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Bear Grylls quotes (showing 1-22 of 22)

If you risk nothing you gain nothing
Bear Grylls
tags: man-vs-wild


The difference between ordinary and extra-ordinary is so often just simply that little word - extra.
And for me, I had always grown up with the belief that if someone succeeds it is because they are
brilliant or talented or just better than me and the more of these words I heard the smaller I always
felt! But the truth is often very different and for me to learn that ordinary me can achieve
something extra-ordinary by giving that little bit extra, when everyone else gives up, meant the world
to me and I really clung to it
Bear Grylls


Never depend on those luck moments they are gifts but instead always build your own back-up
Bear Grylls, Mud, Sweat and Tears
tags: inspirational


You can't become a decent horseman until you fall off and get up again, a good number of times.
There's life in a nutshell.
Bear Grylls, Mud, Sweat and Tears
tags: falling, horse, inspirational, life, living, never-giving-up


I learnt another valuable lesson that night: listen to the quiet voice inside. Intuition is the noise of
the mind.
Bear Grylls, Mud, Sweat and Tears


There is little faith involved in setting out on a journey where the destination is certain and every
step in between has been mapped in detail. Bravery, trust, is about leaving camp in the dark, when

we do not know the route ahead and cannot be certain we will ever return.
Bear Grylls, A Survival Guide for Life
tags: bravery, courage, future, journey, trust


Time and experience have taught me that fame and money very rarely go to the worthy, by the way hence we shouldn't ever be too impressed by either of those impostors. Value folk for who they are,
how they live and what they give - that's a much better benchmark.
Bear Grylls, Mud, Sweat and Tears


I miss him still today: his long, whiskery eyebrows, his huge hands and hugs, his warmth, his
prayers, his stories, but above all his shining example of how to live and how to die.
Bear Grylls, Mud, Sweat and Tears
tags: grandparents, inspirational


I mean, in the last few months alone, I've been pinned in a big set of white-water rapids, been bitten
by an angry snake in a jungle, had a close escapewith a big mountain rockfall, narrowly avoided
being eaten by a huge croc in the Australian swamps, and had to cut away from my main parachute
and come down on my reserve, some five thousand feet above the Arctic plateau.
When did all this craziness become my world?
It's as if - almost accidentally - this madness had become my life. And don't get me wrong - I love it
The game, though, now, is to hang on to that life.
Every day is the most wonderful of blessings, and a gift that I never, ever take for granted.
Oh, and as for the scars, broken bones, aching limbs and sore back?
I consider them just gentle reminders that life is precious - and that maybe, just maybe, I am more
fragile than I dare to admit.
Bear Grylls
tags: adventure, bear-grylls, inspirational, pain


Many people find it hard to understand what it is about a mountain that draws men and women to
risk their lives on her freezing, icy faces - all for a chance at that single, solitary moment on the top. It
can be hard to explain. But I also relate to the quote that says, Iif you have to ask, you will never
Bear Grylls, Mud, Sweat and Tears
tags: bear, grylls, mud, sweat-and-tears


A friend once asked me what qualities were needed for SAS. I would say to be self-motivated and
resilient; to be calm, yet have the ability to smile when it is grim; to be unflappable, be able to react
fast and to have an improvise, adapt and overcome mentality.
Bear Grylls
tags: motivational


The lesson is, the rewards in life don't always go to the biggest, or the bravest, or the smartest. The
rewards go to the dogged; and when your going though hell, to the person who just keeps going.
Bear Grylls


To me, my Christian faith is all about being held, comforted, forgiven, strengthened, and loved--yet
somehow that message gets lost on most of us, and we tend only to remember the religious nutters or
the God of endless school assemblies. This is no one's fault, it is just life. Our job is to stay open and
gentle, so we can hear the knocking on the door of our heart when it comes. The irony is that I never
meet anyone who doesn't want to be loved or held or forgiven. Yet I meet a lot of folk who hate
religion. And I so sympathize. But so did Jesus. In fact, He didn't just sympathize, He went much
further. It seems more like this Jesus came to destroy religion and to bring life.
Bear Grylls, Mud, Sweat and Tears
tags: christianity, forgiveness, jesus, religion


Above all, I feel a quiet pride that for the rest of my days I can look at myself in the mirror and know
that once upon a time I was good enough. Good enough to call myself a member of the SAS. Some
things dont have a price tag.
Bear Grylls
tags: motivational


Many great people over the centuries have depended on their faith- it is a sign of great strength to
need Jesus in your life.
Bear Grylls, To My Sons: Lessons for the Wild Adventure Called Life
tags: faith, greatness, jesus, strength


When you find yourself thinking about someone or something in the same old negative way, just
stop yourself. Think. Check. Change. Refresh. Job done. Smile. Move on. Do this enough times and
you will change. For the better; for the stronger.
Bear Grylls, A Survival Guide for Life: How to Achieve Your Goals, Thrive in Adversity, and
Grow in Character


Dreams, though, are cheap, and the real task comes when you start putting in place the steps
needed to make those dreams a reality.
Bear Grylls, Mud, Sweat and Tears


Are you the sort of person who can turn around when you have nothing left, and find that little bit
extra inside you to keep going, or do you sag and wilt with exhaustion? It is a mental game, and it is
hard to tell how people will react until they are squeezed.
Bear Grylls, Mud, Sweat and Tears


Why is it that the finish line always tends to appear just after the point at which we most want to
give up? is it the universe's way of reserving the best for those who can give the most? What I do
know, from nature, is that the dawn only appears after the darkest hour.
Bear Grylls, Mud, Sweat and Tears


A challenge that tested Tom to his limit but in return gave him more than he could ever have
Bear Grylls
tags: adventure-travel, bike-touring, cycling, inspirational, travel-writing


So, before we go too much further, now is a good chance to acknowledge that maybe, just maybe, we
are all a little guilty of sometimes living someone elses aspirations for us instead of our own. And
this is a great time to say No more! to living out of fear and other peoples expectations.
Bear Grylls, A Survival Guide for Life: How to Achieve Your Goals, Thrive in Adversity, and
Grow in Character


I love the quote she once gave me: When supply seems to have dried up, look around you quickly
for something to give away. It is a law of the universe: to get good things you must first give away
good things. (And of course this applies to love and friendship, as well.)
Bear Grylls, Mud, Sweat, and Tears: The Autobiography


Bear Grylls Quotes - Page 2

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Look, sometimes, no matter how hard you try, sometimes

you need a bit of luck.
Bear Grylls

Matter, Bit, Luck

As for my diet, I try to eat lean, clean and healthy - nothing

too surprising. And I avoid too much meat or dairy because
they slow you down.
Bear Grylls
Diet, Healthy, Avoid

I always wanted to be Robin Hood or John the Baptist when I

was growing up.
Bear Grylls
Growing, John, Hood

I hang out all the time with kids and young scouts and I
never meet kids who don't want adventure.
Bear Grylls
Young, Kids, Adventure

The extremes of jungles, mountains, and deserts are

inherently dangerous places.
Bear Grylls
Dangerous, Places, Mountains

The special forces gave me the self-confidence to do some

extraordinary things in my life. Climbing Everest then
cemented my belief in myself.
Bear Grylls

Life, Special, Belief

The hardest thing about my job isn't the snake bites or the
crocodiles, it's being away from my children. I have a really

religious satellite phone call every day back to the boys,

wherever we are, whatever time zone, to say goodnight.
Bear Grylls

Children, Job, Away

I always had a really natural faith as a kid. Where I knew

God existed and it felt very free and pretty wild and natural,
and it wasn't religious.
Bear Grylls
Faith, God, Free

I come from a line of self-motivated, determined folk - not

grand, not high society, but no-nonsense, family-minded gogetters.
Bear Grylls

Society, High, Line

I do see a lot of the hard end of ecology, and my feeling is

that we live on a super-exciting planet but a super-fragile
Bear Grylls
End, Planet, Ecology

I don't like expeditions where it is a total lottery whether you

live or die. You have to keep those sort of good luck cards for
rare occasions!
Bear Grylls

Keep, Die, Whether

I don't thrive on stress. I love lying on the deck on our

houseboat reading a book.
Bear Grylls

Love, Book, Stress

I love home cooking, and I'm not a great one for fast food.

Bear Grylls
Love, Great, Home

I love making healthy lean foods delicious - that's an art!

Bear Grylls
Love, Art, Making

I said 'no' to the 'Born Survivor' producer three times

because I've never aspired to be a TV man.
Bear Grylls
Said, Times, Three

I try and eat really healthy when I'm home, but I certainly
don't eat worms and snakes.
Bear Grylls
Home, Healthy, Snakes

I'm terrified of walking into a room full of people. Sitting

down at a dinner table with 15 strangers brings me out in a
Bear Grylls

Full, Room, Walking

I've eaten sheep's eyes, the still hot meat from a zebra killed
by a lion, and maggots which give you 70 calories to the
Bear Grylls
Eyes, Lion, Sheep

I've had so many injuries in my life that it's ridiculous.

Bear Grylls

Life, Ridiculous, Injuries

It breaks my heart that my father never knew my children.

He should have been around for another 25 years.

Bear Grylls
Heart, Children, Father

Nobody wants to end up super rich and famous - but

divorced. I'm always clear on that and try to stay on the right
side of the line.
Bear Grylls
Famous, End, Rich

The rules of survival never change, whether you're in a

desert or in an arena.
Bear Grylls
Change, Whether, Rules

To me, adventure has always been to me the connections

and bounds you create with people when you're there. And
you can have that anywhere.
Bear Grylls

Create, Adventure, Anywhere

Adventure should be 80 percent 'I think this is manageable,'

but it's good to have that last 20 percent where you're right
outside your comfort zone. Still safe, but outside your
comfort zone.
Bear Grylls

Last, Adventure, Percent

I love Ray Mears. He's brilliant. He's so rude about me in the

press, it's outrageous!
Bear Grylls

Love, Rude, Brilliant

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"As a kid, you can only cry so much before you run out of tears and learn to get tough." @BearGrylls #TeamBG


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Mud, Sweat and Tears Quotes


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15. Mud, Sweat and Tears Quotes (showing 1-11 of 11)
16. Never depend on those luck moments they are gifts but instead always build your own

back-up plan.
Bear Grylls, Mud, Sweat and Tears

tags: inspirational


You can't become a decent horseman until you fall off and get up again, a good number of
There's life in a nutshell.
Bear Grylls, Mud, Sweat and Tears


tags: falling, horse, inspirational, life, living, never-giving-up



I learnt another valuable lesson that night: listen to the quiet voice inside. Intuition is the
noise of the mind.
Bear Grylls, Mud, Sweat and Tears

25. 17 likes
26. like
27. Time and experience have taught me that fame and money very rarely go to the worthy, by

the way - hence we shouldn't ever be too impressed by either of those impostors. Value folk
for who they are, how they live and what they give - that's a much better benchmark.
Bear Grylls, Mud, Sweat and Tears
28. 11 likes
29. like
30. I miss him still today: his long, whiskery eyebrows, his huge hands and hugs, his warmth,

his prayers, his stories, but above all his shining example of how to live and how to die.
Bear Grylls, Mud, Sweat and Tears

tags: grandparents, inspirational


tags: bear, grylls, mud, sweat-and-tears


tags: christianity, forgiveness, jesus, religion



Many people find it hard to understand what it is about a mountain that draws men and
women to risk their lives on her freezing, icy faces - all for a chance at that single, solitary
moment on the top. It can be hard to explain. But I also relate to the quote that says, Iif you
have to ask, you will never understand.
Bear Grylls, Mud, Sweat and Tears


To me, my Christian faith is all about being held, comforted, forgiven, strengthened, and
loved--yet somehow that message gets lost on most of us, and we tend only to remember the
religious nutters or the God of endless school assemblies. This is no one's fault, it is just life.
Our job is to stay open and gentle, so we can hear the knocking on the door of our heart when
it comes. The irony is that I never meet anyone who doesn't want to be loved or held or
forgiven. Yet I meet a lot of folk who hate religion. And I so sympathize. But so did Jesus. In
fact, He didn't just sympathize, He went much further. It seems more like this Jesus came to
destroy religion and to bring life.
Bear Grylls, Mud, Sweat and Tears


Dreams, though, are cheap, and the real task comes when you start putting in place the
steps needed to make those dreams a reality.
Bear Grylls, Mud, Sweat and Tears

43. 2 likes
44. like
45. Are you the sort of person who can turn around when you have nothing left, and find that

little bit extra inside you to keep going, or do you sag and wilt with exhaustion? It is a mental

game, and it is hard to tell how people will react until they are squeezed.
Bear Grylls, Mud, Sweat and Tears
46. 2 likes
47. like
48. Why is it that the finish line always tends to appear just after the point at which we most

want to give up? is it the universe's way of reserving the best for those who can give the most?
What I do know, from nature, is that the dawn only appears after the darkest hour.
Bear Grylls, Mud, Sweat and Tears
49. 2 likes
50. like
51. I love the quote she once gave me: When supply seems to have dried up, look around you

quickly for something to give away. It is a law of the universe: to get good things you must
first give away good things. (And of course this applies to love and friendship, as well.)
Bear Grylls, Mud, Sweat, and Tears: The Autobiography
52. 0 likes

Bear Grylls Quotes - Page 3

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I never wanted to do TV. I just did what I was trained to do

through the Special Forces, and I've been doing that from a
very young age.
Bear Grylls

Age, Young, Special

I think viewers quite like it when I'm suffering or eating or

drinking something horrible or really up against it in some
quicksand or whatever.
Bear Grylls

Against, Whatever, Suffering

I was christened Edward. My sister gave me the name Bear

when I was a week old and it has stuck.
Bear Grylls
Old, Name, Week

I've never really had a TV career. I've been a soldier and a

Bear Grylls
Career, Soldier, Tv

It's unresolved conflict in my life that I have a lovely family

and a risky job.
Bear Grylls
Life, Family, Job

Nobody else is stupid enough to get themselves into the

straits that I get into.
Bear Grylls
Enough, Stupid, Themselves

Survival requires us to leave our prejudices at home. It's

about doing whatever it takes - and ultimately those with the
biggest heart will win.
Bear Grylls

Home, Heart, Win

The line between life or death is determined by what we are

willing to do.
Bear Grylls

Life, Death, Between

The SAS Reserve tends to be made up of former paratroopers

and commandos who still want a challenge, but it is open to
Bear Grylls
Challenge, Open, Former

Weather can kill you so fast. The first priority of survival is

getting protection from the extreme weather.
Bear Grylls
Getting, Weather, Fast

You don't often see Bear Grylls in a suit.

Bear Grylls

Often, Bear, Suit

You only get one chance at life and you have to grab it boldly.
Bear Grylls
Life, Chance, Grab

Our fate is determined by how far we are prepared to push

ourselves to stay alive - the decisions we make to survive.
We must do whatever it takes to endure and make it through
Bear Grylls
Far, Whatever, Decisions

Well, wolves will pretty rarely hunt. You're vulnerable if

you're on your own or injured. But for lone wolves, get up
high, show them that you're not injured, face 'em off, be
authoritarian with it, and look 'em in the eye.
Bear Grylls
Off, Pretty, High

I exercise about 40 minutes a day, and I'll run one day and
do circuit training the next day. I live in an area where there

are brilliant hills and mountains, so I get a good hill run with
my dog. At home, I'll do the circuit training with old weights,
along with pull-ups in the trees and that sort of stuff.
Bear Grylls
Home, Old, Next

I train five days a week hard - but it is short and sharp - 30

to 40 minutes of functional and pretty dynamic body-strength
circuits, then I do a good yoga session on the sixth day, then
I rest.
Bear Grylls
Pretty, Short, Days

Life's full of lots of dream-stealers always telling you you

need to do something more sensible. I think it doesn't matter
what your dream is, just fight the dream-stealers and hold
onto it.
Bear Grylls
Life, Fight, Matter

One killer exercise that's really great is pull-ups with your

legs out level. That's my favourite. It's such functional core
strength, and that's why I can climb up trees and down
Bear Grylls
Great, Strength, Level

I joined the Army at 19 as a soldier and spent about four and

a half years with them. Then I broke my back in a freefall
parachuting accident and spent a year in rehabilitation back
in the U.K.
Bear Grylls
Year, Soldier, Half

I've fallen down crevasses, been bitten by snakes, been

knocked unconscious, had various limbs broken and once, a
heavy camera came plunging down which very nearly
decapitated me.
Bear Grylls

Once, Broken, Camera

Life has taught me to be very cautious of a man with a

dream, especially a man who has teetered on the edge of
life. It gives a fire and recklessness inside that is hard to
Bear Grylls

Life, Fire, Inside

My faith is an important part of my life and over the years

I've learnt that it takes a proud man to say he doesn't need
anything. It has been a quiet strength and a backbone
through a lot of difficult times.
Bear Grylls

Life, Faith, Strength

Some of the greatest survivors have been women. Look at

the courage so many women have shown after surviving
earthquakes in the rubble for days on end.
Bear Grylls
Courage, End, Greatest

Sometimes it's hard for us to believe, really believe, that God

cares and wants good things for us and doesn't just want us
to go off and give everything up and become missionaries in
Bear Grylls
God, Off, Wants

Survival is not about being fearless. It's about making a

decision, getting on and doing it, because I want to see my
kids again, or whatever the reason might be.
Bear Grylls
Reason, Again, Making
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Bear Grylls Quotes - Page 4

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The appeal of the wild for me is its unpredictability. You have

to develop an awareness, react fast, be resourceful and come
up with a plan and act on it.
Bear Grylls
Act, Plan, Fast

When I'm filming, survival requires movement. You need

your energy, and you've got to eat the bad stuff, and survival
food is rarely pretty, but you kind of do it. I get in that zone,
and I eat the nasty stuff, but I'm not like that when I'm back
Bear Grylls

Home, Food, Bad

When I'm in 'Man vs. Wild' mode, it's not pleasure. Every
sensor is firing and I'm on reserve power all the time and I'm
digging deep - and that's the magic of it as well, and that's
raw and it's great.
Bear Grylls
Great, Power, Deep

Americans are cool; if you show just a chink of vulnerability,

they respond so much. They'll pat you on the arm and say,
'Hey kid, you're all right.' Brits will respond but they are
much more cynical.
Bear Grylls
Cool, Kid, Cynical

For me, my training is a key part of my work as so often my

life has depended on being able to move fast and haul myself
up and out of something fast!
Bear Grylls

Life, Work, Often

I had many opportunities to get behind products in the past,

and I was always careful to evaluate all of them. I will not
put my name to shoddy items.
Bear Grylls
Past, Name, Behind

I have held healthy respects of bears along with assorted

crocodiles, snakes and lots of other animals. You know, bears
are dangerous, you have to be super careful.
Bear Grylls

Dangerous, Healthy, Along

Textbook survival tells you to stay put. Stop. Wait for rescue.
Don't take any risks. But there'd been a whole host of
survival shows like that and I didn't really want to do that.
Bear Grylls
Whole, Wait, Stop

To get ready to climb Everest, I did a lot of hill running with a

daypack on and a lot of underwater swimming. I would swim
a couple of lengths underwater and then a couple above. It
gets your body going with limited oxygen.
Bear Grylls
Body, Ready, Above
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