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Appendix 7 Professional Journal

7.1 10 Day Block 1

Monday 16/02/2015

Day one

P2 Observation Psyc34
Private year 12 revision class.
Their upcoming SAC was discussed, what they needed to know. Students are strongly urged to
complete questions instead of reading their notes to target possible areas they need to revise.
Also, to paste their posters on the toilet door, around their room etc., so they read it every time they
walk past.
Giving students all these resources and coming around when students needed help.
The point of giving resources is that students find out which one is best for their study style.

Emphasizing the importance of questions

Creating posters in the classroom for students to take home and immerse themselves in.
Possible classroom activities.
The use of

P3 Observation year 12 methods

Brief about the SAC results, then go over some of the problem areas.
Test was not anything official, but as a way of formative assessment, assessing to see what needs
work on, based on how they went on their test.
Which the curriculum being so demanding, it can be difficult to actually put the time in after, so it may
be the students responsibility to.
Topic graphs and relations.
Technology can be seen as a help or a hinder:
* It saves a lot of time in the long run, helps get through the content quicker
* in terms of quality note taking and understanding (because you only learn maths by doing maths)
* Maybe it is just because of the different topics and its easier, well see!
The exercises and questions to be done are on day map for the students.

P4 Observation Psyc12
Touch base from teacher absence last Friday.
Students were to complete last weeks work set: finding background information about the Stroop
effect for the introduction of their ERA
(They will receive time to complete their ERA, and area allowed to take it home as they are just
learning and putting into play their knowledge of research methods)
Explaining the activity, they must complete their hypothesis prior to participating in the experiment.
They construct a hypothesis as a class. Faster times, less errors with congruent, black and incongruent.

Jessica Ivankovic



When all students finish the experiment, they write down their times on the board, so all the data is on
the board.
Teacher stops the class, and breaks it up with how they are supposed to collate the data: find the
average of them, drawing a graph as well as adding a title .
Students were using their iPads to take photos of the data on the board.
50mins to do all that with this class. Explain and jot roughly on the board what is needed to be done.
They can draw their graph or produce is electronically, but it was emphasized what needed to be
included such as labels, axis, title etc.. If they finish their graph in class before the next activity, they
can write up their introduction to the ERA if they havent done the background research.
While quiet work is being done, teacher spoke to a couple of boys she separated from a group at the
start of the class. Explaining that she shouldnt have to discipline students at this year level and that at
the least, she is separating the group into pairs for future lessons, because of how the talking and the
chatter is effecting her teaching.

Staff meeting mentoring new teachers

The staff meeting focused on informal conversation as well as a check-up to all of the new teachers
Parent teacher basically, to keep in mind all the students in your class. If there is a problem with the
student, keep in touch with the parents as you go. Do not let it become a surprise at parent teacher
Keeping a record of students To make report writing honest and to show parents you have noticed
and care about their child, it is good to keep a couple of notes about the child as the classes progress.
**Remember how Geetha organized it**
They also emphasized that the school is a safe community, that if you need any help or guidance, to ask
anyone for advice.

Overall reflection
It was a very nice first day. Everybody was very friendly and welcoming. I even made
a conscious attempt to smile at people when I walked past, as well as eat lunch in the
staff room to socialize with others.
I was still really nervous during the day and for future lessons. I really want to grow
out of it and I know I will.
Realizing that teaching is a lot of work really scares me as well. I m starting to think
that I wont be able to cope with it when I have to do uni assignments as well.

Tuesday 17/02/2015 Day two

P1 observation 10psych
Stating the lesson with a recap on what happened last week and handing out work.
Homework: to summarize eye witness testimony and now class discussion about the topic.

Jessica Ivankovic



New topic: Models of memory Sensory, short term and long term.
Splitting the class up into three groups in order for them to research on one of the topics. They are to
create a PowerPoint presentation on their topic and teach the class.
Class doing group research and PowerPoint, while teacher records what is being done. Goal is to keep
them engaged in class.
For the remaining of the class, they were to work in their groups on their presentation, ready to show.
Given time available, one group showed their presentation, the rest of the group are to show theirs at
the start of the following lesson.
Always keep in mind that it is not necessary to fill particular criteria i.e. you dont have to make this
class so formal. This could also be incorporated into year 11 classes, where they have assessment
tasks, but the aim of it is to make it as engaging as possible.
* Big classes can be an advantage, where group work and presentation is effective.
*For engagement to occur, make passive learning limited. Talk and discuss ideas within the classroom.

P2 teaching 8emaths
As my first lesson with them, it went really well! I was so happy and relieved, I didnt know why I put
so much pressure, when you just roll with it.
Basically, the year 8s had a decimals test to do, and it was decided to split the test up and help some of
the students by doing really similar questions on the board. I picked a few that werent as straight
forward and asked Marketa which ones I could focus on also.
And that was it. I was really happy with how I went. The students were very patient when I was writing
the first part of the questions up. They even read it out as I was writing them. The contribution to the
board work was really good! The boys were really loud and calling out, and I could see that possibly
becoming and issue in other classes. But this case, I didnt mind, because everyone was contributing.
Although, I really wanted to ask some of the girls as well to contribute.
I may have to tell some students to settle down in future classes, possibly incorporating a hands up
policy if it gets too out of hand. Only time will tell.
They may possibly a little too young to contribute to class discussion as a senior school student might,
but alas, we shall play it by ear!
Ask certain students to contribute to class, when I get to know their names.
I feel that my delivery appeared to be bright and bubbly! And I feel that because of that Marketa
mentioned the students genuinely like me. I feel that they seem to know that I care.
Maybe in some situations, when I can grasp the concept of technology, to save time, a class like this
really would have benefited from having the questions already on powerpoint and myself using the
whiteboard for working out.
Question writing was good, in terms of the board work, my scribble and working out, maybe not so
much. I was happy that I used different colors to highlight some key word within worded problems.,
and have noticed ina few of the tests, that some students have also highlighted and underlined some
key info!
Very pleased and looking forward to the next class J

Jessica Ivankovic



P4 observing Psyc34
Revision questions and study to continue working on.
Michelle explained to the students the ranking system. Everyone needs to be fair, and have an equal
Emphasizing the importance of statistical significance. A p-value of <0.05
Clearly explaining and giving examples after noticing they dont quite get the p-value and what it
Revising over ethics and other topics which may need revising.
Using a flow chart, to walk through and give the students and idea of which topic comes from what

* Flowcharts are a very useful summary tool, I would like to use them whether its something like this,
or if students create their own.
*Its really good to break up classes of private study, with some talk and discussion, go through some
answers or definitions etc.

Staff meeting developing new classroom practices

The entire teaching staff had a meeting to collectively refine their schools classroom teaching
practices I will . The teachers were split into groups to simultaneously refine the policy in different
rooms on google llive.
Staff refined the policy significantly and focused on issues explicit to the class room, and terminology
and grammar.

Overall reflection
A very good day. Made me realize I get way too nervous easily and I just need to take
it one day at a time.
Finding it easier to approach students in classes. There are some things that I should
take on board:

Incorporating technology in class

Encouraging independent work, that way, you can get things done as well
In particular, year 12s need as many summary tools as possible (for psych), so
collect everything you can possibly find!

Looking forward to tomorrow.

Jessica Ivankovic



Wednesday 18/02/2015

Day three

Today is ash Wednesday and there was an extended homeroom. You had to pray as a class, and then
put ashes on each students head.
It is considered very bad if you dont do this.
P1 observation mmaths34
Going through the notes on the board, the students wanted to go through the content today and then the
next double just class work.
Finishing exercises 3G-H, on the board, pointing out common mistakes, if anything needs clarifying,
then it is looked over.
* It was very fast paced, Im not sure if I would be able to fly through the content like that.
* But then again, there is a strict timeline and a lot of content to fly through.
Time for the class to look over and see if they understand the content.
Next class, they are to do exercise work, so if they need help, they can ask questions.

P3 teaching 10psyc
A little nervous and flustered. Tried to use different examples and use the space in the room. To ask
Some of the girls were talking up the back, just being girly, keep an eye out. The boys on the right,
wasnt sure if they were just talking or if they were talking about the content.
Either way, my delivery was smooth and a little shaky at some points, but I paused when
Constantly think of ways to engage the class. Breaks in between powerpoints for discussion or mini
activities like the measures of retention are good to use, to get them involved and understand.

P4 observing and teaching 8eMaths

Fractions content was being taught while I was meeting. Curious to see how the class will go
tomorrow, as some of the trouble makers were in class, didnt really get to see them.
These classes are part of a new program, where there are rotations between the teachers and the
strengths of different groups of students (Entre, main and dessert). I wouldnt prefer this

Year 8 math faculty afterschool meeting

Discussing how the rotations would be best for the students. As the year 8 classes are split up into
entre, main and dessert (based on the strength other their abilities per topic) students are exposed to
basically all of the year 8 math teachers.
Personally, I dont prefer it this way.
Why? It seems that the activities for maths are boring. Students dont have a true opportunity to
investigate in mathematics. Students label themselves and live up to those labels. Its hard to develop a

Jessica Ivankovic



stable rapport and identify students individual strengths and weaknesses. You can go on all

Thursday 19/02/2015 Day four

P1 Year 7 science
They are going to be introduced to the new topic today.
Prior to the class, I was talking to some of the students and they were telling me that each pair has a
chicken, and they check up and measure, weigh it, etc.
They started the lesson with prizes for the game last session. Winners get chocolate bar.
Everything is more structured and hand held in a year 7 class. Note taking is specified.
Hands up policy, asking permission to move places.
Great conversation with students.
* Different year levels have different ways of interacting with the class. The lower the year level, the
more you should engage them through conversation, activities etc.
* Seeing this class makes me want to teach year 7 classes. Its a wonderful class.
Highlighting what needs to be done. Classification heirachy explaining that the order of the
classification needs to be in order.
The activity is to make a mnemonic to remember the order.
They class used stile to complete an online worksheet with their ipads. Stile seems really good, keeps
track of which kids have looked at the worksheet and completed the worksheet.
Technology is good but I feel it sacrifices the skills needed for handwriting, which is necewssay.

P3 teaching 8emaths Entre

A bit daunting. I wasnt 100% prepared due to not properly looking at the textbook, flicking through. A
bit flustered but I made it work.
Students were not paying attention, they didnt care, and it is really hard to discipline when you dont
know them, let alone their names.
Dont be afraid to move people, to stop the class, send people out, Lunchtime detention etc.
Remember some key things, possibly if there are more issues next lesson, the following lesson, I could
make permanent seating arrangements.
No negotiations, stick to your guns.
A great point brought up in regards to asking this class questions did you want to write on the board
or did you want to move. You basically have to tell them, because they are too young for that kind of
processing I think.
The last example of the class actually came together nicely. I asked for everyones attention and they
gave me it.

P4 team teaching psyc12

Jessica Ivankovic



Going through the format of an ERA, based on the Stroop effect.

A basic, mature sit down lesson, walking through the structure of an ERA. We talked through the
introduction, and filling in each question, which would form the basis of the ERA, they are to write use
those answers to write their ERA in a cohesive piece.
Talked through the different pieces and came around to see if the students needed a hand with
anything. We may had spent too much time on the introduction alone, because we needed to get
through the rest of it in half an hour.
It was good that when I wasnt sure about what to say, I could look at Michelle and she would fill in
the blanks. Great to have that support.
I may have dawdled with explaining some concepts, but I feel like I did good for my first time
explaining an ERA report from scratch

Considering the events of today, I feel good. I understand that still, this is my first
week at this school. I still barely know names because I have been jumping in
between that many classes.
Today has made me realize that I would like to teach year 7s at some stage. They
seem so curious and bright, and carry over the primary school spirit, so it would be
interesting to try to keep them engaged and flexible in math classes. They seemed
lovely in science classes.
In terms of the year 8s, I am not scared off. I need to learn their names in order to
keep on top of them. As soon as they play up, give them a warning and start moving
or sending them out of the room. I have to nip these things in the butt
The year 11s were nice, it was a nice dimension to talk through the ERA and a great
experience. It has been a while since I have done an ERA, so trying to explain step by
step what is required was a bit of a challenge.
Still feel motivated, but at this stage thinking, that if math programs such as the one
with the year 8s, are put in place, I dont think I will be able to deal with it. I will
definitely voice my opinion if there is a next meeting about a similar situation
happening at Wellington Secondary College.
The year 8 classes are lacking consistency, which is vital for developing student
rapport, routine and understanding students strengths and weaknesses.
Friday 20/02/15

Day five

P1 pysc12

Jessica Ivankovic



Today, we had a lot to get through in class. It was full on.

First, recapped the ERA, checking a couple of things off. Handed out the worksheet and instructed
them to read through it, try their best. Give them 10 minutes to figure it out. After, we go through the
questions as a class together. Anyone can contribute to answers and answers are clarified. Marks are
recorded for progression, but the sheet is used as a resource for revision.
After that, the second activity, I explained to them to read pages 15-19 in their textbook, and
understand the classical perspectives of psychology, so the original theorist who built the foundation of
A student came in some time during the class, who hadnt done the ERA or collected in photos of the
data. While the students were doing class work, the teacher spoke to the student and walked them
through the worksheet. Hopefully the student catches up with the work
* Good to touch base, and maybe even write a summary or notes as to get used to the concept of
keeping tabs on students progress.
It was a good idea to wind them up and go through the answers prior to concluding the class, just so
they didnt lose pieces of paper they had cut out. I had an instinct to start a little bit earlier with the
Its hard to keep an eye on some people who are talking about the content or just talking.
* Little casual progression tests, like the activity, seem like a great way to record and understand how
students are going with specific topics.
* Always keep an eye on extension kids in class, you want to give them an opportunity as well. I
thought it was a good idea to get Fergus to start reading on the next activity, so he wasnt sitting
wondering what to do.
* Give them time to glue things in or wrap things up.

P2 Yr 10 Pastoral Keys please

Year 10s are given a presentation by someone from VicRoads. It is part of Pastoral, some sort of
activites every Friday, which join students together.

P3 team teaching 10mmaths

Summarizing where the class is up to with exercise 2.6
Finishing off Ex 2.6, any queries, then hand over class.
I was really pleased with how I ended up writing the notes on the board. Spacing them out, using the
colors etc. Should have taken a photo of the board, but oh well!
The lesson was really smooth. I made a conscious effort to stop the boys from talking at the back; I
thought they were a little distractive at times. But when I stopped, everyone knew expectations and
It was really warming to see that one of the girls from this mornings psych class remembered it was
my birthday today, and she told the girls in front. They wished me a happy birthday and I was like
wait, how do you know?!. This was the first year 10 math class I took, and it was rather lovely!
Lots of questions were asked, and contributions to the class. The girls were talking and I remember
addressing them. Marketa really liked how I addressed them, because, I noticed that they were talking

Jessica Ivankovic



about the content, so I made sure they knew I heard them talking about the content, but for the time
being, to quiet down and listen, and if they have any questions, to ask after.
* I really thought it was good to incorporate some literacy into the lesson, rather than BANG here are

P4 observing different 12 psych

Quiet class so people can have time to work on their ERAs . Helping out people in class when they
have a question or query.
Giving students a bit more of a guide by specifying some key terms which should be defined.
* Writing dates on the board to illustrate expectations and dates that come up is a good idea.

I am very happy with today. Slowly noticing some more aspects of the school, camp
next week, even swimming carnival on Friday.
What really put me at ease today was when I was talking to Michelle, and she said
that I have made an incredible start to the year. As well as By the end of the year,
you will feel very different compared to the start of the year. I guess it just shows
that I will learn a lot this year, and I will get to the level I need to get to by the end of
the year. I just have to work hard and stay focused.
The year 11 class was very good today, I mumbled a lot, but I figured that it is still,
what, my third every psych lesson I have taken part in. Its really good that I have had
the time to take to get to know what I would like to talk about in the class.
And already, I feel that the year 10 psych class can approach me. As there is a clash in
timetable, with the year 10 math and psych classes, I noticed some of the girls in
psych looking in and see that I was sitting down. So I put down my laptop, and
walked out to see them. Had a little chat to them and told them why I wasnt, because
there was a clash in classes. It feels like a rapport is developing now.
I spent most of my lunchtime today, on my phone, checking birthday messages and
calling relatives on my phone, so I made a conscious effort for the last 5-10 mins to
go to the staffroom and mingle. There was a school band playing in the courtyard and
kids watching, even some teachers. So, I decided to eat my crackers and watch. There
were a group of year 7 girls on the steps next to me, so I decided to say hello, and talk
to them. They seemed lovely and they even said by when they went to class. And

Jessica Ivankovic



there was a trombone teacher I was talking to also, who was nice! I feel like the
Salesian Ethos is prominent within the schoolyard.
Something I have noticed is that there is camp next week with the year 7s. Those
teachers who are taking a part in that are to prepare lessons for their classes in their
The school have a big festival at the end of the term called OzBosco. It is to celebrate
the 200 years of Don Bosco. It appears to be something that joins the school
community in celebration.
There are activities over the weekend, food, music, and other students from other
Salesian College campuses and sister schools will come over, so it looks like it will be
pretty big. Shall keep posted!
Monday 23/02/15

Day six

P1 teach 10psyc
Memory and eyewitness testimony, police-line ups etc. I didnt feel confident leading class discussion
at all, Michelle had to jump in and lead a bit, with some really good examples!
That class was an example of how I needed to be clearer with questions, and with that, I really need to
be prepared and know what I am talking about.
I must keep on top of the chatter with students in the class. I ended up saying shhh guys come on,
there is a lot of chatter, and a lot of work to be done.
Teacher moving around the room, her presence simply suggested expectations. That is built up over
Students were getting really loud, some of them even talking when I was talking and the teacher
effectively stopped the talking, and sent a pair of students out of the room. Basically talking while Im
talking is a no go.
* Maybe when I have my own classroom I will be more confident in exercising respect while others are
talking, know which steps to take.
* In the math class, I know I can exercise discipline, and again it makes it clearer when you know the
students names
Going around the room, talking to different students. Trying to see what they are up to, encouraging for
them to get up to the crime scene investigation.
* I must keep an eye on al the students, which ones are talking consistently. Do not tolerate other
students talking over
* Use tone of voice to show that you are annoyed with the amount of chatter.
Ended up getting a debrief. The class is normally good, but they ended up taking advantage of me,
playing up and chatting. I wasnt 100% of the standards in the classroom. There were several times

Jessica Ivankovic



where I thought Its getting a bit too noisy and that I should say something. At the start of the class,
Michelle had to step in, but I picked up what to do, interrupted the class a few times.
Highlight of the lesson was when I switched off and compared one of the characteristics of a police line
up to how we recall information, context dependent cues. It was really good!

P2 teach psych34
Starting a new topic by using a PowerPoint about the nervous system. Talking through the different
points, really great PowerPoint content and examples talking through the sub-branches, trying to paint
a picture.
3D brain is an app that they can access for free, be sure to double check with the study guide to
make sure they can skip a few sections.

P3 observe mathsmeth34
Doing a quiz to monitor progress. However much they can get done in 20mins, no big deal if they
cant, its just as a reference to monitor how much they know.
Also offering lunchtime sessions for students to approach and ask for help.
Going through the content really quickly about stuff that they have experienced in methods 1&2,
dividing polynomials, completing the square, those types of techniques.
The coursework really flies, it needs to in order to get through all the content, so it is stressed that the
year 12s use whatever class time they have effectively.

P4 teaching yr8 (dessert) maths

Activity was interesting. It was good but lacked clarity and things that I could not give a definitive
answer to, which I wasnt sure about.
* At the same time, you could always play things by ear. Any questions you could bring up as class
discussion and make a consensus out of it.
I am very happy that my explanation of instructions was very clear, as mentioned by Marketa. They
were a lovely class and when I wanted their attention, they gave it to me.
The noise in the class was loud, I literally think that one of the reasons why I thought I should hush
some of the working, was because it was
Make sure that you know: class finishes at 3.20 not 3.15. They were really restless at the end, but
overall it was a very good class.

At this stage, I have really got to know what I am talking about, when I teach a class.
Please, for the love of god, why have you lost your confidence? It appears that youre
not as confident as you used to be?

Jessica Ivankovic



Technically, at other schools, you have built a rapport with particular classes for
month. The days youve skipped due to exams, youve known them longer. Give it
Tuesday 24/02/15

Day seven

P2 teach psyc12
At the start it was really funny, how hard I was trying to get them to discuss what answers they got
from last lesson.
Really good class, they looked engaged for most of it! The boys I noticed were talking a lot at the back,
but quietly. I brought it up in class and I realised that it may have been about the content.
* I would probably fine-tune some of my explanations; make sure that I know the information.

P3 observe yr7 IT
Recap the 9 elements of digital citizenship. Asking questions for discussion. The year 7s are really
responsive and excited to talk. The relationships are built really well and the expectations are solid
In particular, the strike 1-2-3, students understand the expectations. And also when they receive three
strikes, they are moved to an island (working by themselves).
Its a rapport based on experience definitely. It is a fun, friendly environment, but there are no
misinterpretation of expectations what so ever.

P4 observe GM12
Really enjoyed this class. It took a bit for the class to settle, probably because it was straight after
lunch, but apart from that.
But the class was working well in the second question, looked like they were focusing on the content.

Math meeting afterschool

Talking about how the rotations are working, any improvements.
Briefing about how other year levels were coping with the changes in rotations.
What happens when students blame the teacher and say you didnt teach it?
* Show that you have covered it and what day.
* Dont just point your finger at the student. Basically ask them if there was a time that they didnt
understand something that was taught. That there is a chance to go over sections with the class.
* Make sure to stress to students to use their time effectively. Whatever class time is available within
school, use it.
* Make yourself available
Promote independence.
Re-sits and providing feedback.. School policy is to make sure that they re-sit the same test they were
originally given. However feedback is a bit of an issue.
Feedback on year 8 program. Improvements with less rotations, more consistency.

Jessica Ivankovic



Complaint about the parent (professor) who thinks that it hinders psychological health (douche)

There is a difference between building a rapport with senior school and middle
school. As long as you have clear expectations of the class, it should be okay to make
a few jokes with students.
A lot of expectations and responsibilities
Wednesday 25/02/15 Day eight
P1 teach 10psych
The class went well. The students seemed really engaged.
I probably should have shown the video only once. To really paint a picture of how memory can be
manipulated when you cant really take into consideration every aspect of the situation.
* When I went to talk to the boys at the back, I mostly got the attention of one of them. I should have
talked to the other one as well and asked for input.
* I should have clarified that memory cant be as reliable through questions such as what if we
watched the video only once? How did you feel after the first time of watching the video? Would we be
able to recall all the information just by watching the video only once? Think about some of the crime
scenes you have created, would you be able to recall all of those details if you were the victim? Why?
Probably to talk more succinct and to the point.
I really thought my use of space in the room was really good. Walking around and projecting my voice
around the room.

P2 observe bio12
It was really catchy and motivational. I am going to show you guys how to nail this SAC.
Emphasized that it was through understanding and meaning that we can recall things, dont memorize
facts. Build from the bottom up.
Described the processes of photosynthesis through a class discussion and effective explanation on the
Creating a sense of class community. Expectations again: I love the laughter, but that indicates that
you are not on task. We need to milk every minute of class time that we have And to really promote
students to take responsibility for their own learning. We need to look out for each other. If you feel
that someone is trying to talk to you, dont be afraid to say that you are doing your work.
P3 observe psych12
Talking through what is expected of the ERA, any questions or queries.
Then, going through what was covered by PowerPoint last lesson, each person in the group is an expert
and has to talk through the perspective that they summarized and researched.
Not much talking around the groups, but I managed to go around and explain why it is important.
Starting conversation around. They may not be continuing the conversation about the different

Jessica Ivankovic



perspectives, but at least I have made sure to continue that rapport that will hopefully bridge towards
next rounds.

P4 teach 8emaths
It was really good for the first part of the lesson. They were attentive; they all knew what they were
doing and contributed accordingly. I had difficulty getting them back to the board.
The second part of the lesson, they were a little bit restless, and I struggled to get through the board
content. It was tricky to hush them
The third part of the lesson was getting through the activity and nobody wanted to hear that. I couldnt
engage them, couldnt get their attention or respect and
sort of gave up at the end. I even made a mistake when doing a simple calculation.
I wasnt sure what techniques to use in class at the time in order to teach. Things such as:

* Moving them and explaining why. you are distracting me, and I dont appreciate you talking while
Im talking. I dont talk while you talk
* Maybe possibly sending some kids out of the room and briefing them when they come back in class.
* Maybe this particular class needs to be broken up. That after a certain amount of time, half way
through probably, they need to get up, stretch their legs, walk around the room for a couple of minutes.
Maybe that may help because 75mins a lot of time to be seated and focused.

All of that sounds great in theory, but it was so hard to try to put that into practice. I almost forgot that I
could do that, but I guess I chose not to because I wanted them to understand and turn around.
But these kids are at an age where they cannot understand what should be done, and how their actions
affect other people. So I think I may have had to point it out to them in class.
Clear expectations of them are vital in this class, but I am not sure how to carry through with that.
It is really hard to set classroom culture when your class is very inconsistent.
And I really need to know their names in order to do something like that. I dont even know half of the
kids, how can I effectively get their attention? They cant mind read.

I felt really happy at the start of the day, and it made me realize that when students are
engaged in the activity, they are more likely to contribute to conversation. It was a
buzz and I enjoyed it a lot.
I can be that teacher to motivate kids through talk. Well, I would like to be.
I will take that year 8 entre math class again next rounds. And I really want to take
this lesson to get their names right, so I can be on the ball at the class.

Jessica Ivankovic



Thursday 26/02/15

Day nine

P1 observing yr8 science

They are working on their assignment where they have to research their chosen element.
Using the computer lab.

P2 observing psych34
Making a hemisphere hat in year 12 psych. A brief description of what youre supposed to do, which
Students are to work on a list of things to do during the lesson, to enhance understanding of the brain.
Its a really good resource for students to take home and handle while revising.

P3 observing year 8 maths

Students are asked to stand up and greet teacher with respect. Really good atmosphere. Used to settle
them down.
It was a revision of 2.4 and Ex 2.5 was covered. If students havent finished 2.4, then they are to finish
it and move on to 2.5. These are the expectations of how the class is supposed to run.
Using PowerPoint and technology to run her classroom on the board. Adding some writing as well.
* May consider doing that also, it seems to save a lot of time.
* It is really important to develop expectations of the class from the get go.
* Clarify what needs to be done, and the consequences if they are not.

P4 observing 8Emaths
It was a really good class. I have all the names down pat now, and they know me which is good. Im
really looking forward to taking this class next term.
Marketa ended up moving a couple of students. She split the tables because they were causing trouble.
She got the class the way she wanted before talking. Asking students to turn around and pinpointing
them all.
Sam and Noah were working hard, because they want to go to mainstream maths, which is very good
to hear.
Dont yell at them. They are good kids and wont respond if you do that.

Staff meeting afterschool

Ended up receiving some analyzed data in regards to the year 7 year 10 science classes. All the marks
from the assessments throughout semester 2 last year were collated and represented in a box plot
indicating the range of different marks awarded across classes such as year 7 science, year 8 science
and year 10 chemistry, biology etc.

Jessica Ivankovic



The data is used by the science cohort for discussion:


To see if the tests are too easy, if majority of the students are scoring high, then the
assessment task isnt challenging them
Also, for those assessment scores that are deemed good, what have the teachers been doing
that may have been effective?
What have the teachers been doing that may have been ineffective?
There was one specific task where a teacher gave the students their own driven practical,
where they decide what to do and their own criteria. The teacher stressed that the task was
well thought of and fulfilled by the students.

These are some of the aspects of data collected in general where teachers plan the type of assessment
tasks they give to students.

Friday 27/02/15

Day ten

Swimming carnival
It was a really great day today. Obviously, I didnt have my macbook on me, so I couldnt keep up to
date with everything. It was good to see the relationships developed with students in this atmosphere.
Eveyone was laid back, and the students went well with their swimming. It was the senior school
carnival. I was even walking around and talking to some of the students who I recognised. They were
all so welcoming.
The sense of community with this school is phenomenal. One event that really stood out for me today
happened right at the end. The year 12s were allowed to jump into the pool for a fun splash around
after the carnival was over. One of the year 12 boys is confined to a wheel chair; I believe he has
muscular dystrophy. A bunch of the year 12 boys helped him into the pool and everyone lifted him up,
keeping him afloat, cheering. It was beautiful J.

It was a really great placement. The school, the staff are all very welcoming. Ive got
to work on my class management and also work towards planning my lessons. I look
forward to going back in May.

Jessica Ivankovic



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