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Name : M.

Class : 1 D4 Elektro Industri A

: 1310151009

Aceh works on geothermal power plant For energy independence

The,Jakarta | Busines | Wed, Oktober
07 2015, 8 :07 PM

Aceh is planing to build an 80 megawatt geotermal power plant (PLTP) within three
years in the town of Sabang to revive its economy, an independent power producer has said.
PT Sabang Gheotermal Energy (SGE), the independent power producer (IPP) that is
running the project, plans to drill in four locations at the beginning of December.
We are still waiting for the land permits from the ministry, PT SGE representative
Nurdin said in Sabang.
Since president Joko Jokowi Widodo visited Sabang six months ago, the mayors
office has been aproached by a number of investors looking for potential investment
opportunities on the countrys westernmost island, said Sabang Mayor Zulkifli H. Adam.
The Sabang administration was ready to assist with land issues for the gheothermal
power station and its transmision lines, Zulkifli added.
I believe that the Aceh governor wants the project to be completed as soon as
possible, he said.
According to Zulkifli, the availability of electricity has become a major obstacle for
the development of the maritime industry in Aceh.
We need reliable elecricity with strong capacity immediately. We need to build more
hotels, revive the fishing industry and stimulate port regeneration to create jobs, Zulkifli
Jokowi recently instructed state-owned power company PLN to intensify a new diesel
power station in Sabang in order to ease the power demand in the province. (nov/dan)

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Aceh Membangun Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi Untuk
Kemandirian Energi
The,Jakarta | Bisnis | Rabu, Oktober
07 2015, 8 :07 Malam

-aceh berencana untuk membangun/mendirikan pembangkit listrik tenaga panas bumi (PLTP)
dalam 3 tahun di kota sabang untuk memajukan perkembangan perekonomiannya kata
independent power producer(IPP)

-Pt sabang Geothermal Energy(SGE) , Thr Independent power Producer (Ipp) yang
menjalankan proyek,berencana untuk mengebor di empat lokasi di awal desember .

-"Kita masih menunggu untuk izin lahan dari kementrian," Kata Nurdin perwakilan PT SGe
di kota sabang .

-Sejak Presiden Joko widodo "jokowi" mengunjungi sabang 6 bulan yang lalu , kantor
walikota sudah di dekati/dihampiri banyak/beberapa investor yang mencari yang berpeluang
untuk melakukan investasi/ penanaman modal di pulau paling barat dari negara , Kata
Walikota Sabang Zulkifli H Adam .

-Administrasi Sabang Sudah siap untuk membantu masalah lahan untuk pembangkit listrik
tenaga panas bumi dan jalur/garus transmisinya , zulkifli Menambahkan .

-"Aku percaya bahwa Gubernur aceh ingin project selesai dengan sesegera mungkin ,"kata
dia .

-Berdasarkan Zulkifli Ketersediaan listrik menjadi masalah utama untuk perkembangan

industri maritim di aceh .

-"Kita butuh listrik yang handal/memadai dengan kapasitas besar dengan segera . kita butuh
membangun lebih banyak hotel lagi , Membangun / memperbaiki industri perikanan dan
merangsang regenerasi pelabuhan to menciptakan peluang pekerjaan ," kata Zulkifli.

Jokowi Baru baru ini menguntruksikan Bumn PLN Untuk meningkatkan Pembangkit listrik
Tenaga Disel dalam rangka untuk mempermudah permintaan permintaan tenaga/daya di
provinsi .

Question 5W+1H
1)Who Still Waiting For The Land permits For The Ministry ?
2)Who Ready To Assist With Land Issues For The Geothermal Power Station ?
3)Who Instructed State owned power Company PLN to Intensify A new Diesel Power
station ?
4)How Long Did Pt SgE in aceh is planning To build an 80 megawatt Pltp in town of
sabang ?
5)when Did Jokowi instruct state owned power Company Pln To intensify a new Diesel
Power station ?
6)What The Major Obstacle for Developmento maritime industry in aceh ?
7)when did jokowi dodo visited the mayor office that Approached by a number of investors ?
8)who wants the project completed as soon as possible ?
9) Why Did The mayor office has been approached by a number of investors?
10)who running the project project to build an 80 megawatt Geothermal Power Plant?

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