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Idyll Productions

Prop List for Just a


This is the book that Bryony

carries around with her 24/7.
The book is red which is symbolic
for love.
The book is a fairytale book and
she reads this because she wants
to find true love like in fairytales;
she wants the fairytale happy

This is the lamp that is kept by

Bryonys bedside. Again it is red
to symbolise love.

Idyll Productions

This is Bryonys phone, which

shows a similarity between her
and other people in her age
bracket. She is a typical young

This is the handbag that Bryony

carries around with her. This
shows that she is a typical girl
and student

This is the rose that Harry will

bring to Bryonys house at the
end of the film. The rose will have
a petal that falls off which is
similar to beauty and the beast.
The rose is also red which again
symbolises love.

Idyll Productions

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