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Askhole: (n) Someone who asks many stupid, pointless, or obnoxious

2. Bedgasm: (n) The feeling of euphoria experienced when climbing into bed at
the end of a very long day.
3. Masturdating: (n) Going out alone to a movie or restaurant.
4. Chairdrobe: (n) Piling clothes on a chair instead of a closet or dresser; see also
Read: 23 New Words for Emotions That We All Feel, but Cant Explain
5. Texpectation: (n) The anticipation felt when waiting for a response to a text. T
6. Cellfish: (n) an individual who continues talking on the phone so as to be rude
or inconsiderate of other people
7. Nonversation: (n) A completely worthless conversation; small talk.
8. Destinesia: When you get to where you were intending to go, but forget why
you were going there in the first place.
9. Errorist: (n) Someone who repeatedly makes mistakes, or is always wrong.
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10: Carcolepsy: (n) A condition where a passenger falls asleep as soon as the car
starts moving.
11. Hiberdating: (v) When a person completely ignores their friends in favor of a
12. Ambitchous: (adj) Striving to be more of a bitch than the average bitch.
13. Youniverse: (n) Used to indicate that a person has knowledge only of himself;
their universe consists only of them.
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14. Internest: (n) The cocoon of blankets and pillows you gather around yourself
whilst spending long periods of time on the internet periods of time on the
15. Columbusing: (n) When white people claim to have discovered something
that has been around for years, decades, or centuries
16. Unkeyboardinated: (adj) The inability to type without making repeated
17. Afterclap: (n) The last person who claps after everyone has stopped.
18. Beerboarding: (n) Extracting secret information from a colleague by getting
them drunk.
19. Bromance: (n) a BFF situation involving two male friends.
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20. Dudevorce: (n) When two bros officially end a bromance.
21. Epiphanot: (n) An idea that seems like an amazing insight to the conceiver,
but is, in fact pointless, stupid, mundane, or incorrect.
22. Unlightening: (v) Learning something that makes you dumber.
23. Nerdjacking: (n) Filling a conversation with unnecessary detail about ones
passion for an otherwise uninitiated, uninterested layperson.
24. Doppelbanger: (n) Someone who has sexual intercourse with someone that
looks identical to them, but is not related.
25. Nomonym: (n) A food that tastes just like another food.
26. Irrightional: (a) Someone who irrationally believes they are alway right.
27. Cupidity: (n) The really stupid things you do when you are in love.
28. Chiptease: (n) The pocket of air in the top of a bag of chips.
29. Eglaf: (n) A word that has no meaning; can be used in place of any other

30. Wanderlust: The desire to travel and see new places.


(n) The realization that each passerby has a life as vivid and complex as your
(n) The ambiguous intensity of Looking someone in the eye, which can feel
simultaneously invasive and vulnerable
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shed light on the subject
(n) The subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place.
(n) The bittersweetness of having arrived in the future, seeing how things turn
out, but not being able to tell your past self.
(n) The strange wistfulness of used bookshops.
(n) The unsettling awareness of your own heartbeat.
(n) The eerie, forlorn atmosphere of a place that is usually bustling with people
but is now abandoned and quiet.
(n) The inexplicable urge to push people away, even close friends who you really

(n) A hypothetical conversation that you compulsively play out in your head.
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(n) the amniotic tranquility of being indoors during a thunderstorm.
(n) The frustration of photographic something amazing when thousands of
identical photos already exist.
(n) A conversation in which everyone is talking, but nobody is listening
(n) A sadness that youll never be able to know how history will turn out.
(n) A state of exhaustion inspired by acts of senseless violence.
The desire to be struck by disaster to survive a plane crash, or to lose
everything in a fire.
(n) The tendency to give up trying to talk about an experience because people
are unable to relate to it.
(n) Frustration with how long it takes to get to know someone.
(n) The feeling of returning home after an immersive trip only to find it fading
rapidly from your awareness.
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Nodus Tollens
(n) The realization that the plot of your life doesnt make sense to you anymore.

(n) The frustration of being stuck in just one body, that inhabits only one place
at a time.
(n) The desire to care less about things.
(n) Weariness with the same old issues that youve always had the same
boring flaws and anxieties that youve been gnawing on for years.
(n) The awareness of the smallness of your perspective.

First Floor In the USA, they say the first floor to mean the ground floor of a
building. In the UK, the first floor is the second floor. Confusing? Welcome to the
troubles encountered by tourists in the UK.
Jumper In the USA a jumper is someone who ends their life by jumping off
something. In the UK, a jumper is a type of sweater (usually knitted).

Trainer In the USA a trainer is a professional that works with you in a gym. In the
UK trainer is the name given to Gym shoes.
Pants In the USA, pants are trousers. In the UK, pants are underwear.
Bird In the USA, a bird is a bird. In the UK, a bird is a name for a woman (though its
fallen out of fashion as its rather sexist) but a bird is also just a bird.
Bog In the USA, a bog is a marshy area of boggy land. In the UK, a bog is another
name for a toilet. Bog roll is toiler paper.
Rubber In the USA, a rubber is a condom. In the UK, a rubber is an eraser.
Braces In the USA, braces are devices placed on teeth to straighten them. In the UK,
braces hold up pants (what we call suspenders).
Trolley In the USA, a trolley is a public transportation conveyance (most famous in
San Francisco). In the UK, a trolly is a shopping cart.
Chips In the USA, chips are potato chips (or corn chips). In the UK, chips are what
we would call fries but are a chunkier version.
Coach In the USA, a coach is someone who manages a sports team. In the UK, a

coach is a bus.
Read: 23 New Words for Emotions That We All Feel, but Cant Explain

Fanny Pack In the USA a fanny pack is a device worn unfashionably around the
waist to store personal effects when traveling. In the UK a fanny is a term for a womans
lady parts. So to call something a fanny pack is a rather offensive term. The Brits call a
fanny pack a bum bag (bum is UK speak for butt).
Biscuit In the USA, a biscuit is a buttery bread roll. In the UK, a biscuit is a cookie.
Dummy In the USA, a dummy is an idiot. In the UK, a dummy is a babys pacifier.
Flannel In the USA, a flannel is a type of button down shirt thats very warm. In the
UK, a flannel is a washcloth.
Pissed In the USA, to be pissed is to be angry. In the UK, to be pissed is to be fall
down drunk.
Fag In the USA, fag is a very derogatory term for a homosexual. In the UK, a fag is a
Boot In the USA, a boot is a form of footwear. In the UK, a boot is the trunk of a car.
Bum In the USA, a bum is a homeless person. In the UK, a bum is your butt.
Caravan In the USA, a caravan is a type of minivan. In the UK, a caravan is a type of
recreational vehicle.
Chaps In the USA, chaps are leather pants worn by cowboys or motorcyclists. In the
UK, chaps are your male friends.
Chemist In the USA, a chemist is a scientist that works with chemicals. In the UK, a
chemist is what we would call the pharmacist.
Concession In the USA a concession is a place to get snacks in a sporting venue. In
the UK, a concession is a discount on a ticket for particular group of people (disabled,
student, elderly, etc).
Daddy Long Legs In the USA, a daddy long legs is a harmless spider. In the UK, a
daddy long legs is also known as the crane fly (but they do have the daddy long legs
spider and some refer it to just that).
Post In the USA, a post is something in the ground holding something up. In the UK,
the post is the mail.

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