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Eva-Colette Smith


Journal #2 (Horror)

Define: ​A horror film can be described as a film that can evoke a physical and physiological

reaction, it has the ability to raise one's heartbeat using jump scares and suspense.

List 1: ​damsel in distress, abandon house, running away and falling, going into scary places,

leaving the group, not being scared of the antagonist, nighttime, squeaky doors, shadows, run

down institutions and hospitals, falling female protagonist, the cat scare, shower scenes, cell

phone rings, creepy kids, dolls.

List 2: ​Jeremy Saulnier (Director- “Green Room”), Adam Wingard (Director- “You’re next”)

Robert Englund. ​Actor​ - A Nightmare on Elm Street, Betsy Palmer. Actor- Friday the 13th,

Stephen King (Writer- The Shining), Joe Hill (Writer- Horns), Richard Matheson (Writer- Dule),

Bram Stoker (Writer- Dracula Untold), Wes Craven (Writer- Scream), Tom Holland

List 3: ​Night of the Living Dead, Jaws, The Exorcist, The Shining, The Fog, Freddy vs Jason,

Annabelle, The Devil's Backbone, The Ring, Scream

List 4: ​The Reader, Johnny Dark , Playmate

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