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Analysis Of 7 Documentaries

Secret Life of Motorway Part 1

First aired on BBC 4
This documentary is expository. This is
because it exposes information on the
British motorway. It uses Interesting
The only way is Essex
information and Informative use of stock
First aired on ITV2
images Cultural to Britain.
This documentary is Observational. The
The music follows era and adds to the
purpose is to and to allow to viewer to
whole feel of the documentary. I
understand the bizarre life of the
personally liked how it adds adverts to
characters in the documentary.
show what life was like before the
motorway, the narrator talks describing
The show itself is mainly comprised of
1949 while an advert from a past time
shot, reverse, shot so to hows the
shows - Interviews with experts and adults
conversation allowing the viewer to
who grew up without motorway and
follow each character while they are
builders adds a level of analysis to the
talking. This makes you feel like you are
documentary and also gives it a
at the table in the conversation with
them Modern (but slightly retro) music
shows the casual feel of the
documentary but also perhaps implies
First aired on BBC 1
that the life of an Essex star is
'Africa' is a reflexive documentary. This
documentary featured on the BBC
showing six episodes in the series
travelling across Africa.
Similar to all David Attenborough
Documentaries it features a voiceover.
The voiceover consists of telling the
audience the setting, subject and then
goes on to give a running commentary of
what is occurring in the scene as well as
giving some other interesting a lessknown information about the subject or
The shots in the documentary usually last
for a long duration of time so that the
audience can understand fully what they
are looking at, without the interruption of

Benefit Brits By The Sea

First aired on channel 5
This documentary is mainly
observational. It follows a variety of
different people from the benefits
background showing each individuals
everyday life.
Unusually for what is regarded as trash
TV this documentary actually uses a
string-based score to create emotion and
The show is designed to shock he
general public and they way the
structure is layed out it allows the viewer
to form their own opinions on each

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