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Harem Breaker: The longest Cliche

3 boys from Sweetsalt Highschool have been suspected for possessing a

dangerous object, Pieces of Haram. A young unexperienced agent from
secret organization is sent to investigate further about the whereabout of
the object. As he blended in in the school, he have to accustomed
himself with each 3 boys that holds the personality of generic protagonist
complete with multiple girls interested in them.

Emiya Shirou - Kurou Eita

Yuu Otosaka Tokosaka Yuu
Hikigaya 8man Hachigaya Ichiman

Ever since a long time ago, the world as we knew right now is filled with
strange and unknown occurrence that most of normal human didnt know
that it happens, mostly because the events that happens is so strange
and unknown far beyond human logical thinking. But, the fact is, it still
happens no matter where and when. That is why the Forces of Anomaly
Prevention or FAP exist.
Forces of Anomaly Prevention or FAP is a global secret organization that
specialize in preventing and overcomes dangerous anomaly around the
world. Each of every agent in the organization is given a task or a mission
to be cleared, which of course it will always be related to some anomaly
A dangerous object has been detected in the Sweetsalt City, your job is to
identify what object is that and try to prevent any anomaly that the object
will cause... huh, thats pretty vague of them I said to myself.
I scroll the screen of the phone-like device to search for any other
important information about the missions task, but to no avail. The device
is given to every agents in the organization as a means for infromation
and communication mediator between the agents and the organizations
operator. And to make it less suspicious, the device are made to look like a
normal smartphone.
I put the device back to the pocket as I realize I have arrived at my
destination, Sweetsalt City. If I have to describe it, this city is quite
metropolitan and modern. High building everywhere, colorful streetlight
everywhere, cars honking can be heard every minutes, even as Im

walking right now in the middle of the night, theres still quite crowded of
people. Well enough scenery viewing, its time to search where the object
I pick back the phone device, and use the organizations secret app,
Anomaly Detector. This app can search and detect any anomaly wave
radiation up to 1 km radius! This is the must have app for every FAP
agents out there. Yeah, as you notice, even if the app is organizations
secrets you still need to download it yourself, that is using the
organizations secret FAP App Store. Theres a bunch of a quite handy
app for the agents to use there, so having this really helps the agents a
*Beep Peeb Beep*
A strange reading has been detected 250m to the north. Is that the
objects location? The radiation wave is different from what the missions
brief says... maybe another anomaly is happening there?


Worth checking out.

As I think that, your humble narrator run straightly to the source of that
strange signal, hoping that the strange anomaly will lead me right through
to the dangerous object.

The signal lead me to the citys park. Unlike from before, this time, the
place is empty and quiet like a ghost town.
Though the beeping is getting stronger and stronger, its beeping like it
will explode... yet, I havent seen anything unusual. Is this thing broke
Oh my the word slipped my mouth.
Theres stands a boy that looks like hes the same age as me, covered in
blood. While facing an armored older man with a spear, and it looks like
the armored guy is about to throw the spear right into the boy.

The blooded boy jumped to the side, dodging the spear. Except the spear
actually turn to the side midways after getting thrown in the air and
stabbed right into the boys leg, literally defying any law of physics. The
boy wince in pain and fell down. Its over for the boy, hes finished.
But not on my watch.
I quickly tapped my phone-like device screen and quickly active one of the
FAPs secret app, The Fake Police Siren! This app will create the sound of
police siren with a really loud volume like the real thing, using the FAP
devices sound speaker that can outmatch any megaphone noise, it surely
can take any living being attention!
The armored spear guy stopped its movement, he looks to the side for a
while, then he started to run out from the scene. The spear that stabbed
the boys leg suddenly vanished. That some anomaly right there, alright.
Using this opportunity, I then run straight to the bloodied boy.
Hey, you okay man? I said while forcing him to stand with my shoulder
as the support. Of course he wince again, but it have to do since I have to
get him out of this place. Who knows if the armored spear guy will came
back again.
The... the police... the bloodied boy said, he seems really weak right
now, maybe because loosing all those blood.
Hey, its okay man, it was a fake from my phone. Just stay with me for a
while. Ill get you to the hospital, man I said trying to make him still
Who is that guy anyway? Why would he even do this to you? Did you do
something to anger him?
N-no... I dont.. know... He just suddenly... attack.. me... Ugh!
Hey its alright, man. Its okay were near the hospital, were near...
Except its not! Im just arrived in this city, how the hell should I know the
nearest hospital?! Oh no, Im getting panicked here. This is supposed to
be my first day being the agent of FAP, why am I have to face things like
this right away?! Im still a rookie damn it. What should I do

The bloodied boy pushed me. But that wasnt what Im focusing right now.
Im more surprised for the fact that the spear is stabbed right through the
boys chest.
This is not looking good.
Just as Im about to think if the spear guy going to target me next and
contemplating that spear isnt supposed to be thrown since it isnt a
javelin, in that split second, theres a red light flashing and glowing
coming out from the boys chest.
From that red light appeared a beautiful girl with a short blonde hair and a
pretty red eyes. Shes wearing some kind of armor and carried a sword,
she then looks around at her surrounding, then stopped and now her focus
is on me. Probably because my device is beeping like hell, more than the
signal I got from the park before. Is this girl supposed to be the dangerous
object that the mission mentioned?
A bright flashing red light shine through the bloodied boys chest. That red
light is shining so brightly I cant helped covering my eyes with my arm, I
still dont know what the hell is going on. It goes like that for a few
seconds, the light finally stop shining, and slowly disappear.
As I uncovered my eyes, I see a figure.
A girl figure. Just standing there.
Her flashy red armor really contrasted with the dark night environment.
Her short neck length blonde hair swayed gracefully from the breeze of a
night. Her pale smooth skin complete with her pretty face, yet it still gives
the aura of seriousness with the way she look on her face. But what really
stand out for me is her stare. Her stare so serious it looks like shes trying
to tell the person shes glaring about something.
Ah, that person is me.
Take that boy with you to somewhere safe
She finally said something. She didnt even looked at the bloodied boy she
came out from, and suddenly run towards the spear guy. She used her
sword (something like japanese sword?) to face the spear guy. Wait,
spear? Oh damn, arent the boy dead from getting stabbed?
As I run to the boy, I noticed that all the blood that bleaching through his
shirt. Man, dont tell me hes already dead.

Huh? Did he muttered something?
Hey, hey! Youre not dead yet? Speak to me!
I said while helping him stand. To my surprise though, his injury is slowly
healed. While the blood are still there, the injury is disappearing bit by bit.
What the holy hell cause that?
Youre... youre that guy from before...

Continued to be...

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