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Conflict will always repeat itself.

1. Introduce wife and husband in Iran and their lifestyle

2. Introduce the problems they face
3. Have husband realize that the problems the two face are just rehashes of the
same thing that has been going on for years
4. Multiple examples of what happens in their life, all with a resounding theme
of lack of ending
5. I want A. But I want B. has been putting their already unstable marriage
through turmoil
6. Ending with husband repeating the cycle.
Conflict occurs due to a clash of beliefs.
1. Introduce Irans Sharia law and the protagonist
2. Introduce another character that subverts everything the protagonist knows
about the Sharia law and make him realize that the other character is being
3. I dont know how to finish this prompt, Im going to need some help for this
Conflict will always impact every individual involved.
1. About A Separation, a random bystander sees the commotion between the
two families that are trying to sue each other, this is a scene in the movie.
2. Overhears some of the movies lines and comes to own conclusion of whats
3. I guess (s)he does their best to talk about conflict after the two families come
back out.
4. The protagonist notes the fact that neither family is happy on return
5. I guess thats the ending, with the bystander delivering social commentary
Conflict will always impact every individual involved
At the time, I was just standing around, waiting for one of my friends to return from
his court order. He had some sort of dress code violation that he wanted to appeal. I
was only his ride from his house to the court so I started to let my mind wander a
little, just to pass the time. Listening in on tidbits of conversation between people,
letting their little natural interactions relieve my boredom, if only for a little while.
I cast my eyes over to the waiting area looking for something to grab my attention,
finding two small children having a quarrel. I listened in on the two siblings having a
little spat over some snacks, with both sides making their convincing arguments.
The two took some time before they came to their final decision, which was to fight
over them food items, managing to spill some on the ground. In the end it seems as
though it wasnt worth it after all, affecting both sides in the argument.

Not long after this, I witnessed a real spectacle. Two families were about ready to go
into court when all of a sudden, the men started to get physical. I could see that this
must have been escalating from some sort of friction pertaining towards the court
matter. I did my best to get closer to the action, hearing a lot of loaded words being
thrown around. Threats were made; I doubt either party is going to come out of this
one unscathed. The commotion made by their conflict even required security to
step in.
Time passed while I stood around in a daze, not knowing what to make of the
situation. In Iran, this wouldnt go unpunished. I thought about the families and the
events the children would have to deal with. One of the men who had incited the
scuffle was made to go outside. I overheard his mutterings as he made his way back
to the waiting room.
Those two just know how to talk. Of course the judge would pick them over us.
The problem was probably a lot worse than that, seeing as though it was enough to
elicit physical violence. It could go even deeper, with the courts decision affecting
not only the two families, but their other relatives who may have to pay the price for
these peoples decisions. Its not only the people in question who endure the impact
of conflict, but the people around them as well. After the man and his wife left, the
other family came out soon after with their down turned, guilt ridden faces.
What will I do about my father? weeps the male.
It looked like neither of them won the battle of conflict while also dragging their
relatives into the fray. I could only imagine what the people must have done to
achieve a punishment that would affect other generations besides their own. The
problems of this family had spread to everyone else in their family. I stood there in
silence as I contemplated the ramifications of the conflict. A lot of time passed as a
result of this.
My friend came back from court and happily explained to me that he had won
whatever case he had been called in for. I was just glad his decisions didnt impact
on the people around him.

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