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Swami Ram, Author Living with the Himalayan Masters
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When Scindhia Workshop in Mumbai closed down sometime around 1991-92, one of their
engineers named Mr. Adani joined Patel Engineering Works, while another engineer named
Mr.Rai Singhani went on long vacation tour of America. While in US, Mr. Rai Singhani saw one
advertisement in the local news paper. It was all about a group tour from US to India by special
chartered flight organized by Swami Ram, for his couple of hundreds US disciples. Out of curiosity,
when Mr.Rai Singhani tried to find out more, he came to know about the book titled Living with
the Himalayan Masters written by this Swami Ram. This was one of the best selling books, easily
not available in those days. Being book lover, Mr. Rai Singhani managed to buy this book in US
and brought it to India on his return to Mumbai. He was highly impressed with both contents
and author of this book.
So he loaned this book for reading to his ex:Scindhia colleague Mr. Adani, who had joined
Patel Engineering Works a workshop doing ship-repairs for the SCI/Mumbai ships. After reading
this book, Mr. Adani too was in high praise of contents of the book and its author Swami Ram.
Mr. Adani now working for the ship repairing firm Patel Engineering Works used to visit my SCI
office colleague Mr. K.G.Bhat regularly for clearance of their ship-repairing bills by the SCI/Mumbai.
Mr. Adani gave this rare book brought from USA by Mr. Rai Singhani for a limited period to my
SCI/Mumbai colleague Mr. K.G. Bhat for reading. My desk at SCI/Mumbai office was next to
Mr. K.G.Bhat and we were good friends. So, I also got an opportunity to pick up this book from
Mr.Bhats desk drawer and browse through it couple of times. I could read but just 4-5 chapters
of this book, but noticed Swami Ram to be most extra-ordinary person.
Mr.Adani and Mr.KGB both decided to personally meet Swami Ram at his Rishikesh Asharm
during his stay there for the 3 weeks session with his US disciples starting 25th Dec.1992. I too
thought of meeting Swami Ram during his stay at Rishikesh Ashram for 3 weeks. But Mr.Adani was
doubtful about getting 3 weeks long leave in his new job with Patel Engineering Works. For me,
the priority was to grab the job offer, I was negotiating with Dubai based shipping company. Mr.
KGB had no such problem, except he had never been to Rishikesh and was totally un-familiar
about this place. As such, he asked me to guide him for this tour.
As per my guidance, first he rang-up Swami Rams office in US to find out, if he can join his US
disciples group at Rishikesh Ashram on/around 25/12/1992. Luckily for him, he was granted such
permission. Next step, I asked him was to make a rail reservation for the destination Haridwar
per Daheradun Express, which leaves every day from Bombay Central Railway Station. I asked him
to reach Haridwar on 24th evening, spend the night at Haridwar Gujarati Samaj and take an Auto

Rikshaa next day early morning from Haridwar to Rishikesh. Thus, everything was set right for
Mr.KGB in first week of Dec92. Thereafter, myself left Mumbai for Dubai on 7th Dec.1992,
quitting the SCI/Mumbai job and to report for my new job with the United Arab Shipping
Company SAG.
In April94, I came from Dubai to Mumbai on a long vacation. One day, I visited my ex: SCI
Office, where I met my SCI colleague Mr. K.G.Bhat. He told me everything in details about the
outcome of the Rishikesh trips, he and other two gentlemen namely Mr. Adani and Mr. Rai
Singhani made to meet Swami Ram from America during his 3 weeks session in India.
As per schedule, Mr.KGB reached the Rishikesh Ashram early morning of 25 th December 1992.
There, he was welcomed and greeted by the American lady secretary of Swami Ram. She said,
Mr.Bhat, I was waiting for your arrival here. As a matter of fact, I was curious to know who is
this Mr.K.G.Bhat ? Reason is, many people usually tries to approach Swamiji by phone calls or
letters, which he seldom responds. But yours was the exceptional case. When you ranged up and
called me from Mumbai with a request to join this group, I was surprised to hear Swamijis
answer yes, tell him he can join.
Then she directed him to Swami Rams chamber. Soon after Mr.KGB settled on the visitors
chair, he was questioned and advised by Swami Ram Why you and your wife are bothering
so much about your small son ? Now stop bothering and leave him alone; everything will be
all right as time passes. This was quite surprise to Mr.KGB. He wondered, how does Swamiji
knew about his personal life; that he had a small son this boy was weak in study and being
only child to Mr.& Mrs. Bhat, boys repeated failure at school had become center of arguments
between husband and wife. Then, Swami Ram instructed Mr.KGB to take holy dip in the river
Ganges next day early morning wearing brand new un-stitched (dhoti) cloth and approach him
thereafter within specified time limit of early morning for getting the Guru Mantra. Next day,
Mr.K.G.Bhat was initiated with Guru Mantra by Swami Ram and accepted as his disciple.
Mr.Rai Singhani, having lavish life style took a flight from Mumbai to Delhi, then hired private
taxi and reached the Rishikesh Aashram of Swami Ram by late evening. But gate keeper of the
Aashram told him, he had no instruction or order to grant entry to any person by name Mr.Rai
Singhani. He argued a lot, but the Aashram gate keeper did not buzz off. So he spent the night
at the nearby hotel and next day morning he went to the Aashram but once again gate keeper
did not allow him to enter. So he made a big commotion to the extent that message reached
to Swami Ram that someone at the gate was furiously arguing to take him in. Finally he managed
to enter Swami Rams chamber. He was pacified by the Aashram staff with a glass of water. Then
Swami Ram told him in calm and quiet tone My dear friend, your time has not yet ripen, so
you have no choice but to wait ! When it comes, your Guru will pick you up ! So you may kindly
go now and wait till such time
Swami Ram had come from US to India by a chartered flight with hundreds of his US disciples
on 3 weeks tour. His program was to spend 2 weeks visiting various spots and shrines in Himalayas
and spend last week at the Aashram for practical training of Meditation practices. Mr. Adani, who
could managed to get 10 days leave from his new job, decided to join the touring party from US
during 3rd weeks Meditation session at the Aashram.

When Mr. Adani reached the Rishikesh Aashram, he was also not granted the permission to
enter. So Mr. Adani prepared a quick polite hand written note seeking permission. He requested
gate keeper to hand his note to Swami Ram. Gate keeper told Mr.Adani that his note will reach
Swami Ram to-morrow, when he returns with his group from 2 weeks touring session. As a matter
of fact, Swami Ram had already returned from tour one day in advance for some personal work. He
was very much in his chamber at the Aashram. But the gate keeper was not aware of this fact.
As such, disappointed Mr. Adani has no choice but return from Rishikesh Aashram to his base at
Haridwar Gujarati Samaj. Here, he met one of his old acquaintances. This gentleman helped Mr.
Adani and fixed his meeting with Swami Ram next day morning at his Rishikesh Aasram.
Next day morning, Mr. Adani went to Rishikesh Aashram once again. This time, gate keeper
allowed him to enter and directed him to Swami Rams chamber. Soon after he settled in the
visitors chair, Swami Ram saw few small white patches of leucoderma on both the hands of
Mr.Adani. Pointing to those white spots on Mr.Adanis hands, Swami Ram uttered my dear
friend, first we must do something to cure this physical ailment of yours !. He took piece of
paper from his writing pad, scribbled some Ayurvedic treatment and gave it to Mr.Adani. He
then told him first thing first, please try to cure this ailment and purify your body !
So out of 3 gentlemen, who made trip from Mumbai to Rishikesh and met Swami Ram from
USA at his Rishikesh Aasram, only one gentleman was initiated by Guru Mantra and accepted as
his disciple by Swami Ram. Other 2 gentlemen were informed that their time had not ripen for
the association with their Guru and asked to wait till such time. Despite my wish to make a trip to
Rishikesh and personally meet the Swami Ram from US, in Dec.92, I could not make it. Instead, I
went to Dubai and then from Dubai to Kuwait for earning my living. Luckily for me, in April 97,
my Guru Pramukh Swami Maharaj, came all the way from India to Kuwait to pick me up and
embrace me as his disciple.
Swami Ram was indeed a great Soul and was Guru to many. The experiences he had and
lessons he learned in his life from so many Himalayan masters, which he has penned down in
his books are wonderful and rarest of all. Nevertheless, to-day, I have absolutely no regrets
for missing the opportunity of meeting Swami Ram personally for two reasons:Firstly, because I already met my Guru Pramukh Swami Maharaj at
Kuwait in April97. His name is now announced by the South Asian Times
Magazine as a Person of the year 2014.
For more details, please click the following link:-

Secondly, please check the Criticisms about Swami Ram at the following link:

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