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Crippled Sense Script 2

(The opening 30 seconds or so will contain flashing shots of

chemical and torturing aspects such as syringes, needles, scissors
(Once the shots of chemical and torturing aspects have ended, we
zoom out from a piece of equipment on the table to a doctor in a lab
coat and high heels. We then follow this doctor, using a tracking
shot, filming her heels hit the floor as she walks, until she reaches a
door with a label of Gus Adams)
(Here the doctor opens the door to his cell. We will film from the
door on to the womens face. Here we hear a combination of key
unlockings and we then switch to her view of proceedings. She
opens the door to find that Gus Adams is not in sight. Panic arises
as she drops her folder and quickly sets of an alarm in the asylum)
(Adams is shown spiriting through the woods, panting, and in
obvious pain. Camera shots alternate from tracking, to crane shots
symbolising his isolation, etc)
(Adams has now found his way in to an open field, symbolising his
freedom after escaping. A camera will circle him 360 degrees, with
his hands stretched wide)

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