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One April morning, the animal inhabitants of the forest welcome a new fawn, the son of the Great
Prince of the Forest: BAMBI.
Especially interested in Bambi, the new arrival is young rabbit Thumper, who watches the fawn take
his first awkward steps.
Bambi and his mother lead an idyllic life, cuddling to ward off April showers and enjoying the
protection of the forest.
One day, Bambi's mother takes him to the meadow to graze, but warns him that he must be careful as
the meadow is without sufficient cover.
Suddenly, The Great Prince senses danger, however, and helps Bambi and his mother reach the forest
as a gunshot echoes through the meadow. Bambi is mystified by the occurrence, and his mother
explains that "Man was in the forest."
The season is harsh, however, and Bambi's mother diligently forages for food for her hungry son. Soon
the grass begins to grow again, and Bambi and his mother return to the meadow to graze, but there,
Bambi's mother becomes alarmed and orders him to run. Bambi races ahead as gunshots ring out,
and upon reaching the thicket, is terrified to realize that he is alone. The Great Prince arrives and tells
the grieving fawn that his mother cannot be with him anymore, then urges his son to follow him.
arrives and tells the grieving fawn that his mother cannot be with him anymore, then urges his son to
follow him. Later, Spring comes again to the forest, and the adolescent Bambi, Thumper and Flower
are scornful of the silly antics of the birds. Friend Owl warns them that all animals become
"twitterpated" during the Spring, and soon his words are proven true as a pretty girl skunk and a
lovely little bunny mesmerize Flower and Thumper. Left on his own, the disgruntled Bambi is drinking
from the stream when he once again meets Faline. Faline flirtatiously licks Bambi, and the young
couple chase each other and play. Bambi is challenged by another young buck but triumphs in battle,
and soon is gamboling across the meadow with Faline. Later, Bambi is disturbed by the sound of
hunting horns, and the Great Prince warns him that Man has returned in great numbers, and that they
must retreat deep into the forest. Faline is separated from Bambi during the confusion, but when she
is cornered by a pack of dogs, Bambi rushes to rescue her. Faline escapes from the dogs, but Bambi is
shot as he jumps across a ravine. He falls unconscious as a fire, sparked by the hunters' campfire,
begins to spread, but the Great Prince arrives and urges Bambi to flee. The animals dash through the
forest as the fire races along behind them, but eventually the Great Prince and Bambi reach safety,
and Bambi is reunited with Faline. More time passes as new growth appears in the burned-out areas,
and one day, Flower and Thumper, who have families of their own, proudly watch as Faline introduce
her twin fawns to the other forest animals. Bambi, who is standing with his father, oversees the
gathering, then takes his father's place as the Prince of the Forest.

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