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Last year I have come across an article with the same title by Aditya G Narayan of
MGIT in their

“Musings” magazine. I wished it to be in our magazine too. Am giving a summary of it

in my words.

"Ask yourself whether dream of heaven and greatness should be waiting for us
in our graves or whether it should be ours here and now and on this earth"-

Many of us have our own ambitions or goals in their life. the target would be
different for different people say wealth,fame,success etc.we are told that in
order to achieve that high levels we are to make few sacrifices in life, stay
focused on our goals and work delight towards them.

But do the means actually satisfy the ends? More often than not,
people are so caught up in their quest for goal that they have set for
themselves that they forget that day after day life is slowly passing by. It’s like
a person who travels through the valleys of OOTY by train but forgets to open
the windows there by missing the amazing panorama of mountains and nature.
Such moments are flecting glances, but they are the ones that leave the most
indelible impact on the inner psyche.

There are some things in this world that we 'have to do’ and there are some
things we ‘want to do’ and it is more likely that it is the latter that we are
passionate about. Now lets make these "want to do's" in the category of 'have
to do' we will find improved results. we often heard a quote about life saying
'variety is the spice of life' if one was a cook and life was a dish that he was
preparing there should be an ideal mix of lots of exotic spices-sweet, sour, hot,
aromatic, healthy and once in a while bland.Ofcourse there are bad chefs like
yours truly why sometimes add certain spices in excess

Ofcourse, iam an eternal optimist, so I look at life through rosy filters. But
that’s not always the case; there are continuous series of ebbs and tides. The
tools to face the situations are always lying around. Sometimes we find them in
our friends, parents, nature etc but what we don't realize is that most often
than not these tools lie with in ourselves.

Iam not a philosopher, but I tend to think about life in general. There is an
inherent fun quotient in everything that a person does in life, happiness you
feel after you ride a bicycle for the first time without those balancing wheels,
the sorrows that tugs at your heart when your best friend leaves to another
town, the anxiety when you are in finals of a prestigious competition. Every
person's life is a mixed bag of emotions and tales to tell, but it is the people
who will die with contentment that they had lived their lives to the

-------------------G.ADARSH REDDY (07U61A0417)

ECE 2nd YEAR………

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