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On the Fetus: A Poem of 28 Tweets

This morning I woke up challenged by the Fetus. It came in pieces, it came in tweet releases.
I stirred and complained that 140 characters was too short, way too short to make any kind of a
nuanced point.
Perhaps a series of such will do. Must it rhyme? Oh no, wont that simply trivialize? Im not
good at this, besides I dont have the time.
Ugh, okay. Ill trryyy, but remember I told youalright, here it goes, I said with a sigh.
less youre the mom, Fetus & G*d have this in common: Neither requires much from you,
except that you love the neighbor in front of ya.
The Christian G*d and the Fetus have this too in common: You cant come by the one except
through another.
Karla died but was kept alive; it was hers to decide. But Savita was killed, while they waited for
the Fetus already dying heart to still.
An 11 year old was raped, then forced to give birth. Her pain and life was ignored, so others with
little at stake could have their reward?
History has shown that the person who disregards the life and will of the woman in front of him,
will also disregard the person born of her.
In this sense, the Enslaved and Fetus have little in common. But the slave master, rapist and probirther have much to bond over.
Each disregards the neighbors humanity and will for herself, and seeks instead to force their will
upon her body and the soul that is left.
The Enslaved was the neighbor standing in front of ya; the Fetus born of her, fared no better than
the mother.
Life begins at conception they scream; life is invaluable, agreed. Sacrificing an actualized
neighbor before you tho exposes the dishonesty.
But the Fetus is too a neighbor many rejoin, some with love and some with spite; but this idea is
not quite right.

All people & persons are of equal worth & dignity. Yet in this mess, dare I say, arent non-,
gone-, yet-to-be- persons a smidgen bit less?
Dont mistake my musings for babel. Tho my thread may yet unravel. All, are worthy of moral
call & consideration, unto 7 generations fall.
I love ants, fascinating and crucial to the earth in all that theyve made, until they form a line
across my kitchen and I pull out the Raid.
Pro-lifers, many really pro-birthers, I fear are the same. They love that Fetus until it is born and
given a name.
No longer becoming, a person arrives. Now we all see, how annoying & costly pro-birthers
perceive this new will-full needy neighbor to be.
Sceptics ask, if it were you? My view: I love my Mom & trust her judgement. If shed said no so be it. Though I doubt I would know it.
But once here, I declare, I said to my Mom, move over some and help me, so I can keep
That said, life is complicated and works in degrees, am I nuts, am I crazy, this all seems so easy
to me.
Let us not ration knowledge, love, life, equality, liberty - or the gift of technology. Theyre not
scarce, but abundant, so release these!
Dont ban abortion, make access free. Then lets diminish the causes of its necessity. Educate on
love, humanity, intimacy, and the body.
Im 50+, love & intimacy are really good stuff. Its not just for making babies. Enough! Lets
teach more of this, lets lift this up!
Dont ration technology only for the rich or the stuff of fights; rather let contraception
technology flow freely, as a matter of right.
Let people be free and let them fly. With real equality, liberty, choice and responsibility let them
decide, when or whether to multiply.
And provide for every new neighbor, thru hard work, yes till. And celebrate with food,
opportunity, & respect for this NEW LITTLE will!
Athena D. Mutua, @admutua, #istandwithplannedparenthood Oct. 20, 2015

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