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Britt Christmas

My criteria for the Human Experience are :
-Beneficial to Society

I believe that the student union helps others accomplish theses criteria:

Philanthropic: It gives different organizations the chance and space to raise money and
awareness for different organizations and for different students to be philanthropic.

Ambitious and Empathetic: The Union gives students the opportunity to get together and
do and discuss anything. You can be ambitious and achieve different things or you can
join a group that you relate to and that helps with your struggles.

Inspirational: The Student Union has inspiration all over. There are posters, flyers, etc.,
all encouraging students to join things and do their best and better themselves and get
the best education that they can.

Beneficial to Society: The space is beneficial to the students of UNCC. It gives students
a safe environment to study, socialize, and work. Without the space a lot of people
wouldnt have a general place to get together and do whatever they need.

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