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JEE309 Subsea Engineering

Assessment Task 3 Data Processing

Alex Fuglsang
Lecturer: Dr Alex Forrest
Date Due: 15/10/2015


A survey of an area of a harbour in Baku, Azerbaijan is required to ensure the safe transit of
an oversized jacket. The required survey area is 600m2 at 49.663E, 40.253N, which is
located in UTM zone 39T. A small AUV with bathymetric sonar sampling of 16Hz is to be
used for the survey. Due to external pressure the survey must be run without harbour master
approval, so care must be taken to keep the AUV submerged, and only a single run will be
attempted. The AUV has an endurance of 3 hours, limited by the battery life.
In addition it is required to conduct a benthic sub-survey of a 100m2 area within the main
area. This smaller survey does not require 100% overlap, however the main survey does, in
addition to two tie lines.
It is assumed that this is a small AUV with the following unspecified specifications:
Minimum turning circle of30m
Benthic sampling rate of 4Hz
Operational speed of 1.5m/s
The mission path is designed on the 60m side-to-side bathymetric swaths the AUV is capable
of, and the minimum turning circle of 15m for the small section. Figure 1-2 displays the area
in the harbour that will be surveyed, with the planned AUV path overlaid in red. 11 sweeps
are planned in the main survey to provide an overlap of approximately 10%; with 54.5m
between each sweep. Two orthogonal tie lines are planned for this survey, and divide the
survey area into thirds. Due to the turning circle and battery limitations of the AUV, a
complex course consisting of 19 sweeps is planned for the benthic sub-survey. The total
length of the planned track is 15.9km, including the return to base. A minimum average
velocity of 1.47m/s is required for the AUV to complete this path within 3 hours.
Figure 1-1 shows the field of view that the camera mounted in the AUV possesses. The
altitude, a, is 2.5m for the sub-survey, and the half angle field of view () is 22.5.


JEE309: Subsea Engineering Assessment 3

Figure 1-1: A graphical representation of the field of view for the camera mounted ion the AUV

Thus, the length (l) of seafloor that each image will capture is:
l 2 2.5 tan(22.5)
l 2.07m
Therefore, with a sampling rate of 4Hz for the camera, the maximum speed to achieve 40%
coverage can be calculated:
Dist 2.07 2.07 0.4
Dist 1.24m


This distance is the maximum distance travelled per image to achieve 40% overlap. The
sampling period is 0.25s, so the maximum speed is 4.96m/s. This is well above the AUVs
operational speed, so by travelling at a speed of 1.5m/s there will be adequate time to
complete the survey shown in Figure 1-2 and return to base without surfacing. This shows
that the AUVs speed is not governed by the cameras sampling rate. If this AUV is a Gavia
model, it is likely to be capable of up to 2.8m/s (Geomares Publishing bv., 2015) and a
turning radius down to 10m. This track is unlikely to be difficult for a small AUV to achieve
in 3 hours.

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Figure 1-2: The planned path for the AUV displayed in metres. The small focus area is located in the bottom
right corner, and provision is made to return to base.

Figure 1-3: The AUV's planned path plotted in Google Earth is displayed in the left plot. The right plot
displays precise latitude and longitude coordinates of the survey area


The length of the track the AUV covers in the benthic sub-section is 3128m. Assuming that
the cross field of view is similar to the fwd/aft field of view, the cross section covered on
each sweep will be 2.07m as shown in Equation 1. This will give a total area of image
coverage of 6474.96m2.
Bathymetric sampling is 16 Hz at 6m altitude. From the planned mission path, the mean
velocity is 1.5 m/s. The minimum acceptable resolution is 10 samples per bin.

1.5m / s
16 Hz

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JEE309: Subsea Engineering Assessment 3

From Equation 3, the spatial resolution per sample is 0.094m. This gives a spatial resolution
per bin of 0.9375m.


With the current drought in California, accessing and maintaining the water quality in
catchments is vital. The task considered here is specified by The Tahoe Planning Agency to
assess the quality of the drinking water in Lake Tahoe in relation to a recent algal bloom. An
AUV equipped with an ultra-short baseline (USBL) tracking device and chlorophyll-a
measurement equipment is used to investigate the spread of this bloom through the detection
of phytoplankton.
The area being surveyed is just offshore of Marla Bay at 119.955W, 39.029N. A 10-point
moving average filter has been used to extract the actual vehicle path from the USBL data.
The track of the vehicle is shown in red in Figure 1-4 (left) with the raw USBL data overlaid
in white. Figure 1-4 (right) displays the actual track of the AUV in comparison with both the
raw data, and the planned path. There is a small amount of deviation from the planned path
that increases as the survey progresses. This survey begins at the southern end of the track.

Figure 1-4: The track of the AUV in Lake Tahoe. On the left is the actual path of the AUV in
the lake, displayed in red. The white track is the raw USBL data. The right plot compares the
planned path with the AUV track and the raw USBL data
It can be seen in Figure 1-4 that the AUV follows a zig-zag path that runs parallel with the
coastline in a northerly direction.
The algal outbreak is displayed in contour plots in Figure 1-5. It can be seen that along the
track of the vehicle (displayed in red) there are higher levels of resolution in the contour steps
due to the more refined and less interpolated data along the AUVs path. The highest levels of

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chlorophyll-a are found to be between 0.03 and 0.035mg/l peaking at the eastern edge of the
surveyed area, and increasing further north compared the southern section.

Figure 1-5: The contour plot of the chlorophyll-a measured by the AUV. The left plot is overlaid on
Google Earth with the vehicles track in red. The plot on the right displays the precise latitude and
longitude and the actual chlorophyll-a levels in mg/l in a colour bar.

This investigation provides data relating to the vessels tracking ability and the concentration
of chlorophyll-a in this area. It can be seen in this survey of a swath approximately 5km
north-south by 800m east-west that the highest concentrations of chlorophyll-a occur towards
the shore, in the northern half. This suggests that the current flow in the lake runs in a
northerly direction. The higher concentrations closer to the shore are likely to be due to
onshore winds pushing the bloom towards shore.
The USBL data displays high levels of noise, resulting in the need for an averaging filter. The
averaged data shows that the vehicle follows the planned path with some divergence as the
survey continues and some higher frequency track hunting.
It is recommended that further surveying is conducted to the north and east of this survey area
to investigate the extent of the higher chlorophyll-a levels.
Appendix A
% JEE309 Subsea Engineering
% Assignment 3
% Scenario 1
% Alex Fuglsang
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% ID: 155229
% October 2015
% Loading Waypoint Data
clc;close all;clf;clear all;
X = track2(:,1);
Y = track2(:,2);
axis equal

%%------------------------------------------------------------------------% Location of Baku Harbour, Azerbaijan

Lat = 40.253; %N
Long = 49.663; %E

% converting to utm:
[x,y,utmz] = deg2utm(Lat,Long);

% rotation matrix:
theta = -60;
r = [cosd(theta) -sind(theta); sind(theta) cosd(theta)];

% Setting Origin Point at bottom left of square

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orig = [-300; -300];

orig_r = r*orig;

%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------% setting boundary:

bX = [82.11; 82.11; 682.11; 682.11; 82.11;];
bY = [0; 600; 600; 0; 0;];
b = [bX'; bY'];
b_r = r*b;
bX_r = x+orig_r(1,:) + b_r(1,:)';
bY_r = y+orig_r(2,:) + b_r(2,:)';
utmz_b = [utmz; utmz; utmz; utmz; utmz];
% Small focus area
sX = [655; 555; 555; 655; 655;];
sY = [124; 124; 24; 24; 124;];
s = [sX'; sY'];
s_r = r*s;
sX_r = x+orig_r(1,:) + s_r(1,:)';
sY_r = y+orig_r(2,:) + s_r(2,:)';
utmz_s = [utmz; utmz; utmz; utmz; utmz];

% converting back to lon/lat

[lat_b,lon_b] = utm2deg(bX_r,bY_r,utmz_b);
[lat_s,lon_s] = utm2deg(sX_r,sY_r,utmz_s);

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% Loading the waypoints for survey path

wp = load('way4.txt'); % waypoint matrix
wpx = wp(:,1);
wpy = wp(:,2);
WP = wp';

% rotating path:
wp_r = r*WP;
wpX_rot = x + orig_r(1,:) + wp_r(1,:)';
wpY_rot = y + orig_r(2,:) + wp_r(2,:)';

% must have same number of points in utmzone field:

l = length(wpx);
for i = 1:l;
utmz(i,1:4) = utmz(1,1:4);

% Converting the planned path into Lat/Lon

[lat,lon] = utm2deg(wpX_rot,wpY_rot,utmz);

%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------% Displaying planned survey areas and tracks

plot(bX,bY,'b-.');hold on
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axis([0 800 -100 800]);

xlabel('Distance (m)');
ylabel('Distance (m)');
legend('Survey Area Boundary','Sub-Survey Boundary','Planned Path');

plot(lon_b,lat_b,'b-.');hold on
legend('Survey Area Boundary','Sub-Survey Boundary','Planned Path');
axis([49.658 49.669 40.248 40.258]);
xlabel('Longitude E');
ylabel('Latitude N');

%% Plotting Path with Google Maps

bound = ge_plot(lon_b,lat_b,'lineColor','FF0000FF','lineWidth',1);
small = ge_plot(lon_s,lat_s,'lineColor','FF000000','lineWidth',1);
track = ge_plot(lon,lat,'lineColor','ffff0000','lineWidth',2);
kmlFileName = 'AUV_Track_Plan.kml';

Appendix B
% JEE309 Subsea Engineering
% Assignment 3
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% Scenario 3
% Alex Fuglsang
% ID: 155229
% October 2015
% Loading Data
clc;close all;clf;

%% Filtering the USBL data & extracting path

for i = 1:length(A3dataset.lon_usbl)-9;
USBL.X(i,1) = sum(A3dataset.lon_usbl(i:i+9))/10;
USBL.Y(i,1) = sum(A3dataset.lat_usbl(i:i+9))/10;

dist = A3dataset.timestamp_chla; % the entire domain

x = A3dataset.conc_chla;

% the dependant vector

d = A3dataset.timestamp_chla; % the independant vector

binsize = 30/60/60/24;

% 1/30Hz original, converting to seconds

[chlora, meand, bins] = binavgf(x,d,binsize,dist);

pX = A3dataset.lon_plan;
pY = A3dataset.lat_plan;

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%% Contour Plotting
lth_chlora = length(chlora);
chlora(lth_chlora-7:lth_chlora) = [];
s = USBL.X(2)-USBL.X(1);
xmesh = min(USBL.X):s:max(USBL.X);
ymesh = min(USBL.Y):s:max(USBL.Y);
[dx,dy] = meshgrid(xmesh, ymesh);
M = TriScatteredInterp(USBL.X,USBL.Y,chlora);

chlora_z = M(dx,dy);
shading interp;hold on
plot(USBL.X, USBL.Y,'r','LineWidth',1.5);
% plot(USBL.X, USBL.Y,'k--','LineWidth',1.5);

tsz = 12;
colormap(jet);c = colorbar;
% hcolor = colorbar;
ylabel(c,'Chlorophyll-a Concentration (mg/l)','FontSize',tsz,'FontWeight','bold')
xlabel('Longitude (deg)','FontSize',tsz,'FontWeight','bold');
ylabel('Latitude (deg)','FontSize',tsz,'FontWeight','bold');
axis equal

% figure(2)
% ylabel('Chlorophyll-a Concentration (mg/l)','FontSize',10,'FontWeight','bold')
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% xlabel('Longitude (deg)','FontSize',tsz,'FontWeight','bold');
% ylabel('Latitude (deg)','FontSize',tsz,'FontWeight','bold');
% set(gca,'FontSize',tsz);
% axis equal;
% dz = griddata(USBL.X,USBL.Y,chlora,dx,dy,'linear');
% contourf(dx,dy,dz);colorbar;
% colormap(jet)

% %% Saving contour plot into Google Earth

% k = kml('Chloro');
% k.contourf(dx,dy,dz,'numberOfLevels',100);
% % Save the kml and open it in Google Earth
% %% Plotting tracking data and sending to Google
% figure(3);
% plot(pX,pY,'g','LineWidth',2);
% hold on;
% plot(A3dataset.lon_usbl,A3dataset.lat_usbl);
% plot(USBL.X,USBL.Y,'r-','LineWidth',1);
% legend('Planned Track','Raw Data','Filtered Data','Location','Northwest');


% axis equal;
% set(gca,'FontSize',10);
% %% Plotting Path with Google Maps

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% path = ge_plot(USBL.X,USBL.Y,'lineColor','ffff0000','lineWidth',2);
% planned = ge_plot(pX,pY,'lineColor','FFFFFFFF','lineWidth',1.5);
% kmlFileName = 'path_on_earth.kml';

Geomares Publishing bv. (2015). Gavia. Retrieved 13/10/2015, 2015,


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Alex Fuglsang

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