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John McDonald

Henki Boonaerts

2213 Dawn Avenue

Granite City, 111.

Louis Mercierlaan 135

(Eisden) Maias mechelen



Mary Esther


John Mark

James Matthew

Vol. IV, No. 1

Jail. -



Nine months can really fly "by when you are waiting for something with great desire.
Whether for the birth of the baby, a wedding, the visit of dear friends, or to get back

home, this can be true.

From the end of August 1973 until the beginning of June 197^ we

were in the U. S. How those nine months flew by! We were anxious to return home to
Belgium to the work that was dear to us. Then during this time we awaited the birth

of our second child, who was born in February in St, Louis, Mo.

Now he is already

nine months oldnow that time has flown!

While in the U. S. Henki was able to enroll full time for classes at St. Louis

Christian College as planned. He Completed the requirements for the Associate of

the Ministry degree offered for the first time at this college. Normally it is a
two year program, but with Henki*s previous years of study, he had sufficient credit
hours to be the first to graduate with the honors and responsibilities attached to
the degree!
The last Sunday before leav

the U. 3. the Christview Church in St. Charles,

r the ministry, sending him to the mission work
an inspiring message with encouragement and the
Henki. . Sinc,e it was the celebration of Pentecost

Sunday, it seemed appropriate, a congregation standing behind the work of further

spreading the gospel.
Among other last moments that will last in our memories was a visit to Mary
Esther's folks, witnessing Mom Roland's pinning and graduation from Registered
Nurses training, and the graduation of Paul and Helen Roland from Lincoln Christ
ian Collegewith honors! ^ere were happy aJid sad moments, leaving friends
behind and looking forward to being with others where so much work still needs to
be done in His Kingdom. The moments of hurried packing and sad farwells are
possibly best forgotten, when the tiiae came to return to our home and work in

REMAINING FAITHFUL .,.until...when?

A happy reunion awaited us in Genk when we returned from the U. S.

Our ^

hour trip had been long, and hectic but we were quickly revived with warm greetings1
hugs, kisses, coffee, and the rest! Most of the family was at Henki's folks home so

the surprise visit of Kina (t&io had traveled with us ftom Chicago) was as big as

planned. About two weeks before our departure some churches in Illinois gave Kina
the surprise gift of funds to take the trip home for a monthso there hadn't been
much time for her coming to be anything but a surprise!

The first Sunday at the Maas mechelen church was also a time of happy reunion.
While we had been away three had been added spiritually to the church family, (The
last just a few months before our return, Pino the brother of Antionio Olivetti

mentioned in -Uie Oct.-Dec. *73 newsletter, was added by immersion.)

It was wonderful

to greet the three young "brothers in Christ" and share once again with the others
who had become a part of His family through the years. With church (preaching),

Bible study (mid-week), youth meeting, and a csilling program we were quickly back into
the full-time work of this spiritual ministry.

(continued from p,l)

We are sad to report that four of thej ten who have "been immersed since the

"beginning of the work in 1971 have been unjfaithful to the Christian life. All

four had been coming irregularly for some of the services but have seemingly lost

the battle since. We no longer see them fop services, and they show no interest

of repentence, and further surrender to Christ when visited.

This process of

backsliding can be airrested and we praiy do^s may open to encourage our weaker
brothers before it is eternally too late.

On the whole the rest of the congrega-^llon shows signs of striving towards
perfection in Christ, with at least less apparent problems holding them back* Yet
only God sees the heart, and knows the rea^ situations and pro'blems of us all*

Keep us in your prayers, please, as our God can provide the help and guidance that

is needed in our spiritual battle against ^^tan*

Pray that we may all be found

faithful upon Christ's retuim.

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A few months before leaving for Belgiijim Mary Esther's parents sent in aji

application for entrance to India. They hive in one way or another been trying
to re-enter India for mission work for over'four years.

Every time there were

closed doors, however, they did not give up and tried once again. When we had
been back about two months Rolands wrote thdt it was almost definite they would

receive their visa. Dad Roland handed in lifs resignation as principal of the
Jr. High in Bison, Kansas and all efforts were made for packing and moving to

Later Rolands wrote that their visas had come, and they hoped to stop by

on their way to visit us. We had mentione(^i the situation often to the Christians
in Maas mechelen and Genk, so prayers on our part were answered with the receiving

of the visa.

Then the group in Maas mechelen also decided to help support Roland's

They have designated the last Sunday of each month's offering to be sent

for this purpose.

(Genk folks also plan oiii sending a special, offering.)


indeed feel this is a wonderful step forwaM in the Christian growth of the folks


We looked forward to the visit of RpiaJids, then shared spiritual, blessings

with them for a whole week in December, fo^lthat is now history also.

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Beginning in September several changes came about in our life and with the
John Mark has enrolled once again in the local
nursery school. Next year he will have to egin first grade, so we felt it was
work connected with the church*

especially necessary for him to attend schbcbl this year.

The task of learning

Dutch is not easy, neither for him nor his other* Being able to play and study
with children all day in Dutch has already "brou^t results irtiich should help him
next year when he really has to dig in.

With John Mark being gone around eight hours four days a week, Mary Esther
also was able to enroll in night school to follow Dutch lessons. This is no

small task either, as the class meets thre^ and a half hours Monday's and Thurs

About all she is able to accomplish pn those days other than studying to
It is a pretty intensive
class for night school, with language lab. tests, and the works.

get ready for being at class, is getting m^^ls ready!

The coming of jwint^er Jias brought .another change jioredirectly related to the

church work.

The price of heating oil is so high (and rising) that mid-week

services are being held once again in homes instead of at the church building.

Hopefully having some of the Bible studies|at our home we will be able to invite
and encourage some of our neighbors to attend.

We now live in vrtiat is called

Cite Eisden" irtiich is comparable to a hous:3jrig project in the U.S. except with all

duplex homes.

(Roland's reaction, when trj^img to locate us was, "These houses

are all to spacious for them to live in. We must be in the wrong place!" But
when they got inside and discovered it was only half a house, with four rooms,

they quickly changed their minds.)

We havejmany neighbors, most of whom so far

have been good neighbors in the worldly or physical sense of the word.

We only

trust that our witnessing and the planting ^fthe Word of God in their lives may

bring forth fruit for His Kingdom.

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(continued from page 2)

One last developement is in some ways rather sad> and though we do not

understand why it had. to "be, we trust God to work all things out to "bring honor
to His name. Our support for five months after our return from the U, S had
been very low, in fact extremely insufficient.

national is able to work.

We are glad that Henki being a

He tried several places for a job, all without

success, so finally decided to try full time at the coalmine.

He was able to
begin a few days after applying, so is now gone nights from nine until the
morning around seven, working niht shift. The coal-mine is only a few
blocks away so little time is waisted going to auid from work.
Possibly there are some contacts to be made idiich will lead some to Christ,
We hope you will be praying that this may be the case, and that Henki will have

the strength to continue with these two tasks,

(He continues in leadership with

the church, though is able to have some others preach occasionally. Other
leaders are still in the making as most of the Christians are still young in
the faith and not capable of handling positions of leadership. With the
second child in the family, studying Dutch and other household tasks, Mary Esther

is not yet able to do much calling or Bible studies.

Lots of "spare time"

needs to be spent getting our house ready not only^for us to llve~lnT^but also
to entertain guests, whether for Bible studies or over-night. The process of

remodeling is very time and money consuming,)

Kindly keep all our needs before

God that physically and spiritually we may be of the best service to Him,


Paul and Helen Roland, who had hoped to be in India by now to continue work
near Madras which had been begun by the W, Gullcks, were refused visas. They
were greatly disappointed, but have decided to continue graduate studies at
Lincoln Christian Seminary, They were also happy to announce the safe arrival

of their first child, Jonathan Paul, born in September. Mom and Dad Roland
were able to visit them and get pictures of their fourth grandson just before
leaving for India, Hopefully doors will open at some later date for Paul and
Helen to serve in India,

Boonaerts are in desuerate need of a ^typewriter.

ing one, but it needs to be returned soon.

At present they are borrow

This machine is Indispensable in the

mission wofk^for preparing newsletters, suid other correspondence, sermons, "Bible

studies, and many other written works. Please-send according to your ability,
to the forwarding agents, specifying your gift if you desire,
John Mark has already been sick several times this winter.

Each time he

would ask for us and the congregation to pray for him. He was also very sure
to note each time that God had answered prayers for him and that he was well again.

He had heard prayers for otheirs sick in the group and was convinced God had car^
for him also.

We do not know always when or how God answers our prayers, but to

have the faith of a child is surely blessed,

Dennis and Linda Messimer welcomed their first child, a daughter Heidi Lin
into their family soon after moving to their new home. They continued work for
us in the Maas
triaao mechelen church
viiuxwi until our
vux return
xcifUjLii in
Jut June,
u uixo,
xiitsjr are
oULc purchasing
puxwuooxiij^ a
home near Berlngen,
v .hopefully

where they plan to begin evangelistic work,

a church
ill the not; too distant future.
Their home is about twenty miles north or Genk,

Another Church of Christ (Christian) has been begun about five miles from Genk in
Houtehalen, and the Messimers have been helping some with this group until their

work is under way, (They are In the process of remodeling their home also, so
most other work is at a stand still,) They may be contacted at Hoxelaaxstraat 51
3650 Koreselj Belgium.
Anyone wanting to do a special favor, or having an urgert need may telephone
us as we now have a Telephone in our home in Belgium!! The number is 011-765327,

Don't everyone call at onceli

He said, "Listen, I stand at

the door and knock; if anyone
hears my voice and opens the
door, I will come into his
house and eat with him, and

he will eat with me"(Rev,3j20).


All funds made payable to the Pontoon

each Church of Christ and designated

congregation, where our forwarding agent

attend, is the sponsoring church for

for Boonaerts, and/or Belgium for Christ

ission work are tax deductable.


the Boonaerts work in Belgium, so all do: .tions should be sent to this church
in care of John McDonald; 4039 Pontoon R ^ ; Granite City, Illinois, 620^0; or
to the FORWARDING ADDRESS listed on the

^^tter headf page 1.

Funds from U. S supporters will be

0d mainly for mission related needsi
purchase and up-keep, etc., of automobil
correspondence and related needs,
the printing of tracts and evangelistic
enses, etc. Our personal living
expenses will be mainly supplied by the
>b Henki has in the coal-mine, until
such time as he may be able to stop and
remain sufficient to receive
"salary" fcom the support funds. For fi her details please contact Henki
Boonaerts at the FIELD ADDRESS listed on

funds will allow following issues of

e letter head. It is hoped that

um for Christ to be published every

three months.

Belgium for Christ is written by Mary EstIjer Boonaerts; edited, printed, and mailed
by John and Eileen McDonald. It is disti: Lbuted to inform and encourage support of

the work being done in Belgium for Chrisi by the Henki Boonaerts family.


funds made payable to Pontoon Beach Churcl1 of Christ, designated to Boonaerts

work are tax deductable.

CWri before "tKe kovse

5eeil(ye -Pirit i>e Kv gJovn


All jbliesc



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