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In Colombia it is estimated that the industry , the agriculture sector and urban areas
generate more than 9000 tons of pollutants per month , from there the urgent need to
conduct periodic studies on the quality of it. Added to this, exists in the country poor
and inequitable distribution of vital water . example as the city of Barranquilla, where
only exists lagoons of oxidation , highlighted the problem of topic. Moreover, many
artisanal mining , which we see in the various television programs, where people
poured large amounts of mercury into rivers , streams and lakes to rule gold, but
understanding in turn , making it the sole livelihood.
The Ministry of Middle East and IDEAM , fully identified and that the water system of
the Colombian Andean region has the highest levels of pollution in the country ,
seriously affecting the basin of the rivers Magdalena , Cauca , Medellin and Bogota ;
this because the Colombian population is concentrated in 75% in the region. It should
be noted as a fact , that cupcake -Cauca basin represents only 11 % of water resources
of the country, while the Orinoco basin , Amazonas , peaceful, Atrato , Sierra Nevada
and Catatumbo represents the remaining 89 %.
Through the measurement of aquatic macroinvertebrates , is to determine the water
quality in a given site of the country. For this case , the city of Palestine in the
department of Caldas . Factors like
precipitation , runoff , infiltration and evapotranspiration affect the outcome of the
study. The relationship of these living beings , have to do with the growth, proliferation
and death of you determine species or similar groups . Another important factor is the
use and control of water by humans and their domestic and productive processes ..
It was realized 8 samples in three waypoints of water in the Fishing Station of the
University of Caldas , located in the village of Santgueda the Municipality of Palestine
in the Department of Caldas , the first entry , the second station and the third took
place at the outlet thereof; was aimed at determining the water quality by biological
and physico-chemical elements ; with the following results : 55 families were found ,
with the following most representative percentages: Chironomidae with 32.5 % , with
26.7 % Thiaridae , Palaemonidae with 6.7 %. It was established as the BMWP index,
that water has a kind item three, It is moderately contaminated .
Understand the concept of biological indicator ; which it is the existence of a being or
beings in a given space and time to respond to his ability to adapt to different
environmental factors. And in broader term population and it develops community to
which it belongs .
Namely the concept of physicochemical indicator ; which it refers to the
physicochemical properties possessed by the water , regardless of the nature and types
of compounds , where they can see their changes , which will yield certain states.
Understanding that is the BMWP index (Biological Monitoring Working Party ), which is
the assignment given to the family of aquatic macroinvertebrates values of tolerance
to pollution of 1-10 , detected in a section about the specific study .

The determination of water quality in Colombia dates back to the 70s , beginning his
study in Medellin River . The study determined the current overall quality conditions
and through some macroinvertebrates could follow a sequence in time about the
quality thereof; in other words they are biological indicators.
This work has the objective of determining water quality through physical and chemical
and biological indicators ; it is the latter , where the parameters involved oxygen , pH,
conductivity and temperature. The sampling was conducted at the Fish Farming Station
Montelindo Farm , owned by the University of Caldas , located in the village of
Santgueda the Municipality of Palestina - Caldas
The sample collection was carried out systematically and in compliance with all existing
methodological standards for the procedure and study. The analysis and information
count was performed in a laboratory that complies with all the current regulations for
that purpose. Although the results were exposed at work a specific and complete, here
at this critical analysis , what is sought is a courtesy in general, because if data, results
and procedures are needed are available in the item results page 95 of this writing .
In general, the end result was that the Hydropsychidae and Chironomidae were the
most abundant in the study, which appeared the same result in water quality studies
conducted in the Tapias and Tasks rivers in the Department of Caldas , in eight creeks
Department Quindio and in Llanitos broken Villamara Township , in the Department of
What stands and point of discussion is that the family Chironomidae, tolerate high
levels of pollution, as opposed to the Hydropsychidae family, which tolerates low levels
of contamination. Although as it stated in the previous paragraph were larger families,
and the characteristics of their presence in water are so different, how their findings
could be explained in the Fishing Station of the University of Caldas? Arguing that the
procedures for sampling were conducted in three different parts of the station, that
11,800 individuals who were classified in 22 orders and 55 families were applied
parameters strictly, he continues to show the same conclusion is found; I conclude that
the only criterion by presence-absence macroinvertebrate biological indicators are not
completely reliable. I also observed in the study than the other samples were carried
out at sites near, that is, in the coffee, then it is not possible that these results belong
is to this particular region ?, then must be observed as complex points as its
conservation culture, tradition in water management, policies of their leaders, among
others? How would the other regions of the country that have different culture,
different policy and different consciousness, not to mention the climate and other
physicochemical factors?
External factors such as substrate availability , presence or absence of mud and sand,
grit chambers presence , presence of riparian vegetation and water filters also modify
the result , at the time of sampling, at that particular time and in that particular place .
It could not happen in previous days the same nature has thrown sediment from a
nearby hill ? or any increase in the headwaters of the river or tributary that feeds the
fish Vereda Station , cleaning the water ? that is, there are so many external factors
that can happen to the man who would change the outcome itself , which does not
reflect the true quality of the water, which is the ultimate goal being sought.

These are scientists and environmental professionals , who must establish guidelines
and samplers more objectively and at various points - believe me- not produce results
and conclusions that create doubts.
Finally would object if the spirit of nature conservation or the management and
administration of water resources , to clarify the behavior of human intervention , and
thus society , leading to execute these studies, hopefully not the second, not hands
seeking the best water sites of Colombia for economic exploitation , whether national
or foreign capitals .

I believe that the biological and physico-chemical method are not 100 % reliable. There
are internal and external variables that may change the results.
There is a need to be larger in terms of geography sampling , like the time and testing
In the present study it showed bias in relation to aquatic macroinvertebrates found in a
stretch those with high tolerance to pollution and other those who have a low tolerance
to pollution.
The Fishing Station of the University of Caldas in the town of Palestine, is class three ,
or moderately polluted.
Undoubtedly, aquatic macroinvertebrates are indicative of current conditions and over
time the water quality in a given area.
Bacteria are a physicochemical indicator in the water, but the main environmental
factor is temperature.

DETERMINATION OF WATER QUALITY by biological and physico , on the fish STATION ,

UNIVERSITY OF CALDA , municipality of Palestina , COLOMBIA

Francisco de Paula Santander University

Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
environmental engineering

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