. Calon Arang read an evil spell to her god and then stabbed the
girls heart until she died as a miserly sacfrifice.
And then Calon Arangs evil spell became true. There was a terrible flood in
Girah village and everyone who was spattered by the water would suffer a mysterious
ill and died at the end. Many people were affected by this ill. Huge amount of the
villagers become the victims of Calon Arangs angriness. Even theres no one can cure
the disease.
King Erlangga heard this terrible news. He was madly angry to what Calon
Arang had done. He wanted to stop this cruel behaviour from Calon Arang. All the
villagers also prayed that their king could successfully stop this disaster. King
Erlangga asked plenty of his soldiers to come to Calon Arangs placed and attack her
until she stop this terrible disaster happening over Girah village.
But when these soldiers arrived at that place, suddenly several of them
collapsed and flapped theirselves. This was caused by a protection spell from Calon
Arangs disciples from far ahead but their spell can flinch the enemy from a long
distance. None of the soldiers can enter to Calon Arangs place.

Based on an advised from Empu Barada, King Erlangga decided to use

strategy to defeat Calon Arang. A man, named Empu Bahula, was asked to pretend
marrying Calon Arangs daughter, Ratna Manggali. By marrying her, Empu Bahula
could know more about Calon Arang and help King Erlangga to defeat Calon Arang.
Beside that, Empu Bahula also can learn more about magic so he could be greater in
the fight later.
In fact, Empu Bahula successfully married Ratna Manggali. This made Calon
Arang felt happy because now there was a handsome man who had married her
daughter. So she held a wedding party for seven day long. The party was so great and
crowded. Calon Arang was very happy about this.
Finally the party was over. Calon Arang took her time to have a long rest.
Empu Bahula now played his part. He asked Ratna Manggali why her mother could
be so mighty and hard to defeat. It becaused Calon Arang has a secret magic book that
made her so great mighty. She loved the book so much that she put in under his head
everyday as while as she was sleeping.
So Empu Bahula tried to take this book while Calon Arang was sleeping. It
seemed that Calon Arang was too tired because of the party. She didnt realized that
the book had been taken over from his head. Empu Bahula straightly went home and
gave this book to Empu Barada to be learned by him. After that Empu Bahula and
Ratna Manggalani moved up and isolate themselves in a remote area.
After realizing that her book had been taken over, Calon Arang was madly
angry. She destroyed whatever she passed on, killed anyone who meet her. But, Empu
Barada was ready for the battle. He had learned all inside the book completely. They
finally met and had a battle. Calon Arang sprayed out fire but Empu Barada calmly
read a spell to reflect the fire and return it to the sender. Because Calon Arang didnt
have the magic book, she could easily defeat. Her body was burnt, turned into ashes
and was blown by the wind.
Since that time, the life in Girah village returned to its normal life. A beautiful
life with peace and happiness.

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