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What is Lucid Dreaming?

Lucid dreaming not complicated – it is simply a dream in which a sleeping person becomes
aware that they are dreaming without waking up.  Once aware, or “lucid,” the dreamer can take
an active role within their dream.  They are able to consciously control their own actions and,
with practice, can learn to control the characters, environment, and events of their dream world.

Why is lucid dreaming such an amazing, useful and interesting skill?  Imagine what you might
do if you could “bend reality to your will.”  Welcome Leo, the Matrix awaits.  Falling dreams no
longer end in a cold sweat – you can fly!  Running from the grim reaper?  Think again – turn
around and make him do a jig.  The truth is, you can use lucid dreaming for dozens of things,
some of the more common being:

 Flying like an angel…or Iron Man

 Sex, with the girl next door or the girl of your dreams (no pun intended)

 Learning: practice violin, shoot some hoops, or work on your dance skills

 Overcoming Fears: banish your nightmares, give the perfect speech, confront your
demons and be free!

In the world of dreams, virtually anything is possible within the world of dreams.  Of course, in
order to experience a lucid dream, let alone control events within the dream itself, it is essential
to develop the habits, knowledge, and skill to enter and navigate the dream world.

I guess you could say lucid dreaming is as much a set of techniques as it is an amazing
experience.  In order to reap the benefits, you must first sow the seeds – or in modern English,
you need to train your mind to react to given cues and commands in order to become a lucid
dreamer.  Don’t worry, lucid dreaming is not hard and the rewards are well worth a couple hours
of practice.

Lucid dreaming is simple and straightforward.  However, there are many assumptions and
misconceptions shrouding this phenomena in mystery and often putting it in a negative light. 
The fact is that people sometimes allow superstition to keep them from experiencing this
wonderful activity.  Let us set things straight – lucid dreaming is well documented in scientific
literature, has been proven multiple times in lab tests, and is not only safe but also a productive
and beneficial practice.

What Lucid Dreaming IS NOT

1. Evil, satanic, or magical

One surprising assumption is that lucid dreaming is a result of paranormal, unnatural, or even
occultish activity.  Luckily, lucid dreaming is none of those things (although those things may
use lucid dreaming for their purposes, just like Hitler used religion and politics for his). 
Dreaming is something that happens naturally and lucid dreaming is common among children
(one study found 63% of test subjects had experienced a lucid dream during childhood).

Why is lucid dreaming lumped together with the dark arts?  There are probably dozens of
reasons, but maybe the most obvious culprit is simple ignorance.  Unfortunately, lucid dreaming
is still a subculture and the average person only knows of lucid dreaming in relation to some
fantasy novel (ex: Robert Jordan’s “Wheel of Time”).  Whatever the case for this unjust
criticism, it is important to understand that lucid dreaming is more prevalent in scientific
literature than popular culture and works of fiction.

2. Eastern mysticism, new-age, or metaphysical

Unfortunately, a few people are willing to dismiss lucid dreaming as ludicrous because it is
categorized as being part of an opposing philosophical or religious belief.  Those who pride
themselves on being “rational” are willing to write off lucid dreaming as some placebo effect or
confirmation bias.  On the other hand, spiritual individuals may view lucid dreaming as evil, as
we covered above.

Let us restate that lucid dreaming is, in fact, well documented within the scientific community
and proven in multiple lab tests (to browse some scientific research for yourself, search for
“lucid dreaming” on PubMed).  It is true that many religious, spiritual, and philosophical beliefs
have featured lucid dreaming within their ideologies – but considering that lucid dreaming is as
real and beneficial as electricity or a healthy diet, it is no wonder the ancients chose to use it as
part of their creeds.  A good caution for lucid dreaming, or anything for that matter, is to avoid
dismissing something as untrue simply because it is associated with something we happen to
disagree with.  It’s the old adage – don’t dis it til you try it.

3. Harmful, irresponsible, or escapistic

One of the great features of lucid dreaming is that provides enjoyment that can improve the rest
of the day without interfering with one’s responsibilities in the waking world.  This can be seen
as a wonderful improvement upon activities that leave residual effects, such as drugs or alcohol. 
However, some people seem to believe that any similarity to recreational taboos automatically
makes lucid dreaming an bad thing.  Such statements should be viewed as personal opinion and
matched against the testimonies of thousands of people who claim that lucid dreaming is
pleasant, beneficial, and a great way to relax and refocus.

The Conclusion

People will always have opinions, but the simple fact is that lucid dreaming is a positive practice,
scientifically valid, and enjoyed by people world wide.  We hope you will take the time to try
this exciting activity for yourself – we promise it will be well worth your time!

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