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SESHASAYEE PAPER AND BOARDS LIMITED Rega. Office: Palipalayam ‘Nama Ditrict Cauvery RS PO Erode 638 007 Ph: 04288 240221 - 228, Fax: 04288 240229 mal Web: wivw PART - k STATEMENT OF UNAUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 ‘Income from Operations ‘of Exciae Duty! } Other Operating Income | Total Income fom operations (net) | Expenses 48} Cost of Matarisle consumed ») Purchase of Stockin Trade 1 Changes in inventories of Finished Goods, Workin Progress and Stockin- Tra | 4 Employes betes expense | 1 Domes and Amorisationoxpnse |) Other expenses | ome | Total expanses | 8) Net Soles / Income from Operations (net | 12890 1960 (4 2807 179 zares | aeazo| 42007 242 | 532 | ace | 23007 | aasz | 4375 reeso | 20072 | 2080 | ore | tos | 1268 | 12628) see | were | uas7| amas) 2850 | cos | oa) tae | amo) 68007350, 5562 | 062 | Cianns) 100036 1076 so1ai2 | s79ee 2371 235 saa 2929 14067 11926 9513 a i i \ | Ne 300092015 | 30082015 30092014 30082018 30092014 | a103 2018 (roves) | Uravites) | Urea) | Urata)” Unavcied)” Awad) i | 2 prot tam Operations before Other come, | i Finance Costs and Exceptional Items | 1794 | 1899 | 2181 3393 3813 | 5999 | | othe ee fo) ela 100 ae) ses | Ps | ot om Oday Acie eos Frace | | | , eee wor | rem] sane] sere | aon | se 6 | Finance Coste |e} ee) ae am 920) ara | [71 Prot from Ordinary Activities after Fiance | | i [7 | Costa but before Excoptional tere. 1068 2001848 1088 2099 2003 | 8 | Exceptional items | | 922 | 322 322 | pottton oma Amtontn | oun |e) wat i 1 110) Tax expose | 261 ee [711 Net Profit tom Ordinary Actvtas ater tox 539 87 | al 1190 | 1738 | | | 12 extraordinary tome | =| : : | || aes tar ee ee ee eee |r| raeapenmy sn canainceane tsa] rae) a) eet) zeta | a | / / | [18] tees tia test tons, i | | oincae epee | ' | | i 16 | Earnings Per Share of € 10 each | | | | aoe / | | | | / |_| exter eset ome | | | |e one | s0| aa] sae] sar | eas | tae PART 30092015 | Fi ea | A PARTICULARS OF SHAREHOLDING | j 11 Public Shareholing || = Number of Sheree || Parcontage of Shareholding 73364 | | sess | | 2 Promoter nd Promoter Group Shareholding 2) Pledged | Encurbered: [© Number of Snares + Percentage of Shares | | lata 9 ft Strang of | i Fomor ane Monte Gra | | | = Percentage of Shares (ae 9 % ofthe total Shar Cait of tho | Company = Number of Shares 54-80 008 100% | = Percentage of Shores | {as 9 ofthe ttl Shareholding of | | 1 nance | | meneeeneratone | 43.45% | Porcentago of Shares la 5 of the Sire Cait he | Company | i| 2 is: INVESTOR COMPLAINTS Pending atthe beginning ofthe quarter aooe 2018 | 300% | ‘ inmidtes" | Unaadtedl” 7136178) 56.50% | 54.77 450 100% | 43.42% | eI at i SELECT INFORMATION FOR THE QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 20, 2015 | | 7137 203, 56.58% 7133 624 56.55% ° sean | caste 54.76 425 100% ‘54 20 004 100% 7397 208 56.56% ° | | | se 76425 | 100% 7137 299, 56.58% ° ° 476.995, 100% 43.42% STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES: ‘A EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 1 Shareholders’ Fun (a) Shere Capital [(0) Reserves and Surplue |) | Subtotal. Sharsholdee’ Funds 2 Non Cornt || (eh Long-Term Borrowings | |b) Deferred Tax Libities (Net! || [1 ter Long-Term Lsbites | 16) Long -Tarm Provisions | Sub-total - Non Curent Labiiies | s | corneas Sorte norcaat || (ot Trade Payabies | |) cow Can stain | [ed sren-tem Pens | | scent - Covet uaa TOTAL - EQUITY AND LIABILITIES | 8 Assers 1 Non-Current Assets |e) Fed Assts |) Nomar investments [lo Lona orm Looe and Advances _| sutata - Non Sunt Assets so0s2 | oar| err |_| i / 12472 raza4 ees 66179 3199 2305 | lana) 39209 | 42396 | 110058 | 71689, lekns) ‘Aset3009 2015 | ‘As at 31.03 2018, ee S : oe BOT cea! 2 Conant Aste j | T | 10) Cran investments 186 184) 1/1 Inventories | 19655 | 13442 | | Trade Racial m0, 12382 1€) Cash and Cash Equvaonts | 810) 1031 | [to Shr Tor oun ne Avoneee | zat] ica] | || Other Curent Assets I esa |____ 76a} | Subtotal - Currant Assets i | 39238 | sass} i | | TOTAL - ASSETS : yze72 (ri00s6 Notes: 1. Paper isthe only ceportabe segment of operation of the Company 2 gu necessary, to conform te currant quarter's / half your's classification 3. A tong tarm wage been concluded with Labour Unions of workmen in Unit: Erode for 8 petod of five years upto Maren 2079, It nil be converted into a Memorandum of Settlemant under Section 1213) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 Covering al benefits, Negotiation with Staff Association in Unit Erode is in progres 44. The above tesuts were reviewed by the Audit Committee of the Board and approved by the Board of Directors at the respective meetings held on November 08, 2018 and November 07, 2075. The Statutory Auditors af the Company have cared out @ Lites vw ofthe results forthe quater endea September 30, 2078. {By Order of the Boars) For Seshaseyee Paper and Bow NOE Place : Chennai (NGOPALARATNAM Daw : Novrbe 07, 2018 ane ‘This ie the Statement of Un outed Financial Result fered to in our Limited Review Report dated November 07, 2018. ee ects i pte i ee a pom ime ae eta ae = ee = chennai November 07, 2016. SURI & CO., M/s S VISWANATHAN LLP MAHARAJ N R SURESH AND CO., Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Limited Review Report of the Auditors to the Board of Directors of SESHASAYEE PAPER AND BOARDS LIMITED We have reviewed the accompanying statement of Un-audited Financial Results of Seshasayee Paper and Boards Limited, Erode - 638 007 for the quarter ended September 30, 2015, except for the disclosures regarding ‘Public Shareholding’ and ‘Promoter and Promoter Group Shareholding’ which have been traced from disclosures made by the Management and have not been audited by us. This statement is the responsibility of the Company's Management and has been approved by the Board of Directors. Our responsibility is to issue a Report on these financial statements based on our review. We conducted our review in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagement (SRE) 2400, Engagements to Review Financial Statements, issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. This Standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the Financial Statements are free of material misstatement. A review is limited primarily to enquiries of Company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data and thus provide less assurance than an audit. We have not performed an audit and accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our notice that causes us to believe that the accompanying statement of Un-audited Financial Results for the quarter ended September 30, 2015, prepared in accordance with the applicable Accounting Standards and other recognised accounting practices and policies, has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed, in terms of Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement, including the manner in which it is to be disclosed or that it contains any material misstatement, For Suri & Co., For M/s S Viswanathan LLP _ For Maharaj N R Suresh and Co., Firm Reg.No.004283S LLP Reg.No.004770S/S200025 Firm Reg.No.001931S. } aomyoenent Yl ted waminathan Chella K Srinivasan NR Suresh Membership No.020583 Membership No.023305 Membership No.021661 Partner Partner Partner Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants, Chartered Accountants Chennai November 07, 2015.

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