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Basic Biological Information

Name: Tha'ed Vitalid

Age: 800

Gender: Male

Appearance Information

Height: 6'2”

Weight: 130 pounds

Clothes: His clothing is consistent in color scheme with that of Las Noches. His coat, however, is long,
coming to a close between his sternum and belly button and its sleeves are distinctly flared. Binding it
tight against his form, along with his hakama, is a broad, black sash, which is tied to Tha'ed's right side.
Upon further inspection, one notices that the billowy collar of Tha'ed's coat is actually a hood
manufactured in the style of a grim-reaper.

General Appearance: Tha'ed stands at 6 feet, 2 inches tall. He weighs approximately 130 pounds. In
reality, he is not anything more than skin and bones. His flesh is pale in color, and jaundiced in
complexion, blue veins pressed clearly against it. Each bone is clearly visible, every joint articulated as
a bulbous mass. His facial features are sunken and shallow, though his entire body seems to be some-
what stretched or elongated. Glazed eyes observe onlookers with a vacant, unblinking stare, their
whites yellowing just as the skin. Bluish lips and long strands of wispy, silver-white hair herald the end
of his countenance. The right half of his face is covered by a mask fragment that lies flush with his
flesh bearing exact resemblance to the bones beneath. It stops at the upper jaw. Lastly, his hollow hole
can be found directly over his sternum, running through where his heart should be located.

Possessions: None to speak of

Personal Data

Sonído Expert
Mater Hand-to-Hand Combatant
Great Spiritual Pressure
Great Physical Stamina
Keen Combat Intellect
Great Speed

Poor Physical Strength

Personality: “I am become Death.” Tha'ed's outlook on life in general is stark, pessimistic, and
generally depressing. Around people, even those with whom he is familiar, he tends to be detached
(both socially and emotionally), and preoccupied with his own personal musings, which are normally
morbid in nature. His lack of emotion makes him appear automaton-like, and this is reflected in his
monotonous, formulaic manner of speech. Fully embracing his aspect, which is true death, Tha'ed
views himself as less of an individual and more as a force of nature. Because of this he frequently
disregards the authority of higher ranked Arrancar, unless, of course, they hold some dominion over
him, liken to a deity.

History: Tha'ed was born during a rather turbulent time in the history of earth. He bore witness to
many a battle and lived through many a tumultuous uprising. Being of noble stock, his family was
more than capable of financing his desire for eccentric and arcane objects. As the years passed, he
became more and more enamored with them and sought out powerful Necromancer. It was this
necromancer that awoke Tha'ed to his own spiritual gifts. He had the ability to exude a kind of negative
energy that ate away at living matter. Utilizing this ability he rose to new heights among the court to
which he belonged and created a sect, a cult if you will, so that others could bring out their own
Jealousy was not extinct, however, and during one of their secretive ceremonies, he was struck
down by his second. Loathe to truly die, seeking to gain further mastery over the death he controlled,
Tha'ed lost his true name and identity, and became a Hollow. That night, with all of those spiritually
aware cultists present, he brought about their death, devouring them all. Soon that hunger was all he
could think of. As being after being fell to his touch, he lost himself. It was then that the Menos took
In time, however, he rediscovered himself. As a Gillian, he found that his power had begone a
metamorphosis. It had turned from anti-life, to anti-spirit. This was due to his devouring and
recombination of other hollow within his form. He learned to compress his size, to take control of the
mass that he was, becoming an Adjuchas. The transformation was complete, but the ability was not yet
perfect. Through further consumption of souls, and other, powerful hollow, he tore away his own
mask, becoming a true arrancar.
He was picked for his unique abilities to become one of the Espada, but soon lost his rank due
to insubordination. Such a useful ability could not be allowed to be destroyed, however, so he was
assigned a number befitting of his aspect, and sent away to wander until called by those who held
dominion over him.


Number: 666

Rank: Privaron Espada

Zanpakuto: Entropía - Entropy

Sealed Form: In its sealed state, Entropía appears as a simple katana. Its saya is constructed of
lacquered dark-wood, and its handle is wrapped in black and white, corded silk. The end-cap of the
saya, the hilt-cap, and the weapon's guard are all of sharp, rectangular construction. Furthermore they
seem to be crafted out of a pale platinum.

Resurreccíon: “Abrace el Abismo, ¡Entropía!” - “Embrace the Abyss, Entropy!”

Upon uttering the release phrase of his zanpakuto, Tha'ed goes through a most unsettling
transformation. The weapon he holds in his hand emits a staic-like field, which seems to draw in the
light around it. Soon, however, the blade begins to flake away, disappearing into the field. This
corrosive action continues past the guard, even the hilt, eating away at his stretched flesh and clothing.
Eventually, Tha'ed is revealed to be nothing more than a robust skeleton. This skeleton, however, is
constructed of the same material that constitutes his mask fragment, making it especially tough. Tha'ed
then inhales, the dark field sucked into his person through not only his mouth but his eyes. Upon
exhaling, he is draped in an outfit similar to his previous one, though it is completely black and
billowing in appearance. Furthermore, two glowing, blood colored orbs serve as his eyes. They whirl
about within the otherwise empty sockets, surveying the area around them as the dark shadow spreads
forth, pausing some 5 meters away.

The Zanpakuto of Tha'ed is rather unique. All spirit matter is composed of reishi
(spiritons) and all spiritual beings utilize reiryoku and exude reiatsu. Operating on the principle that all
particles and energies have a mirror opposite, it is not so surprising that over many centuries, a being
developed that utilized these principles.
The abilities of Entropía function by changing the spiritual-matter construction of
Tha'ed's being, so that it becomes constructed of quasi-anti-reishi, allowing him to be unaffected by the
zanpakuto's own abilities and to wield the abilities. In short, Entropía exides anti-reishi(anti-spiritons),
anti-reiryoku, and anti-reiatsu.

Granted Abilities
Llamada de la Sepultura – Call of the Grave
Tha'ed's reiatsu, being transmogrified into a mirror state of normal reiatsu, has a
kind of corrosive quality to it. When meeting an opposing reiatsu, it does not attempt to over come it,
but merely break it down, literally canceling and forcing through its constituents.
This ability does not only affect foreign reiatsu, however, it has the same effect
on Reiryoku, Reishi and Kido, and although not devestating, prolonged exposure would lead to
exhaustion, and stripping away of one's spiritual being.

Sombra del Abismo – Shadow of the Abyss

Upon the release of Entropía, the Zanpakuto itself turns into a potent mixture of
anti-reishi and anti-reiryoku. These anti-particles and energies are then mixed with Tha'ed's own
modified spiritual pressure, creating a field that lingers in a 5 meter, spherical radius around his person.
This field passively stays within this 5 meter radius, unless Tha'ed commands it to be moved, and even
then it must stay in contact with his person.
The affects of grainy, static-like shadow are much more devastating than the
before-mentioned spiritual pressure. Because of its construction it literally destroys reiatsu, reiryoku
and reishi and kido at a must faster rate. Furthermore being exposed to the field for a moderate amount
of time will lead to the deconstruction of ones own spiritual being, as it too is made out of reishi. Like-
wise a zanpakuto could be destroyed by lingering too long in the potent field.

Abrazo de la Muerte – Death's Embrace

The most powerful, and perhaps most difficult of Tha'ed's abilities to make use
of. When touching an opponent or their zanpakuto, or kido, Tha'ed releases his own reiryoku and
reiatsu, mixed with the disintegrating properties of the anti-reishi that composes his zanpaktuo. The
effect is truly horrifying. Once this attack touches an opponents being or zanpakuto, it literally starts to
dismantle their being. For example, if he were to slash at an opponents arm and make contact, the flesh
that he tore away would become nonexistent, and if he were to grab hold, that would certainly spell
amputation for the limb. Like-wise, if he were to clash against a zanpakuto, continuous strikes would
lead to its becoming brittle and shattering, or worse yet, dissipating altogether.

Sonído - Sound
Hierro - Iron
Enhanced Hierro
Pesquisa - Inquiry
Ojos de la Fantasma – Ghost Eyes
Tha'ed has spent much of his time perfecting a specialized form of Pesquisa.
While all arrancar have this natural ability, many tend to give it a back seat in combat. Tha'ed, however,
translated this reflexive quasi-sixth sense into a true sense. He can actually 'see' the spiritual pressure,
reishi, and reiryoku around him. If Pesquisa is similar in function to sonar, then Tha'ed's development
of the ability would be similar to the “Radar Sense” of the Marvel Superhero Daredevil.
Cero - Cero
Cero Hambriento – Ravenous Cero
This cero can only be used while Tha'ed is in resurreccion. He infuses his cero
with the properties of anti-reiryoku and his corrosive reiatsu. This makes the technique extremely
potent as it breaks down other spiritual-matter based attacks, and allows it to break easily through hado
and even bakudo. Tha'ed releases this Cero from his mouth. IT is a deep, blood red in color, and has a
static-like quality to it.
Bala - Bullet
Bala Hambriento – Ravenous Bala
This ability functions as Cero Hambriento except that it is discharged in the form
of bala. Tha'ed releases 2 bala at a time, firing them from his eye sockets. They are deep, blood red in
color, and have a static-like quality to them.
Apotheosis del Inmuerte – Apotheosis of Undeath
Apotheosis refers to the becoming the ideal or epitome of something, in this case,
Undeath. Unlike most Arrancar, Tha'ed does not feel pain (though he can distinguish through pressure
whether or not something is damaging his physical form). His internal organs and blood are more-or-
less vestigial, as he is animated by pure Reiryoku. As such, he does not need to sleep, breathe nor drink.
Once more he is not affected by extreme temperatures, stunning affects through the nervous system or
sounds/vibrations meant to disturb the semicircular fluid of the inner ear. The only thing he requires is
sustenance; souls, be them Human, Hollow, or Shinigami. Due to this unique adaptation, however, he
needs to gorge himself upon these souls in comparison to others of his rank.
Soul-Body Sepearation

Battle Stats Chart:

Offense: 90
Defense: 70
Mobility: 80
Intelligence: 50
Cero/Reiatsu: 90
Physical Strength: 70 (Physical Endurance: 50, Physical Strength: 20)

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