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Year 2 Newsletter

November 2015
Welcome back! I hope you had a great half-term. Thank you to all the parents who read
with their children on a regular basis, it really does help them to improve their reading.
This half-term our topic is Light it Up! We will be focusing on the local area and finding
out about physical and human features of Fulwood. We will also be practising ready for the
school nativity which is very exciting! If you need to see me about anything, I will be
available before and after school every day or you can email me. My email address is
In Literacy, we will be reading and writing
stories about friendship, explanation texts
and information texts about the local
area. We will also be looking at the
Christmas Story.
Ways to help
Read with your child every night and
sign their Reading Record;
Register your child at the local
library and visit regularly encourage
them to take out books that interest

In Maths, we will be learning about multiplication (x2, x5 and
x10) and how to use arrays to help us to multiply and divide.
We will be learning how to find fractions of shapes and
numbers. We will also be using and applying our maths skills in
the context of money. We will be revisiting telling the time at 5
minute intervals.
Ways to help
Practise number skills as often as you can, particularly in real-life situations (paying
for an item with the correct money etc.);
Encourage your child to practise their times tables.
Make use of opportunities for your child to tell the time (e.g. if your child has
breakfast at 8 oclock, practice telling the time on your clock while they are having
Play Maths games on

In Science we will be learning about where different animals live and
how they survive in their habitats. We will also be looking at animals
basic needs for survival. We will be looking at animals that live in the
local area to link with our topic. We will also be learning about
Ways to help
Visit for interactive games to support
your childs Science learning.

Our topic this half-term is:

Light it up! Our Local Area

Creative Curriculum
Geography We will be learning about Fulwood and the local area. We will be locating
places on a map and learning about physical and human features of our local environment.
Computing We will be learning how to use Google Earth to locate and explore places. We
will also be learning how to program characters to follow a route.
RE We will be learning about what Christians believe about Jesus and what makes us
think wow or makes us think hard?
Design and Technology We will be designing and making Lava Lamps.
PE- This will be on a Wednesday and Thursday each week. Please make sure that your
childs PE kit is in school.
French We will be learning about food and shopping.
Music We will be learning to play tuned and un-tuned instruments. We will also have a go
at composing our own music.
PSHE We will be learning living in the wider world and British Values.

Children will be sent homework (either Maths or Literacy) every Friday. This must be
returned to Mrs Nicholson by the following Wednesday. Spellings will also be sent out
every Friday for a Spelling Test the following Wednesday.

Thank-you for your support, please do not hesitate to contact me if there is something you
wish to discuss either in person, by phone or via email at
Mrs Nicholson

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