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The Fast and the Furious

2 Fast 2 Furious
Fast and Furious
Note: My observations were made within the first thirty minutes of each movie but certain
examples have came from later on in the movies, which I will explain if needed.
Relevant Background information: The Fast and Furious series are based on a magazine
article titled Racer X. The magazine is about New York street clubs that race cars late at night.
In the first and fourth movie, there are a different set of characters. For example, Dominic, Mia,
Letty, and Brian are all the main characters in the first and fourth films. In the second movie, we
are introduced to a new set of people from Brians past including Roman, Suki, and Tej, who do
not appear in the fourth film. I skipped the third movie The Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift
because none of the characters mentioned above are in it except for Dom who made an
appearance at the very end.
Figured World A form of a world that has certain norms when it comes to behavior, etc.
a. The figured world I choose is oriented around illegal racing, getting away
from cops, working with cops, illegal street racing enemies, family, and
The figured world I am observing is the illegal racing environment of Fast and Furious.
In the first movie, one of the beginning scenes include the actors Vin Diesel and Paul Walker
participate in illegal street racing. There are a plethora of bets being made as to who will win,
with crowds of people all waiting at the finish line. The types of crowds that usually attend the
illegal street races are loose women, ex convicts, and gamblers. Among the crowds are also
people who enjoy showing off their vehicles, which includes demonstrating the possession of
Nitrous Oxide Systems NOS, which is not illegal to have, but is illegal to use in the United
States. The Nitrous Oxide System is what makes vehicles reach incredible speeds immensely
fast. In this figured world, multiple things are always happening at the same time. for example,
the winners of illegal street races are usually awarded money from the bets, at times, women
throw themselves at the winner as well. If words gets out to the police about the races, they come
to stop them from happening, causing the racers and the crowds to evacuate the premises as
quickly as possible. The types of communication that are acceptable in this figured world are
texting, phone calls, and walkie-talkies. There are a variety of communities of practice
displayed within the Fast and Furious series. For example, in the movie 2 Fast 2 Furious the
police, the under cover cop (Paul Walker) and his friend must go undercover together to bring
down a drug lord named Carter. In order to catch this criminal plenty of secret meetings must be
held to get the plan straight in order to capture the villain in the movie. Within these meetings,
the actors discussed which ways were best to approach the situation in order to have the desired
Actors - Characters playing a particular role in a play, movie, figured world, etc. (ex.
Kristen Stewart, Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp, etc)

Brian O Connor: Plays the one of the two main protagonists within the movies. First
began working as an undercover detective with the LAPD in The Fast and the Furious. He was

Comment [AL1]: I think the background information is

very informing because I have seen the movies and still
learned something new. However, I think you should
elaborate more about the connections of the movies
and what they meant to the series as a whole.
Especially give more about the 3rd one and maybe why
it only had Dom in it and not the other characters.
-Linkal Edgeston

Comment [AL2R1]:
Comment [AL3]: This is a very good description of your
figured. You tell what they deal with and what the
whole movie is about in just one sentence which is
really impressive. You are also very detailed about the
things the characters value and since I've seen the
movies I agree and say that it correct.
-Linkal Edgeston

Comment [AL4]: What made you want to focus on the
illegal racing environment of the Fast and Furious
series? I think that it's very interesting that you did
because I too have seen these movies, and until now I
forgot the actual importance of the illegal racing
activity. Maybe try to include what you think the racing
environment means to the actors.
-Kaci Morgan

assigned to solve a series of semi - trailer truck hijackings caused by a man named Dominic
Toretto, but while investigating him, Brian formed an unbreakable bond with him. Not only did
he form a bond with Dominic, but his crew as well, Brian also got involved in a relationship with
Dominicks sister, Mia Toretto. He became a part of Doms crew and eventually pays a role as
part of the family. Although Dominick and Brian are not blood related, he does play the role of a
brother within the movies.

Dominic Toretto: Plays the second protagonist in The Fast and the Furious and Fast
and Furious. He plays the role of a brother, leader, street racer, auto mechanic, and small
business owner. He owns the market Torettos. After the passing of his father in a stock car
accident, he took the role of a father to his sister, Mia Toretto. Dominic also plays the role of an
ex convict, he came across the man who caused the stock car accident his father was in and beat
him with a wrench until he couldnt race anymore. Some of the criminal activities Dom is
involved in are stealing from trucks to transport electronics and other goods as well as
participating in illegal street races.

Mia Toretto: Plays Brian O Conners love interest as well as Dominics little sister.
Mia is fully aware of the illegal activities that go on with the people around her. Although she
worries about them, she supports their decisions.

Roman Pearce: Plays the protagonist in the movie 2 Fast 2 Furious. He is Brian O
Conners childhood friend. He got arrested for harboring stolen cars and was put in prison for
three years and eventually put on house arrest. Near his house is a demolition derby which he
drove in until Brian asks him to help go undercover with him to take down a drug lord named
Carter Verone. After they catch him Roman is granted freedom from house arrest. Throughout
the movies Roman Pearce is also known as the joker within the crew.

Agent Bilkins: Plays the special agent in the Federal Bureau of investigation. He begins
the case against drug lord Carter Verone and stated that if Roman helped the FBI get Carter, he
would eliminate Romans criminal record and get him off house arrest.

Monica Fuentes: Plays an undercover Customs agent, also playing the undercover role
of drug lord Carter Verone's leading lady.

Comment [AL5]: Maybe you can elaborate more on

how him and Dominic formed a bond. What happened
between them that made them click because criminals
and police officers usually do not get along. Everything
else is fine.
-Cayla Moore

Comment [AL6]: I like how you pointed out the two

main characters in the movie and have given
background information about them and the roles they
play. This would definitely help someone who has not
seen the movie before and gives them some prior
knowledge about things that have happened in the
movies. Also it lets them know that the most important
characters are Brian and Dominic so they definitely
need to pay attention to their parts in the movie the
-Linkal Edgeston

Comment [AL7]: Try adding an example or two when
you say she still supports their decisions. Does she
express her worries to her friends? Even though she
worries, does she still help out in the illegal activities?
-Kaci Morgan

Comment [AL8]: Overall this is really good and
descriptive. I would suggest telling how he got into the
crew. Did Brian introduce him to everyone? How did he
meet Dominic and the crew he had?
-Cayla Moore

Artifacts - Physical objects, ideas, emotions. (ex. stones, cars, etc.)

Doms Dodge Charger R/T: Dom built the 1970 Dodge Charger but was afraid to drive
it because his father was killed in the charger in a stock race accident. He kept it in his garage
and refused to drive it until his friend Jesse was shot by their enemy Johnny Tran, he needed to
go and make Johnny pay for what he did to Jesse and the only car left to drive was the charger.

Money: Within all of the Fast and Furious series, money is what makes this figured
world go round. For instance, it is not cheap to enter a race, the racer must be willing to set
aside hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars to participate. Many bets are also being made
towards who will win.

Comment [AL9]: Can you elaborate why it's not cheap

to enter a race? Why would they bet hundreds or
thousands of dollars to participate? Is there anything
specific you think the winner puts the money towards
(example: buying more parts for their cars?)
-Kaci Morgan

Love towards one another: Throughout the Fast and Furious series, there are constant
examples of family and loyalty regardless of blood relation. For instance, in the fourth movie,
Fast and Furious, Dominic was close to being caught by the police. When he realized this, he
told Letty, his significant other, that he didnt want her nearby when it happened but she refused
to leave him. Since she wouldnt leave Dom, he took it upon himself to leave in the middle of the
night for her sake. He also left her with a pile of money to support herself.
Communities of Practice - Made up of groups of people who are interested in similar
things, and try to learn to do those things better together. (ex. Groups of people who
participate in joint discussions and joint activities to help each other learn about their
particular interests.) A group of Doctors attending meetings on how to help their patients.)

Torettos Crew: Composed of Dom Toretto, Mia Torreto, Jesse, Brian OConner, Letty,
and Vince. With the exception of Vince, these characters behave like a family towards one
another. There is a lot of love shared between one another. The way these characters
communicate mutually is by helping each other to prepare for races as well as engaging in other
illegal activities.

Comment [AL10]: This is a really good definition. It is

not hard to understand at all. The examples you gave
are really good as well. If you want, I recommend that
you either take out the parenthesis after interests or
just add another parenthesis before A.
-Cayla Moore

Cops trying to get Toretto: In the first movie The Fast and the Furious, before Brian
became part of Torettos crew, he worked as a cop with the Los Angeles Police Department.
Brian worked as an undercover cop for a man named Agent Bilkins. Agent Bilkins and his coworkers put their trust in Brian to find out what was going on with Dominic Toretto and his link
to the truck hijackings.

Group Trying to take down Carter Verone: Composed of Roman Pearce, Monica
Fuentes, Brian OConner, and Agent Bilkins. Bilkins puts his trust in Brian, Roman and Monica
to go undercover and take down a drug lord named Carter Verone. This particular community
makes frequent meetings to plan different ways they can catch Carter.
Domain - The actual interest that a group of people share, differentiating these groups
from others without the amount of interest in the subject. (ex. A group having an interest in
a book series.)

The shared love and interest for cars and racing: One shared domain within the
characters from all three movies is their shared love for cars and racing.

Getting away from cops: Since the actors in the Fast and Furious movies have their
worlds revolve around illegal street racing, they are constantly getting on the cops bad side.
They frequently need to vacate the premises of which they race in order to avoid getting arrested

Taking down bad guys: Although these characters have their fair share of getting away
from police, they also work with them to take down bigger suspects. For example, the racers
team up with the cops to catch these villains only because the cops are asking for their
participance in exchange for their freedom.

Comment [AL11]: I think you should give atleast two

more examples of domain within the movie. For
someone who has never seen these movies they may
think those are the only two. So I think you should give
1 or 2 more examples to really give them and idea of
the different domains within the movie.
-Linkal Edgeston

Comment [AL12]: I really like how you include that the
characters will also work with the police to catch bigger
suspects because that is usually what the movie is
centered on. It gives you a visual that even though they
themselves are trying to stay away from the law, they
can still help the police to their benefit which is there
freedom. However, do you think that if they weren't
granted their freedom in exchange for help, would
Toretto and his crew still help the police?
-Kaci Morgan

Practices of the Community - Groups getting together to interact and learn about their
common interests. (ex. A book club getting together to talk about the novel.)

Winning races: One of the practices within the community is winning races. These races
are not free to enter and many bets are being made on them. It is necessary for a racer to win
because participating in one can cost up to thousands of dollars, winning gives them the chance
to win their money back as well as to gain more. Most of the time, the money gained when
winning a race is gone towards improving the vehicles used to race in making it easier to win the
next race.

Comment [AL13]: Great definition. The example helps

a reader to understand the definition more clearly. I
think this is really good.
-Cayla Moore

Getting away from cops: Another practice of the community is getting away from the
police. The characters within the Fast and Furious movies are involved in multiple criminal
activities such as illegal street racing and obstruction of justice so naturally, they are going to
have multiple situations where they had to get away from the police.

Catching villains: Ironically enough, the same racers who are constantly attempting to
dodge the police actually help them in some cases. For instance, although these racers are caught
for valid crimes, there are worse criminals that the cops need to catch. The cops need specific
people to go undercover and investigate what is going on so they can bring these criminals to
justice, at times the people they need for the job are racers. They get the racers to participate by
agreeing to give them freedom from the consequences of the crimes they committed in exchange
for helping them catch bigger suspects.
Literacy Practices - Practicing many different ways to read and write. (ex. texting, books,
magazines, etc)

Texting: Within the Fast and Furious movies, they communicate by texting in order to
find out what, when and where races are going on.

Radio: Some people are tuned into the Police radio stations to find out if there are any
cops on the way to the illegal street races.

Walkie-Talkies: Walkie-Talkies are used throughout the series as a form of

communication without cell phones because its easier to communicate with multiple people who
are in different cars without having to dial everyones number.
Observation One
Tuesday, 15 2015
The Fast and the Furious

1:00 min
A construction man is on the construction site talking to someone on the phone and says
Just packed up the real money load and its coming your way, just packed up the garage and
dont forget my side of the deal.
*Scene change
Three sports cars are on the highway at night chasing an eighteen wheeler with the
money load in it. They come at the truck from all angles including getting underneath the
truck, pulling out on the sides of it, and getting in front of it. The men in these cars have

Comment [AL14]: Maybe you can give examples of

what racers get involved with helping the police. Like
just name characters such as Dom or Letty. I think that
will help clear up what racers have done what.
-Cayla Moore

weapons. The man in the car in front of the truck pops out of the sunroof with a weapon and
shoots it into the truck's front windshield. The weapon is attached to a string which enables it to
pull things after being launched. It then pulls the windshield off of the truck. That same man
jumps in the truck and the truck driver and him begin fighting and the villains escape with the
5:00 mins
Brian pulls up to a place called Torrettos which is a small market in Los Angeles, California.
Brian is a regular at Torettos and is known for ordering the awful tuna sandwich from the
girl who works there, Mia Toretto, which is why he keeps coming back. Her brother, Dominick
Toretto (Dom) is at work in the back of the store. All of a sudden, four race cars pull up to the
market introducing Letty (Doms girlfriend), Jesse (Doms friend and tech guy) Vince (Doms
friend from childhood) and Vinces friend. Vince starts a fight with Brian over Mia. Dom (with
resistance) then comes in to stop the fight from getting out of hand. After the fight, Brian leaves
to go to his under cover job at The Racers Edge a local auto parts store. There he asks his boss
for two bottles of NOS (Nitrous Oxide) by that night.
12:00 mins
Brian pulls up to a street race with his Mitsubishi Eclipse race car. It is nighttime and there are
hundreds of people on the street with a plethora of race cars as well. He begins talking to a friend
named Hector about waiting for Dom to show up. All of a sudden five more cars appear
including Dom, Jesse, Vince, Mia and Letty. With the appearance of Dominick, the race was
about to begin. The bets for the race are winner takes all which includes two thousand dollars per
racer, there are four racers totaling eight thousand dollars. Brian then comes into the
conversation stating that he doesnt have the cash to participate in the race, but he will let the
winner take his car. He also states that if he wins he takes the cash and Doms respect. With that
Brian can enter the race. The highways are blocked out illegally with cars and cones. Within
some of those cars are people who have police radios and pay attention to them to know when
any police may show up. The racers are in their vehicles preparing themselves and their cars.
Brian makes sure the computer in the car is set up with his NOS. The crowds then line up near
the starting line to see the racers off. Once the police watchers give the okay to Hector via.
Walkie-Talkie the race is okay to start.
18:00 mins
With the wave of Hectors hand, the racers switch gears and take off. Brian begins with a
bit of a rough start but catches up quickly. He uses his NOS at the beginning of the race
allowing him to pass two of the three other racers but it has negative effects on his car, part of
the flooring of his car came off. Brian then gets right up to Dom and right before they can get to
the finish line, Dom uses his NOS just in time to win the race, the money, and Brians car.
22:00 mins
One of the police watchers hears a report on street racing and communicates to others
with Walkie Talkies that the cops are on their way, causing a frenzy of people rushing to get to
their cars and leave the scene as soon as possible before the police show up. Brian gets in his car
(Dom didnt take it yet because of the commotion) and speeds away all while following Dom at
the same time.
24:00 mins
Police are flooding the streets and there are a plethora of cars speeding away from the
scene. Dom pulls into a parking deck, leaves his car there and walks out attempting to be an
innocent bystander. A police spots him but turns around to investigate him anyways, Dom then

starts running in the opposite direction into an alley where Brian appears and tells him to get in
the car. They both then get away from the cop that was originally chasing Dom. All of a sudden
seven motorcycles surround the car and tell them to follow. They are taken to a man named
Johnny Tran who confronts Dom about being on his turf. Dom explains that him and Brian got
lost. When Johnny asks who Brian is, Dom introduces him as Doms new mechanic. Johnny
begins talking about a race coming up again Dom and then leaves, but comes back to shoot up
Brians car. Brian asks who they were and Dom explains it was a business deal that went sour.
They eventually call a taxi and it brings then to Doms house. Dom invites Brian to come in for a
drink and there is a party going on in the house being thrown by Vince. Dom confronts Vince as
to why he didnt come back for him. After listening to Vinces excuses Dom takes his beer and
hands it to Brian explaining how Brian is the one who kept him out of prison.
32:00 mins
Dom tell Brian that he still owes him a ten second car. (Since Brians was shot up by
Johnny Tran)
Observation Two
September 22 , 2015
2 Fast 2 Furious
2:00 mins
A group of about eight people hop off a truck and lay down traffic cones in multiple places for
an illegal street race, blocking off public roads. A crowd full of hundreds of people are prepared
for the illegal street race to start. While waiting, the crowds check out all the cars, and make bets
as too who will win the race. A racer named Suki has her friends help her polish her car before
the race begins. When Tej (the racing coordinator) finds that there are only three racers at the
starting line, he says they cant race until they have a fourth racer. He then calls Brian and asks
him if he wants to race that night. Brian reply saying he needs the money and hell be right there.
5:00 mins
As soon as Brian gets to the race, he asks Tej if the other racers have deep pockets. After
realizing they do, Brian talks them into raising the stakes. Before the race starts, Tej tells the
crowd to back up and the racers get themselves ready. The race starts and the racers are all in
close proximity to each other. They are trying to block one another so they cannot get the lead.
10:00 mins
Brian begins to take the lead and the racer in second place behind him, Slap Jack uses his NOS,
passing Brian again. The third and fourth place racers, Suki and Orange Julius are battling each
other while Brian and Slap Jack are doing the same, until they all come across a bridge. Tej
speaks into his Walkie-Talkie and tells a group of people are in the control center of a major
bridge to press a button, making the bridge start to come up. Brian and Slap Jack are further up
in the race and come to the bridge way before Suki and Orange Julius appear. After Brian and
Slap Jack realize what they need to do, they each press their NOS to get across the bridge.
Brians car accelerates so much that it flew over the second racer completely, putting him in the
lead once again. Suki and Orange Julius come across the bridge afterward, Suki begins to
prepare herself and pushes her NOS to get across the bridge while Orange Julius stayed behind
refusing to cross. Suki eventually catches up to the other racers and ends up finishing the race in
second place behind Brian.
14:00 mins
After winning the race, Brian is swarmed by the crowd congratulating him and is awarded
thousands of dollars, he then gives a share of it to Tej. At that moment, police sirens are heard

and a plethora of people begin racing to get to their cars to flee the scene. Brian gets in his car to
leave but is followed by multiple police. One police shoots an arrow into Brians car that drains
the energy from the car, causing it to slow down completely. Brian is caught and sent to the
police station. There he finds his old boss (Agent Bilkins) from when he worked with the LAPD
(Los Angeles Police Department. His boss presents an task that he wants Brian to do for him
which includes catching a drug lord named Carter Verone. They sent in a woman named Monica
undercover the year before and her background includes working for Carter Verone as well as
being his leading lady. Carter wants her to find him some drivers, which is why Agent Bilking
is asking for Brians help. Brian asks what if I dont help and Agent Bilkins gives him the list
of all the laws Brian has broken saying he can make the list go away if he cooperates. They
assign him a partner for the case but Brian wants a different one, his childhood friend, Roman
Pearce who is also a racer.
20:00 mins
Brian and Agent Bilkins pull up to the demolition derby that Roman Pearce works in. At the time
they get there Roman is driving in it and there are many beat up cars bumping into each other
within the derby. Agent Bilkins talks to Brian about Romans records, stating that he is unhorse
arrest right now and cant go more than one hundred yards from his house which happens to be
right beside the derby. After Roman gets out of his car, he spots Brian who attempts to talk to
him but Roman doesnt want to hear what he had to say. (For years, Roman was angry at Brian
because he was a cop. Roman was in prison for three years and believed Brian could have done
something to stop it even though it wasnt Brians fault.) Brian then states that he isnt a cop
anymore then Roman begins a fight with him. They start wrestling on the ground and punching
each other until Brian says he got a deal for him. The deal is that is Roman helps Brian and the
police catch Carter, Roman gets off house arrest and his record is gone. Once Roman agrees, all
three of the head to the police department.
24:00 mins
Brian, and Roman meet Monica, who has been undercover in the Verone case for about a year.
She gives them inside information on what Carter is asking for, which is drivers. She states that
she has arranged for them to drive for him. The police give them their own set of cars to look the
part, then head on their way to Verones house. Once there, Monica says that once they are in
there Brian and Roman are on their own. In order for Brian and Roman to become the official
drivers for Carter, they must compete in a race against other people recruited by Monica. The
race the must compete in is not like the usual illegal street races. In order to win, Brian and
Roman as a team need to beat the other drivers to a car. Inside that car is a package, they need to
be the first to get the package and bring it to Carter to win and work for Carter.
28:00 mins
The racers head out to find the car with the package. They are on the highway at normal hours of
the day with other people on the road as well causing chaos. Brian, Roman, and a pair of other
competitors all pull up to a lot searching for the car. Brian and Roman find it first and retrieve
the package. Since they were the first to get and give the package to Verone, they now officially
work for him.
Observation Three
September 24 2015
Fast and Furious

2:00 mins

Dominic Toretto and his crew are in the process of stealing the gas out of a truck to sell it for
money. There are three cars with Torettos crew, all on the highway with the truck attempting to
get the liquid gold. Letty (Dominics girlfriend) is riding with Dom and climbs out the window
onto the hood of the car while it is in motion to jump on the back of the truck. After she is on,
Dom speeds up to get in front of the truck while Han (a member of Doms crew) hooks his truck
to the back of the gas truck. The gas truck driver notices what is happening and begins to get
angry. Letty freezes the metal that keeps the gas tanks together and kicks it, letting those gas
tanks separate. Since they are hooked to Hans truck they dont stray away and when he slows
down, the gas tanks they stole slowed down as well. Letty attempts to go back to get more gas
tanks to separate from the truck but slips and attempts to get her grip back. Once she does, she
begins to freeze the metal connecting the remaining gas tanks to the truck. Dom then hits his car
against the gas tank truck to break the tanks from the truck. When he does, the truck driver pulls
out a gun and starts shooting at Dom. Dom dodged the bullets and came up to the part of the
truck that Letty was on, trying to get her off the truck and back into the car. Just then the truck
driver realizes there is a sharp turn ahead and jumps out of the truck. Letty then jumps off the
truck onto the hood of Doms car, then slips into the window.
10:00 mins
Dominic and his crew are all at a get together at the beach where he passes out the money earned
from stealing the gas from the truck. Dominic talks to Han about how the cops are getting close
to finding him. (Dominic is wanted for multiple crimes and has been trying to get away from the
police for a long time.) Dom tells Letty that he doesnt want her around when the cops finally
catch up to him, but refuses to let him go. In the middle of the night, Dom leaves, also leaving
her a massive pile of money.
12:00 mins
Brian is working with the police again. He is in a building chasing after a man, they both leave
the building and Brian chases him throughout the streets, causing chaos. The villain leads him in
another building until Brian pins him up. The villain starts to say he knows nothing, that the guy
hes looking for is David Park. Brian goes back to the police station with the name and they
discuss a plan on how to find out who that person is.
14:00 mins
Dom gets a phone call that Letty has been murdered. Dominic and his crew all go to her funeral
while Brian watches in the background. Other police are with him because his case is to find out
who murdered Letty. Brians boss says that is they dont find something on their suspect within
the next seventy two hours, they are going to shut the case down.
24:00 mins
Police appear on Mia Torettos doorstep asking her in for questions. Brian comes in for work and
sees Mia (after five years of no communication). Brian takes her to a coffee shop to ask her
questions and tells her to stay away from her brother so she doesnt get tangle up in his mess
regarding the police. He explains how sorry he is (from the first movie) for lying to them about
being a cop. After Mia leaves agitated, Brian goes back to the station to discuss potential cars the
suspect, David Park would have. When Brian makes a connection, he begins to search for the
car. Once he finds it, he sees Dom dangling David out of the window of an apartment building.
When Brian goes up to the room that Dom and the suspect are in, he attempts to explain to Dom
that he is looking for the exact people who killed Letty, he is asking for Dominic trust. Dom
continues to dangle the man off the window and lets him go, then leaves immediately. David
grabs on to a pipe and Brian pulls him up all while Dominic is getting away.

32:00 mins
Brian brings David in for questioning after pulling him out of the window. After that, the police
station gives Brian a choice of cars to pick for his undercover case. He then goes to a race made
by the people who killed Letty. Dom is there as well and they are all competing to work for the
boss of the people who murdered Letty. Dom and Brian want to get on the inside to find out
which exact person killed Letty so they must compete in this race. During this street race, the
roads were not blocked off so they have to navigate through traffic. Brian and Dom are fighting
each other to win. Dom takes the lead and comes in first, winning the race and now works for
draco (the boss.)
Interview: Yazmine Lunn
What approach did Brian take in order to gain Doms trust in the first
movie The Fast and the Furious.
Brian entered the first race by betting his car. He did it to gain
Dominicks trust.
Tell me about how the movies changed from the first to the last?
To start, the quality of the movies changed, for example I believe the
first movies were made in the early two thousands, where the screen wasn't as
clear. The last movie was made currently making the movie in high definition
and very clear. Another difference is the bond between the cast members on and
even off screen, they became more like a family.
Describe why Brian let Dom go at the end of the first movie:
He had a strong connection to Dom and let him go so the cops
wouldn't arrest him.
Discuss how Brian letting Dom go effected Brian:
He quit his job working as a cop.
Give an example of how the characters made the tracks for the racers to
race on:
People, cones, and cars blocked streets and highways so that the racers
would have something to race on.
They usually took up a lot of space while making illegal race tracks, how did
something that big not get stopped?
There where people who had radios tuned into the police stations and
listened for any reports of street racing, if there were they would tell everyone to
leave the area.
What types of things do you see in the background of those street races?
There is usually a lot of bets being made and people checking out other
peoples cars, people meeting friends and the racers.
What in these movies interests you?
The action, the racing, how much they care about each other in the
family sense and the amazing cars.
If you were in these movies, would you take more towards the cops point of
view or the racers?
I would probably take more to the cops.
10.) Why do you choose that point of view?

Comment [AL15]: I find your questions are more like

quiz questions instead of interest questions. To me
that's not really getting someone to show interest in the
movie but making sure they know what happened. I
don't think thats a good approach for a interview. So I
would suggest that you mix up the questions. Some
being quiz questions and some being interest
questions and I think that would make the assignment
much better. Because you're questions are just
restatements of information found in the observations.
-Linkal Edgeston

Comment [AL16]: Maybe try to be a little more
descriptive when you say letting Dom go. Because I've
seen the movie i completely understood what you
meant, but for someone who hasn't they might be a
little confused. Add a little more detail.
-Kaci Morgan

I choose that because racing in general is dangerous and street racing can affect others
as well as the racers.

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