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Integrated Algebra Chapter 3: Problem Solving Strategies

Problem Solving Strategies

I. Draw a Diagram

1) Jessica goes shopping and spends one-third of her money on a new pair of boots. She then
goes to another store and spends half of the remaining money on a new bag. If Jess has $118
left after these purchases, how much money did she have when she started shopping?

• We can solve this problem by drawing a diagram.

• First, we have to identify the key information.

Jessica’s Total Money

• “…[She] spends one-third of her money on a new pair of boots.”

1 2
Boots 3 Remaining Money 3

• “…[She] spends half of the remaining money on

a new bag.”

1 1 1
Boots 3 New Bag 3 Remaining 3

“If Jess has $118 left after these purchases, how much money did she have when she started

• From this we can see that the boots and bag must have been $118 as well.

1 1
Boots 3 New Bag 3 Remaining $118

Therefore if we add the three sections together we get the total price.
$118 + $118 + $118 = $354

$118 $118 $118

Mr. Smith 1 Sachem High School North

Integrated Algebra Chapter 3: Problem Solving Strategies

2) Jim, Jimmy, and James agree to split a pack of baseball cards. Jim keeps one-
half of the cards, and Jimmy takes one-half of the remaining. If James is left
with 6 cards, how many baseball cards come in one pack?

3) In his will, Mr. Boddy leaves one-half of his money to Ms. Scarlet. One-half of the remaining
is given to Colonel Mustard. Mrs. White and Mrs. Peacock both then get a half of the money
left. The rest of the money is divided evenly between Professor Plum and Mr. Green. If Mr.
Green’s share is $25,000 then how much money did Mr. Boddy have to start with?

Mr. Smith 2 Sachem High School North

Integrated Algebra Chapter 3: Problem Solving Strategies

II. Examine a Specific Case

If a problem does not give specific numbers, try finding a Solution by using easy numbers.

4) If the perimeter of a rectangle is 10 times as great as it’s width, then the length of the
rectangle is how many times as great as the width?

• “The perimeter of a rectangle 10 times as great as it’s width.”

• Let’s call the Perimeter 10, then the width must be 1.

“The length of the rectangle is how many times as great as the width?”

• From this simplified equation, we can solve for the length, l.

• Subtract 2 on both sides:

• Divide by 2

• The length in our case study must be 4. What does this solution tell us?

Well, If we compare the length we discovered (4) to the width we substituted in (1) it tells
us that the length will always be 4 times greater than the length.

5) The length of each side of a cube is multiplied by 5. What is the ratio of the volume of
this new cube to the volume of the original cube?

Mr. Smith 3 Sachem High School North

Integrated Algebra Chapter 3: Problem Solving Strategies

III. Work Backwards

Sometimes, a problem will present where we are given the end result of some computation and it
forces us to work backwards. This is just like the example from before with Jessica buying boots.

6) Horizon Wireless charges $19.99 per month plus $0.08 for each call; text and picture
messages are extra. Last month, Hugo’s bill was $34.82, which included $11.47 for text and
picture messages.

How many calls did Hugo make?

Let’s work backwards from the fact that Hugo’s Bill is $34.82.

First question: What is our x?

If the bill is the sum of the expenses we can express this cost as such:

Bill = Monthly Fee + Price of Calls + Price of Text/Picture Messages

Monthly Fee: _____________

Price of Calls: _____________

Price of Text/Pix Messages: _____________

Total Bill: _____________

How many Calls were made?

7) A strange new ampicillin resistant strain of e.coli bacteria is discovered in the genetics
classroom at Sachem East. The population of this particular strain of bacteria doubles every
thirty minutes. If the estimated population at 1:00 PM is 64,000, then what is a good
approximation of the population at 11:00 AM on that same day?

Mr. Smith 4 Sachem High School North

Integrated Algebra Chapter 3: Problem Solving Strategies

IV. Find a Pattern

Often times, the relationship between values of quantities is not very clear. This forces us to find
some kind of pattern to relate the groups together.

8) Blockbluster Video charges $5.99 for a DVD Rental of 7 Days and

$1.65 late fee for each additional day that the DVD is not returned. If
Jayme is charged $12.59, then how many days did she rent the

Day Daily Charge Total Charge

1 5.99 5.99
2 -- 5.99
3 -- 5.99
4 -- 5.99
5 -- 5.99
6 -- 5.99
7 -- 5.99
8 1.65 7.64
9 1.65 9.29
10 1.65 10.94
11 1.65 12.59

As you can see by making a data table like this the pattern quickly becomes obvious.

9) At JFK International Airport, the long-term Parking Department charges $15 for the first 24-
hours, and an additional $5 for every part or period of 8 hours beyond that. If Danielle pays
$45, what is the maximum amount of time that she was parked at the airport?

Mr. Smith 5 Sachem High School North

Integrated Algebra Chapter 3: Problem Solving Strategies

V. Organize Data

Organizing the facts of a case can make finding the solution a lot easier.

10) Yu and Mi are thinking of the same number. Yu turns to Mi and says, “The number is even
and no more than 20.” To which Mi replies, “This one-digit number is also a perfect square.”
If both statements are true, then what is the number that they are both thinking of?

STATEMENT 1: _______________________________________________________________.

STATEMENT 2: _______________________________________________________________.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

What is the number they are referring to? ________________.

11) Last week the Secretary General of the United Nations met with the ambassadors of 5
nations. At this meeting, before sitting down, each member shakes hands with the other
members exactly one time. How many handshakes take place?

Hint: How many people are at the meeting?

12) Krystal, Leslie, and Kelly are the club officers of the Sachem North Photography Club,
President, Vice President, and Secretary. At the last meeting, Leslie arrived to the meeting
with the Secretary. The President spoke before Krystal. Kelly left the meeting with the
President and Vice President. Who is the President of the Sachem North Photography Club?

President Vice President Secretary




Who is the President of the Club? ___________________________.

Mr. Smith 6 Sachem High School North

Integrated Algebra Chapter 3: Problem Solving Strategies

VI. Guess, Check and Revise

This method can be useful for some problems, where making an educated guess can sometimes
lead to the right solution. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND AGAINST THIS METHOD! The
author of the book states this as a procedure so that is why I will mention it.

For most problems, if you take a minute to think about what the question is asking, break the
problem into its simplest elements, and create a plan, the problems are not as difficult as they
may initially seem.

13) The Vitamin Water Machine in the lobby contains 25 coins, both Quarters and Dimes. If the
total amount of money in the machine is $5.50, then how many of each coin are present?

Quarters Dimes Value of the Coins Guess?

18 7 18(.25) + 7(.10) = $5.20 Too Low

***Note: On the Regents exam “Guess and Check” can be used but there must be 2 wrong tries
shown, before the correct answer is shown.

Let’s try this same problem with Algebra now:

Mr. Smith 7 Sachem High School North

Integrated Algebra Chapter 3: Problem Solving Strategies

VII. Account for all Possible Cases

Sometimes, solving a problem can hinge on accounting for different types of numbers, in the
search for values that either will or will not fit the specific case.
14) Ryan claims the inequality 𝑥 ≤ 𝑥 2 is always true provided that 𝑥 ≠ 0. Explain whether you
agree or disagree.

To see if this statement is true or not, we will try plugging in different values for our x.

≤ 𝑥2

Let x = a Positive Number Let x = a Negative Number Let x = a Fraction


Mr. Smith 8 Sachem High School North

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