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DEATH : friends producers decided to have a voice mail because also of reasons of

Resemblance with 9/11: Is linked with the popularity of the 9/11 voice messages
sent by the people in the twer to te people they loved;
PART 1 TAKEWAYAS pay attention to them.
How television can depict society check: the class you missed friends + how I
met your mother & try to understand.
PART 2 The ideological sphere
How you receive content? Post hoc, ergo propter hoc (after this, and so because of
this): an analysis of the individual cognitive process acted by audience on medium`s
Text is the way a medium communicates through. Its made by the communication
(not the sum) of signs:
Text is not what is told by the characters in the scene (according to an academic
point of view), as the medium..not the sum but as the combination between images
& sounds. When there is a combination, there is a reciprocal relation between them,
whereas if it would have been solely a sum..there was no reciprocal relation
between images & sounds;
Textual understanding process
Audience studies 1.0 focus on text and not on meanings; and text provide a
process of cause-effects on the audience; a specific, certain cause-effects. If we
have explicit language, the cause-effect says the audience can do 2 things: start
having explicit language/not to start having explicit language; doesnt take into
account meaning & environmental issues that will be a big part for us: history,
ideology etc.
DEM model (for exam) the reception & the effect of the audience relies on
psychology; just because tv works from a psychological point of view, when you
watch certain programmes, you start acting like the characters in the programmes
you see.
GEM model the global effects you percceive the ccontent, and have a reaction
to this content in the cause-effect process, related to the geopolitical origin of tv

Consumerism: perception change, depending on the year you live in, as well as the
country etc.; was a suggestion of how rich people should dress the first youtube
video presented on the link with audience studies 1.0
Political struggle between generations: clash of generations the way you perceive
a tv programme according to your geopolitical views/
Economic book: volare about freedom economic freedom song about relief
in 1957, 10 years after the second world war, italy was prepared to start the
economical boom that characterized all the 60s, the period of the biggest growth of
this country from the very beginning until now. For lot of ITALIAN people, the boom
started by this song; as an economical situation is not only started y micro/macro
economics, but by PEOPLE, usually inspiring people!!!!!!!!
What is meaning?
Studies - audience 1.0 (there was no dialogue between tv content and audience)
The environment is important the personal belief/assumption/ideology/the mood
of the day are issues in producing and consuming content, not only for the aduience
but also for producers: group of people who create a tv product.
The encoding/decoding process (Stuart Hall)
How can you create a tv show like who wants to be a billionaire? without actually
having/wanting to give 1 billion to the contestantidee nice think about this.
Consumption for 1.0 theory emant only exposure. Now, consumption means the
extract of meaning. The theories by stuart hall emphasis the meaning; what does a
tv show mean for the audience? Only if the meaning is created & understood in any
way, then we have a consumption of television.
According to Stuart hall everything is isolated, everything is a discourse.
Television suggest you to think issues. if you have the ability to make peole think
about sth, the effects of the meaning on the audience will be much more important.
A dog in tv is not a dog, is only a representation of a dog in tv; represented through
language, convey message of a dog: through the barking sound for instance.
There is no intelligible discourse without an operational code. (imp for the stuart hall
Mash agency & polysemy producers wanted to narrate the tragedy of the war
through a smile; another example is charlie chaplin; the menaing is that war is a
bad thing, but in mash the interpretation is that the war is a funny thing; it please
people against war as well as people in favour of war thats what Fiske (1986)
means; people are free to understand what they want

Agency: is the process through which you extract meaning from sth.
You can say everything you want about tv, thanks to polysemy (multiple meanings)
The media has to be inclusive (target everyone), not exclusive. If the content is
opened to several interpretations, the content is inclusive, cus you can enjoy it
regardless of your cultural/social/geopolitical views.
Striscia la notizia (italy ) became a huge success in 1992, people did not trust
politics anymore; they started to believe more in GABIBBO funny red puppet
becomes a true cultural & political engine; if you are not able to trust anyone, you
can trust a puppet its similar to carcotasii show. because & gospodari na efira
(bulgaria) ; In 1992 there was a huge corruption scandal going on in italy;
Gospodari na efira (after the fall of the soviet union) after this, bulgaria had a
series of prime ministers still consistent with the soviet ideology; but the wind
changed, they had a new wave of new politicians; - a programme to work in the
same way, has to have the same interpretative constraint for the public this
programme as the italian one became a success through the cultural & economic
changes that happened in that moment in italy/bulgaria.
Audience activities
Family matters: the nerd issue in the past
The nerd issue in the present: bing bang theory: are they cool?? No.. but are they
acceptable?? YES. That is the main difference with the nerd portrayal in the past;
the interpretative sharing framework shared by you and the producers of family
matters; the question is the same: what happens in the meantime? Social
context..changes etc
Audience activities: Social context of interpretation

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