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Hello Ms. Din! I'm very grateful to have you in my class for the first time.

You were
very expressive and very responsive to all my questions. You had interacted with
me so well and you confidently shared your ideas and opinions about our topic.
Though sometimes you were already lacking of some words that will clearly explain
your ideas but still you did try your best to express more yourself by your gestures.
It's really great and please just continue your exposure with the English Language
and I assure you that you'll become better. Your exposure will not only improve your
speaking but at least it help you to enrich more your vocabulary and it allows you to
use all the words that you have already known in the past. So please keep it up and
I hope to see you again next time!
word 1. pork NOUN /prk/ meat from a pig, eaten as food: pork chops
word 2. familiar ADJECTIVE /fmljr/ (KNOWN)
easy to recognize because previously experienced: familiar sights a familiar face
Im not familiar with current research in the field.
word 3. shape VERB /ep/ [T] (FORM)
to cause something to have a particular character or nature; form: Were worried
that they will try to shape the issue in a way that doesn't reflect whats really going
on. He had a major influence in shaping the governments economic policies.
word 4. steam VERB /stim/ the hot gas that is produced when water boils Steam
can be used to provide power: a steam engine
word 5. dish NOUN /d/ [C] (FOOD)
a particular type of food or food prepared in a particular way as part of a meal:
This restaurant serves both Cuban and Chinese dishes.
word 6. generation NOUN /denren/ [C] all the people of about the same age
within a society or within a particular family, or the usual period of time from a
persons birth to the birth of his or her children: the last/next generation There were
three generations at the wedding grandparents, parents, and children. This farm
has been in the family for generations.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. soup /sup/
2. powder /pdr/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: It called _________.
correct: It IS called _________.
2. incorrect: She cooking very well.
3. incorrect: I like eat fruits.
correct: I like EATING fruits.
The student is satisfied with the class.

This diagram shows us THE EARTH'S nitrogen cycle. Most of nitrogen in nature exists
as gaseous nitrogen. This form of nitrogen can be absorbed by plants and turn into
ammonium. Ammonium in soil transforms into nitrite and nitrate. Besides, there is
another progress. Gaseous nitrogen firated by lighting can directly turn to nitrate.
Some of the nitrate in soil can be absorbed into grass. Animals such as kangaroos
eat the grass for food. Nitrate, as a nutrition, can be used as one of the materials of
protein. After the animals death, nitrogen in protein transforms again during
decomposition and turns to ammonium. As the other ammonium in soil, it becomes
nitrite and nitrate.
Expect to the way of being absorbed into grass, nitrate can be natually denificated
and turns to gaseous nitrogen again. This sort of changing makes nitrogen in nature
a transforming cycle. This cycle makes nitrogen keeping turning from one form to
another without piling up to another place.
This diagram shows us THE EARTH'S nitrogen cycle. Gaseous nitrogen exists more in
the atmosphere COMPARED to the other kinds of nitrogen. This is absorbed by
plants and EVENTUALLY turns into ammonium. As gaseous nitrogen turns into
ammonium, it will transform into nitrite and then nitrate too. Besides, there is
another PROCESS WHEREIN the gaseous nitrogen THAT IS fixated by lighting will
directly turn into nitrate.
Some of the nitrate in soil will be absorbed BY the grass. Animals, such as kangaroo,
eat the grass as food. The nitrate absorbed by the grass, will become protein in
animal's body. On the other hand, when the animal died and decomposed, it will
then transform into ammonium. Again, it repeats the cycle where ammonium
becomes nitrite and eventually becomes nitrate.
Expect to the way of being absorbed into grass, nitrate can be natually denificated
and turns to gaseous nitrogen again. This sort of changing makes nitrogen in nature
a transforming cycle. This cycle makes nitrogen keeping turning from one form to
another without piling up to another place.

Hello Ms. Z! Well for this class, you have expressed well yourself. I believe that
there's nothing to worry about your reasoning skill and of course with your speaking
skill. You are actually doing great in your responses. As I'll always tell you, let's just
to expose yourself to more speaking topics which are very technical. On the other
hand, please just be very careful on how you construct your statement for the
technical topics. You can do it...
word 1. approach VERB /prot/ (COME NEAR)
[I/T] to come nearer to something or someone: [I] We could see the train
approaching from a distance. [I/T] If you approach someone, you meet or
communicate directly with that person: [T] We approached the bank manager about
a loan.
word 2. boost VERB /bust/ (MAKE BETTER)
[T] to improve or increase something: We took various steps to try to boost sales.
[T always + adv/prep] to lift someone or something by pushing from below: She
boosted the little boy up to see over the fence.
word 3. gerund NOUN /dernd/ grammar a word ending in "-ing" that is made
from a verb and is used like a noun: In the sentence "Everyone enjoyed Tylers
singing," the word "singing" is a gerund.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. effect /fekt/
2. impact /mpkt/
3. leg /le/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: When you looking some news on the internet, you can share your
opinions with others.
correct: When you ARE looking some news on the internet, you can share your
opinions with others.
The student is satisfied with the class.

Hello Rita! I am very g lad to have you in my class for the first time. Well as to your
class performance in this trial class, you were actually very expressive and you
manage to deliver a good short reponse for each topic that I gave you. At first, you
might had some problems on how you construct your statements and also how you
properly used words but at least on the last two questions you were able to
develope them well. Sometimes, you only need to add more details. Please, just
pronounce words well and also prepare your response as quick as you can.
word 1. vague ADJECTIVE /ve/ not clearly stated, described, or explained, or not
clearly seen or felt: She had a vague feeling that something had gone terribly
wrong. I have only a vague memory of the house where I lived as a child. A person

who is vague is not able or does not wish to state, describe, or explain something
clearly: Officials were vague about the ships location.
word 2. aid NOUN /ed/ help or support, or something that provides it: [U] He gets
around with the aid of a cane. [U] She went to the aid of a man trapped in his car.
[C] A good dictionary can be a useful aid to understanding a new language.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. explain /ksplen/
2. tourist /trst/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: I can get more funny.
correct: I can have a more interesting trip with him/her.
2. incorrect: I can have more topic with my friends.
correct: I can TALK more topicS with my friends.
3. incorrect: I can do my research QUICK and CONVENIENT.
correct: I can DO my research QUICKLY and CONVENIENTLY.
The student is satisfied with the class.
Hello Claire! I'm very grateful to have you in my class for the first time. You were
very expressive and very responsive to all my questions. You had interacted with
me so well and you confidently shared your ideas and opinions about our topic. You
have a plenty of vocabulary that you can use to express or describe well your
opinions. However, you need to be careful on how you use them sometimes. Also,
please always try to make a complete sentence as a response. Anyway, you got a
great pronunciation. It's very clear and easy to understand. So please keep it up and
I hope to see you again next time!
word 1. meal NOUN
/mil/ (FOOD)
[C] an occasion when food is served or eaten, esp. breakfast, lunch, or dinner, or
the food itself on such an occasion: I dont enjoy preparing three meals a day every
word 2. academy NOUN /kdmi/ a school that teaches a particular subject or
trains people for a particular job, or an organization that supports art, literature, or
science: a military/police academy
word 3. debate NOUN /dbet/ English a discussion, esp. one in which several
people with different opinions about something discuss them seriously, or the
process of discussing something: [U] Education is always a topic of interest and
public debate.
word 4. conscious ADJECTIVE /kns/ (AWAKE)
awake, aware of what is happening around you, and able to think: Shes out of
surgery but not fully conscious yet.
noticing the existence of something: People have become much more conscious of
the need to exercise regularly.

determined and intentional: Was it a conscious decision to break up the group, or

did it just happen?
being especially aware of or worried about something: Consumers arent as
conscious of prices as they were last year.
word 5. spicy ADJECTIVE spicy flavored with spices that are hot to the taste: spicy
Mexican food
Pronunciation Corrections
1. hot /ht/
2. extraordinary /kstrrdneri/
3. flour /flr/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: At the weekend, I go to school and teachers teach me.
correct: IN the weekend, I go to school and teachers teach me.
2. incorrect: The taste is HOT.
correct: The taste is SPICY.
3. incorrect: I find you the picture.
correct: I'll look for a picture for you.
The student is satisfied with the class.
Hello Aeris! You are doing better now in your communication skill. You can somehow
organiuze well your sentences already and you always manage to use proper words
in our class. You had spoken a lot in the class and you responsively interacted to me
especially in answering well all my questions. So far, you have already improved too
in your grammar, just to try to be consistent more and just continue to talk and talk
and talk confidently. You are getting better and better in each class we have. Keep it
word 1. boutique NOUN /butik/ a small store that sells fashionable clothes, shoes,
jewelry, etc.
word 2. raw ADJECTIVE /r/ (NOT COOKED)
[not gradable] not cooked: raw fish/oysters
word 3. stale ADJECTIVE /stel/ not fresh or new: stale bread Stale air smells very
bad. I used to like that sitcom, but its getting kind of stale.
word 4. comedy NOUN /kmdi/ a movie, play, or book that is intentionally
amusing either in its characters or its action: [C] A lot of Shakespeares plays are
comedies. Comedy is also the amusing part of a situation: [U] When John forgot his
lines in the middle of the speech it provided some good comedy.
word 5. dilemma NOUN /dlem, d-/ a situation in which a choice has to be
made between possibilities that will all have results you do not want: The dilemma
was over how to protect a charming little island and at the same time allow
economic development on it.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. appliance /plns/
2. furniture /frntr/
3. quality /kwlti/

4. layer /ler/
5. criticism /krtszm/
6. dilemma /dlem, d-/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: In our city we have three shopping STORE.
correct:In our city we have three shopping STORES.
2. incorrect: The FURNITURES is not good.
correct: The FURNITURE is not good.
3. incorrect: If you want to buy cheap and better things you can go to the
correct: If you want to buy CHEAPER and better things you can go to the
4. incorrect: The temperature is too TALL.
correct: The temperature is too HIGH.
5. incorrect: We have many ACTRESS in our country.
correct: We have many ACTRESSES in our country.
6. incorrect: Everybody LOVE his movies.
correct: Everybody LOVES his movies.
The student is satisfied with the class.
Hello Psyche! I'm very grateful to have you in my class for the first time. You are a
very interesting student gifted with humorous style of speaking. Also, whatever it is,
I saw how you tried to overcome your anxiety by speaking fondly in the class.
Actually, you have a good speaking skill and of a pronunciation skill because you
can pronounce words clearly and you got a neutral accent. So for now, I'll try my
best to sharpen the speaking skill that you have for you to be able to do well during
your IELTS exam. You just really need to talk a lot which makes evertything perfect.
You are doing good so please keep it up.
word 1. bitter ADJECTIVE /btr/ (TASTE)
having a slightly stinging, strong taste, not salty or sweet: The coffee was bitter.
word 2. picky ADJECTIVE /pki/ liking only a few things and therefore difficult to
please: a picky eater
word 3. spice NOUN /sps/ a flavoring for food made from part of a plant, such
as its fruit, seeds, or root, usually dried and often made into a powder: [C]
Cinnamon, ginger, and cloves are all spices. [U] This curry needs a little more
spice. Spice can also mean excitement or interest: [U] "Variety is the spice of life"
is a common expression.
word 4. cinema NOUN /snm/ movies, or the art or business of making movies:
[U] Her lectures on the cinema were very interesting. esp. CdnBr A cinema is also a
movie theater: [C] Wed already been to the local cinema twice that week.
word 5. play NOUN /ple/ (ACT)
literature [C] a story that is intended to be acted out before people who have
come to see it: She starred in many Broadway plays in her career.
word 6. episode NOUN /epsod/ a single event or group of related events: That
was an episode in my life that Id like to forget. literature An episode is a series of
actions or events that take place at one time in a work of literature. An episode is

also one of the parts of a television or radio program that is given as a series over a
period of time.
word 7. theater NOUN /it r/ (BUILDING)
[C] a building, room, or outside structure with rows of seats, each row usually
higher than the one in front, from which people can watch a performance, a movie,
or another activity: Lincoln Plaza Cinema has five movie theaters.
word 8. rich ADJECTIVE /rt/ [-er/-est only] (WEALTHY)
having a lot of money or valuable possessions; wealthy: a rich man The United
States is one of the worlds richest nations.
word 9. concert NOUN /knsrt, -srt/ a performance of music by one or more
Pronunciation Corrections
1. scene /sin/
2. onion /njn/
3. theater /it r/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: I like the vegetable my grandmother.
correct: I like the vegetable cooked by my grandmother.
2. incorrect: He memorized his life.
correct: He REMEMBERE his life in the past.
3. incorrect: When he was young, he DON'T _________.
correct: When he was young, he DOESN'T _________.
The student is satisfied with the class.
Hello Ms. Aling! For today's class, you were able to get a high score in your exam.
You might have encountered light mistakes but your total performance in the class
great. So far, you were able to get yourself more familiar with the phrasal verbs that
you have learned in here. Hopefully, you'll continue to use them so that you will not
forget them. For now, please just be very careful on how you can properly construct
your sentences and also how you can become more consistent when it comes to
your grammar and pronunciation.
word 1. during PREPOSITION /dr/ (THROUGH)
from the beginning to the end of (a particular period): They work during the night
and sleep by day.
at some time between the beginning and the end of (a period): We hope to spend
some weekends in the country during the summer.
word 2. tedious ADJECTIVE /tidis/ boring and tiring, esp. because long or often
repeated: tedious work/tasks Learning a new computer program can be a tedious
word 3. instability NOUN /nstblti/ the condition of being likely to change,
esp. unexpectedly: Teenagers often go through periods of emotional instability.
word 4. methodical ADJECTIVE /mdkl/ controlled and systematic: The
economys slow, methodical growth is likely to continue into next year.
word 5. prompt VERB /prmpt/ [-er/-est only] (QUICK)

(of an action) done quickly and without delay, or (of a person) acting quickly or
arriving at an arranged time: The agency sent back a prompt reply to my inquiries.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. bomb /bm/
2. stop /stp/
3. explode /ksplod/
4. period /prid/
5. instability /nstblti/
6. methodically /mdkli/
7. scissors /szrz/
8. promised /prmst/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: As earthquake, all the lights went off.
correct: During the earthquake, all lights went off.
2. incorrect: There's nothing go on.
correct: There's nothing going on.
3. incorrect: Claire GO THROUGH every book she could find but still she didnt get
the answer.
correct: Claire GOES THROUGH every book she could find but still she didnt get
the answer.
4. incorrect: I'm going to meet Peter IN tonight.
correct: I'm going to meet Peter tonight.
5. incorrect: I last saw peter on last friday.
correct: I saw Peter last Friday.
6. incorrect: He is walking forward.
correct: He is CROSSING the road.
7. incorrect: The man want to cut in on the woman telephones.
correct: The man wants to cut in while the woman is talking on the telephone.
The student is satisfied with the class.
Hello Ms. Lilian! It was again another wonderful class. You were very comfortable in
using the language now and you can easily express more yourself now. You have
been very expressive always and you always show me that whatever kind of topic
we try to talk about, you always can follow and you can relate yourself with our
discussion by sharing some of your experiences. Most importantly, you definitely
improving a lot in every aspect of your English skill. I'm looking forward now for the
time when you can spontaneously express yourself alread. You're amazingly great.
word 1. flush VERB /fl/ (EMPTY)
[I/T] to operate a toilet after it has been used by pressing a handle or button, or (of
a toilet) to operate in this way: [T] Flush the toilet before you clean it. [I] I cant get
the toilet to flush.
word 2. dust NOUN /dst/ dry dirt in the form of powder that covers surfaces inside
a building, or very small dry pieces of earth, sand, or other substances: The
furniture was covered with dust.

word 3. grateful ADJECTIVE /retfl/ showing or expressing thanks, esp. to

another person: Im grateful for your love and support.
word 4. diploma NOUN /dplom/ a document given by a school, college, or
university to show that you have successfully completed a course of study: Its hard
to find a good job if you dont have a high school diploma.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. mask /msk/
2. mountain /mntn/
3. subarachnoid/sb.rk.nd/
4. grade /red/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: Are you afraid of cockroach?
correct: Are you afraid of cockroach?
2. incorrect: It's itch.
correct: It's itchy.
3. incorrect: Everyone WANT to go to the university.
correct: Everyone WANTS to go to the university.
The student is satisfied with the class.
Hello Ms. Jessica! I'm very grateful to have you in my class for the first time. I really
appreciate you for trying your best to express well yourself in the class even if
sometimes you have difficulties in understanding my questions. However, you
indeed gave good responses to all my questions but I just need you to vary your
tone of voice when you deliver your responses. Avoid simple enumerating your
answers. Actually, you really got a great pronunciation because you speak clearly
and pronounce the words well. Also, your accent is good and your speaking skill is
also great. To sharpen more your speaking and listening skill please continue your
exposure with the English Language and I assure you that you'll become better. Your
exposure will not only improve listening skill and your speaking but also helps you
to enrich more your vocabulary. So please keep it up and I hope to see you again
next time!
word 1. examiner NOUN/ B1 someone whose job is to decide how well
someone has done in an examination: The candidates listed below have failed to
satisfy the examiners.
word 2. routine NOUN /rutin/ a usual set of activities or way of doing things: [C]
Getting coffee and a bagel was part of my daily routine. A routine is also a
particular set of activities performed to entertain others: [C] a comedy/skating
word 3. exposure NOUN /kspor/ (OPPORTUNITY)
[U] the conditions that make available an opportunity to learn or experience new
things: Additional exposure to the Japanese language was provided at meals.
Students deserve exposure to creative teachers.
word 4. cure NOUN
/kjr/ [C] (MAKING WELL)

the process of making a person healthy again, esp. by giving treatment, or a

treatment that causes a disease to go away: the effort to find a cure for cancer
word 5. anthem NOUN /nm/ a song that has special importance for a
particular group of people or country, often sung on special occasions
Pronunciation Corrections
1. alone /lon/
2. delivery /dlvri/
3. reason /rizn/
4. yourself /jrself/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: Introduction myself again.
correct: I'll INTRODUCE myself again.
2. incorrect: It GIVE me confidence in my life.
correct: It GIVES me confidence in my life.
The student is satisfied with the class.
Hello Del!
According to the graph, there are 2 lines standing for percentage of UK population
that use television or radio THROUGHT (throughout) the day in 1992.
The line which is made up with short lines is the television line. There was nearly no
people watching TV at 6:00 a.m. and the percentage raise up until 8:00 p.m. The
raising is not smooth the percentage decreased between 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. and
2:00 to 3:00 p.m. also. After 8:00 p.m., the percentage declined rapidly to nearly 3%
at 3:00 a.m. The percentage between 4:00 and 6:00 is very low.
The dot line in the graph is radio line. The percentage of population listen to radio
increased rapidly in early morning. After got to the peak in 8:30 a.m., the line turned
down. There was a steady decrease to 10% at 3:00 p.m. After that there was a small
peak at 4: pm and declined again until 2:00 am.
In comparison, the peak of television line is in the evening while radio line is in the
morning and the percentage of UK population showed us there are more people
watch TV than radio in 1992.


word 6.
word 7.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. write
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect:
1. incorrect:
1. incorrect:
1. incorrect:
1. incorrect:
1. incorrect:
1. incorrect:
1. incorrect:
1. incorrect:
1. incorrect:
1. incorrect:
1. incorrect:
The student is satisfied with the class.
Hello Ms. Lyn! For today's classes, you have learned two other lessons. You were
able to learn them fast in the class and you managed to give some examples about
them. This is a great thing really. With these grammar rules that you learned, please
try to use them often in your writing or in your speaking for you not to forget them.
For an improvement, just try to be more consistent with how you construct your
word 1. phrase NOUN /frez/ a group of words expressing a particular idea or
meaning: I think the phrase "bundle of energy" describes Mara very well. grammar
A phrase is a group of words forming a part of a sentence: In "He was a man of
great wealth," "of great wealth" is a prepositional phrase.
word 2. sentence NOUN /sentns/ [C] (GRAMMAR)
grammar a group of words, usually containing a subject and a verb, expressing a
statement, question, instruction, or exclamation, and, when written, starting with a
capital letter and ending with a period or other mark: Your sentences are too long
and complicated.

word 3.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. basic /besk/
2 browse/brz/
3. jogged /dd, dd/
4. maintain /menten/
5. quote /kwot/
6. claim /klem/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: TO GET 30 minutes by bus will take us there.
correct: To get THERE by bus will take us 30 minutes.
2. incorrect: To help the old to CROSS the road (PHRASE)
correct: To help the old to CROSS the road IS a good thing. (SENTENCE)
1. incorrect:
1. incorrect:
1. incorrect:
1. incorrect:
1. incorrect:
1. incorrect:
1. incorrect:
1. incorrect:
1. incorrect:
The student is satisfied with the class.
Hello Mr. Kevin! Well, it was another great class with you. You have shared a lot
today in our class and you have explained to me well some business jargons that I
don't know well and you confidently explained it clearly to me. I'm so grateful
because you were very interactive and very responsive to all my questions. But,
please try to be very careful on how you pronounce some long English words. So far,
it was a great class.
word 1. tender NOUN /tendr/ [C] (OFFER)
a formal offer, esp. to buy something
word 2. compliance NOUN /kmplns/ to obey an order, rule, or request:
fml The company said that it had always acted in compliance with environmental

word 3. attachment NOUN to obey an order, rule, or request:

word 4. attachment NOUN /ttmnt/ a strong feeling of being emotionally close
to someone or something: [C] She had a special attachment to these students. An
attachment is an extra piece of equipment that can be added to a machine: [C]
computer attachments
word 5. nature NOUN /netr/ (TYPE)
[C/U] the type or main characteristic (of something): [U] The problem is delicate in
nature. [C] Nothing of a secret nature can happen in that household.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. requirement /rkwrmnt/
2. improvement /mpruvmnt/
3. supplier /splr/
4. colleagues /kliz/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: I have been work for this company for more than four years.
correct: I have been workING for this company for more than four years now.
2. incorrect: I change the RESPONSIBILITY.
correct: I ONLY change my RESPONSIBILITY.
The student is satisfied with the class.

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