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Learning Skills Rubrics

Organization (time, material and information management)

Criteria Needs Improvement Satisfactory Good Excellent
Keeps notes in Notes are often out of Notes are more often
Notes are usually in Notes are consistently in
order and order, and (or) than not in order or
order and complete order and complete
complete incomplete complete
Use of planners
Use of organizational
or agendas to Use of organizational Use of organizational Use of organizational
tools is moderately
track deadlines tools is ineffective tools is effective tools is highly effective
or tasks
Makes a work
Makes a work plan only Makes a work plan Makes a work plan most
plan of action Always makes a work
with assistance or not at sometimes or with of the time or with
(time plan independently
all frequent assistance occasional assistance
Changes work Shows little awareness Shows some awareness Shows good awareness
Revises work plan when
of need to revise work of need to revise work of need to revise work
plan when needed and
plan or makes changes plan or makes changes plan or makes changes
necessary independently
only with assistance with some assistance with little assistance

Work Habits (responsibility, classwork, homework)

Criteria Needs Improvement Satisfactory Good Excellent
Brings own
Rarely brings necessary Sometimes brings Almost always brings Always brings necessary
supplies and
materials necessary materials necessary materials materials
book to class
Rarely completes or Sometimes completes Frequently completes or Consistently completes
submits work on
submits work on time or submits work on time submits work on time or submits work on time
Effort in
Effort put into work is Effort put into work is Effort put into work is Effort put into work is
completing class
ineffective moderately effective effective highly effective
Revises work Verifies and reviews
Proofreads work for Proofreads work for Proofreads work for
work for content or
before content or errors content or errors with content or errors
errors in a highly
submitting ineffectively moderate effectiveness effectively
effective manner
Constantly needs Sometimes needs Follows and encourages
Safety in the Follows safety practices
reminding of safety reminding of safety safe classroom
classroom in the classroom
issues issues practices
Works Independently (self-direction, persistence)
Criteria Needs Improvement Satisfactory Good Excellent
Directs own learning
Self-directed Directs own learning Directs own learning Directs own learning
and generates own
learning only with assistance with prompting with minimal prompting
Follows Rarely follows Sometimes follows Usually follows Always follows
instructions instructions properly instructions properly instructions properly instruction properly
Requires constant Needs encouragement May need some Requires little to no
Willing to work
encouragement to work to work encouragement to work encouragement to work
Use of time (in
Use of class time is Use of class time is Use of class time is Use of class time is
class or
ineffective moderately effective effective highly effective
Perseverance Rarely perseveres when Sometimes perseveres Usually perseveres Consistently perseveres
when presented presented with a when presented with a when presented with a when presented with a
with a challenge challenge challenge challenge challenge

Initiative (approach to learning, resourcefulness)

Criteria Needs Improvement Satisfactory Good Excellent
Rarely begins without Sometimes begins work Usually begins work Consistently begins work
Gets to work
prompting without prompting without prompting without prompting
Asks for help or Request(s) for help or Request(s) for help or
Request(s) for help or Request(s) for help or
direction when direction is moderately direction is highly
direction is ineffective direction is effective
needed effective effective
Offers to help
others Rarely offers help Sometimes offers help Often offers help Consistently offers help
Use of outside Uses outside sources Finds and uses some Incorporates a variety of
Uses outside sources
resources to for learning with outside resources resources in a highly
for learning ineffectively
support learning moderate effectiveness effectively effective manner

Teamwork (cooperation, responsibility, roles)

Criteria Needs Improvement Satisfactory Good Excellent
Listens to other Sometimes listens Often listens passively Regularly listens
Rarely listens passively passively and actively and actively by passively and actively by
or actively by paraphrasing for paraphrasing for paraphrasing for
opinions accuracy accuracy accuracy
Shares ideas and Rarely shares ideas or Sometimes shares Frequently shares ideas Routinely shares ideas
resources resources ideas or resources or resources and resources
Constant Occasionally needs Requires no Works in a self-directed
Willingly does
encouragement needed encouragement to do encouragement to do manner and encourages
share of the work
to do work work work others
Sometimes stays on Often stays on task and Always stays on task
Use of group Rarely stays on task or
task or distracts the sometimes focuses and directs group back
time often distracts the group
group group back on task on task
Adapts their role Routinely accepts
Often assumes different
Waits to be assigned a Assumes certain roles different roles including
to the group’s roles including
role in a group independently leadership & helps with
needs leadership
group organization

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