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I will start by saying that a song , any genre, for me to like it, must have a

story line, a fluece in it. Flow how we know it. So I like almost any genre with
music sound flow. It sound common but it really hard to actually do it. So I
believe, I don;t have this experience, of making music, but I listen to music
since forever. Sometimes when I listen to a song I complete the song if i feel
that s something missing, by singing or imitating a sound/instrument.
Let's get to the subject: the cd's. I will go through recent productions, writing
at every album 2 favourite songs and a main idea of the sound, what it
awaked in me.
fav : Desert Love , Lady Alien
Ouzo Bazooka makes me feel like in that ages, rock and roll times, where it
was all about rock music and no care in the world. Has a deepnes in it, a
freedom in the sounds. I liked it totally .
Some songs are a little bit hardcore for me, but still. The song are diverse.
Classic rock sound, some songs are more agressive, some are happy, but the
sound is the same, their print . I love the athmosphere they make. Lady Alien
is one of my favourite.

THE EPHEMERALS - Chasing ghosts

*fav : Well Done
and honstly i liked more the album nothin is easy, and the song nothin si easy
is really beautiful. They are not neccesarly my style. Have some great songs,
with some groovy sounds and rhythm. Also the lyrics are nice.

PAT THOMAS - Pat Thomas & Kwashibu Area Band

* fav : Odoo Be ba and the rest
- I believe his music is amazing. It teleports you directly to a state of mind as
you were there with them. Really enjoyed this album. I like the rhythym, it s
like a water flow, constantly and always surprising.
Sometimes I have a playlist of songs that uplift my day; that bring light in the
room of mood. Odoo Be Ba always put a smile on my face every time I listen
to it. The tribal beats get somekind of mod in me, a deep mood . It makes you
think about life.

-I also like the fluence in every song, nothing gets to complicated. The flow
remain simple.
Super like.

NOVALIMA - Planetario
* fav : Madretierra and San Antonio
- This album brings something that belongs to fairies. It s like science and
religion met. The spirit of traditional thrives even if the music is combined
with the electronic beats . Here, the modern beats succed to accompany, (to
sustain better said ) the essence of traditional music and how it sounded.
Really beautiful album, greatful that I got to know this kind of psychedelic
traditional fluid music with amazing rhythm.

BUFFALO BROTHERS - Fresh from the horn

* fav : Thycho Strut and Good Clean Funk
-(liked the design of their cd. and the 2 bull head in one)
-I think i would really enjoy one of their concerts. The music is pure groove
jazz. I like it, it s also relaxing music but still alert; with rhythm. I can see
James Bond on this music, it gives me a feeling of suspanse and ludism.


*fav : Lazy Philosopher !! and For Now
Now we are talking about something else. Totally. Sacred sounds all over. it s
like you step of clouds. Hahahha. This music ask for your patience. To give to
the sounds patience attention and allowance to enter your soul. Really
beautiful . Some songs are a little bit to abstract for me.
*fav: Ungwana bay Launch Complex and An Asteroid Called Death
An album that you either go to the concert, or you stay somewhere quiet by
yourself and let the music take you away. It s a deep music, maybe some
songs are to heavy for me. But I still like it, it has a strange smoothness in.
Glorious sounds mixed with the rock guitar and then a sudden sound or a

pause. Imprevisible, like space. And wide, very wide sound and direction of
sound. it like you are watchin the horizon.
*fav : Market Place and Doondari
Market Place - the songs really creates an invisible market in front of you.
This band is fantastic, is a full trip. Modern combination of rhythm, but with a
joyous background. Indeed, some of the songs for eg. Totoise and Hunter, at
some point , thre too chaotic for my style. Combination of beats and sounds,
that interrupt the main story, flow ,- that I ve been writing in the begginig of
the mail.
-really curious about a performance of them.

PS Big like to STEREOFYSH , I like their style. will write you more on the next
mail .
Will write you another email after I listen to the other cd s. Great music Tobi, I
am surprised of the diversity of sounds, and respect and appreciate your
inner dream ; to bring togheter music from all Terra, to make it known, Really
opens your soul and mind.
Have a great day tomorrow, in shape and with full energy. Ciao

fav : Desert Love , Lady Alien
Ouzo Bazooka makes me feel like in that ages, rock and roll times, where it
was all about rock music and no care in the world. Has a deepnes in it, a
freedom in the sounds. I liked it totally .
Some songs are a little bit hardcore for me, but still. The song are diverse.
Classic rock sound, some songs are more agressive, some are happy, but the
sound is the same, their print . I love the athmosphere they make. Lady Alien
is one of my favourite.

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