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Kenneth Tang 402110166

Western Civilization Dr. Murphy

Film worksheet
10 January 2016
1. Describe the characters of Antigone and Creon. How are they similar? How are they different?
What fundamental conflict do they have? Do you agree with one over the other, or were they
both right/wrong? Use specific details from the play to support your answer.
Antigone and Creon are characters both had definite view. But their characters had
something different. Antigone was a daring and strong woman. She respected traditional habits
and those emotion things. She wasnt afraid of the power of governor. But Creon was an arrogant
governor who had a thing for manipulation. He persists on his opinions and hope everyone obeys
the law or what he said. After Antigone buried her father, conflict happened. Creon wanted to kill
her to keep up his prestige. I think Antigone is doing a right thing.
2. Discuss one of these characters: the guard, Ismene (Antigones sister), or Haemon (Creons
son). How does this character contrast with the two leads and what functions does he/she have in
the development of the plot and the plays ideas?
Ismense was Antigones sister. But she had a different character comparing with her
sister. She was afraid of the punishment and refused to bury her father with Antigone. Actually,
she was weaker than other characters. But she was important in this drama. She provided a great
contrast with Antigone. She made the story in this drama more credible.
3. Comment on the conflict between duty and law in the play. What do you think Sophocles the
playwright wanted to communicate to his ancient Greek audience?
I think in this play, Antigone represented duty, and Creon represented law. Antigone
thought bury her father was her duty. No matter how difficult it is, she must hve done it. And in
another said, in order to keep himself in power, he will give punishment to people who against
the law. In my opinion, law is used to male people do their duties. The author wanted to tell
people they should not afraid of challenge authority. Although this behavior may bring us some
pains or misunderstandings, we will become stronger after this experience.

4. Reflect on our contemporary society and your personal life. Do any of the values and conflicts
Sophocles writes about remain an issue today and/or to you? Explain and give details.
I think unremitting mind is the most valuable thing we can learn from this drama.
Antigone, one of the main characters, got this kind of character. She persisted in her thought and
did her plan without any fear. She thought Creon has no right to ban her. So she against the rules
to get back her right.

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