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"I'm not saying gnomes are stupid. I'm just saying they lack.... creativity. Heck, anyone can make
a mechanical mouse, but a bomb that can flatten a village? Now that's art!"
-Drax, goblin artificer
The cunning goblins are small green creatures from the subcontinent of Calinor. Their love of
money, explosives, and technology leaves them to be a very dangerous race, both to their
enemies and themselves. Most goblins have a neutral standpoint, preferring to sell their
contraptions, knowledge and services to other races.

Time is money, friend!

Goblins are small humanoids, crafty
and shrewd, bearing an
overwhelming interest in commerce
and a strong curiosity about
mechanical things. Goblin society is
fragmented, defined chiefly by
commerce and trade. The ultimate
schemers and con artists, goblins are
always in search of a better deal.
Despite their seemingly chaotic
natures, they exist in a fairly strict
and straightforward hierarchy. Other
races universally view goblins as
inventors, merchants and, without
exception, maniacs. Goblins value
technology as a useful aspect of
commerce. Some say that their
advantage and their curse is to
be the primary users of technology in
a world governed by magic. While
gnomes share a similar gift, goblin
technology is more far-reaching and
sinister and makes a larger impact on
the natural world.

Supply and Demand

Goblins are shrewd in business, and clients who believe they walked away with the upper hand
are almost always sorely mistaken. "To cheat a goblin" is a dorf idiom meaning "to do what is
practically impossible." ("Gamgi cheated a goblin when he escaped that cave-in!") Goblins are
also consummate tricksters and con artists. Their mission in the world is to create incredible new
inventions, accrue the resulting wealth, and cause as much subtle mischief as possible along the

Failure Is Always An Option

Goblins employ vast teams of engineers who expand on current technology and produce gadgets
to suit a wide array of applications. They constantly build and repair machines and work on new
ideas. Unfortunately, goblins alternate passionate genius with wandering focus. Their lack of
discipline means that many creations end up half finished as something else catches their
attention. Goblin workmanship has a partially deserved reputation for unreliability, and a goblin
device may explode simply because its creator forgot to add a vital release valve. Goblins
recognize that firearms represent a new source of power, and he who controls the source controls
the gold which is, to goblins, the ultimate power. Fortunately for the rest of the world, goblin
firearm experimentation suffers from the races normal laxity and improperly tended
gunpowder experiments continue to end the careers of many aspiring goblin tinkers. However,
goblin ingenuity has paid off a few times; goblin gunpowder weapons tend to be inelegant and
violently explosive (land mines, rockets and the like). Their love of mechanics often places them
into direct competition with gnomes who enjoy similar devices, though the "competition"
between goblins and gnomes seems to be friendly.

Goblin Names
Goblin names are usually kinda screechy and
awkward, because thats how their language
sounds (its phonology is actually surprisingly
similar to Boston and New Jersey dialects of
American English). Forenames are given by a
goblins parents, while the surnames are
patriarchal. Often, a goblin will change their
surname to better represent them in their
business ventures, almost as a form of
branding. These names are usually in
Common, which is seen as the language of
Male Names: Wixkail Fizzleknob, Kleeit
Greasyclamp, Rizigle Mansnipe, Gizink
Female Names: Pixel Goldfingers, Lyzmiette
Deadtongue, Bugli Coppernut, Sally

Goblin Traits
Goblins have the following traits, because that is how they are.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity increases by 2. Your Intelligence increases by 1. You
may not have a fiber of common sense in your little red body, but that doesn't mean you're not a
Age. Goblins mature faster than other races considered fully grown at the age of 3.
Unfortunately, Goblins are also a very short lived race not because of the shortness of their
natural life span but because the majority of them live brutal and short lives or do brutal and
stupid things.
Alignment. Goblins see moral alignments as potential obstacles to business, and are rarely either
Good or Evil. Either way, they have a predilection to both Lawful and Chaotic, depending on
whether they value more the genius (mayhem) of invention or the strict contracts of the business

Size. Goblins are short, usually 3 to

4 feet and weigh about 50 pounds.
Your size is small. Goblins dont
like talking about it.
Speed. Your base walking speed is
30 feet. Goblins are naturally fast
despite being small creatures. Time
is money!
Nimble Escape. Goblins know
when to run when things get heated.
You can take a Disengage or a Hide
action as a bonus action on each of
your turns.
Gunpowder aficionado. You have
proficiency with guns.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Goblin.
Dangerous Tinker. The gnomes like pretty things, but you like your creations to be a little more
dynamic. You have proficiency with artisans tools. Using those tools, you can spend 1 hour and
10 gp worth of materials to construct a Tiny clockwork device (AC 5, 1 hp) that works for 24
hours, or when you use your action to dismantle it. You can have up to three such devices active
at one time. You may reclaim the parts used to create the device once it stops functioning, and
only if it did not explode. When you create a device, choose one of the following options:
Clockwork Toy. This toy is a clockwork tiny construct that is in the form of a creature of your
choice. When placed on the ground, the toy moves 5 feet across the ground on each of your turns
in a random direction. It makes noises as appropriate to the creature it represents. When it is
destroyed roll a d20. On a roll of 20 the object explodes in a sphere of a five foot diameter
dealing 1d4 Fire damage.
Fire Starter. The device produces a miniature flame, which you can use to light a candle, torch,
or campfire. Using the device requires an action.
Brass Orb. The device is a small brass orb that makes a ticking sound once a small button on the
top is pressed. In 1d10 turns after the button at the top is pressed the device explodes in a sphere
5 feet in diameter dealing 1d4 damage to anything within it. If the device is destroyed, nothing

Almost Fire Proof. To your kind, smoke is the smell of success, fire is the light of creativity, and
third degree burns... are still third degree burns, but at least they sting a little less. You have
resistance to fire damage.

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