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Short stories & charts on NORTH KOREA & VENEZULA

Bree Alcaro

Above are the two main characters’ of the short stories. Each short story
will help you learn something about the rise and fall of these two countries. There
are five stories total and hopefully it gives you a good understanding of the
similarities and differences between Venezuela and North Koreas struggle to
collapse or build up. Oh, and hopefully, this gets me a good grade on my history

- Hot in Here (Climate Change)
- Save our Planets (Environment)
- Battle Field (Hostile Neighbors)
- Help! (Societies Reaction)
- Shot for shot (Trade)
All of the pie charts are based on the below table. Each country got a rate on how
close or how far they are from collapsing. 10,there is no turning back, 0 is perfect

Hot In Here
Above is the pie chart of the climate conditions in North Korea and
Venezuela. Way back, North Korea’s life wasn’t too shabby. It had mild winters,
calm summers, and rain was at an all time low. For Venezuela, its climate looked
relatively the same. Hot almost all year round with slightly lower temperatures in
the wintertime. If you were going on Vacation to Venezuela I highly doubt that you
would have known its winter.
Looking to get a little bit tanner? Go to Venezuela, there’s forest for hiking
with sturdy ground that has remained at almost the same exact elevation for the
past few hundred years. The sun is always burning bright with highs between 85-95
F, and lows of 65-75 F. However, now days you will need sunscreen and an
umbrella. Due to Global warning it’s either extremely hot or extremely rainy.
Personally? I’d take the heat. However, the heat is started to kill some of the crops
because they are being drowned in water, then practically dried out but the harsh
Looking to freeze your tail off in the winter with a moderately hot
summer? Then guess what, were going to North Korea! Pack accordingly, in the
winter the high is 45F, and the low is 20F. Going in the summer? Expect the highest
temperature to reach 65 F, and a low of 55 F. Hope your ready to climb some
mountains because due to the weather changing from one extreme to another, the
volcanoes that was under ground in North Korea got a little bit angry. They ended
up erupting, and being mean, and causing formation of new mountains and changing
the once original climate and setting of North Korea.
It also doesn’t help that North Korea is not in stable conditions. They are
testing explosives and other things that are far from good for the country. In
Venezuela the use of weapon testing is hardly existent if it exists at all. Over the
years, if you were to look at a picture map that showed you the weather, terrain, and
all the things that climate controls, you will see that North Korea is on it’s way
straight down the rabbit hole. North Korea doesn’t like this very much, yet some
how? North Korea continues to test those bombs. Venezuela? Is soaking up its sun,
and living it’s bomb free life to the fullest.

Moral of this story? North Koreas weather has changed drastically over hundreds of
years, as where Venezuela has remained a good little boy, and its climate has stayed
almost the same.

Save our Planet!

With today’s ever changing world, it is no surprise that North Korea and
Venezuela are fighting to keep their environment alive. I mean with North Korea’s
bombs, fumes in the air, moderately clean water, and very dirty air, sounds like fun
right? On the bright side? North Korea hasn’t been building too many cities. Well
step into your time machine and step back to about 1985. North Korea had noticed
that its conditions were falling down. The air was polluted to almost the max, which
caused the Environmental protection law to be passed in 1986. Psh, the lovely
Venezuela didn’t need that law. They were already working hard at protecting their
The environmental issues in North Korea has even caused people to be
limited by their electricity to help reduce the use of fossils fuels which is supposed
to help to keep the air clean. Apparently, not doing its job because the environment
has barely improved. Since North Korea is so pushy, each time it seems to clear up
even slightly, nuclear activity seems to set it back. North Korea should be holding
up a little sign that saves “ Save me” Although no one would come to there help. Had
North Korea maybe not have made so many enemies more people would have been
wiling to help out more.
Let’s check in our good boy Venezuela and see if it’s environment is doing
any better then Korea’s. Uh oh, Venezuela is not such a good boy anymore! They
have the third highest deforestation right in South America. Venezuela is having a
problem with pests in the fields. You know what that means! Get the Raid!
Venezuelans environment is being attacked with pesticides, and gosh! That constant
building of cities. What is going through Venezuelans head? Could is possibly be the
thought that if they build more cities, have richer crops, eliminate the bug problem;
then maybe more people would be wiling to visit. However, Venezuela isn’t even
getting the tourist attraction so it seems as though Venezuela could clean up its
environmental act. However, doesn’t seem to be happing? Venezuela should try and
get it together before the natural things they need are destroyed. If that were to
happen, then the people would leave and take their money and families with them.
North Korea wins worse conditions again. Hopefully, Venezuela can continue to try
and pull them out. As for Korea, well have to see.

Moral of this story: Venezuela just needs to cut back on product use and building,
while North Korea continues to fall further into the abyss.

Battlefield (Hostile Neighbors)

What is the subject of this story? Hostile neighbors. We all have one. One of
my neighbors keyed my mom’s car. Why? They just don’t like us, and both of there
teenagers got pregnant. Anyway, North Korea has hostile neighbors surrounding it.
If North Korea were an escalade most countries would key it. North Korea is
surrounded by China and South Korea. China wasn’t always partly in alliance with
North Korea. When North Korea was a small child and not inhabited by many, North
Korea was best friends with parts of Germany, China, and wasn’t a full enemy of
South Korea. As North Korea began to grow up into a teen country, it made enemies
with South Korea because North Korea went full out communist. The surrounding
countries pretty much washed their hands at North Korea? Why? Well many would
probably say that North Korea was flat out mean, and hungry for power and money
and had no consideration for anyone but it’s self.
Venezuela is more of the friendly neighbor. Venezuela is surrounded by
Brazil, Guyana, and Columbia. If you go back many moons, to see baby Venezuela,
you will see the first group of settlers. Half were aggressive, and half were very
friendly. When Venezuela began to develop into it’s teen years, the two groups of
settlers eventually realized that if they got along they could trade out with
surrounding groups, and help make Venezuela into a stronger country with almost
no negative allies. The chances of Venezuela falling down due to the surrounding
countries are slim to none.
Moral of this story: North Korea has many countries that would just love to invade,
steal, and cause a downfall. Venezuela is in the clear.

Help! (Societies Reaction)

America is notorious for helping to bring fourth and effort to help
countries that have fallen due to the economy, a natural disaster, or an internal war.
So are many other countries. Every one seems to be friends with one another when
a disaster strikes. When it comes to North Korea, most countries and the people
within them are hesitant to offer help. However, America has been helping feed the
hungry country of North Korea. When famine strikes North Korea, America has
spent millions, even trillions ($480) on helping to send food, and to get the people
that live there enough to survive. America is even giving energy. Come on America!
Were in a crisis as well.
If North Korea doesn’t watch its P’s & Q’s, then it could be falling quickly. If
the famine were to return and America didn’t help, then the people that live there
would move to a surrounding country. If that were to happen then there wouldn’t be
people to tax, people to work the factories and help work on border control. The
country would lose it’s income from the people that inhabit it and once have to relay
on the big, the bad, AMERICA. North Korea better behave itself.
Up to date, Venezuela has only had minor earthquakes and hurricanes.
Venezuela has luckily never been in a position where it has to call upon the
Americas for help. If Venezuela does ever happen to encounter a disaster I think
that America and others would be more then willing to help. Also, the location of
Venezuela is on one of the richest oil supplies, so if money were ever needed then it
would be at hand.

Moral: As bad of conditions that North Korea has America was wiling to step in and
help out. As for Venezuela, luckily they haven’t needed Government assistants yet.

Shot for Shot

Our Friend North Korea is falling fast in the area of trade. None of the other
countries really want to trade with North Korea. The United States exports food to
North Korea. However, North Korea has been a bad boy and isn’t allowed to really
exchange with it’s other friends. No one wants to play with North Korea. How ever,
very suddenly China has been allowing North Korea to import and export to them.
Only within certain limitations. North Korea is yet again falling down at this
Venezuela, our good friend, has no limitations. They first started open
trade with the USA hundreds of years ago when they found out that were able to
grow and produce cocoa at quick rates. They would process and package the cocoa
and then send it over. Also the USA sends to them as well. They have had a good
trade environment for the last two hundred years. However, the new president that
has taken over Venezuela is making the relationship with the USA rocky. He believes
that the USA will cause the death of many because of the top of government that we
have. The president of Venezuela can call off all trade, which would put cocoa
production at a stand still, and ruin trade for Venezuela. Venezuela should learn to
play better with others.
Overall Conclusion:
North Korea has not been a good country at all. It is controlling everything
but the things it should be controlling. They stop people from coming in and out but
they can’t stop people from over using electricity or constantly building. All the
energy they put into control they could be helping to rebuild the city because it is on
it’s way to falling down, and hitting hard. The climate has changed dramatically, the
environment is improving but still not in the clear, they constantly need food from
America, they fight with everyone around them, and they have RARELY any trade
Venezuela isn’t falling down but because of their new president things
could take a nasty turn for the worst. The president is intercepting trade, and
possible making countries turn again them. It hasn’t happened yet, but it could. The
climate has remind at a steady rate, the only real pollution they have is pesticides,
they don’t have any hostile neighbors, and society has decided to cut them off or
speak badly of them. Keep up the good work Venezuela.

M. Morcillo, E. Almeida, M. Marrocos, and B. Rosales, Corrosion,
"Atmospheric Corrosion of Copper in Ibero-America" Vol. 57, No.
11, pages 967-980.

Richard A. Haggerty, ed. Venezuela: A Country Study.

Washington: GPO for the Library of Congress, 1990.

Andrea Matles Savada, ed. North Korea: A Country Study.

Washington: GPO for the Library of Congress, 1993.


University, Dominguez Hills. Web. 21 Mar. 2010.

Sang-Hung, Choe. "North Korea - The New York Times." NY

Times. Web. 21 Mar. 2010. <

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