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INDIA 3, Fax: +91 40-2920168, Eval:, Weise: FaettryYaam-589 Ab, Pron +91-568 2521 OD 0N2/50 502, Fax 781-884 2921200, Ena! yaaneeer MSM cin L26014aP3983P "LCO04249 Treat foce acacaal Vor Tae SHORT a (6) Longer ne nd ade Ia) Cent eens Imirvenones {en cash areca ons ‘Moowrasrenasses Subse Cv assets Pracatw cules] Frowieg | Corrspoings | YexrToute | Year@ane | Provan vat Susou1s | abtwendet feertsemien ie te] gure er | gaurestorthe | nee Sow" aces sear | curse yi | revs ered SUIIEUIS TFRTICUTAS OF SIRHENOUDIN nie haaling Forcast, iain] nae ‘euusa| nas ‘aueos| suse Fr Frees ad PonoerOoup Shashng inter itSie secon) caecsy rvocss] ——aanveal ——azeonse] anes reiseaPass sa oF Sustain 0p name] asain] new arene] senda. Provo dave ana ho eta " | Tams Sa ea OTS [niNviSTOR COMPLAINTS laine gh gue i fst sto a ‘Stadalon Staowon of Aets and Lino Iartatare as 9093009 103.2013 Tas ety lacouny ann Lasiumes (a) ser opt ean sou {0 Respnes a arous 3e sete (eho rcenea guest sae warns aie: _ subst shareniaes runes FET io fe saao pptecuon rcney enaing aoement fs aescrny erst Taj lanpieeseengs (beter ta ates 2) (ehonerterotomtaees ass rw] (atone growstens iwi Dsl Ta) shotern eoanas note] asi (Wyre payatos nary eral (onercaretianies vay veri {ehSterttem pousions "| ‘Sula = Curve Htites ae oe la. assers I. Pen-ourer cece (a) Food rete sons sw (0) Capt woe eet (6) Noncunertinoetrans wel Regency owe |. Manufacturing operations of the Company Were Hopped due 1p Wot size and auaieTous darage a fascry on 27.01.2012 which resulted ino deaths of pesscunc) and desinvcton of buildings and equipment i the Factory Heneo, the company declare lock-out of the plant ox| 1.01 2012. 12, The above unaudited results wore prepared without considering the effect ofthe loss / damage te Buildings, Plant & Machinery and other fssets of the company and the same were reviewed by’ the Audit Commitee and approved bythe Fleard of Dieetoys on 13.11.2015. ‘The listed review of the sare has boon eatiod cut the Staatery Auditors of the Company’ 5, The company bis uot provided the provisional ability towards Salary, Wages and xher benefit to its factory employers under "No Work [No Pay’ principle pending orders /juclement of the Industrial Tr bunal. Further the company hts aot provided for i ability towards Gratuity nd leave eneashment in accordance 1 AS-15 "Employee Benefits" duet loss ofemplayes records in the Pactory during the ince 14. The coution of the raw materials, stores, spares and is pres eaiseble value ould not be property ascertained by the company and noi inure. 5, The conypuny could not cary out physieal verification of fixed assets at Yanam plan, has not ascentined the condition of te fixed asses nd its coalisable voluo, and not insured. However, the company disclosed the fixed asses at book value after providing, depreciation calcuated as per Schedule I of Companies Act, 2013 on aesount of us of Hine. 6. ‘The company paid part of the One denen! (GTS) aroun sanctioned by the lenders and requested for extension of cine toy stance payment, However, he fenders sue a Dewand Note under section 132) of SARPAESL Act ae eo syabube possesion ofthe properties in excise of powers conferred on them under sextion |3(4) of the SAREABSI Act un 04.03.2015, The lenders soll a par of the} ended property ofthe company through E-Avetion sale and adjust the net cle proceeds aginst their outstanding foun artount. The Tenders also filed an application under section 19 of the Recovery of Debts duc to Banks and Financial Insitutions Act, 1993 in the Debts Recovery) rita, Hyderabad for recovery oftheir dues, In view athe abow®, the Long Tere Bortowings are considered as curent maturities of long) eem bortowings and shown under Ckher Current Liabilities. Hypothocation / Hire Purekase loans are repayable with fy one year and shove ender Osher Content Liabilities, 17. ‘The company hos not provided the intorect liability to th cecured creditors during the Half year ended 30.08.2015 amounting to Rs 565.13 fabs eateulated @ interest per samsion in Hine with Tanks Statement oF account | |B. Tho company has sot provided the Hiabilty tovords Iwerest and Penalties payable on account of Statutory Dues expecting waiver inthe earren siustion, lb, ‘the reference made by the company under Section 19(1) oF Sick Ingustrial Companies (Special provisions) Ace 1985 with the Board fr incustial and Financial Reconstruction eas been abate and orders wer: passed on 06.10.2015 accordingly 10. Segment wise reporting is not applicable asthe Company is dealing with single product 11, Re-grouping of figures has been dane wherever pecesury ‘on tn of sd tas For REGENCY CERAMICS LIMITE cs wee [Place Hydra Dei Nailer Dpae13 1.2015, luiran al Mamging Disooe : A) oreo \UAYAWAGA, HYDERABAD, VISAKHAPATNAN, GUNTUR, KAKINATA, TANUKU, ALSO AT CHENNAI, BANGALORE AD ADONL Te, THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. REGENCY CERAMICS LIMITED HYDERABAD, REVIEW REPORT ON THE FINANCIAL RESULTS OF REGENCY CERAMICS LIMITED, FOR THE QUARTER AND HALF YEAR ENDED 30" SEPTEMBER, 2015 TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE STOCK EXCHANGES. We have reviewed tho aocompenying statement of unaudited financial results for the Quarter and haif year ended 30" September, 2015 of REGENCY CERAMICS LIMITED, N.N.House, Chirag Al Lane, Hyderabad ~ 500 001, AP, axcopt forthe disclosures regarcing ‘Public Shareholding’ and “Promoter and Promoter Group Shareholding whien have boon faced from disclosures made by the managament and have not been auciled by us, Menagement is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of this interim financial information in accordance with the terins of Clause 41 of the Listing Agreoment entered into by the said Entity with Stock Exchanges, Our responsibilty is to exoress a conclusion on this interim finencial information based on our review. We condiicted our review in accordance with Standard on Review Engagements (SRE) £2440, “Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by tho Independent Auditor of the Enilly". A review of interm financial information consists of making inquiries, primarily ot ‘persons responsible fer financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and cther review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in ‘accordance with Standards on Auciting and consequently dees not enablo us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that right be identified in ‘an audit, We have not performed an audit and accordingly, we da not express an audit opinion, 41, Manufacturing operations of the company were stopped due to riots, strike and ‘malicious damage at factory since 27.01,2012. The condition of the fixed assets, raw) materials, stores and spares and its present realizable value could not be estimated, fot insured and disclosed at book value after providing depreciation on Fixed Assets ‘on account of efflux of time. 2, During the period from 01.04.2012 to 30,U9,2015, the company has provided the provisional lability towards salary, wages and other benefits to its factory employee's upto 30.08.2012, Further, the company has not provided for its lability towards Gratuity and leave encashment in accordance to AS-15 “Employee Benefits’, The company could not compute the liabilty in the absence of complete records 3. There are no confirmatory tetters in respect of Debtors, Creditors, loans and advances and other current assets. #408 & 404, Gollen Groan Aviments, num Manz Colony, Hyderabae - 590 082 Phones : (040) - 2337 00024, Fax 2327 0005, Exmal 4. During the period 01.04.2012 to 30.09.2015, the company has not provided interest ‘on term loans, working capital loans to the extent of Rs.3677.40 Lacs. We were informed by the company that the lenders opted for settiement of dues uncer OTS as a compromise, the company paid part amount and sought extension of time for balance payment, However, the Banks issued a Demand notice recalling the entire loan amount with interest, followed by another notice for symbolic possession under SARFAESI Act. The lendets sold a pert of the landed property of the Company through E-Auction sale and adjusted the net sale proceeds against their outstanding loon amount. During the period, the company has treated the Long term Borrowings from banks under “Current Maturities of Long term Borrowings” 5, The company has not provided the liability towards interest and penalties payable on account of statutory dues and we were informed by the company that the statutory authorities shall waive the same in view of the unprecedented incident. 6. The reference made by the company under sec.15 (1) of Sick Industrial Companies Gpeciel Provisions) Act, 1985 with the Board for Industrial and Financial Reconebruction has been abated and orders were passed on 06.10.2015 accordingly. Based on our review conducted as above, we are unable to comment on the financial Statements dua to non-availability of information/damages suffered by the Company due to fire and violence by the workers at tha manufacturing facility situated at Yanam, For BRAHMAYYA & CO. Chartered Accountants, Firms’ Registration Wag kK, Chanel 3) KS co cksHpavany SS Partner Membership Number: 215798 Place: Hyderabad Date : 13" November, 2015 #403 & 40é, Gotien Groon Apartments, rum Marz Colony, Hyderabad 600 092 Phones (040) - 2337 0002/4, Fax : 2337 0005, &-mal; CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS \VURAWADA, HYDERABAD, VISAKHAPATNAM, GUNTUR, KAKINADA, TANUKU ALSO AT CHENNAl, BANGALORE AND ADOM

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