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-Jane Valdez
-Travis Johnson
-Rental Storekeeper
Scene 1:
*Outside rental shop
Jane Valdez:(Monologue) I thought it was impossible. There is no way I can
win his heart.That is--*Jane goes inside the shop meets the creepy Rental Storekeeper.
Jane Valdez: Good morning, I would like to have this, please.
Rental Storekeeper: Of Course. However it's a Rental.
Jane Valdez:(Monologue) ---until I came to this DVD store. Really?
Rental Storekeeper: It Looks like you are renting a very special dvd. 3 days
and 2 nights will have to do. I'm sure this is not the first time you have rented
a dvd like this.
But Its his heart you want, right? Miss Jane Valdez
Travis Johnson's heart, that is.
He is known to have good looks, has a friendly persona and a very popular
guy in school. You, on the other hand is plain, shy and not even your
classmates remember your name. In short You are the exact opposite of him.
Am I right Miss(Jane)?
Jane Valdez: Okay What kind of store is this?! how did you?!! I'm out of here!!
Rental Storekeeper: Are okay with always watching from afar? Are you
satisfied by just doing that?
Scene 2
Jane Valdez: (Mumbling) What was up with the store from yesterday? That
guy was so creepy.But still, it's just not possible. I can't rent his Heart.
*Bangga with the Travis Johnson*
Travis Johnson: I'm Sooo Sorry. (looks up) Oh. It's You, Hi Jane
Jane Valdez: Ha---i. hi.
Another girl: Calls Travis. Let's Go The movie is starting!!
Travis Johnson: Ah again sorry for not paying attention i was not looking
straight ahead. so sorry Jane. bye see ya in school.

Jane Valdez: The person i love is even kind to someone like me. everyone in
my class loves him. People ar always around him.(kalit ra ug sulod sa iya
mind ang g ingon sa creepy nga guy: Don't you want him to be yours?) The
truth is he's way out of my league...but can he really become Mine?
Scene 3:
*rental shop
Rental Storekeeper: Ah! It's You. Welcome My Valued Customer I've been
waiting for you. Well Come this way..
(sulod ug room daghan mga dvds.)
Jane Valdez: What the...Soo many DVDs!. (thinking) The dvd titles are all
people's names?!!
Rental Storekeeper: Here it is. This is Travis dvd. With this dvd you can rent
his heart.
Scene 4:
*house of the Jane
Jane Valdez:How in the world can I believe this? Even so, I rented it anyway.
(plays the dvd) I'm only watching.I'm only watching.
(on the tv screen)
Starring: Travis Johnson.
Jane reads the credits...
Director: Jane Valdez
Jane Valdez: What?! How?! the director is me? What's the meaning of this?
Wait, if i'm the director and he is the star.okay then, a school romance
between him and be would be perfect! that way i can talk to him every
mornin! he will call me my girlfrined in front of all the girls in school and they
will be jealous.
(on the tv screen)
Travis Johnson: Good morning, Jane.
Jane is my girlfriend.
Jane Valdez: (shock turn off tv immediately) what just happened? did the dvd
read my thoughts?
Scene 5:

*in school
Jane Valdez: There's no way that could happen. Maybe i'll return the dvd
Travis Johnson: Good Morning Jane.
Jane Valdez: Good mo-mo-morning. It's only coincedence that they are the
same. A dvd reading my thoughts is... no way! no chance!
Travis Johnson: Calls again and again the name of the guy.
Jane Valdez: Thinks..what the- what is this. This is the same as the dvd
Other girls: What is wrong with Travis. you said " Jane".
Travis Johnson: Of course! Jane is my girlfriend.
Jane Valdez: No way... (Runs to the Rental Shop)
Scene 6:
*rental shop
Jane Valdez: What is going on? how did it happen?
Rental Storekeeper: I said so, Didn't I? You can rent his heart.
Jane Valdez: But that's not possible.
Rental Storekeeper: I'm Saying that you're the director of that guy's dvd.
Whatever you think should happen between you two happens on the dvd.
those same thoughts also change reality.
Scene 7:
Jane Valdez: So that's how it works..
(tv screen)
*Travis hugs Jane*
Jane Valdez: ugh!! I mean I can't believe in something like that.
Scene 8:
Other girls: Why is with nerdy plain girl??
Jane Valdez:no way! even though he always follow me in school and give me
his full attention i still can't believe this!!
*lunch break*

Travis Johnson: is It delicious?

Jane Valdez: Yeah
Travis Johnson: My parents are busy and never home so i always eat alone. so
eating with you makes me happy.
Scene 9:
*going home
Jane Valdez: (thinking) I've always been alone at school, and i've never had
anyone to hang out with. so being together was fun.
*abot na sila*
Jane Valdez: Well then see ya tomorrow.
Travis Johnson: Okay.*hugs Jane* Well see ya.
Jane Valdez: I forgot about that hug was going to happen. What should i do??
Scene 10:
Jane Valdez: What an amazing DVD Theres no other reason it couldnt be
anything other than this. At first I couldnt believe it, But what the guy from
the store said is true Oh Yeah, I just remembered the loan is 3 days and 2
nights. What will happen tomorrow then?
Scene 11:
Other Girls: Are you really okay with this, Travis? Jane is kinda
Travis: What about her?
Other Girls: (laughs) you see? No one would go out with her!
Jane Valdez: I get it... I've always been plain. No one needs me. Worse yet, I
can't get anywhere near Travis. He is very, very far away from me. But even
so... Even so, Just once more. Yes! if i rent the dvd again. Travis and I will be
together forever.
Scene 12:
*Rental Shop
Rental Storekeeper: Hm? You want to renew the dvd. I see, well, That's fine
but... Since this isn't the first rental, that's going to be 5000 pesos you know?
Jane Valdez: 5000!? That's soooo expensive?!!
Rental Storekeeper: Expensive? That's rather cheap, Wouldn't you say? After
all... You're renting a person's heart. If you find that fact too unpleasant, try
improving yourself. Well, it was a nice dream, and if you do your best...

Jane Valdez: I can't! I can't do anything like that, so even if it comes to this I
have nothing else.
Rental Storekeeper: Thank you for you business.
Scene 13:
*House of Jane
Jane Valdez: That's right, this is the only way I can be with Travis.
*next day*
Travis Johnson: Good morning, Jane!
Jane Valdez: (creepy smile) Good Morning.... This is all I can do.
Scene 14:
Jane Valdez: The problem is... I don't have anymore money, so I can't renew it
again. For us to be together... Money is the Key.
(Jane started stealing money from her classmates then some of her
classmates saw her.)
Other Girl 1: You saw that right?
Other Girl 2: Yeah I saw It.
Scene 15:
*Rental Shop
Jane Valdez: (while walking towards the shop) But, I can't keep stealing
forever, What shoul I do next?
.....I GOT IT!
Rental Storekeeper: Huh? You broke the DVD? I see... Well I understand, but.
Jane Valdez: Um, But i don't really have money to pay for it...
Rental Storekeeper: (creepy smile) Let's just say that the DVD isn't actually
broken and can still play. That would make it overdue, wouldn't it? There's
even a late fee if it's overdue for too long...
Jane Valdez: Just shut up! If I say it's broken, it's broken! I'm the customer
aren't I? You're not in any position to complain!
(leaves the shop)
As long As I have tha DVD. No one...Not one person can defy me. ( evil laugh)
(back to the shop)
Rental Storekeeper: So that's how it goes. Oh okay then, Thank you for doing
business with us. Hmm, I wonder when the new merchandise comes?

Scene 16:
*house of jane
Jane Valdez: I did it! I tricked him. With this i can be with Travis forever.
At least that's what I thought
*the next day
(Jane receives a notification about the overdue DVD)
Scene 17:
Jane Valdez: What is this? A late fee? Why would this... (someone bumped
ahh, Ohh Travis It's you! (Travis feels lost and confused)
Travis Johnson: Where am I? Who am I? (walks away)
Jane Valdez: Huh? Hey Travis! What's wrong?
(Jane is confused why things didn't go with what she was thinking)
Scene 18:
*house of Jane
Jane's Mother: Jane!! Is it true? That you stole money in school? Two girls
came by today and told me what they saw.
Jane Valdez: (runs to her room) Those girls they saw me. That can't be.
What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? I have nothing to be sorry for.
It's perfectly normal to fall in love with someone and have your love returned,
Isn't it? I won't feel sorry for that! If i wasn't shy and plain, I'd be free. (plays
the dvd) If everyone had wanted to be friends with me... and if someone were
by my side this wouldn't have happened!!
I'm not bad. I'm not bad at all. I'm not a BAD person... Actually this is how it
should be. Being with Travis was my fate, This WAS Reality!!!
I have nothing to feel sorry for.
(rental storekeeper suddenly appears)
Rental Storekeeper: You were warned. Valued customer, it really is a bother
when the merchandise is way overdue.
Jane Valdez: No. no. I'm Sorr...
Rental Storekeeper: (evil grin) call it a late fee...
Thank you for your business.
Scene 19:

Other Girl: Jane! Jane! We want to buy some new clothes but could you lend
us some money??
Jane Valdez: Yeah! No Problem!
Other Girl 2: Thanks you're a real life saver!!
Scene 20:
*rental shop
Rental Storekeeper: Humans are rather amusing aren't they? Whether it's for
a passionate love or their parent's affection. It's RENT and Be RENTED... I
wonder just how many rented hearts there are in this world?
(another customer comes in)
Welcome! How may I help you?


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