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Learning Spanish( Occupation/ Adjectives)

September 3, 2014
Mi abuelo es un carpintero
La profession
Ellos quieren trabajos
Soy panadero
El granjero
Los sacerdotes
Los ingenieros leen el diario verde
Ella es panadera
Los cocineros comen carne
El es cajero
Ella es una enfermera
El conductor
Los hombres son atletas
El es mesero y actor
No soy un atleta
Mi hermano es mesero
Soy enfermero/enfermera
Ella es joven y bonita
Es un buen toro
Es un buen techo
Leemos los mismos libros
Yo soy bilingue
Adios y Buena noche
Ella es joven y yo soy Viejo
Ustedes son jovenes
Tu haces buen trabajo
Ellos son jovenes
Es una Buena pregunta
El bilingue
Es joven
Buena pregunta
Es un libro Nuevo
No tu eres la primera
Es nuevo
Los caballos no son los mejores
Mi hermana menor
Los hermanos mayores
Las lamparas son feas
El cuchillo es util
Nosotros somos los hermanos

My grandfather is a carpenter.
The profession
They want jobs
I am a baker
The farmer
The priests
The engineers read the green
She is a baker
The cooks eat meat
He is a cashier
She is a nurse
The driver
The men are athletes
He is a waiter and an actor
I am not an athlete
My brother is a waiter
I am a nurse
She is young and pretty
It is a good bull
It is a good roof
We read the same books
I am bilingual
Goodbye and good night
She is young and I am old
You are young
You do good work
They are young
It is a good question
You are bilingual
You are young
Good question
It is a new book
No, you are the first
It is new
The horses are not the best
My younger sister
The older brothers
The lamps are ugly
The knife is useful
We are older siblings

Learning Spanish (Vocabulary )

September 5

Review Test

Name : _______________________________ Score: _______

Course and Year : ________________________ Date : _______

Directions : Look for the English equivalents of the following words. Get your
answers from the table. Write your answers on the spaces provided.
_______1. Piscine
_______6. amarilla
_______2. Tarde
_______7. buen
_______3. Novio
_______8. cena
_______4. Libros
_______9. gatas
_______5. temporada
_______10. taza
Directions: Look for the Spanish equivalents of the following phrases. Get your
answers from the table. Write your answers on the spaces provided.
Si tu quieres
El escritorio
Until tomorrow
Cambiar de canal
No por nosotras
Aos o mese?
Cuales animales
En un meses
A quien
Un zapato azul
__________1. In a minute
__________2. Years or months
__________3. The desk
__________4. If you want
__________5. Hasta maana



__________6. To change channel

__________7. The blue shoe
__________8. Not by us
__________9. To whom
__________10. What animals

Directions : Match the Spanish sentences with the English sentences. Write
the letters on the spaces provided.
Column A
Column B
___1. Hola, un minuto por favor
a. I see not men but women
___2. El come carne en Julio
b. The cat sleeps on top of the monkey
___3. Tengo tu television
c. My father and my mother cook
___4. Nosotros comemos en el sotano
d. What color is his shirt
___5. No veo hombres sino mujeres
e. Hello, one minute please
___6. Mi papa y mi mama cocinan
f. I have your tv
___7. De que color es la camisa
g. She does not speak with him
___8. El gato duerme sobre el mono
h. He is not your uncle
___9. El no es su tio
i. He eats meat in July
___10. Ella no habla con el
j. We eat in the basement
Directions : Match the English sentences with the Spanish sentences. Write
the letters on the spaces provided.
Column A
Column B
Directions : Write T if the equivalent given is correct. If it is wrong , give the

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